

6253 Uppsatser om Special Education Needs teacher - Sida 57 av 417

Hemundervisning som aktivt val

The aim of this paper is to look into the occurrence of home schooling by choice in Sweden. It examines the subject of home education in order to provide an informative overview. It also looks into the legal aspects of the matter to see whether freedom of choice is an issue here when it comes to choosing a certain type of teaching for children of compulsory school age. A further purpose is to provide a comparison of home education in Sweden and in other countries such as the United States, England and Norway.In order to do this we have carried out a secondary analysis of previous research and have also interviewed teachers as well as people with experience of home educating their own children. To accomplish this, we had to look to England for literature and home educating families as home education is a much more common practise in England.The result of this paper strongly indicates that home schooling is not only a legally viable option to traditional schooling, both in Sweden and the other countries concerned, but that it is also a trend that is expected to increase.

Förföljelse på grund av kön : En analys av hur kön som skyddsgrund tillvaratar kvinnors skyddsbehov

In the school subject of the natural sciences it is imperative that the students are given opportunities to ?talk science?, since the dialogues that occur in the classroom have a significant importance for the students? abilities to engage in meaning-making in their learning process. Hence, the student and teacher interaction in the classroom and the feedback given there play a significant role in the students? learning process. The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of formative assessment tools that can mediate the students? meaning-making in natural sciences subjects in upper-secondary school.

Frilekens betydelse för barn i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie av några pedagogers syn på den fria lekens betydelse för barns lärande

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding of free play or free fun time importance for children of age around five years in preschool, in order to promote children?s development and learning. The focus was on exploring and better understanding of teacher?s and educators? approach to the free fun play time as a tool in their educational work, and also about their own role in this context as well as analyzing of forms, rules and structures spontaneously created by groups of children having free play fun time. Another important moment of this study was to give more light on approaches to this issue in education theories by Piaget, Vygotsky and Freud among others.As to the practical experimental part of the study it has been performed at a preschool and kindergarten in a suburb at the outskirts of Stockholm, with four employed educators there and with groups of children of age around five.

Inventering och sammanställningav publikationer inom geovetenskaplig didaktik

This thesis presents a general definition of science education and earth science education.An inventory has been conducted of published material during the years 2011-2013, withthe start in 2013 and working backwards for international publications and with no timelimits in time for Swedish publications. Different databases were used during April 2013 forthe inventory.The thesis organizes and analyses published material in earth science education in a tablewith a following discussion.The purpose with the inventory was to investigate the amount and content ofprevious year?s publications in earth science education. Concept inventories were foundto be the most common subject of the found material, followed by virtual field studies. Thelargest amount of publications was published in North America.

Den äckliga skolmaten - myt eller verklighet?

Det debatteras ofta om huruvida skolmaten är tillräckligt bra eller inte. I tidigare studier har det visat sig att eleverna ansåg att skolmaten smakade illa och att många elever inte åt lunch över huvudtaget. Det finns studier som påvisat att elevernas inlärnings - och koncentrationsförmåga har påverkats negativt av utebliven skollunch. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med elevgrupper för att få fram vilka åsikter som förekommer om skolmaten. I vår frågeställning och analys har vi fokuserat på elevinflytande och förbättringar av skolmaten. Vårt resultat visar att det inte förekommer några större skillnader mellan pojkar och flickors åsikter om mat.

Film som en resurs i historieundervisningen : Film as a resource in history education

Abstract: In this study, I have searched for answers to whether teachers use pictures in their teaching with the purpose of making education easier. Can we use the pictures with a pedagogic purpose? In this study, I have interviewed middle-school teachers concerning this subject.My results show that teachers actually use pictures in order to make the education easier for pupils but they do not do it very often. They think that they do not have the time to look for the good pictures that go with their subject and that they can show in the classroom. They also think that the pictures in the textbooks are good enough and they do not discuss the pictures very much.

Anpassad undervisning : Att se till individerna i klassrummet

Arbetet tar upp exempel från två klasser om hur pedagogerna i klassen anpassar sin undervisning efter individerna i klassen. Utifrån fyra områden: hur pedagogerna ser på elever i behov av särskilt stöd; hur de bemöter eleverna; hur de anser att de anpassar sin undervisning och hur de integrerar elever i klassen, försöker detta arbete finna ett sätt för pedagogerna att förhålla sig till individerna i klassen.Kvalitativa intervjuer har använts för att få ta del av varje pedagogs synsätt och åsikter. Två lärare, två fritidspedagoger och en förskollärare har intervjuats för att få ett brett perspektiv på de två klasser som undersökts.Elevens bästa och behov ska styra vilka pedagogiska riktlinjer pedagogen ska använda sig av..

