

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 6 av 44

mitt namn är Johan Jutterström

The ways designers work with craftsmen in other countries can vary alot,but still there are many similarities. In this study we make comparisonsbetween a number of projects involving three different designers and artisansin other countries and parallel that to our own work in South africa.What we have seen is that there is some common denominators betweenthe different projects that are being taken care of in different ways.Some things that commonly attract the designers seem to be the skills ofthe craftsmen, as well as their colouring, patterns and materials. A furthercommon denominator in the projects is that people?s perception of qualityhas become an important issue. The products that are being developedare often sold in the country of the designer, and therefore a needto insure that the quality of the products is up to the standards expectedin that certain country has occurred.

Livsbejakande : Brassegung fyller Mosebacke

The ways designers work with craftsmen in other countries can vary alot,but still there are many similarities. In this study we make comparisonsbetween a number of projects involving three different designers and artisansin other countries and parallel that to our own work in South africa.What we have seen is that there is some common denominators betweenthe different projects that are being taken care of in different ways.Some things that commonly attract the designers seem to be the skills ofthe craftsmen, as well as their colouring, patterns and materials. A furthercommon denominator in the projects is that people?s perception of qualityhas become an important issue. The products that are being developedare often sold in the country of the designer, and therefore a needto insure that the quality of the products is up to the standards expectedin that certain country has occurred.

Svenska företags etableringar i Sydkorea och Japan : En jämförande studie av den koreanska och japanska marknaden

South Korea is one of the fastest growing economies of the world and experts claim that it?s headed towards the same direction as Japan. This doesn?t imply that the countries are similar to an extent where companies don?t have to consider the differences while entering the host market. This study was conducted for the purpose of giving a view of the business climate in the countries and thereby could help companies who see the countries as potential host markets.

Breeding practices of Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities

A survey was undertaken to understand sheep management, breeding practices and selection criteria for Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities in Kajiado District, Kenya. Differences between North and South Kajiado District were investigated to gain knowledge about farmers having different prerequisites and how it can affect the sheep production. The reason for keeping sheep and the specific breeds show the multiple objectives of the Maasai farmers. Adaptive traits, such as resistance to diseases and droughts, and productive traits, such as increased growth and carcass weight, were both ranked highly. In addition to this, the sheep has a social and traditional value in Maasai culture.

Implementering av immateriella rättigheter i Kina - One size does not fit all

Piratkopiering i Kina har varit ett ämne som flitigt debatterats internationellt de senaste åren. Denna uppsats ämnar analysera åtgärder vidtagna för att implementera immateriella rättigheter i Kina i en ekonomisk, politisk och historisk kontext. Sedan Kina gick med i WTO har landet varit tvunget att ändra sin lagstiftning inom många områden, speciellt rörande immateriella rättigheter. Positiva och negativa aspekter av full implementering av dessa regler i Kina analyseras även..

Från väpnad oppositionsgrupp till politiskt parti- En komparativ studie om transformeringen och institutionaliseringen av RENAMO, FRELIMO och SWAPO i Moçambique och Namibia

This thesis explores and compares the former armed opposition groups; Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) and South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) transformation processes into political parties. The first question addressed is; What factors determines the ability of these armed opposition groups to transform into political parties after armed conflict? The question is addressed through four structural and organizational factors; international involvement, the organizations ideology and identity, their ability to change inter-elite relationships and their ability to change collective incentive strategies. The second question addressed is if the transformations process can affect the parties? degree of institutionalization? The degree of institutionalization is examined through the party's adaptility, complexity, autonomy and coherence.

HIV och könsojämlikheter; en dödlig kombination? : En studie av patriarkal dominans i den internationella diskussionen om HIV/AIDS

AbstractEssay in political science, C-level, by Ellen Linde, spring semester 2007. Tutor: Susan Marton.?HIV and gender inequalities; a lethal combination? A study of the patriarchal dominance in the international discussion on HIV/AIDS?The purpose of this essay is to study to what extent a patriarchal discourse is present in the international discussion on how to best fight the spread of HIV/AIDS. To determine if a patriarchal discourse is present or not I have used a feminist theory on patriarchal dominance. I have concentrated on the United Nations resolutions about HIV/AIDS.

Allt utom byn Sökandet efter en vikingatida by i sydöstra Blekinge, med områdena runt Järrestad på Österlen och Sorte Muld på Bornholm som jämförelsematerial.

The purpose of this essay is to see if villages or bigger settlement locations can be found in south-eastern Blekinge during the viking age. There have been many archaeological findings from this period in Blekinge, for example grave findings, ring-forts , old roads and ancient harbors. But no evidence of a village has been found yet. If south-eastern Blekinge is compared with the area surrounding Järrestad on Österlen in south-eastern Skåne and the area surrounding Sorte Muld on Bornholm, many likenesses can be seen. In this essay, the findings in Blekinge will be used as different components when the three areas are compared with each other.

Internationell Diversifiering - En studie om korrelationsmönster mellan tillväxtmarknader och utvecklade marknader

Purpose: We have three purposes that will answer our problem questions. Our first purpose is to identify how diversification effects for investors changed between emerging markets and developed markets in the period 1996-2010. Our second purpose is to examine the two crises, IT and financial crisis, and if the correlations between these two crises have changed. Our third purpose is to examine to what extent the Swedish stock market was influenced by other markets in the period 1996-2010, the IT and financial crisis.Methodology: The method is based on an analytic model consisting of two tools; Regression- and Correlation analysis. The Regression analysis will be used when investigating if a change in a foreign stock market affects a change on the Swedish stock market.

