

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 12 av 44

Skålgropar i Kronobergs län : - en diskussion om alternativt medvetandetillstånd och passageritualer i bronsålderssamhället

This thesis discusses South Scandinavian cup marks in general, and cup marks in Kronobergs County in particular. The question is whether the cup mark phenomena can be viewed as an ordinary family-based cult for a kind of everyday use, or more likely as a community passage ritual. The thesis also suggests that cup marks were made by ritual participants in, or in the process of trying to reach, an altered state of consciousness..

Kastanjemalen Cameraria ohridella : livscykel och utbredning i Sverige 2006

Cameraria ohridella, the chest-nut leaf miner, is a new pest in Sweden. These moths make leaf mines on chest-nut trees, preferably on Aesculus hippocastanum, which results in brown blotches on the foliage and early loss of leaves. Since the first observation in Macedonia in 1985 it has spread rapidly through Europe. The moth arrived in Sweden in 2003 when it was observed in Malmö and surrounding areas. In this paper a literature study describes the morphology and life cycle of the chest-nut leaf miner. Further more a test with pheromone traps examining the number of generations in Sweden is shown.

Kunskaper om karies och gingivit hos barni årskurs 3-5 - en enkätstudieKnowledge of caries and gingivitis among third to fifth grade school children

The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of caries and gingivitis among third to fifth grade school children. A questionnaire was distributed to 117 children of a primary school in the south of Sweden. The result of the study indicate that the children had good knowledge regarding development and prevention of caries and gingivitis. However, the children did not know the meaning of the words caries and gingivitis. The children also appeared to lack important information about dietary measures to achieve good dental health.

Sharia eller västerländsk jämställdhet? : Kvinnor i egyptisk lagstiftning

Sharia or western equality?womenin Egyptian legislationThe Islamic law (Sharia) in most of the countries in Middle East and North Africa has been the basis for modern laws which regulate issues such as marriage, divorce and inheritance. These laws (personal status law or family law) have been debated frequently in the last decades.There are those who consider personal status law (PSL) as unjust, male-biased and discriminating against women especially in the issue of divorce. On the other hand there are voices who call to go back to the Sharia, because muslims has to follow the islamic law and its values, they are universal as they claim. In this essay I try to enlighten these two points of view which can be found in the debate in Egypt.

Corporate Social Resopnsibility : ur ett sydafrikanskt nationellt perspektiv

I och med att globalisering ökar i världen, kan det vara av vikt för företag att se över sitt ar-bete med frågor som går under begrepp så som Global Compact och Corporate Social Re-sponsibility (CSR) samt att ha kunskap i hur samarbete kan ske på olika nivåer i företaget med hjälp av Non Governmental Organizations (NGO). Denna uppsats har valt att tolka be-greppet CSR utifrån de tio principerna i FN:s Global Compact. När ett företag arbetar enligt dessa principer ställs krav på rapportering av hur principerna tillämpas och vilka effekterna blir, vilket skapar goda normer för hur andra företag bör arbeta med dessa frågor. Det finns olika sätt att mäta detta arbete på.Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att ta reda på hur företag i Sydafrika arbetar och agerar vad gäller frågor relaterade till CSR. För att uppfylla syftet ställdes följande frågor; på vilket sätt arbetar företag i Sydafrika med frågor som omfattas av begreppet CSR samt vilka är de främs-ta hindren för att Sydafrikanska företag skall kunna fortsätta implementera CSR i sin verk-samhet? En kvantitativ studie med kvalitativa inslag har genomförts.

Nätspel och spelberoende bland programstudenter vid Luleå tekniska universitet

På senare år har spelmöjligheterna och aktiviteterna på Internet exploderat kraftigt och indikationer visar på ett ökat spelintresse. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att, med hjälp av en webbenkät, undersöka förekomsten av programstudenters nätspelsvanor vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Antalet programstudenter som genomförde webbenkäten, vilken baserades på South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS-R), var 675 och av dessa hade 252 satsat pengar på nätspel. Resultaten visade att de programstudenter som nätspelar utan problem var ca 31,8%, problemspelare ca 3,7% och troliga spelberoende/patologiska spelare ca 0,8%..

Från strandhugg till säsongsboplatser : En studie av människornas utnyttjande av Gladö på Södertörn under äldsta stenålder

This paper deals with the early mesolithic sites in Gladö, a part of Hanveden situated south of Stockholm. It tries to explain the big amount of sites, why people came to these islands and what they were doing there. The large shore displacement together with the topography of the mesolithic islands resulted in a rapid change of suitible areas for camping. The prime occupation was sealhunting on the ice of the Ancylus lake in early spring. As the archipelago became larger other activities as fishing and birdhunting got more important and people stayed for longer periods..

Om förtryckande strukturer

This paper is a critique of an article in the Swedish magazine Filosofisk Tidskrift (Philosophical Magazine), in which professor Per Bauhn maintains that there is something wrong with having a group perspective in moral and political matters. In this article Bauhn makes three conclusions. The first one is that you violate Hume's law if you draw the conclusion that something is an oppression only from descriptive premises, which for example communitarians does according to Bauhn. He argues that ?oppression? is a normative term, and therefore it requires at least one normative premise.

