

6253 Uppsatser om Special Education Needs teacher - Sida 28 av 417

Självbestämmande och inflytande utifrån LSS värdegrund : En studie av brukarnas självbestämmande och inflytande i vardagsrutiner ur ett assistentperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to find out how special needs users ' autonomy and influence in their daily routines is described by their assistants. What interpretations of the concepts of self-determination and influence on special needs users' daily routines emerge from the assistants statements and what conditions can be seen? To reach a conclusion, focus group as a method was used. The focus group met twice to discuss this topic. The diamond method was used as stimulus material to support the discussion in the focus group.

Det är bra för barnen att vara ute! : Fem fritidspedagogers uppfattningar om utomhusvistelsen på fritidshemmet

The purpose of this study is to examine some after-school teachers? perceptions about the outdoor stay at the after-school care centre in the schoolyard and in the leisure- environment.Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with the after-school teachers at five after-school care centres in the Stockholm area.In the theoretical part presents the leisure- governance and ongoing research on outdoor learning, research on the school playground and kindergarten local environment affects children in their development and learning, and after-school teachers? professional identity.The theoretical foundation is based on the phenomenographic approach.The questions are:? What is outdoor education according to the after-school teachers?? According to after-school teachers, what educational opportunities are provided by the schoolyard and the local environment?? How do the after-school teachers use the schoolyard and local environment?The result shows that outdoor education can be a knowledge invigorating complement to the indoor teaching and a way for the after-school centre to supplement the compulsory schoolday. The play outdoors can help to increase children's social development, creativity and imagination. The after-school teachers used the schoolyard and local environment for various purposes which may be due to different circumstances, knowledge and experience to carry out educational activities outdoors. But it may also depend on whether the after-school teacher focuses on the regular school day or in the afternoon at the after-school care centre..

Inkludering av barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskola och förskoleklass : En kvalitativ studie av pedagogers syn på arbetet med inkludering

Syftet med min studie är att få en förståelse för vilken syn pedagoger har på arbetet med inkludering av barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskola och förskoleklass. I studien har jag använt mig av metoden kvalitativa intervjuer för att kunna få en djupare förståelse för hur det inkluderande arbetet kan se ut.Resultatet visar att det grundläggande arbetet med inkludering handlar om att alla barn ska har samma rättigheter till delaktighet oavsett vilken svårighet barnet har. Det visar även i resultatet kring det inkluderande arbetet att det krävs ett stort engagemang och en stor kompetens för att kunna möjliggöra inkludering av barn i behov av särskilt stöd..

En tand för en tand och en våtmark för en våtmark - ett återskapande värt pengarna? : En undersökning av nyttan och kostnaderna av att restaurera våtmark med hjälp av Contingent Valuation Method.

The goal of this study is to examine what five teacher?s impression of the teacher?s role is in their previous years. How important the ?joy at work? is in relation with the educational progress? And what aspects that contributes to the? joy at work? and what obstacles that stops them. The essay will also go through the concepts of a teacher role, with connection to the theoretical perspectives of Csikszentmihalyi?s Flow and Antonovsky?s Salutogenesis (KASAM).The method I used was interviewing five teachers and I used Larsen?s chapter of ?content analysis? as a basis, I also used Flow and KASAM as theoretical references in my analysis.

Synen på kristendom en analys av läromedel i religionskunskap

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the perception of Christianity in nine textbooks andidentify changes in-between them and over time. The content of the textbooks will also bediscussed in relation to the steering documents connected to each book.I have chosen to focus on three curriculums, Lgy 70, Lpf 94 and Gy 11. My researchquestions are: how Christianity is treated in textbooks in religious studies in relation to theperception of Jesus, God and man? What are the differences/similarities across time andlearning materials? In what way does the textbooks change with the syllabuses?Text consumption and discursive practices is analyzed with the help of a set of tools thatare based on the critical discourse analysis and Fairclough's three-dimensional model. Theimage of Jesus, if described by a textbook, is also analysed.Three textbooks were chosen from each curricula.

?Men snöbollarna är ju mer än tio!? : en vetenskaplig essä om matematik, lek och lärande i förskolan

My aim with the experience-based essay is that I want to explore the implications of mathematics on children's development. I also want to examine my approach in relation to the various mathematical tasks. Why do we think that mathematics is important for pre-school children? What does the research say about how the teacher is thinking about mathematics? Can the teacher combine playing and learning and create meaningful moments and activities related to mathematics? I also want to explore our policies and the objectives that the teacher should relate to. What is required of me as a teacher in order to meet those goals?My essay is about mine and my boss?s view of the mathematical tasks that I usually perform in the preschool.

Elevinflytande som hot eller möjlighet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av lärares idéer om elevinflytande över undervisningen

This report describes an interview study of Swedish elementary school teacher?s view on stu-dent influence. The objective is to find out about teachers' approach to student influence, what do they think happens with students that are allowed to influence and what are the negotiables and non-negotiables when it comes to student influence in elementary education? And do the teachers really want their students to have influence?According to the official policy documents for the Swedish school system the Swedish school shall work towards a democratic school. Not only should the students be educated about de-mocracy but they should also learn to use democratic values and processes.