Patent och hälsa ? Intressekonflikten mellan stora läkemedelsföretags rätt till patent framförallt med avseende på hiv/aidsmediciner och u-länders rätt till tillgång till billiga generiska preparat

Abstract This paper discusses protectionism of intellectual property rights in general and the conflict between large pharmaceutical companies? rights to patent and developing countries? rights to cheap generic preparation in particular. The essay focuses above all on HIV/AIDS medicine. The description tries to give an image of the different interests that collide and why they collide. The different actors are above all the pharmaceutical branch, including researchers, inventors and salesmen with their economic interest of revenue, and the population of the development countries and their pressed situation considering the great need of medicine.

EKONOMISKA SANKTIONER P? BEKOSTNAD AV M?NSKLIGA R?TTIGHETER? En kvantitativ studie om den regionala effekten av ekonomiska sanktioner p? graden av m?nskliga r?ttigheter i icke-sanktionerade l?nder

Previous studies have shown that economic sanctions have adverse effects on the level of human rights in sanctioned countries. The focus of research on the effects in sanctioned countries has left the question of whether economic sanctions can have a regional effect on human rights levels in countries not sanctioned in the same region. Therefore, this essay has sought to investigate if economic sanctions aimed at an individual state have a regional effect on the level of human rights in countries not sanctioned within the same region. A previous study found that economic sanctions in Latin America positively affected the level of human rights in non-sanctioned countries within the same region. This essay has examined whether the same result can be found in a region with a different level of democracy.

Kan konkurrenter samarbeta? : En studie av samarbetsprojektet Visit South East Sweden

I denna uppsats behandlar vi projektplanering med Visit South East Sweden, ett samarbete mellan Ölands Turist AB, Destination Kalmar, AB och AB Glasriket, som praktikfall. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur aktörer inom ett samarbetsprojekt arbetar för att alla medverkande ska sträva åt samma håll och undvika konflikter inom projektet. Vi undersöker vilka de viktigaste faktorerna för ett lyckat samarbete är samt huruvida det finns konkurrens trots samarbetet. Vi har arbetat enligt kvalitativ metod och utfört intervjuer hos de berörda företagen. Resultatet av vår studie har visat att det är viktigt att fokusera på företagets, eller projektets, interna styrkor, såsom kommunikation och planering för att lättare kunna hantera de externa faktorerna som inte är påverkningsbara i samma utsträckning som de interna.

Ledare 'Lagom' i Konfucianismens Korea: En analys av svårigheter för svenska företag i Sydkorea

The purpose of this study is to analyze the handling of difficulties encountered by Swedish managers in Swedish subsidiaries in South Korea. By identifying the most common and possibly most manageable difficulties specific to the market we categorized them into three different groups; external difficulties, internal difficulties and difficulties related to the leadership. Depending on where in the environment and in relation to which stakeholder the difficulties originate the managing process comes to be supported through sometimes contradictory theories. Our study implies that the proper handling is crucial to satisfy local expectations which are critical for survival of Swedish companies. It also implies that the leadership skills acquired by the Swedish managers combined with the level of acceptance for foreign managers among the Korean coworkers affect how influential the manager?s ambitions are.

Kvinnor med HIV/AIDS i Kapstaden i Sydafrika   : En frivilligorganisations arbete med och syn på kvinnor med HIV/AIDS  

Sammanfattning HIV/AIDS är en epidemi i Sydafrika och antalet kvinnor som lever med denna sjukdom ärhögre än män. Studiens frågeställningar var, att genom organisationsrepresentanterna ta reda på; vad berodde detta på, hur smittades dessa kvinnor och hur upplevde och hanterade de sin sjukdom. Vilken hjälp och stöd fick de för att de skulle kunna leva ett någorlunda normalt liv samt hur behandlades dessa kvinnor av omgivningen? Studiens metod var en kvalitativ studie bestående av fem intervjuer med personer som arbetar med dessa kvinnor inom den frivilliga organisationen, Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) i Kapstaden i Sydafrika.Vidare genomfördes en observationsstudie för att ge en ram för de genomförda intervjuerna.Studien visade att de olika kulturernas syn på kvinnor, kvinnornas ekonomiska beroende av sina män, männens sexvanor, fattigdom, våldtäkter och okunskap om sjukdomen var de faktorer som bidrog till att flest kvinnor än män blev smittade av HIV/AIDS.Genom TAC fick vi också kunskap om att HIV/AIDS var en stigmatiserad sjukdom vilket gjorde det svårt för vissa av dessa kvinnor att tala öppet om sin status vilket i sin tur gjorde att de inte kunde få hjälp, stöd, vård och medicinerig. Dessa kvinnor kunde bli misshandlade, stenade eller dödade på grund av sjukdomen, både av sina män och av andra i deras omgivning.Studien belyser även HIV/AIDS ur ett könsperspektiv eftersom det var fler kvinnor som smittades av sjukdomen..

Skogs påverkan på vindkraftsproduktion - en fallstudie av vindkraftverk vid Andersfält.

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how nearby forests affect the energy production in wind turbines. To reach the purpose a case study is performed on three wind turbines sited on a field in a north-south line at Andersfält in the municipality of Halmstad, Sweden. Approximately 100 meters south of the southern wind turbine a forest is situated. The case study is divided into three sub studies where the difference in energy production, the affect of the forest and a wind meteorology model, WAsP, is studied. The result show that the forest have a significant influence and that the WAsP-model gives an incorrect result of the energy production in wind turbines sited near a forest..

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