Kosmetiska kontaktlinser : En studie i regler för försäljning och incidensen av komplikationer

Introduktion: Den kosmetiska kontaktlins-marknaden växer och linser kan köpas från online-butiker i de flesta länder, men varningar för kosmetiska kontaktlinser kvarstår och lagstiftningen avseende försäljning varierar från land till land.Syfte: Att undersöka skillnader i reglerande lagar mellan en rad länder om kosmetiska kontaktlinser samt se på tillståndet för komplikationer av kontaktlinser i dessa länder.Resultat: Under studien fanns att reglerna kan skilja sig till och med mellan stater inom samma land, i detta fall Australien där ingen övergripande lagstiftning om försäljning finns men delstaterna New South Wales och South Australia har infört egna regleringar. Singapore reglerar försäljning av kosmetiska kontaktlinser till endast legitimerade optiker och vidare är även försäljning via internet förbjuden. USA och Japan har infört kosmetiska kontaktlinser som medicintekniska produkter och samma bestämmelser som för korrigerande kontaktlinser gäller, ska säljas endast till bärare med giltigt recept. I Sydafrika är liknande förordningar under förslag och förväntas vara i praktik inom kort. Försäljningeni Kanada, Nya Zeeland, Frankrike och Sverige är för tillfället oreglerad.Litteratur om komplikationer konstaterades fokusera på mikrobiell keratit då det är ett synhotande tillstånd och länkar drogs till compliance i de flesta fall medan Japan innan ändringav sin lagstiftning genomfört en studie om säkerhet och kvalitet på kontaktlinser där vissa konstaterades vara under all kritik och tillverkarna meddelades om detta.

Sierra Leone och Botswana : Hur kan ett land nå demokrati och ekonomisk tillväxt?

AbstractSierra Leone is a very poor country in Africa. Botswana is another country, that has a similar history and the same deposit; diamonds. Botswana has reached economic growth and democracy and Sierra Leone has not.The purpose with this study is to explain why Botswana is more democratic and has reached a better result economic than Sierra Leone.The questions in this study are:What explains the democratic and the economic results in Sierra Leone and Botswana?* Dahl?s institutions that furthers a polyarchy?* Gunnarsson?s and Rojas? institutional explanations?* Diamond?s and Morlino?s ?rule of law??* Other explanations or a combination of the above-mentioned explanations?The method that has been used in this study is a comparative case study with a qualitative contents analysis. The result is that it?s hard to say that one explanation is the right one.

Bottensedimentets betydelse för flodpärlmusslans föryngring ? en metodutveckling

The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera is an endangered species. To survive, the young mussels demand a fairly coarse bottom material containing an appropriate quantity of organic substrate to survive without suffocating. In order to estimate if a bottom is suitable for juvenile mussels, samples of the sediment are needed. To obtain samples a sampling device called the Mulv collector has been developed within this project. Bottom samples were collected from 18 stations in 4 south Swedish streams, Vramsån, Kling-storpsbäcken, Brönnestadsån and Bräkneån.

Anhörigvårdarens situation

The purpose with this study was to examine how persons giving care to their spouses with dementia experience their life situation. As information source we used a qualitative study which included halfstructured interview questions. The study took place in three municipalities in the south of Sweden. Three females and two males took part in the study and everyone had experiences of giving care to their spouces with dementia. We used a coping theory and an exchange theory.


The purpose of this study is to get an understanding about how municipalities in Sweden integrate climate-change into the social planning; especially the risk of flooding. To get a good picture of the planning process, background about the following are given; flooding, social planning and protective measures that can be taken against flooding. Three municipalities in the south of Sweden is studied; Halmstad, Vellinge and Kristianstad. They have in their work progressed differently and Kristianstad is the municipality that already has taken measures to protect themselves against flooding. The other two have only started to plan for the future threat.

Borg, berg och bygd. : Selaötraktens fornborgar under den mellersta järnåldern.

This paper deals with hill-forts located on and directly south of Selaön, in the center of Mälardalen, Södermanland, dated to the late roman period and the migration period. Of special interest is differences and similarities between the forts when it comes to their morphology and the hills where they were built. Furthermore, their landscape has been examined and I have tried to put the hill-forts in relation to any iron age settlements..

Skånskt Naturbeteskött, Närproducerat nötkött - en marknadsstudie :

ABSTRACT Skånskt Naturbeteskött is a group of approximately 30 beefproducers in the south of Sweden, who sell their products on the local market. They are certified with Svenskt Sigill, an organisation that works with animal welfare, environmental responsibility, safe food, open landscape and independent qualitycontrol. These producers have to fulfil certain demands regarding pasture and quality of the meat. For this essay I did a market investigation in which I wanted to find out what qualities the Swedish market and the consumers want in their beef. The purpose was to find out what Skånskt Naturbeteskött could do differently to satisfy the market for locally produced beef in the south of Sweden. In the investigation I turned to those responsible for the beef in 12 supermarkets, 4 selling Skånskt Naturbeteskött today, 4 that sold it before but quit, and 4 that never have sold it but might be interested in the future.

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