Barn i behov av särskilt stöd : En kvalitativ studie av sydafrikanska pedagogers perspektiv

Syftet med min undersökning är att studera sydafrikanska pedagogers perspektiv på barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskolan och förskoleklassen. I syftet ingår också att undersöka pedagogers syn på vilka resurser som finns för dessa barn. Jag har använt mig av metoden kvalitativa intervjuer för att få öppna och detaljerade beskrivningar från pedagogerna. Pedagogerna menade att barn i behov av särskilt stöd är barn som avviker från kamraterna i kunskaps- och mognadsnivå samt barn med funktionsnedsättningar, sjukdomar eller sociala problem. De sydafrikanska pedagogerna hade två perspektiv på barn i behov av särskilt stöd.

Navigering i Habermas världsdimensioner : en fallstudie i bedömnings- och betygsförfarande inom praktisk idrottsundervisning

Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate how the assessment and grading is designed and practiced in the practical courses of physical education at GIH - the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, along with how it could affect newly graduated physical education teachers? ability to assess and grade students. The study was based on Habermas?s system and life-world theory.What view occurs concerning proficiencies, basis for assessment and marking among teachers who are responsible for examinations within physical education at GIH?How is the examination structured within physical education at GIH?How are skills and proficiencies among assessment and marking further mediated to students in the teacher education at GIH?Method: The case study was realized by performing qualitative interviews with a total of four teachers at physical education at GIH. Additionally, syllabi were text-analyzed to improve the validity of the study.Results: From the results we found that the teachers experience marking as a complicated assignment, where particularly the didactic ability but also the practical ability form a formative and summative assessment.

Kunskap är som ballonger - den måste förankras om den inte ska försvinna bort : en studie av vad som påverkar en lärares val av undervisning

The purpose of this essay has been to identify a couple of different factors that matter when a teacher chooses method and raw material for teaching his students. The person interviewed is a man, whose lesson I also observed. The result shows that there are several factors of great importance for his choice. My conclusion of this is that this teacher?s choice depends on the school as institution with all the people that operate there, the composition of the students and the school?s curriculum, but this teacher?s pedagogical basic view also has a great importance for his teaching..

Inkluderande undervisning - hur når vi dit? : En systematisk litteraturstudie om inkludering ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv

Denna systematiska litteraturstudie behandlar ämnet inkludering inom specialpedagogiken. Såväl svenska som internationella forskares syn på inkludering och vägen dit. Studien utreder begreppen kategorisering och inkludering. Syftet med undersökningen var att identifiera ett par möjligheter som gynnar inkludering och ett inkluderande arbetssätt som kan användas i den svenska skolan.  Metoden som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie med relevant forskning som källor.  Resultaten pekade på tre möjligheter som kan bidra till inkludering, delaktighet och deltagande, tid och lärarens kunskaper och attityder till ett inkluderande arbetssätt.

Lärarens ledarroll i klassrummet och vilka faktorer som påverkar : En studie i två högstadieskolor, årskurs 7, 8 och 9

This exam work project strives to investigate different roles a teacher can adapt to in classroom situations. The focus is on three different types, gained from a dissertation made by Evelyn Säll where she has investigated teacher students? opinions about the teacher?s role. These types are:the Dramatist, the Director and the Illuminator, and five teachers are defined accordingly. Questionnaires and observations are used as a tool in order to come to a conclusion.

Läsning - en nutida klassfråga? : En studie av sex svensklärarstudenters läsvanor ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if the reading habits of teacher students are influenced by merit and descent. The empiric material consists of six questionnaires answered by students at the teacher training with Swedish at the upper secondary school as their first topic. The questionnaire comprised questions about reading habits in the childhood and today and information concerning merits and descent.Pierre Bourdieu?s sociological ideas about cultural capital transmitted from parent to child and the concept of habitus are used as a theoretical framework regarding descent.

Scoutförskola : En förskola med scoutprofil

Due to the interest of starting a preschool with a scout profile in my circle of acquaintances I chose to write my report about how the scout method would work in a preschool. I did this by comparing the origin of scouting and preschool. I based my report on the following questions:Are there any similarities or differences with curriculum, education act and the scout method that can make it easier/harder to work with the scout method in the preschool?There are many theorists that have had influence on the preschool. Give some examples of their theories that could affect the scout preschool?What is the difference between a teacher and a scout leader?What would a preschool look like if you included the scout method in the daily activity?With the help of my literature studies I compared the scout method against the laws and rules to make sure that the scout method doesn?t contradict them.

Ingenting är sant, allt är tillåtet : En kvalitativ studie om historiska datorspel som Assassin?s Creeds påverkan för det oavsiktliga lärandet och dess pedagogiska möjligheter

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the unintentional learning that happens during the use of computer games. With the use of interviews with students in the ages 13-15 who all have played the game series Assassin?s Creed, and then compared them with students who does not play the game, we have been able to identify that some learning is taking place, but that the student?s attitude towards the subject, and their maturity, also is vital for the learning. Even tough, the students who didn?t really enjoy history as a subject showed better knowledge after playing the game, than the students who hadn?t played at all, which indicates that computer games can be a good source for learning.

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