

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 7 av 44

Funktionsentreprenad för beläggning och vägmarkering

This report is written in cooperation with the Swedish National Road Administration South-Eastern Region in Jönköping. The report is a result of the evaluation to give an answer to the question about how well the function contract has been carried out on the E4 in Östergötlands and Jönköpings län. The evaluation is divided in two hard parameters and one soft.The Swedish National Road Administration is interested in knowing how the standard on the road have been changed during the functions period, which is the reason why the first hard parameter is considering road standard. To evaluate the standard there have been a comparison of values from measures taken every year on the current road stretch. The second hard parameter considers economy.

Demokratins förutsättningar i Västafrika : En jämförande studie av Ghana och Guinea

In subsequent to Post-colonialism the African nations have dilated into different political directions. While some nations have established well-functioning democracies, others are still under authoritarian regimes. The aim of this thesis is to examine if civil society has an impact on democratic development in West Africa. Therefore the theoretical starting point is Putnam?s theory of social capital, but this study will also examine other possible causal explanations for democratic transition.This study will be based on a comparative analysis of Ghana and Guinea.

ANC-galan i Götegorg 1985 : En analys av sången Soweto som politisk mobilisering

ABSTRACTBjelkenbrant, Pernilla, 2006: ANC-galan i Göteborg 1985: en analys av sången Soweto som politisk mobilisering (The ANC gala in Gothenburg in 1985: an analysis of the song Soweto as a means of political mobilisation)The political scientists Abdul Karim Bangura, Ove Nordenmark and Tor Sellström, all believe that there, during the 1980s, existed a strong and unified ?Swedish? attitude against the South african apartheid system, and Sellström points out that this position had a strong anchorage in the ANC gala in Gothenburg in 1985. Over the past few years, singing has been identified as playing a crucial role in the struggle against apartheid. The aim of this study is twofold: firstly it presents a comprehensive discussion on how song is generally considered a tool of political mobilisation, secondly it discusses how that process can be applied to the ANC-gala. Consequently, the theoretical discussion constitutes the initial part of the study.

'Occupy' ? värre än SARS? : Kritisk diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Hongkongs nya Occupy-rörelse i regionens engelskspråkiga press

This thesis uses critical discourse analysis to examine how the English-speaking press in Hong Kong constructs the conflict between the political movement Occupy Central and the Chinese central government. The empirical material consists of ten articles from the region?s two largest English-speaking newspapers, Hong Kong?s oldest newspaper, the South China Morning Post, and China?s only national English-speaking newspaper, the China Daily. Building on the works of Teun van Dijk, Norman Fairclough, Ruth Wodak and John E. Richardson it examines what political ideologies that are favoured by the press and what attitude the press shows for democratic development.

Etnicitet och demokratisering i dagens Rwanda : En kvalitativ studie om etnicitet och demokratisering i Rwanda

The purpose of this study is to explain if the existence of ethnic groups in Rwanda has complicated its democratization and explain what opportunities Rwanda has to be democratized. To fulfill the purpose of the study, I intend to answer two questions: 1) Does the existence of ethnic groups obstructed democratization in Rwanda? and 2) What opportunities has Rwanda to be democratized? To answer the first research question Dahl's theory of subcultures and democratization is used and to answer the second research question van de Walle's theory of democratization is used in the region of sub-Saharan Africa. Literature used in the study are Dahl's Polyarchy and van de Walle Africa?s range of regimes and Freedom House annual reports.

Studier av insolvensförordningens artikel 5 : -särskilt om sakrättsbegreppets betydelse för borgenärer med företagshypotek

Bullying is today a major problem in schools worldwide. Far too many children are forced to undergo bullying day in and day out without anyone seeing or doing something. My purpose with this study is to find out how four F-6 schools in a municipality south of Stockholm are describes their work to get zero tolerance for bullying at their school.My questions are:How does the four F-6 schools' anti-bullying group in a municipality south of Stockholm describes their work to have zero tolerance for bullying?What do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups consider that bullying is?Why do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think bullying occurs?Who do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think are bullies or are being bullied?To get my results I have done four interviews with those in charge of the school's anti-bullying group. My theory is based on standards, what is acceptable behavior and normative theory, hypotheses, what is right and wrong as well as desirable or undesirable behavior.

Utsmyckningsidentitet En studie om äldre bronsålderns utsmyckningskombinationer funna med halskragar och halsringar.

The aim with this essay is to explore the possibility that jewellery was worn in combinations during the Bronze Age in the south of Sweden and Denmark as a way to show identities. By examining neck-collars and neck-rings and the jewellery found with these objects in graves, I have managed to find a few combinations that re-occur within regions which I think point towards ways of expressing different identities.To fully explore the subject I have also examined the design of the neck-collar to see if the designs have the same regional difference as the combinations. Though there is some difference between regions it is the similarity of the design over regions that stand out. It is possible that the design of the neck-collar has shown a different meaning than the jewellery combinations.There are similarities between the jewellery found in combinations in the graves and the jewellery found in hoards. Neck-collars and neck-rings found in combination with other jewellery in hoards show a greater regularity over the south of Sweden and Denmark then those combinations found in the graves..

