

6253 Uppsatser om Special Education Needs teacher - Sida 58 av 417

Lärares kunskaper om dyslexi

Dyslexia is a functional problem, affecting the ability to read and write. As future teachers, we will meet students with dyslexia. The purpose with this exam study has therefore been to describe dyslexia and its causes. Another purpose was to find out ? from the perspective of a teacher ? what experienced teachers know about the problem and how they in practical work can enhance the learning process for students with dyslexia, both individually and in class.

Teknologi, Pedagogik och Ämne : En policystudie om hur nationella mål för IT i skolan transformeras till kommunala IT-strategier

Today there is a large consensus about the importance of Swedish schools providingconditions enabling students to develop the ability to manage and learn through information technologies (IT). The goal of this study was to describe and examine how national education goals for the use of IT transformed into municipal IT-strategies for the school. A content analysis was conducted of thirty-eight municipal IT-strategies collected from Swedish municipal websites on the Internet. The content in the municipal IT-strategies was compared with the content in both the Swedish education act and the national curriculum. The results showed that the content in the Swedish education act and the national curriculum in fact was translated into municipal IT strategies, but that the range of strategies concerning technology, pedagogy and content in relation to IT was broad.

Nyanlända föräldrar och den svenska skolan : om relationen mellan lärarna och nyanlända föräldrar

This study rises up an untouched area of ??research where the relationship between newly arrived parents and teachers is examined from a structural perspective. Previous research has looked only at the interaction between parents and teacher; this study is thus a theoretical contribution to the research. The aim of the study is met by examining the perceptions newly arrived parents have of their meeting with the Swedish school, the relationship with their children?s teacher, cooperation, collaboration between home and school, as well as their own influence in their children's learning.

Produktion av marknadsförings- och korrespondensmaterial för DUCIS

The report describes the production of graphic correspondence and marketing material for DUCIS(Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies).A logotype symbol is created on the basis of an element from the Celtic art, and a graphic material thatharmonies with this ideal of style is built around the symbol. A unique visiting card, correspondence cardand letterhead is produced to strengthen the identity of DUCIS outwards.The work proceeds with an international education folder which is an important element in the marketingwork for the MA-education which starts in the autumn of 2003. Two posters, one for the opening ofDUCIS in may 2003 and one for a conference in 2004, are produced. Finally, a redesign of the book coverfor NIS, Nordic Irish Studies, is carried out.The report describes the working process consisting of meetings, practical work and other elementswithin the process. The conclusion is that the work has been quite successful and that this, to a largeextent, depended on an engaged and supporting commissioner.

Bilden - ett verktyg i elevers lärande

Tyngdpunkten i uppsatsen ligger i att lyfta fram bildspråket och vikten av denna i elevers kommunikation. I teoridelen framhävs bildens betydelse för elevers kommunikationsutveckling. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 3 fritidspedagoger, en förskolelärare samt en grundskolelärare. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har använts. Arbetets innehåll är koncentrerat till skolår F-2.

Elevers beskrivningar av fenomenet pedagogik : En etnografisk studie

?Pedagogiska kvarten? is a project at Örebro University. It is a study that deals with the teachers? perspective of pedagogics. When I came in touch with ?Pedagogiska kvarten? I found it interesting to find out more about pupils? perspective of pedagogics, since the teachers? perspective already had been noticed.

Mervärdesskattegrupper : Neutralitet och EU-konformitet

This study examines implementation from national law in to local practice in the district of Kalmar to assure newly arrived immigrants orientation in civics. The study takes its starting point in Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucracy.  Questions that are discussed are about how  the education is understood by refugee?s coordinators, civic communicators and the new immigrates, how the organization has been and what role the demography and economic structures has played for the organization. It is a case study where interviews and enquete has been used.

Idrottsämnet och ämnessamverkan : Idrottslärares attityder och förutsättningar till ämnessamverkan

Our interest about interdisciplinary teaching has grown during our time at Högskolan Dalarna and especially during the subject physical education. It became clear that people learn in different ways. The theoretical education in school benefits the visual and auditory strong learners but the kinesthetic strong learners find it more difficult to absorb the information. We argue that integrating subjects is a good way to mix theory and practice and thus gives more students an opportunity to learn the content of the subject. The intention of this examination paper is to investigate the relationship between the attitudes of the teachers regarding interdisciplinary teaching, the practical restrains, possibilities and the presence of interdisciplinary teaching at three different schools.

Texten och talet : En intervjustudie om talboksanvändande hos studenter med dyslexi

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how students in higher education use talking books. This has been inves-tigated through qualitative interviews with nine students. The intention has been to find out how they use talk-ing books and why they have chosen to do it in the way they have, looking specifically on whether there are strategies shared by most of the interviewees.As a theoretical basis of the thesis I have chosen a study, described by Sigrid Hongset, where dyslectic pu-pils tried using printed text and text on tape, as well as both simultaneously. George Kingsley Zipfs ?Principle of least effort? will act as a supplemental theory.The interviews show that the students use talking books in different ways.

