

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 11 av 44

Short-term responses of the field layer vegetation in a south Swedish deciduous forest after establishment of wild boars (Sus scrofa)

Inside the south Swedish national park Dalby Söderskog, wild boars (Sus scrofa L.) have been visiting since 2010. The presence of wild boars has earlier been proven to impact both soil and vegetation characteristics, both positively and negatively. Still, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the rooting effect on the vegetation in deciduous forest within the native range. In this study, I have compared the field vegetation collected before and after the invasion of wild boars in 74 permanent experimental plots. More specifically, the study aimed to qualify the effect of wild boar rooting on cover ratio, species richness and species composition in a temperate deciduous forest.

Hiv/Aids : Vad rör det mig ?

Over 40 miljon people in the world suffer from hiv/aids today. Africa is the continent that is worst affected by hiv/aids but how is the situation in Sweden? Why is it so quiet concerning hiv/aids in Sweden? Our aim with this work was to find out about the hiv/aids situation in Sweden and particulary in Malmö. The result of our research was that hiv/aids have increased since the year 2000 and most of the people had caught the infection in other countries than Sweden. This raised our curiosity concerning how immigrants/refugees are being treated when they arrive in Malmö and what are being done to stop hiv/aids from spreading further.We became very disappointed when we realised how little that is actually being done and how poorly the collaboration between the institutions are working.

Habitat use and ranging behaviour of GPS tracked juvenile golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos)

Throughout its wide distribution in the northern hemisphere, the golden eagle occurs in a diverse range of environments, e.g., mountainous, forest and open areas. The literature on juvenile golden eagles is limited, and this study provides further knowledge on habitat use and ranging behaviour during the post-fledging period in boreal Sweden. A total of 14 golden eagle juveniles were tagged with GPS transmitters during 2010 and 2011, and nine could be followed during the entire post-fledging period from fledging until migration. The juveniles fledged at the end of July and beginning of August and initiated migration during October and beginning of November. The length of the post-fledging period, until migration started, ranged from 49 to 97 days. During this period, the juveniles? distance from their natal nest and their GPS height increased with time as their flying abilities developed.

Sagorum i Skåne

The subject of this thesis is the position of the story or activity rooms at the main libraries in Skåne, a province in the south of Sweden. The questions that are asked and answered are: Which of the main libraries has a story room? What do the rooms look like? How are the rooms used? Which is the relation between the form and the function of the rooms? and, finally, How do the libraries themselves present and describe their story rooms?.

Spåren efter Mesolitikum : en studie av 10 mesolitiska platser i sydöstra Sverige

The paper focus on the first people in south-east Sweden. I investigate why they moved to the north, how they adapted to a new environment, and how they used new materials. I study ten locations in my investigation, which starts with Årup in north-east Scania, and ends with Mörby in Östergöland. The survey deals with the research history concerning the Mesolithic Stone Age in southern Scandinavia, and why ethnicity, adaptability, imagination and the will of survive is so important to us human beings..

En studie av åkermarkspriserna i tre regioner år 1995 - 2009 : Sveriges åkermarkspriser, påverkande faktorer

Since Sweden joined the EU in 1995 there has been a noticeable increase in the value of arable land occurred. This paper is intended to study the inflation of farmland prices. In order to ascertain what affects the market prices so much since Sweden affiliated with the EU three regions has been selected for a detailed study on the subject. These three regions are selected because each of them represents different parts of the Swedish farmlands. The time period that has been examined is the year 1995 until 2009.The price raises in the three observed regions was overall fairly even at the end of the studied period.

Gränslandet, dubbelheten och collagets undanträngda natur : En bildanalys av Lisa Jonassons verk Existentiell #6

This essay examines the relationships between the different elements in Lisa Jonasson?s collage Existentiell Progg #6 and her very detailed technique. The essay has as its aims to understand and analyze both the details and the wholeness of the artwork and to try to put the collage in an art historical context. The thesis finds that Existentiell Progg #6 has a connection to the imagery of Africa and other collage artist such as Hannah Höch and Nancy Spero, which also gives the paper a perspective of feminism in the arts. The paper continues to create an understanding for the collage work by putting it in to Theodor Adorno?s theories about nature, the human being and the animal kingdom.

Fo?rutsa?ttningar fo?r AU som sa?kerhetsgemenskap avseende inomstatliga konflikter med transnationell inblandning

The theory of ?security communities? is generally understood as ?dependable expectations of peaceful change? between groups and whether or not the African Union can be said to meet that criteria has been contested in the research community. One of the central disagreements lie in the nature of the region?s conflicts, of which a majority are intrastate but with tendencies of transnational involvement. This paper seeks to understand how extensive this involvement is and how it affects the possibility of classifying the African Union as a security community.

