2132 Uppsatser om Space of action - Sida 45 av 143
Fuktförebyggande åtgärder för ett bättre klimat i den småländska stenkyrkans krypgrund
Fukt i kyrkans krypgrund är ett ?växande? problem som på senare tid uppmärksammats alltmer. I denna studie har flera möjliga lösningar undersökt, vidare har en allmän angreppsmodell formulerats för att underlätta framtida utredningar. Studien visar bland annat att styrning efter mögelrisken är önskvärt för att få ett energioptimerat och garanterat mögelfritt klimat. Åtgärdsförslag såsom sorptionsavfuktare samt värmning genom elradiator direkt i krypgrunden är möjliga lösningar som med ett litet energitillskott förbättrar klimatet i krypgrunden avsevärt..
Spelimmersion & död : En undersökning av hur spelupplevelse och immersion påverkas av döden i nätbaserade multiplayerspel
Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.
Gravitational lenses are unlike ordinary optical lenses, a phenomenon corrupting our optical view of the cosmos. When we look out intospace we see celestial bodies lying with astronomical distance from Earth. There is no guarantee that what we see out there in space is actually there where we are observing it, and it may be that we see multiple images of the same star! Studies have shown that thenumber of distorted images of an n-mass (n > 1) plane lens can not exceed 5(n -1) for lighter lenses or 5n for more massive lens. This mathematical thesis covers gravitational lensing and their properties that distort light rays coming towards us from distant celestial bodies. In addition of gravitational lensing, its properties and the proof of the maximum number of distorted images, a bigger part of this work even cover two very interesting mathematical tools - the so-called Schwarz function and Bezout theorem..
Interaktiv Produktpresentation åt Abu Garcia
Detta projekt har producerats i samarbete med Abu Garcia i Svängsta, Blekinge.
Vårat projekt är en interaktiv produkt presentation gjord i flash med inslag av
3d, video och ljud. Våran tanke är att användaren ska kunna se hur en
Ambassadeur Record fiskerulle ser ut både på insidan och utsidan, hur den
fungerar och vad som gör den så unik.
Det finns också video filmer som beskriver tillverknings processen, och hur man
som förstagångs användare använder en Ambassadeur rulle.
Design och bakgrundsljud är anpassad så att den ska väcka en känsla av fiske
och fridfull utomhus miljö..
Subject-Experimenter-Performed-Task i Episodic Integration View
Människor tenderar att minnas utförda uppgifter och återkalla dem bättre än när de enbart kodar samma uppgifter muntligt, även känd som enactment effekt. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om enactment effecten ökar under en ny inkodning som aldrig tidigare utförts inom paradigmet ? Subject-Experimenter-Performed-Task. Sammanlagt medverkade 56 personer i studien, 32 killar och 24 tjejer i åldrarna 10-18. En grupp lågstadiebarn och en grupp gymnasieungdomar testades i VT, EPT, SPT och SEPT betingningar.
En yteffektiv och flexibel kontorsbyggnad : A space saving and flexible office building
Det kommunalägda fastighetsbolaget Videum AB som hyr ut och förvaltar lokaler på campus i Växjö ska uppföra en ny byggnad med totalytan 5000m2. För att underlätta i projekterandet åt Videum AB har en förfrågan av vilken form på byggnaden som är den mest vinstgivande för företaget undersökts i den här rapporten. I byggnaden ska det finnas kontorslokaler som Videum AB kan hyra ut till andra företag. Kravet är att planlösningen ska vara flexibel och kreativ. Uthyrningsprocenten ska vara högsta möjliga vilket undersöks med hjälp av utvalda nyckeltal.
Implementation av iterativ rastreringsmetod för färgbilder
This report describes the procedure in which we accomplished our task, which was to implement a present algorithm. This was made using C++. The algorithm is developed by Sasan Gooran, who is our examiner in this project. The algorithm uses an iterative method to produce the halftoned images. The reason for this project is to speed up the existing program which is made in Matlab.
Elevers upplevelser av extra anpassad skolidrott- en intervjustudie
The Swedish curriculum says that the education will adapt and take notice of every child?s individual condition and needs. Every child has the right to development, to feel the happiness of growing and to experience satisfaction of making progress and overcome difficulties. In every class it is often children who need adapted physical education. The earlier these children can get support and practice, the bigger the chance is that they will catch up.
