

2854 Uppsatser om Specific surface - Sida 9 av 191

Områdesinbäddning för ODE

This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .

Geokemin inom osorterade cirklar : Analys av tungmetallers distribution inom jordprofiler tagna från Abiskoområdet, nordvästra Sverige

The Arctic region appears as a pristine remote environment, yet there is increasing evidence that it is greatly impacted by pollution such as lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg). In this environment deposition of Hg has increased threefold since the last industrial revolution. In this study five cryosolic soil profiles within non-sorted circles (NSC) in the Abisko region, northwest of Sweden, has been analyzed to improve our understanding regarding how pollutants are distributed within such type of soil. The soil samples have been analyzed with the use of X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), for the measurements of the total concentrations of e.g. lead (Pb) and zirconium (Zr).

Från den stora världen till den lilla familjen : En kvalitativ studie om rekrytering, utredning och utbildning av familjehem för ensamkommande barn

This study aims to examine how professionals in the field of foster care works with recruitments, assessment and education of family homes for unaccompanied children. The intention is to find out in case there are specific needs that justify specific approach to ensure that the child's best interests are indicative and satisfied. The survey was conducted based on a qualitative method and empirical data gathered through semi-structured interviews with employees in the social services. The result shows that there is a need for more and specific education for families receiving unaccompanied children. It is motivated by the needs and conditions that are often common for this group.

Djurskyddslagen och renskötseln

The aim of this literature review was to discern which legislations and regulations related to animal welfare that comprises reindeer and their significance in reindeer husbandry. The Swedish Animal Welfare Act (1988:534) was enacted July 1, 1988 and its main purpose is to ensure a good animal health and environment. Animals that live in a good environment with good health is considered to have good welfare, which can be described as an individual's condition in relation to its surroundings. Reindeer herding is an extensive form without daily management. In reindeer husbandry there are eight specific seasons over the year and reindeer are handled as they migrates between pastures, get earmarks, are sorted for transport and slaughter.

Science fiction-litteratur ? Hur gör folkbiblioteken i praktiken? En studie av fyra bibliotek.

This essay aims to examine how science fiction literature is supported and made available for readers at four public libraries. Each library has its own opinion of what a public library?s role in society is, and that affects how literature acquisition and media exposure is done at that particular library. To explore this, the author uses a modified version of Elzinga and Andersson?s theory of traditionalism, pragmatism and emancipationism.

Läsundervisning- att följa en metod eller ej? : En jämförande studie om lärares val av metod i arbetet med den tidiga läsinlärningen

This is a study of how four teachers work with pupils? early literacy learning. Interviews were conducted with two teachers who chose to use a specific method, Writing to Read (WTR), for teaching pupils to read, and with two teachers who had not chosen a specific method. The aim of the study was to compare how the teachers worked, their motives for their choice of method, and the ideas the teachers have about early literacy learning. To see whether the teachers? choice of method was related to the individualization of the teaching and their views of pupils? learning in interaction, Vygotsky?s theories about children?s learning have been used.

Pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med hörselnedsättning : En samtalsanalytisk studie om begäran om förtydligande

Different abilities are of importance to pragmatics, there among hearing. Hearing impairment can affect language development and also pragmatic ability. The aim of the present paper was to study the pragmatic ability in terms of request for clarification in children with Hearing Impairment (HI) in conversation with children with no known hearing impairment, henceforth normally hearing (NH). The present study also describes requests for clarification sequentially in detail, and also highlights points where there may be observable differences between children with and without hearing impairment. Eight conversational pairs consisting of one child with HI and one NH child were studied.

"Land skall med lag byggas" - en studie av policyprocessen kring ett lagförslag -

This thesis concerns the policy process of a proposed bill. The specific bill constitute a new penal law which is supposed to replace the old penal law from 1974.The questions asked considers what in the foregoing policy process that has proceeded, affected and also characterizes the proposed bill. In order to be able to produce a deep and reliable analysis to this question I use two different theories.The first theory being used consists of John W. Kingdons theory of ?multiple streams? which I use to answer the specific question ?what can be recognized to have proceeded and characterize the policy process that the penal law bill involve??.The second theory consists of Peter Santesson-Wilsons development of symbolic policy theories which is given a concrete form in the ?taxonomy of symbolic policy? which he presents.

Psykiska avståndets påverkan på internationell handel

The global market is becoming increasingly integrated and to keep up with growing competition and to achieve even greater success, companies expand to foreign markets. Previous studies have shown that the concept of psychic distance has an important impact on international performance regarding small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The aim of our study is to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of how psychic distance influences export performance regarding Swedish SMEs. Through a single case study of a Swedish SME, we chose to research three different markets in three different continents. Our findings show that psychic distance influences export performance through export marketing strategy and active learning.

Flerskiktat papper : en sammanställning av historia, teknik och forskningsresultat

Until the beginning of the 1900:th century the paper making process was handicraft. The paper machines that have been developed since then are as impressing in size as fascinating when it comes to the technique. The process has always been improved to give a better paper for lower costs, with as short manufacture time as possible. Stratified forming has been a reality since 1830. From the beginning it was applied to board and paperboard.

Införande av mjuka golv för mjölkkor : en fallstudie

Soft rubber flooring have gained in popularity over the last years. Rubber flooring al-lows cow to move more freely without slipping and improves claw and leg health. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of a stepwise introduktion of soft flooring on cow`s placement in cow houses with robotic milking. A case study was carried out in a herd in northern Sweden with 41 cows. Observations were made every 15 minutes between 09.00 and 16.00 concering cow placement in cu-bicles, in cubicle alley, in feeding alley and in feeding alley with the head through feed-ing gate. One observation period was carried out per flooring alternativ: 1) all concrete slatted floor, 2) rubber slatted floor in feeding alley and concrete slatted floor in cubicle alley and 3) rubber slatted floors in feeding alley and solid rubber floors in cubicle alley. The study showed that 6 %-units fewer cows lay in the cubicles when the feeding alley surface was slatted rubber.

"Vi försöker dela upp oss. Vi tanter tycker bättre om att baka. IP, fotboll och gympasalen tar hellre dom manliga" : En studie om förväntningar på manliga lärare och könsskapande i grundskolans tidigare år

With this thesis I wanted to find out how a teacher-team in Stockholm reason about and whether they have specific expectations of male teachers in the early school years. Interviews with five teachers from pre-school to grade 3 and in after-school have shown that specific expectations of male teachers is something obvious. Are male teachers expected to enter into the role of male role models to contribute with masculinity and a male perspective? However, the informants are not able to define how a male role model is or should act. Men and women are often defined as two separate, and often as opposite, groups.

Energieffektivisering ombord M/S Sydfart : Med hjälp av solceller

The goal of this paper is to find out how solar cells can improve energy efficiency on-board M/S Sydfart. The paper is based on a number of energy measurements on board the M/S Sydfart. The solar surface is calculated by measuring the available space for installing solar panels. Global radiation data is taken from STRÅNG's database, the data is then used to calculate the theoretical power produced by the solar cells. Energy efficiency is analysed in two ways.

Basal prediktionsmodell för graviditet vid in-vitrofertilisering

This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .

Undersökning av tidstrender i registerdata. Lungcancerregistret ROC.

This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .

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