

865 Uppsatser om Sociology of diagnosis - Sida 4 av 58

Att leva med psykiska funktionshinder och samtidigt missbruk : - en kvalitativ forskningsöversikt om individer inom psykiatrin med dubbeldiagnos

This qualitative research overview consists of the State of knowledge about people with dual diagnosis. The focus is on what Psychiatry reform meant for people with mental disabilities. Author`s ambition has been to consolidate current understanding in the problem area. The purpose of the paper is to make an analysis of the State of knowledge concerning individuals within psychiatry with simultaneously addiction problems. The issues that will be processed are: what it means to live with dual diagnosis, how to coordinate cooperation efforts, and what is the evidence-based mode.

Är borderline personlighetsstörning en kvinnlig diagnos? : En kvalitativ studie om borderline personlighetsstörning och könsskillnader

The aim of the study is to investigate how clinicians in psychiatric care for adults consider borderline personality disorder to be manifested in men and women, respectively. Could there be a tendency to over-diagnose women and under-diagnose men? In addition, the purpose of the study is to bring clarity to the reasons for gender differences within borderline personality as perceived by the clinicians. The study is based on an inductive approach, in which interviews have been conducted with twelve clinicians working with borderline personality disorders to gain a deeper understanding of how the clinicians consider the manifestations of gender differences.The clinicians described tendencies for women to deliberate self-harm, have mood swings and problems in relations. Men with borderline personality disorders are described as having a higher degree of e.g.

Diagnosis of Leber?s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) : analysis of MT-ND1, MT-ND4 and MT-ND6 in patients with LHON

Leber´s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), a disease affecting vision, is caused by several point mutations in mitochondrial DNA. Mutations leading to a defect NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase protein will affect the respiratory chain and cause a disturbed ATP production. It is still unknown why this defect leads to the degeneration of retinal ganglion cells and cells in the opticus nerve as well as demyelination of axons in these areas. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA is an important tool in the diagnosis of the disease. At the present time analysis is based on cleavage by restriction enzymes, which only detects two of the most frequent mutations: m.3460G>A and m.11778G>A.

Bråkiga barn -Att förstå och bemöta utagerande barn i förskolan

Inspired by the article Special support on dubious grounds published in Teachers News (2010), we chose to examine the methods and procedures regarding acting out children without diagnosis. In preliminary work, we discussed the various forms and causes of acting out behavior among children in preschool and supervision and conflict management. The topic seemed relevant since we on several occasions experienced a feeling of inadequacy and lack of knowledge in our educational role both in teacher training placement time and during our working years as supply teacher and graduated child minders. Based on our past experiences and interests of acting out children without the diagnosis, work limited extent and time aspect for the course of the work we chose to only interview three pedagogues. Through the interviews, we wanted to compare these three pedagogues description of their work around acting out children without diagnosis in relation to accepted theories such as structure and clarity.

Föräldrars erfarenhet av barn med autistic spektrum disorder

The parents of a developmentel disordered child live with much sorrow and anguish. Despite that, they often talk about hope, joy and love for their child. The autistic spectrum disorder includes different stands. Three of them are Autism, Aspergers syndrome and Disintegrative disability. An article overview has been made with the purpose to examine parents experiences of having a child that develops autism or a diagnosis within the autistic spectrum.

Botulism hos svenska hästar :

Botulism is a serious disease with high mortality that can affect horses. Due to this about 20-30 percent of the horses in Sweden are vaccinated against botulism. The purpose of this study was to see how common botulism is in the Swedish horse population and to se if a connection between feeding with haylage and botulism could be seen. In addition to this, the study aimed to find how common vaccination against botulism is among Swedish horses and on what grounds the diagnosis botulism is made. Medical records of horses being diagnosed with botulism at all the major large animal hospitals in Sweden between 1995-2005 were searched. In addition to this the database where general practitioners report their cases as well as the cases with botulism reported to the insurance companies were included. The results of this study show that only 0,03 percent of the Swedish horse population has been diagnosed with botulism during the time period this study covers. In all the cases included in this study the diagnosis was made based on clinical signs and in none of the cases verification by isolating the toxin was possible. In all cases where forage is noted in the journals the horse has been feed haylage which indicate that there is a connection between the use of haylage and botulism. Three horses died despite being partially vaccinated against botulism type B which indicate that a correct vaccination has to be done before the horse get any protection or that the correct diagnosis was not botulism type B..

Smittsamma hudsjukdomar hos hund :

This student report is about canine infectious skin diseases. It is primarily directed at veterinary assistans. The report includes a description of the skin?s structure and immunologic defences. The four types of allergic reactions are described. Different diagnostic techniques are also accounted for. The skin diseases included in the report are: fleas, lice, Sarcoptes scabiei, ringworm, Cheyletiella and leishmaniosis.