Queer = Avvikande eller Queer = Inkluderande? : En queerteoretisk studie på några 9:ors syn på sin sex- och samlevnadsundervisning med fokus på genus och sexuell identitet

This paper describes what some 9th grade students think of their sex education in school, especially when it comes to gender, sexual identity, norms and deviation. I have been using group interviews in two different schools, two groups per school. The result of the students' answers have been analysed on the basis of queer theory focusing on gender and sexual identity. The result of the study shows that the students consider their sexual education to be lacking, especially when it comes to gender, sexual identity, norms and deviation. Another conclusion of the analysis is that a sex education grounded in queer theory would be more inclusive..

En skola för alla : Inkludering av elever med Downs syndrom

This thesis is about how to include students with Down syndrome (DS) in a class duringprimary school. The purpose of this study was to study different teacher?s thoughts,experiences and practices regarding including pupils with DS. This work is based on threequestions: what experiences the teacher has out of inclusion, the thoughts they have and howthey work including.To answer these questions four qualitative interviews with different teachers was made. Myresult shows that all four teachers find that including children with DS is something good foreveryone if it is done properly and with the right purpose, which means that the included childshall have the opportunity to be a part of a social group..

Samhällets stöd i föräldraskapet : en studie utifrån föräldrautbildningar inom socialtjänsten

The aim of the present study was to investigate the kind of support society offer parents, by illuminating some of the parent education programs which are arranged by social services. By interviewing some of those who are involved in these education programs, we tried to figure out what society would like to mediate as good parenting.Our main questions was:* Why are parental education needed in society of today?* What are the purpose of the education?* For whose sake are these educations arranged, for the childrens, the parents or in public interest.* This model which you are using, what would it like to mediate as most important in good parenting.We found that the respondents all agreed that the main purpose of these educations was to improve the relationship between parents and children. However they all pointed out the fact that there are great gains in public finances to do as well..

Vaka över barnen - En studie kring barns och pedagogers tankar om tillsyn av den fria leken.

This survey is about pre-school teacher?s supervision over children?s play. In an earlier study children expressed that they had places they called their own. In those places where they were in charge the adults were not welcome unless they were invited by the children. This aroused our interest to do a survey about children?s influence over their playing time.

Inkluderat eller exkluderat : En kvalitativ studie om att jobba med barn med språkstörning i förskolan

7 % of children in preschool have some sort of language disorder. How should preschool teachers best help these children? In a small special group where they can focus on the child´s individual linguistic development or in an ordinary group were the other children can be linguistic models for the child and help his or hers development?The purpose of this paper is to see what preschool teachers, who work with children who has language impairment, says about working with these children in a special group as compared with working with them in an ordinary group together with children without language impairment. What are the advantages and the disadvantages related to the different ways of working? Another focus point is how the children collaborate with each other.

Förskolepedagogers tankar om skogen som utbildningsplats

Detta är en intervjustudie gjord med elva pedagoger verksamma i förskolan. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på hur pedagoger ser skogen som en pedagogisk resurs. Resultatet visar att förskolepedagoger ser skogen som en pedagogisk resurs. Man använder sig av skogen i inlärningen av naturkunskap men också i exempelvis svenska och matematik. Pedagogerna såg möjligheter med skogen som till exempel att konkret visa barnen hur de olika årstiderna ser ut.

Kompetens och ansvar kring hbt och homofobi i skolan : Intervjustudie med lärare i årskurs 7-9

Many reports infer that questions of HBT and homophobia are either poorly addressed or not addressed at all in schools today. This study is based on interviews with teachers of students aged 13 to 15. It is an inquiry to the teacher's thoughts about, knowledge of, and sense of responsibility to inform students of the subjects 'Queer', 'HBT', and 'Homophobia'. Who is responsible for educating the students regarding these subjects and what do teachers think about including these subjects in their curriculum? How do the teachers describe their knowledge of the subjects? Do they require further knowledge themselves in order to educate others in a proper way? The study is grounded in queer theories.

Det vi vet när vi glömt allt vi lärt oss : den politiska debatten om utbildning för nyanlända elever på 1970-talet och 2000-talet

The purpose of the present paper is to examine the political debate on the education of newly arrived immigrant pupils at secondary school age. The following issues are under scrutiny:What are the goals, expressed by politicians during the examined periods, for the education of newly arrived pupils?What ideas about education and what educational ideals can be observed in the political debate on the education of newly arrived pupils?Has there been any change, during the examined period, in the policy debate on the education of newly arrived pupils?The research material consists of reports and statements of the Education Committee, as well as a number of parliamentary protocols. Two five-year periods, 1971-1975 and 2006-2010, are studied and compared. All in all, the material consists of 23 documents issued during these periods.

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