Utvärdering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder på Bokelundskolan i Växjö
The purpose with this report is to examine how the implemented energy efficiency measures on Bokelundskolan in Växjö have had impact on the energy use. The measures which have been implemented are, new ventilation system, new heating system, optimized adjustment of the heating system, new windows with U-value 1.2 and lower window height, insulation under windows and in the crawl space. The school's energy use before and after rebuilding has been calculated with the calculation program, Vip-Energy 1.5.5.Calculations of energy use for the school with windows on U-value, 0.9 and 0.7 have also been done. The replacement of windows has been studied from a cost perspective. The conclusion is that the exchange of heat and ventilation system was the biggest contributor to reduced energy use on Bokelundskolan.
Likvärdig service börjar med ett gott bemötande: folkbibliotekens beredskap inför 2010.
In 2010 there will be a political resolution to ensure that the Swedish society is accessible to all citizens including people with disabilities. For this purpose a national action plan for disability policy "From patient to citizen" (Govt. Bill 1999/2000:79) has been set out with the aim of ensuring that the disability perspective will permeate every sector of society and that the approach and response to people with disabilities will be improved. The Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs is responsible for implementing the disability policy in the cultural sector.Since public libraries in Sweden are a part of the public cultural sector, they will also be affected by the political resolution regarding accessibility. The concept underpinning library services for disabled people must be that of equality of access.
Stadsplaneringsideal. Med den periurbana zonen i fokus - dess potential för den hållbara staden
To be able to plan for the expansion of a town, one needs a vision of the future appear-ance of the town. It is the current issues (social situation, supply and demand, political control etc.) which decide what the ideal for town planning is. This is turn is the steering factor of the physical structure of the town. Therefore, the town's structure is decided by these ideals.In this report, I will present planning ideals that have historically been, and which criticisms that have been directed towards them. With reference to these issues, I will present those guidelines and ideals we have today for planning of our towns.
Blomgren - en mönsterkollektion
This report is about the exam project; Blomgren- a collection ofpatterns. During eight weeks I have from the family Blomgren, whowas my grandfather?s family with siblings and parents, produced fivepatterns for textiles into interior and space. In addition to thefamily as an inspiration, I have taken into account of the collection?sname - as a word and the meaning of the word.
From wheels to walking : exploring an alternative planning approach in Sub-Saharan countries - the case of the Axis in Nairobi, Kenya
Rapid urbanisation is putting strains on both the landscape and the city dwellers and the pressure on planning for sustainable and equitable cities is crucial. As many cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are expanding, city planning has trouble keeping up to meet the needs of the growing amount of urban dwellers. Many cities have also been planned with the cars in focus and the needs and comfort of the pedestrians have been overlooked. The capacity of institutions is limited due to centralized government and bureaucracy, as well as corruption. Planning is erratically implemented and it is difficult to know what will happen.
Online Brand Community in Action. A Constitutive netnography: Advancing a Wholesome Ethnomethodological Perspective on Brand Community
This thesis advances an explicit, consequent, and wholesome ethnomethodological perspective on brand community. It recognizes brand community as a social problem ? something to be continuously solved and achieved. The two main perceivably stable features of the Nikonian community are (1) practical usefulness and (2) the social link. The authors suggest that both features are constantly accomplished through three types of aggregate behaviour (1) lurking, (2) ordinary membership, and (3) community citizenship behaviour (CCB).
Konstruktivt med konst: Hur Konstbiblioteket tillhandahåller tidningsartiklar och hur därmed sammanhängande problem kan lösas
The Art Library uses the newspaper cuttings archive to provide her customers with newspaperarticles about art. This archive has the following problems; there is little space left inthe paternoster lifts, the articles can only be found on keyword and to maintain the archive,much labour is required.This research aims to find out how the Art Library can provide her customers with newspaperarticles which will cost as little as possible.Six possible solutions are given. Out of these the solution with "Artikel-sok" was recommended.According to this solution the Art Library should no longer maintain the archive, butuse "Artikel-sok", a database from Bibliotekstjänst which contains descriptions of articlesfrom many Swedish newspapers and magazines. These articles can be ordered from Bibliotekstjänst.The old newspaper cuttings archive will be used for articles from before 1979,because these are not being taken up in the "Artikel-sok"..