

4986 Uppsatser om Sociology of literature - Sida 2 av 333

Bloggarens val: En studie av lästips på bloggar

The aim of this master thesis is to examine readers? advice in weblogs - frequently modified web pages with a series of archived entries. We have chosen to study a specific kind of entry that contains information about a book of fiction- not for children and young adults - and the bloggers? comments regarding that same book. The entries are published in ten weblogs that all deal with literature and reading.

Därom tvista de lärde : en analys av kvalitetsbegreppet och dess betydelse fö utformandet av bibliotekets inköpspolicy

In public libraries there seems to be an unspoken consensus on what literary quality is. At the same time librarians are always eager to express the opinion that quality lies in the eye of the beholder. Quality is, it is said, something that you don t have to define. But at the same time it s up to everyone to decide what quality means to them. What I have been missing from the discussion in libraries about literary quality is a theoretical awareness about what it means to divide literature into higher and lower spheres.

?Han har diskhandskar. Rosa.? En litteratursociologisk analys av kärlekstemat i genren chick lit, exemplet Mossvikenfruar: Chansen av Emma Hamberg.

Libraries are often associated with positive values such as democracy and equal rights. The contents of the literature on offer should therefore be of great interest to the librarian, the supplier of said literature. The topic of this Master?s thesis is the popular literary genre known as chick lit. The purpose is to investigate the love theme in Swedish chick lit, and how it relates to Anthony Giddens? theory on love in late modernity.

Möte med det okända: en studie om integration och socialt kapital

Our purpose with this study was to look at the connection between social capital and integration. Particularly if meetings between people from different cultures can increase social capital and in that way affect integration. We start by identifying the social integration perspective we are going to use through out the study and then we introduce social capital theory as a way of narrowing down the field even more. The study was done through six semi structured interviews. We interviewed three women that was established in the Swedish society and three women that had immigration background.

"En gåva vi ska vara glada för" : Identitetspolitiska lässtrategier i den svenska receptionen av YAHYA HASSAN

This essay focuses on the reception of Yahya Hassan?s debut YAHYA HASSAN in Swedish media, mainly daily newspapers. Following the work of Magnus Nilsson it analyzes the ?reading strategy of the politics of identity? in ?immigrant literature? and outlines structural racism in the literary scene. By bringing attention to the critics? use of this reading strategy, it is possible to unveil the ?ethnic filter? through which literature by Swedish authors with a ?non-Swedish identity? is being read in contemporary Swedish literary criticism.

Bibliotek i exil: Det Kurdiska biblioteket i Stockholm

The purpose of this thesis is library work in exile, more specifically The Kurdish library in Stockholm (?Kurdiska biblioteket?). The Kurds have a long history of exile, forming a part of their national and cultural identity. I have therefore chosen in the analysis three concepts: nationalism, ethnicity and culture. The Kurdish library is unique and is different from a traditional library in many ways.

Arbetarlitteraturens återkomst: En diskursinriktad analys kring föreställningar om den samtida arbetarlitteraturen i Sverige 1999-2007

During the 21st century, Society has again begun to focus its attention on working class literature and on issues related to social class. In the media contemporary working class literature is often mentioned as a distinct phenomenon. I my view, the meaning of this phenomenon have not been adequately formulated. The aim of this Master?s Thesis is to reconstruct, using a discourse oriented text analysis, a picture of how the contemporary working class literature is described in today?s society.

Skönlitteraturens roll i svenskundervisningen : Litteratursynen som speglas i läroplanen och motiveringar till litteraturundervisning

The aim of this study is to investigate the view of literature that shines through in the Swedish curriculum for secondary school, Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011. The idea is that this view of literature becomes visible when analyzing the curriculum?s ways of legitimating the teaching of literature and its relation to the use of a literary canon. The analysis compares the phrases from the curriculum regarding the teaching of literature and compares these phrases with the various literary visions that earlier scholars advocate. Based on these comparisons, discussions are raised about the pros and cons of the curriculum's ways of legitimating the teaching of literature and its relation to the use of a literary canon.