I huvudet på UNASUR och AU ? en studie av EU:s roll som förebild i världen

This bachelor thesis is a study of the European Union as a role model in the world. Its main focus is to answer the question ?In what respects did the European Union (EU) work as a model at the establishment of the African Union (AU) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)?? By doing so it hopes to shed some light on how other unions in the world contemplate the EU. The method is partly theoretical and partly empirical. In the theoretical part, the thesis discusses in what respects the African Union and the Union of South American Nations might and might not be similar to the European Union.

Manlig omskärelse : Föräldrarnas eller barnets religionsfrihet?

Bullying is today a major problem in schools worldwide. Far too many children are forced to undergo bullying day in and day out without anyone seeing or doing something. My purpose with this study is to find out how four F-6 schools in a municipality south of Stockholm are describes their work to get zero tolerance for bullying at their school.My questions are:How does the four F-6 schools' anti-bullying group in a municipality south of Stockholm describes their work to have zero tolerance for bullying?What do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups consider that bullying is?Why do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think bullying occurs?Who do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think are bullies or are being bullied?To get my results I have done four interviews with those in charge of the school's anti-bullying group. My theory is based on standards, what is acceptable behavior and normative theory, hypotheses, what is right and wrong as well as desirable or undesirable behavior.

Ruminants´production within agroforestry systems in rural Rwanda : production benefits and problems

Intercropping involving trees is called agroforestry and makes it possible to get higher production for every area unit. The trees can function as food, fodder, fuel, medicine; prevent mark erosion and much more. Agroforestry can also be combined with animal husbandry. The aim of this study was to document the animal production systems used by rural small-scale farmers maintaining ruminants and using agroforestry in the northern province of Rwanda. The farmers using agroforestry is expected to have higher milk yield than average due to homegrown protein. The method used during the study was semi-structural interviews with booth open and closed questions. In order to get in contact with farmers that matched the criteria; small-scaled rural farmers with ruminants and using agroforestry, the ?Vi Agroforestry Programme? (Vi-Life) in Kigali were contacted and the staff worked as supervisors, translators and contact with the farmers throughout the study. During the study nine individual farmers, two cooperatives breeding sheep and one group interview were conducted.

Porcine viruses in Uganda : a study of TTSuV and PPV4 in wild and domestic pigs

Uganda has the largest pig population in east Africa, and most of the animals are owned by smallholders. Infectious diseases among pigs have a devastating impact on the livelihood of these farmers, which are dependent on the proceeds from pig rearing. In a metagenomics study of the wild pig species bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus), the porcine viruses Torque teno sus virus (TTSuV) 1and 2 and Porcine parvovirus 4 (PPV4) were detected. TTSuV1 and 2 are ubiquitous in the world?s swine population, and PPV4 has been found in USA and China, but neither of them has been studied in Africa previously.

Evaluation of animal welfare education in primary schools in Lilongwe, Malawi

Animal welfare issues are not considered as high priority in Malawi, a developing country in south east Africa, due to problems affecting the human population. In Lilongwe, the capital city, education programs are used to increase the awareness of animal welfare issues among primary school children. A study was undertaken to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of animal welfare in primary school children as well as two different teaching methods for animal welfare, namely humane lessons (HL) and Animal Kindness Clubs (AKC). The gender perspective, in terms of differences in attitude towards and knowledge in animal welfare, was also evaluated as well as the link between domestic and animal violence. The study was performed in collaboration with Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LSPCA). A questionnaire of multiple choice character was handed out to 249 children aged between 9 and 15 from six different schools.

Mobbning bland barn i skolan : Hur fyra F-6 skolors antimobbningsgrupper beskriver sitt arbete för att få nolltolerans mot mobbning

Bullying is today a major problem in schools worldwide. Far too many children are forced to undergo bullying day in and day out without anyone seeing or doing something. My purpose with this study is to find out how four F-6 schools in a municipality south of Stockholm are describes their work to get zero tolerance for bullying at their school.My questions are:How does the four F-6 schools' anti-bullying group in a municipality south of Stockholm describes their work to have zero tolerance for bullying?What do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups consider that bullying is?Why do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think bullying occurs?Who do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think are bullies or are being bullied?To get my results I have done four interviews with those in charge of the school's anti-bullying group. My theory is based on standards, what is acceptable behavior and normative theory, hypotheses, what is right and wrong as well as desirable or undesirable behavior.

The economic consequences of Striga hermonthica in maize production in Western Kenya

Kenya is a country of 35 million people and is situated in Eastern Africa. 70% of thepopulation works within the agricultural sector and for many of them food insecurity is amajor problem. Maize and beans are today the staple food for many households. Goodfarming conditions enable two harvests per year and a potential maize yield of 4-5 tons perhectare.A major problem for many farmers in this area is the increase of the weed striga. The weedcauses severe yield losses, and has a major economic impact on smallholders.

Conflict Resolution in West Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Sierra Leone and Liberia

This paper is a Master thesis for the Master?s program in International and European Relations in the Department of Management and Economics at Linköping University. As the title indicates, the aim of this thesis is to make a comparative analysis of the conflict resolution initiatives that were employed in the Sierra Leonean and Liberian conflicts. The research questions are: ? What were the root causes and trajectories of the Sierra Leonean and Liberian conflicts? ? What were the conflict resolution initiatives employed in resolving both conflicts? ? Why did the Lome Peace Accord succeed in the case of Sierra Leone whilst the Abuja Peace Accord failed in bringing peace to Liberia? In order to answer the afore-mentioned questions and fulfil the aim of this paper, a qualitative research method has been chosen.

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