Contortatallens odlingsvärde i Götaland

The third most common conifer in Sweden is Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine). It originates from the western part of North America and was brought here in the end of the 1920s. The lodgepole pine is today allowed for commercial plantations in central and northern Sweden, excluding high altitude locations. Since 1979 only plantations with scientific purpose are allowed in south-central and south Sweden. This document is focused on how lodgepole pine manage perform compared with Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in the southernmost part of Sweden, Götaland. The idea came from the fact that the Swedish government is evaluating a notification from the National Forest Agency that suggests lodgepole pine to be allowed for commercial plantation even in southern Sweden.

Skårby : En kultplats med lång tradition

The ancient site of Skårby, situated about twenty kilometres south of Stockholm, includes one very large cairn enclosured by a stone wall with a small cairn attached to it. Cairns are originally thought of as graves, but resent research shows that they are more likely to have been religious objects. The constructions are seated on a small hill with a view over the lake Bornsjön which used to be a bay of the lake Mälaren. This place has been the object of worship throughout the whole Bronze Age. Over the years the manifestation of the worship changed, but the place for it stayed the same..

Demand and perception of fertilizer : among small-holder farmers in Kenya

Hunger is a problem in some parts of the world (www, FAO 1, 2012). The lack of food is often a result of insufficient knowledge in soil fertility management (Röing de Nowina, 2012). Ongoing hunger and malnourishment are quite prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa and are often combined with poverty (www, FAO 1, 2012). Farming is the most common occupation in this area and the farms are often small-scale farms with subsistence crops and a few cattle. The farmers who operate these small-scale farms are economically a weak group.

Makten på Öland och i Möre : Järnålderns elit i ett lokalt perspektiv

The social elite on Öland and in Möre in the south east of Sweden during the Iron Age is described on the basis of the archaelogical record, such as graves, settlements and traces of pre-Christian central places. The material is discussed to see if traces of an elite are to be found. The power configuration between Öland and Möre is also discussed.

Motsättningar i det harmoniska samhällets gryning: En studie av sambandet mellan rule of law och rättmätigt motstånd i Folkrepubliken Kina

År 1999 infördes principen om rule of law i Folkrepubliken Kinas konstitution - lagen skulle styra landet. De år av vanstyre som nådde sin kulmen under kulturrevolutionen hade åsidosatt lag och ordning och hade lett till att Folkrepubliken Kina vid tiden för Deng Xiaopings maktövertagande i slutet av 1970-talet stod utan ett rättssystem. Vid sidan om den ekonomiska reform som skulle öppna upp landet för världen gjordes därför enorma insatser för att etablera ett fungerande rättssystem. De kinesiska medborgarna fick många nya lagstadgade rättigheter, men på många håll runt om på den vidsträckta kinesiska landsbygden tillämpades lagarna inte till fullo av lokala styren som skaffade sig förmåner genom att inte tillämpa alla rättigheter. Bland de människor som inte fick ta del av rättigheterna formades rättmätigt motstånd ("rightful resistance") - motstånd med stöd av lag - som riktades mot illojala kadrar på lokal nivå.Sedan dess har rättmätigt motstånd ökat och är en aktuell fråga i dagens Kina.

De som fredsprocessen glömde- cementeringen av barnsoldatsproblematiken

In this study our aim is to display a series of possible mechanisms which operateswithin the regions and societies were child soldiers were frequently andextensively used in combat tasks. Our study is based on the assumption thattoday's peace-building strategies are inadequate to describe certain problemsfaced by many post-conflict countries, especially in Africa. We argue that largeformations of child soldiers will, if not properly and immediately addressed, causeserve and structural problems in society, gravely hampering growth andinstitutional capacity. The Issues of Post Traumatic Stress and societal insecuritybrought on by the use of child soldiers poses a serious threat to society as a whole.In this study we use Uganda as an illustrative case to describe the mechanisms atwork..

Seroprevalence of Rift Valley fever in sheep and goats in Zambezia, Mozambique and preparations for a metagenomic study of arboviruses in ticks

The virus-mediated disease Rift Valley fever (RVF) was discovered during an outbreak in Kenya in the 1930s. Since then it has spread to most parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, and in the last decades several outbreaks have caused economic and health issues in Africa, Yemen and Saudi-Arabia. The disease mainly affects domestic livestock, causing abortions, but is also a zoonosis. To be able to control the spread of the disease it is important with surveillance for better knowledge about the distribution and virus circulation even in inter-epidemic/epizootic periods. The human population is growing, and people and their livestock constantly move closer to areas with wild animals which act as reservoirs for different viruses. Also, humans and their animals often get within reach for arthropod vectors, hosting or carrying viruses.

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