Vår nätverkande verklighet: Bemanningsföretags ställning på den informationella arbetsmarknaden

Bakgrund: Bemanningsbranschen har vuxit väldigt mycket sedan 1990-talets början, då en avreglering av arbetsförmedlingsmonopolet skedde.Syfte: Att få en överblick över bemanningsbranschens utveckling samt att se vad den har för ställning idag på den informationella arbetsmarknaden.Utgångspunkter och upplägg: Uppsatsen börjar med en bakgrund och översikt över bemanningsbranschens utveckling sedan tidigt 1990-tal och framåt. Som teoretiska utgångs-punkter används begrepp som nätverkssamhälle, informationell arbetsmarknad, flexibilitet och individualisering. Huvudsaklig metod är fyra semistrukturella intervjuer som gjorts med fyra kvinnliga anställda på fyra olika bemanningsföretag. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna har sedan kopplats till empirin för analys.Slutsatser: Bemanningsbranschen är väl anpassad till den informationella arbetsmarknaden. Den har en stadig och stabil ställning, finns till för att den behövs och är här för att stanna..

Kan fritidsintressen och socialt stöd minska upplevelsen av stress på arbetet? En studie kring forskare i forskningsmiljö i Lund och Malmö, våren 2003 och 2005

Hur handskas vi med den arbetsrelaterade stressen och finns det faktorer som kan minska den? I denna studie undersöks upplevelsen av stress och socialt stöd i forskarmiljö. Undersökningens deltagare består av 45 forskare i Lund och Malmö som besvarat en enkät. Enkäten lämnades ut våren 2003 och 2005. Syftet var att undersöka om fritidsintresse och socialt stöd kan minska stressen som kan uppkomma i samband med arbetet.

En ny teoris framväxt : en studie om teoriutvecklingen inom barndomssociologin

This essay aims to examine how theories within childhood sociology have evolved. The main questions are: Who are the central scientists within the field, what are their objects of study and who are the intended recipients of their work? How can the origin of the theories be described? Which elements are central in the theories and have they changed over time? How can the theories be evaluated based on criteria of valid theories?The study was based on a qualitative literature review. Six scientists' publications were examined, ranging from the time of the theories establishment to present time. In the analysis hermeneutics and theories of scientific development were used to seek explanations.The main results show that the central elements in the theories describe childhood as a social phenomenon and a structural category.

"Vi ses i Nangijala!" : En studie om hur döden framställs i ett urval barnböcker

The purpose of this paper was to study how the death is described in some books for children and how the books may affect the readers. I chose five books where the leading character was a child who lost a close relative like a parent or a sibling. I asked the book questions like you would do at an interwiew.The main questions were:· What do the children think about the death?· How does the child react when it finds out that a parent or a sibling is dead?· What does the child think about seeing the dead person and how does it react at the funeral?· From what or whom do they find the strength to move on?· What support does the child have from people in the surroundings?· How may the books affect the readers?The results showed that the books give you an image close to the reality. The children had different ways to mourn.

Det vidgade textbegreppet

AbstractThis research is about how some swedish teachers in high school choose literature in schools. The purpose is to underline the reasons for how some teachers think about selection, canon, classic and contemporary literature. Two survey methods were used to find the answers, wich consisted of interviews and questionnaires. The letter methods was used to obtain informations about student´s views on literature.Previous research shows that there are different opinions in what kind of literature the pupils should read in school. The results of literature, questionnaires and interviews also showed that the underlying reasons for the choice of literature, varied among those interviewed further forward ofthe students also prefer to read books during lessons, and that they prefer reading books by popular contemporary writers..

Tillgänglighet, Läsförståelse och Skapande förräderi, eller, Den nutida svenska läsarens möjligheter att förstå de litterära allusionerna i Jane Austens romaner

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the modern Swedishreader?s possibilities to understand the literary allusions in Jane Austen?sfirst three novels in light of young people?s decreasing readingand understanding of classic literature. This is done by examining historicaloverviews of literature written in Swedish, curriculums forliterature courses at three Swedish universities and library holdings inSwedish libraries, both public and academic.In the thesis three different elements are combined ? informationabout the alluded authors and texts, a comparison between the Swedishand the English versions of the novels and the result from theabove mentioned investigation. The description of the alluded authorsand texts provide information about the connotations that can be madeby an allusion to them.

Förväntningsgapets dynamik

Title: The dynamics of the Audit expectation gapIntroduction: The audit expectations gap is the difference that exists between what auditors and users of accounting information expects an independent auditor to do. Since the definition arose in 1974, much research has been done about the gap. What is relatively unexplored is how the gap changes over time within a country, and how it is affected by external events. This lack of knowledge has motivated this study.Problem: How has the audit expectation gap changed in Sweden, from the emergence of the definition until today? In which way have corporate scandals and legislative changes affected the gap?Purpose: The aim is to identify and create an understanding of how the audit expectation gap has changed in Sweden.

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