

1419 Uppsatser om Source reliability - Sida 21 av 95

CMS för vanligt folk?: en usabilitystudie om upplevelsen av
tre CMS-gränssnitt

Denna studie undersöker en användares upplevelse av tre CMS-gränssnitt från tre av de större open source CMS på marknaden idag, Drupal, Joomla och Wordpress. Ett användartest med tio personer som tillhörde den målgrupp som definierades för studien genomfördes och utifrån de resultat som kom ut av detta arbete gjordes en expertutvärdering med tre experter som dagligen arbetar med CMS och har utbildning inom interaktionsdesign. Expertutvärderingen sammanställdes sedan till sammanlagt elva riktlinjer som kan ses som vägledande i en designprocess för framtagandet av ett för målgruppen anpassat CMS-gränssnitt..

Gåvan 2.0 : En museologisk studie av förmålsdonationer och dess bakomliggande motiv

The Gift 2.0 - A Museological Study of donations of Objects and its Underlying Motives, is a study in order to explain why people choose to donate items for museums, rather than any other alternative.The empirical study consists of qualitative, semi-structured research-interviews conducted with seven selected curators from various museums, with extensive experience of the subject acquisition. I have chosen to only examine Swedish cultural-historical museums. The hypothesis that I assumed was first and foremost that the heritage sphere is what Pierre Bourdieu calls a field. The reason that people would donate objects to museums, is that the donation itself brings cultural capital to the donor, from people with the same habitus. Since I felt that Bourdieus theory of field, capital and habitus could not explain all the reason why people donate items to museum, my second hypotheses was that certain objects are what Annette Weiner called inalienable possessions, objects that at any cost may not be sold or bartered away.

Breeding practices of Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities

A survey was undertaken to understand sheep management, breeding practices and selection criteria for Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities in Kajiado District, Kenya. Differences between North and South Kajiado District were investigated to gain knowledge about farmers having different prerequisites and how it can affect the sheep production. The reason for keeping sheep and the specific breeds show the multiple objectives of the Maasai farmers. Adaptive traits, such as resistance to diseases and droughts, and productive traits, such as increased growth and carcass weight, were both ranked highly. In addition to this, the sheep has a social and traditional value in Maasai culture.

Att ta vara på solens fulla uppvärmningskapacitet

The purpose of this bachelor´s report is to expand the knowledge about heat supply of a small house in Malmö. The heat supply will be provided from solar panels in combination to two accumulator tanks which will storage the up heated water and a pellet boiler.The technique used here is warmth storage in water over seasons, which will provide the total need of heating for the house. Accumulator tanks in combination to solar panels gets more and more common in Sweden but this far it´s unusual to use it for storage over seasons. This report will highlight many of the difficulties associated whit heat storage and give information about a system's possible design and function.The design of this system is decided early on. An accumulator tank is placed 2 meters down in the earth on the backside of the house.

Elasticitetsmodulen i en kalkstabiliserad vägterrass : en fältstudie

Stabilization of subgrade is an internationally common technique to improve the characteristics of a soft soil. Improving the stiffness and bearing capacity of the subgrade enables the pavement to be designed with reduced depths of subbase and basecourse aggregates. This makes the stabilization technique both economically and environmentally interesting. Both natural and stabilized soils have high inherent property variability that should be considered when the characteristic value is derived. By analyzing the spatial variability in stabilized and natural subgrades it is possible get the parameters needed for reliability?based modeling of soil properties.

Drömmar : drömmen som inspiration och utgångspunkt för ett konstnärligt arbete

The theme of my exam project, the practical work and the essay will be the phenomena of dreams. The dreams you have when you are asleep, the dreaming state of mind, places where your mind takes you, when you no longer decide what to think of. It is a fascination about what our mind creates itself. This essay brings up the theme out from seeing the dreams and the unconsciousness as a source of inspiration, both in personal development and from an artistic point of view. How has the world of dreams bin used as inspiration in the art? .

Gott föräldraskap kräver kompetenta föräldrar : en studie om hur maktrelationer mellan föräldrar och samhälle framträder i en statlig text om föräldrastöd

Uppsatsen handlar om konsumenter som producerar produkter som sprids och konsumeras av andra konsumenter. Fenomenet kallas i denna uppsats för konsumentproduktion och jag har inte hittat bra litteratur om ämnet. Dagens allmänt citerade marknadsföringslitteratur som studerats i denna undersökning nämner inte konsumentproduktion som sprids till andra konsumenter. Den litteratur om Open Source som studerats nämner konsumentproduktion, men terminologin för konsumentproduktion är oklar och fokus sätts aldrig på ämnet. Litteraturen i motsats till denna uppsats nämner dessutom bara en mycket speciell och extremare variant av konsumentproduktion som produceras av högt kompetenta programmerare; istället för att som i denna uppsats ge bilden av att även andra konsumenter med andra eller ingen kompetens alls utför konsumentproduktion.