Talutrymme i ett skolklassrum : Av var och en efter förmåga, åt var och en efter behov

The purpose of this study was to investigate interactional patterns in the context of a fifth grade class in Sweden. It was also to investigate whether the interactional patterns of the class and their teacher was subject to any change dependent on the lesson subject, specifically mathmatics and science. The study was conducted through observations and interviews. The results of the study varied somewhat from the results of earlier studies within the same field of research. The girls of this class was more likely than the boys to initiate interaction with the teacher or other pupils.

Möjligheter och problem med organiserat avelsarbete inom renskötseln

The reindeer are kept in extensive pasture systems where the conditions are similar to thosefor wild reindeer. Since the reindeer have special demands on their pasture, it is difficult tokeep them in intensive production systems where they cannot graze selectively. Too manyreindeer on a small area will also facilitate spread of diseases. A selection program forreindeer needs special qualifications according to several different reasons. The purpose withthis literature review is to summarize the factors needed for a reindeer selection program andthe problems and possibilities included.Reindeer grazing right has a special meaning to the Sami and are reserved for them accordingto immemorial rights.

Att få vara med och skriva manus : Att motverka traditionella könsroller genom dramapedagogik i förskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to study how preschool teachers can reach the goal of the swedish educational plan to prevent traditional gender roles for children ages 3-6 through drama in education.This is answered by four hypothesis based on Judith Butler's queer theory, George Herbert Mead's social psychological theory and Gavin Bolton and Dotothy Heathcotes drama pedagogical theories. The hypotheses are tested against four teachers' examples of their work.The hypotheses areHypothesis 1: By using the expert's mantle and active observation in teacher-in-role indrama educational exercises, we can see how the children internalize the heterosexualmatrix and the outline of the internalized other.Hypothesis 2: By using the "mistakes" that occur when children repeat performativeacts that do not fit with the heterosexual matrix, these other possible behaviors can bestrengthenedHypothesis 3: Through drama exercises that are not normative teachers can widen theheterosexual matrixHypothesis 4: Through drama pedagogical methods like teacher-in-role teachers canprovide possibilities of other performative acts and the creation of a more tolerantinternalized other.The analysis show that the respondents work within all these hypotheses in different ways and thathypotheses 2 is the one with the weakest support in the interwievs. The examples are also weakregarding the use of Boltons drama pedagogical methods, but that there are a number of othermethods in use.Some of the conclusions are that more theoretical knowledge in the preschool drama pedagogics tocounteract traditional gender roles and patterns, as well as the drama of educational theory need tobe linked to queer and social psychology research. There is also no monitoring of the long term effects of the work..

Några rektorers syn på specialpedagoguppdraget

SAMMANFATTNING: Månsson, Paula & Jönsson, Lars-Gunnar (2011). Några rektorers syn på specialpedagoguppdraget ? Vad förväntar sig rektorer i grundskolan av specialpedagoger? Some head masters views on special education mandate ? What do head masters in primary and secondary schools expect from special educators? Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola. I detta forskningsarbete vill vi undersöka hur väl specialpedagogprogrammets examensordning överensstämmer med de förväntningar som finns på vår kommande yrkesprofession bland rektorer ute på skolorna. Vi vill belysa detta från rektorers synvinkel eftersom det är de som anställer oss blivande specialpedagoger. Detta gör vi genom att tillfråga 50 slumpvis utvalda rektorer i Sverige. Det är våra tolkningar av de 25 inkomna svaren som ger oss en bild av hur rektorer ser på specialpedagogisk verksamhet. Vi sände ut en onlineenkät där rektorerna svarade på frågor om verksamheten, verksamhetens syn på elever i behov av särskilt stöd samt specialpedagogiska insatser. Frågeområden som vi anser ringar in vårt problemområde på ett relevant sätt. Undersökningen visade att rektorerna anser att den specialpedagogiska verksamheten är viktig men då budgeten är för snäv blir denna verksamhet lidande.

Jämförande tidsstudie vid riskörning med kompakteringsskotare och traditionell ?lätt? modifierad skotare :

This report is a thesis work for a B.Sc. in Forestry exam at the School for Forest Engineers, SLU. The work was an assignment from Sydved Energy AB. The aim of the work was to compare the operational productivity between two kinds of forwarders for extraction of harvesting residues, one forwarder with a special compression device and one ordinary, slightly modified forwarder. Two sites were studied for each forwarder. The study shows that the annual production was about 11,000 m3 higher for the traditional forwarder. The cost for the traditional forwarder was SEK 0.9 lower per m3.

"Lätt är det inte, men det är inga svårigheter heller" : En studie om vad lärare i idrott och hälsa använder för verktyg vid bedömning och betygssättning

AimThe purpose of this study is to examine which tools teachers, teaching physical education, are using for assessment and grading in primary schools.IssuesHow it is perceived by teachers to assess and grade the students? How have the assessment and grading tools been developed?How do the teachers document what they assess and grade?How do the teachers communicate to the students what they assess and grade?MethodThe study has a qualitative approach in which the study design is represented by several semi-structured qualitative interviews. The semi-structured interview guide was authored using the foundations of ramfaktorteorin and an overall hermeneutisk approach. The interviews were then carried out with six physical education and health teachers from the Stockholm area. The interviews were recorded with a voice recorder and transcribed.

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