

Vad rör det mig ?

Over 40 miljon people in the world suffer from hiv/aids today. Africa is the continent that is worst affected by hiv/aids but how is the situation in Sweden? Why is it so quiet concerning hiv/aids in Sweden? Our aim with this work was to find out about the hiv/aids situation in Sweden and particulary in Malmö. The result of our research was that hiv/aids have increased since the year 2000 and most of the people had caught the infection in other countries than Sweden. This raised our curiosity concerning how immigrants/refugees are being treated when they arrive in Malmö and what are being done to stop hiv/aids from spreading further.We became very disappointed when we realised how little that is actually being done and how poorly the collaboration between the institutions are working. Even though they are well aware of the increase of hiv/aids in Malmö it seems like not much are being done. We are aware of the delicacy of this matter but want to underline the seriousness of the disease and remind people how important it is to work together and "Stop Hiv Now!"


Mari Ekström Carina Wedelin Welander

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Avdelningen för sociologi


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