Konsolidering av v?vsp?nda papperstapeter: analys och metodutveckling

Printed and painted wallpaper on a weaved fabric backing was a common way to decorate homes in Sweden during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Not much is written about the craftsmanship in relation to the hanging of these wallpapers and even less about the conservation of the objects. Even so, many wall segments remain in situ and in museums and are more often than not in dire need of conservation such as deacidification and consolidation. These are composite objects, consisting of cellulose materials with different properties along with adhesives and paints. Analysis of the materials is required to ensure safe handling and choice of conservation materials, and to establish a treatment plan which will be executed in several steps. This thesis aims to identify these steps and develop a method for conserving the wall segments with suitable materials, preferably without altering the source material to any significant degree.

Nätverksövervakning av industriella miljöer : En lösning med öppen källkod

Denna uppsats undersöker möjligheten att använda ett nätverksövervakningssystem för att även övervaka maskindrivna processer. Kan man baka ihop övervakningen av den maskinella processen och datorn som styr maskinen i ett och samma system? Detta genomförs genom att identifiera och implementera ett lämpligt övervakningssystem i en befintlig maskinell laborationsmiljö. Arbetet utvärderas därefter enligt ett antal felscenarion och även utifrån ett systemadministratörsperspektiv. Intervjuer med praktiker inom industribranchen utförs också för att dra ytterligare slutsatser..

Norrkila arena : visuell beskrivning av arena

A home for elderly is planed to be built at Zakrisdal, Karlstad, Sweden. The heat source for the building was at the time not determined. In order by the local government of Karlstad this report is meant to examine if the need of heat could be provided only by solar heat combined with a seasonal heat storage. The problem to solve is, if the need of heat from the home for elderly is provided from only solar heat, whitch dimensions of the solar collectors and the storage is needed?.

URLen som förbindelselänk: en utvärdering av URLers pålitlighet som åtkomstmetod mellan webbresurs och bibliografisk post i LIBRIS och NetSök

The aim of this masters thesis is to study the reliability of the URL as the link between a bibliographic record and a web resource. The Swedish catalogue services LIBRIS and NetSök have been evaluated on three different occasions, to study how these services have succeeded in giving access to web resources by using URLs. Because URLs are changeable, we have tried to find out common characteristics of the URLs in broken links. To accomplish this study we have used a quantitative approach and evaluated five percent of the web resources in the catalogues using a random selection. We have also used documentation relevant for our study, among other things to illustrate previous studies of the nature of web resources and alternative solutions to URLs as access points to web resources.

 Solenergi En del i ett långsiktigt, hållbart byggande

The sun is essential to life on earth and no matter where you are, there is a constant need ofenergy. Nearly 800 000 years ago man learned for the first time to use fire in a controlled way.Since then, fire has given us the opportunity to inhabit places despite a cold climate. In Swedenthe resident sector accounts for a major part of the total consumption of energy. In a time whenenvironmental issues and greenhouse effects are increasing, we also see a future of rising energyprices. With this perspective, we have in this bachelor thesis in the Building Environment at theRoyal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm decided to focus on the renewable energysource, solar energy.The energy from solar radiation is a free resource and does not have any negative effects uponthe environment.

Bedömning av unga med eller i riskzonen för normbrytande beteende: En studie av ESTER-bedömnings interbedömarreliabilitet

Unga med normbrytande beteende löper en relativt hög risk för en långvarig negativ utveckling. För att förhindra detta krävs tidiga effektiva insatser som i sin tur kräver tillförlitliga bedömningsinstrument som identifierar risker och behov hos unga med, eller i riskzonen för normbrytande beteende. Just detta är syftet med ESTER-bedömning. Föreliggande studies syfte var att undersöka interbedömarreliabiliteten av ESTER-bedömning inklusive en ny kandidatskala för riskfaktorerna . Två oberoende bedömare genomförde ESTER-bedömningar på journalmaterial tillhörande 30 tvångsomhändertagna flickor, 15-20 år.

Marknadsföring i maktens korridorer : En studie om sociala mediers funktion i riksdagsvalet 2010

The current election is causing a debate in the Swedish media. The parties are trying to convince voters by spreading interesting and informative messages through different kind of media. Social media has emerged as a new way of reaching voters. All the current parliamentary parties have implemented this communication channel into their marketing strategy. People have both admired and judged the channel´s applicability in election campaigns.

Livskvalitet hos patienter med Diabetes typ 2 : en litteraturstudie

AbstractThe aim of this review was to describe how quality of life is experienced among patients with diabetes type 2. Literature search was made in Medline and the keywords used were ?diabetes mellitus type 2? and ?quality of life?. Twenty studies were examined and categorized into four sections: Quality of life during complications due to diabetes type 2, quality of life during various treatments, quality of life during depression and quality of life and aspects in relation to the individual as well as social aspects. The designs of the studies were of a varying kind: randomized controlled studies, comparative studies, correlative studies and descriptive studies.

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