Möte med det okända: en studie om integration och socialt kapital

Our purpose with this study was to look at the connection between social capital and integration. Particularly if meetings between people from different cultures can increase social capital and in that way affect integration. We start by identifying the social integration perspective we are going to use through out the study and then we introduce social capital theory as a way of narrowing down the field even more. The study was done through six semi structured interviews. We interviewed three women that was established in the Swedish society and three women that had immigration background.

Räkna med dyskalkyli! : En studie om ett specialpedagogiskt problem som kallas dyskalkyli

According to some researchers, dyscalculia is at least as prevalent as dyslexia. Somewhere between 3.6-6 % of all pupils have specific mathematics difficulties named dyslexia. If this be true, it should present the most complex special education predicament by far in schools today. Despite the statistics, dyscalculia is still a rather unknown concept.The cause of dyscalculia is not yet fully analyzed. There are several theories and many researchers see similarities between dyscalculia and the special educational problem of reading and writing, dyslexia.

Särskilt stöd på en grundskola : En studie om elevhälsans tolkning av och arbete med särskilt stöd enligt Skollagen

The aim of the study was to understand how an elementary school interpreted and worked with the law Skollagen (SFS 2010:800) concerning special needs in school additionally in which way a neuropsychiatric diagnosis might interact with the interpretation. To answer the aim we used following research problems: How does the school define the term special needs and special resources itself? How does the school identify pupils with special needs and work with them? In which way does the neuropsychiatric diagnosis affect the interpretation of the law concerning special needs when it comes to deciding whether a pupil is in need of special recourses? Skollagen (SFS 2010:800) does not define special recourses and does not indicate how the school should use them. We were therefore interested in how an elementary school defined the term and decided to work with it. We based our study upon interviews with 6 respondents whom are central in the process of providing special resources for children in school.

"Inte som alla andra" : En kvalitativ studie om en grupp vuxna med Asperger syndrom

Normal children acquire the necessary social habits without being consciously aware of this, they learn instinctively. (Author?s translation from Swedish to English) (Asperger & Frith, 1998, s. 21) This essay is about people who do not learn to socialize, the social habits, instinctively but through conscious learning. We have interviewed three adults with the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome with the aim to let them tell us about what it means to have a neuropsychiatric disability.

Vår nätverkande verklighet: Bemanningsföretags ställning på den informationella arbetsmarknaden

Bakgrund: Bemanningsbranschen har vuxit väldigt mycket sedan 1990-talets början, då en avreglering av arbetsförmedlingsmonopolet skedde.Syfte: Att få en överblick över bemanningsbranschens utveckling samt att se vad den har för ställning idag på den informationella arbetsmarknaden.Utgångspunkter och upplägg: Uppsatsen börjar med en bakgrund och översikt över bemanningsbranschens utveckling sedan tidigt 1990-tal och framåt. Som teoretiska utgångs-punkter används begrepp som nätverkssamhälle, informationell arbetsmarknad, flexibilitet och individualisering. Huvudsaklig metod är fyra semistrukturella intervjuer som gjorts med fyra kvinnliga anställda på fyra olika bemanningsföretag. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna har sedan kopplats till empirin för analys.Slutsatser: Bemanningsbranschen är väl anpassad till den informationella arbetsmarknaden. Den har en stadig och stabil ställning, finns till för att den behövs och är här för att stanna..

"Det är inget fel på dig!" - en kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av stöd hos kvinnor med diagnosen vestibulit

Background: Documents and legislation inform us that parts of the public health service of Sweden, at a political level, aim to support people?s sexual health. Statistics show there has been an increase among young woman, seeking help for sexual pain during intercourse. The diagnosis that the media has come to observe lately is vulvar vestibulitis. In general there is a lack of knowledge about the existence of this state of pain and its causes, which impacts woman to get appropriate help and support in time.

Kan fritidsintressen och socialt stöd minska upplevelsen av stress på arbetet? En studie kring forskare i forskningsmiljö i Lund och Malmö, våren 2003 och 2005

Hur handskas vi med den arbetsrelaterade stressen och finns det faktorer som kan minska den? I denna studie undersöks upplevelsen av stress och socialt stöd i forskarmiljö. Undersökningens deltagare består av 45 forskare i Lund och Malmö som besvarat en enkät. Enkäten lämnades ut våren 2003 och 2005. Syftet var att undersöka om fritidsintresse och socialt stöd kan minska stressen som kan uppkomma i samband med arbetet.

Integrering eller inte? : Barn med högfungerande autism i skolan

The purpose with this essay is to find out how active teachers think about integrate children with the diagnosis autism into the regular school. The method I have used to find out is a qualitative interview, where I have interviewed three teachers of various age and sex.A person with the diagnosis autism has problems with communication, social interaction and the ability to form a conception. Today, we do not know what causes autism, but we do know that it has to do with a neurological disorder. The word integrate means unite or join together as a wholeness. Many children who have a handicap may feel good to participate in a school where the other pupils do not have a handicap.

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