2518 Uppsatser om Sound technology - Sida 20 av 168
Konsekvenser av oplanerade verksamhetsavbrott orsakat av fel på medicinteknisk utrustning : En studie inom Länssjukhuset i Kalmar med fokus på drift, säkerhet och kvalitet
Title:The issue of unplanned stoppages caused by failure in medical technology equipment ? A study within the hospital of Kalmar with a focus on manage-ment, security and quality Author:Anna Förster, Ambika Linder, Sandra Nyqvist Tutor:Thomas Karlsson Institution:Linnaeus School of Business and Economics - Linnaeus University Kalmar Date:2011-01-14 Purpose:The purpose of this study was to examine unplanned stoppages caused by medical technology equipment failure in the healthcare operation within the hospital of Kalmar. Our study is based on a number of specifically selected incidents which show the consequences these disruptions cause in management, security and quality within the operation. Our intention was also to examine what role the medical technology department of the hospital plays in the care production operation during these unplanned stoppages. Method:Through a qualitative study we have generated material from a number of interviews with staff working in the hospital of Kalmar.
Livsstilsförändringar vid osteoartrit hos katt
Background: Osteoarthritis is understood to be a common cause of pain and dysfunction in cats; however there are few validated pain assessment methods for chronic pain in cats. In order to design a proper pain questionnaire, it usability need to be tested in both sound and sick cats.
Aim: The aim was to investigate the usability of the pain questionnaire ?Lifestyle changes in cats? by compiling the results from the pain questionnaire reflecting the lifestyle in 30 healthy cats and compare it to the results from a clinical examination, as well as proposing improvements and additions to the questionnaire based on a literature review.
Material and method: 30 healthy cats participated in the pilot study; the pet owner filled out a pain questionnaire with 16 questions regarding their cat´s behavioral and eventual changes in behavior and physical function. Thereafter the cat walked over a pressure measurement mat and finally underwent an orthopedic-directed clinical examination.
The literature was found on Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Sciencedirect, and Google Scholar and also with the help of my supervisors.
Sound Annoyance : Definitioner och användning av begreppet
Generell anestesi kan ges som inhalationsanestesi eller total intravenös anestesi (TIVA). En förutsägbar anestesi med snabbt uppvaknande och bibehållen vakenhet är en högt önskvärd egenskap oavsett anestesiform. Det råder en klinisk och vetenskaplig diskussion om vilken anestesiform som ger snabbast tidig postoperativ återhämtning. syftet med studien var att jämföra patienters tidiga postoperativa återhämtning efter inhalationsanestesi respektive efter total intravenös anestesi (TIVA). Metoden var en litteraturstudie baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar.
Information bibliotek företag En utvärdering av EU-projektet "ITF på biblioteken i östra Värmland"
This report is the result of an evaluation of a project, conducted by five regional libraries. Through a training course the project should inspire small and medium sized enterprises to use modern information technology and Internet when searching for information. To evaluate the project, qualitative interviews were conducted with five librarians and quantitative questionnaires were distributed to all the course participants. The evaluation shows that the project goals were met, apart from the number of course participants, which was much lower than anticipated. It also shows that the project resulted in an increase in information technology and competence at the libraries, and that the course participants profit from their increased knowledge in their daily work..
Effect of vortex-processed water on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants
This pilot study examined whether treatment with Vortex Process Technology (VPT) of the irrigation
water used on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants had any effect on plant growth. In a block
experiment, with two blocks comprising 12 vases containing 1 L water and two tomato plantlets,
treatment in which, nutrient solution was based on Vortex-treated water was compared with an control
using untreated water. All vases were kept in a static aerated culture system in a daylight chamber for
four weeks. The results showed that the effect of the two blocks exceeded the effect of vortex
treatment in terms of leaf area and weight of fresh and dry matter. Plant height, stem width and
internodal length were significantly different in tomato plants grown in Vortex-processed water
compared with the untreated control.
Ett kärleksbrev till hantverket
Where is technology heading? And how will our behaviors towards these new innovations look? This project questions the direction of ?beyond smart? products, through scenarios within our everyday life. The work is both critical and speculative. Speculative in the sense that it is speculating in how a future scenario with ?beyond smart? products would look like.
Möjliga tillämpningar av BIM vid miljöcertifieringsarbete
In the construction industry today there is a significant technological revolution goingon. New methods for automated processes and information management are developedcontinuously. Intense studies are currently taking place to ensure ways and means toembrace the new technology of BIM.At the present, environmental certification systems are considered cumbersome andchallenging. However, the increasing demands of sustainable development in the constructionindustry imply that the environmental certifications will not disappear. ThisMaster Thesis examines the possibilities to apply BIM technology within the field ofenvironmental certifications to streamline the processes.The applications that provide the best opportunities are:- To use BIM to be able to, during the design stage, dynamically evaluate the resultor score a certain building will achieve.- To avoid unnecessary work through collection of data for calculations directlyfrom a BIM-model.- To be able to automate certain time consuming calculations that are currentlyperformed manually.- To automatically examine the completed model to ensure that the demands arefulfilled.The possibilities to use BIM within these areas are however limited by the technologyitself.
Kommunikationens roll i filmmusikskapandeprocessen : Ett arbete om att finna och uppfylla rollen som komponist i en filmproduktionskedja
Fem låtar från Richard Pages skiva Peculiar Life har analyserats med syfte att ta reda på vad det är som ger dem dess sound. Analyserna har gjorts genom läsning av bookleten till skivan, informationssökning på internet, genom att titta på videodagbok från inspelning av skivan och genom att lyssna på låtarna. Analyserna har delats upp i kategorierna skriven information, video, utrustning och låtanalyser. Analyserna har visat att alla led i produktionen har stor betydelse för slutresultatet. Informationen som samlats in har använts till att återskapa soundet genom att komponera, arrangera, producera, spela in och mixa fem egna låtar baserat på analyserna.
Acceptans av e-boken : Studenters uppfattning och användning av e-boken
The ever-evolving information technology gives users more opportunities, but also put higher demands on them. The digital agenda of the state and society clarifies the objectives and effects academic libraries? development. E-books influence the development of organizational, economic, legal and political perspectives. At the University Library in Gävle work is ongoing. The process is controlled by the acquisition policy which makes it clear that e-books should be purchased if possible.
Vidareutveckling av häftfixtur för sammansvetsning av Volvo hjullastares lyftramverk : Ett projekt med syfte att effektivisera produktionen
This report is about how HDR (HighDynamicRange) can be created and used in combination with Tone mapping. This work has been carried out together with Kapsch TrafficCom AB in Jönköping.The objective of this project is to:Evaluate and investigate the effects given to pictures by HDR and tone mapping.Evaluate if the technology may lead to improvements in Kapsch?s systems.To construct a program which is able to handle some form of tone mapping or HDR-algorithm.These questions will be answered in this report:What kind of effects has HDR and tone mapping-algorithms on pictures?Can the HDR-technology give better data in Kapsch?s systems?The research method used in this report is called action research. This means the authors has investigated the technology by reading different documentations and by testing different algorithms to see what kind of result they give. The report describes some of the tests made to see if the technology is appropriate in Kapsch?s system.There is two smaller reports made by the authors which documenting some of the work.The first report describes the work with different settings for a camera to create pictures with HDR-quality.
Genomförande av e-handelsdirektivet i svensk rätt
Along with the development of technology, the cross-border trade is increasing and therefore there is a need for greater consumer protection. A good consumer protection creates a feeling of safety for the consumer and that by itself may help to increase cross-border trade. This is one of the reasons for why the EU has established regulatory framework for electronic commerce, for example the Directive2000/31/EC. The direc-tive strives to create a similar law for electronic commerce within the European Union. This paper?s main purpose is to ensure that the directive is implemented properly in Swedish law, and if there are other possible ways to achieve the objective, other than the ones that the Swedish legislator has chosen.
Modularisering : Modulbaserad arkitektur ? flexibel motormodulline
We have chosen to write our thesis within a transport company. The work was carried out at DHL activities in Uppsala. DHL is one of the leading transport companies worldwide. Our interest lies in more efficient and advanced transportation and terminals, as globalization and new trends require effective solutions.The aim of our work is to explain the need for information technology applications in road haulage and associated terminal operations. Furthermore, we analyses terminal and applied information technology.
Detaljhandelsbranschen år 2019 En delfistudie
Information technology development has in recent decades had a major impact on retailing.Discount supermarket chains began to offer customers the possibility to shop without therequirement to do this over the counter, instead the customer could help themselves buyingthe products they wanted. Retailing today has an even greater focus on the self service in thesupermarkets, recently many retailing chains has introduced self-checkout systems toincrease the profits and reduce staffing requirements. In the 1960?s the start for today's ecommercewas founded, however the development took off 30 years later in the beginning of1990. During the first years of 2000 the consumption on the Internet increased rapidly.
Ordets blomma kommer inte att dö : att förändra världar genom globala nätverk
Social movements have long been valuable components of the struggle for a world with true justice. Along with the changing and modernization of society these movements also change, both in their actions as well as in the goals they want to accomplish. Technology is taking a greater part in many aspects of social life, creating new dimensions but also new social divides. This thesis examines how new social movements make themselves visible and affect the world around them through different kinds of networks. For the purpose of this study, we have chosen to study two social movements; the Zapatistas in Mexico, who have become known worldwide for carrying out the first informational revolution, and MoveOn.org, an American grassroots organization that struggles for increased democracy in the US.
Svenska upplevelser av spice : En kvalitativ studie av upplevelser av spice på ett svenskt internet forum
A film can attract all kinds of emotions and moods of the audience through its audiovisual communications and cinematic expression, in which music plays a significant role in both understanding and interpretation of film content.It is interesting to explore the musical significance and the emotional aspect of the film out of a media and communications perspective and visual communications perspective because it?s a subject that belongs to the communications of scientific discipline as film is a media text which is working both as communicative and as audio-visual medium with its expressive aspects.The purpose of this bachelor?s paper is to increase and deepen the understanding of music's function and significant role in context with its reinforcing sense of visual expression in film. More specifically, it aims to explore the musical value of the expressive aspect of the media text in form of film musical Les Misérables (2012), which has been transmedialised from the novel of the same name, referring to the sound, music and song in relation to the film's visual expression.The research questions are at the core of the essay study: "how is music used to reinforce the cinematic visual expression?" and "how can music signify the narrative and highlight the emotional aspect of the film?" The theoretical framework is based on some of the key scholars assumptions such as Michel Chion (1994) and Claudia Gorbman (1987), who share the same theoretical views that the soundtrack seems powerful when it expresses its participation in a scene?s emotional moods as the music follows the scene?s rhythm, the image?s flow and contributes emotional and musical codes of emotions and expressions. According to Chion sound and image interact together to tell a story where sound enrich the image with expressive and informative values.