

4104 Uppsatser om Socially constructed gender roles - Sida 43 av 274

Finns det någon list med digitala tavlor? : En kvalitativ studie av översiktstavlor inom agila projekt och förutsättningar för digitala sådana

This paper is about the use of task boards in agile system development projects. The main focus is on how digitalized versions of the task board can be of assistance during the development process. Our investigation is based on qualitative studies, with system developers of various backgrounds and professional roles, along with studies of relevant literature. The main results are that a digitized version of the task board can increase awareness for the team and be of major importance if it is accessible through the web. On the other hand negative effects of the digitalization can emerge as well.

Genusvetenskapens utveckling inom B&I : en bibliometrisk studie av studentuppsatser med genusperspektiv

The main purpose of this two year master´s thesis is to study patterns, structures and relations within gender studies when combined with Library and Information Science(LIS). Further aims are to determine the character of student work considering, occurrence, gender and main theme, to study the progress of the intellectual base of gender studies within LIS and to evaluate the use of bibliometrics as a tool for researching the development of a discipline. To achieve these aims, a bibliometric study using both publication analysis and citation analysis, is carried out. The studied material contains student work, specifically focused on gender, from the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) from 1985?2012.

Könsatypiska studieval : En intervjustudie med tjejer på Byggprogrammet

Abstract This essay is about girls that have chosen a gender atypical education on a gymnasia level. Since we are living in a society that is still today gender segregated in both working life as well as educational area, we find it interesting that it still exist an paradox which leads us to the question ?why? those girls and boys, woman and man choose so differently. We are not aiming towards study how many girls that have chosen a gender atypical education but rather how these girls that are on the construction program in one of Stockholm?s gymnasium have deliberated and what it is that has influenced them.

Barnlitteratur i förskolan : en nyckel till kunskap

The work as a personal assistant is sometimes associated with certain problems. Studies have shown that personal assistants often experience indistinct rules and roles concerning what should or should not be included in their duties. This study was undertaken to evaluate problems associated with the profession as a personal assistant, how widespread they are and how they are dealt with. Specifically, the study evaluates if the personal assistants have to do duties that they consider they are not assigned to do. Different roles (formal as informal) are also discussed which may be of current interest in this study, but also how we see people on basis of ethics and moral.

Lättläst information i e-förvaltningens tid : En studie om lättläst information när myndigheterna satsar på webben

The overall aim of this thesis is to examine how Easy-to-Read information, used by governmental agencies, facilitates and limits the field of possibilities for the intended recipient, based on the information.This, in anera of e-government.The theoretical framework is based on two Foucauldian concepts governmentality and discourse analysis. Representatives from five Swedish governmental agencies have been interviewed and the results have been analyzed based on the following questions: (1) How do the representatives construct the category Easy-to-Read? (2) How do these representatives construct the recipients of Easy-to-Read? In order to broaden the understanding of Easy-to-Read, an important national level policy document, containing a summary of strategies and goals for e-government has also been analyzed based on the following questions: (3) How is the e-government constructed in the text? (4) How is the citizen constructed and positioned in the text? The collected material is analyzed using a discourse analysis inspired by Foucault.With the results from the interviews and the analyzis of the policy document, Easy-to-Read information has been discussed and examined as a technology to meet the needs of people with reading difficulties, putin an era of e-government.The findings of the study include the following: (1) The e-government is constructed as a service agency and the citizens are positioned as clients. Furthermore, the citizens are expected to participate digitally and be digitally competent. (2)Some of the representatives does not know, with certainty, to whom the texts are directed or if they are used.

Janus två ansikten : En studie om kökslärarens dubbla roller

This is a field study based on participant observations and interviews, describing the cooking teacher's complex everyday life. The school's restaurant is a unique arena, freely hovering between two worlds: The school world and the restaurant reality. Here, the students are confronted with real situations and problems, similar to the ones occurring in a restaurant, still having the school's safety net beneath them. It is for real, but still not, a bit like a flight simulator.It is on that arena the cooking teacher works, combining the two roles of the teacher and the chef. Two roles built on their own traditions and values.

Försvarsmaktens arbete mot en jämnare könsfördelning bland officerare

The number of female officers employed in the Armed Forces is low. Of the total proportion officers, female stand for 4.8 %. The Armed Forces are currently working actively to level out the distribution. This paper is intended to create a better understanding of the slow increase in female officers in the Swedish Armed Forces. The study is qualitative and the results from the data collection have been based partly on a text analysis, partly on a theme-based group interview in which three themes have been discussed.

Stadskyrkogårdar : socialt hållbar stadsutveckling

This master thesis is a study of how city cemeteries can be used and contributes to a socially sustainable urban development. Today sustainable development and sustainable urban development is something that more or less every organization is working with. Therefore it is also relevant to integrate our cemeteries in this work so that they can become a part of the sustainable urban development process.The thesis gives a basic understanding of sustainability as a concept and also defines socially sustainable (urban) development. The work then immerse itself in various types of park structures and how the relationship between the human individual and the public space work, to satisfy the needs that different people have.The literature study that has been made is also the base for the design of the walking interview that has been made for the two city cemeteries. The cemeteries that where studied where the Assistens cemetery in Copenhagen and the Eastern cemetery in Gothenburg.

Från undersökning till jämställdhetsplan : Jämställdhetsplan för moderbolaget Energi inom Energikoncernen

Ämnet för den här uppsatsen är utformandet av Energibolagets jämställdhetsplan. Syftet med utredningsarbetet var att undersöka vad de anställda vid moderbolaget Energi inom Energikoncernen har för attityder till jämställdhet generellt på arbetsplatsen. Som metod använde vi enkäter i genomförandet av vår studie. Utifrån de anställdas attityder utarbetade vi en konkret jämställdhetsplan. Vi kom fram till att det finns mycket för Energibolaget att arbeta med vad det gäller jämställdhetsfrågor i organisationen.

Busig eller flamsig : En studie av genus i bilderböcker

The aim of this thesis is to analyze children?s picture books regarding whether and in what form gender stereotypes can be seen in these. The purpose is also to evaluate whether the findings correlate to the different regulatory documents libraries have to abide to.       The study comprises five books, who are part of a selection of books especially chosen by Uppsala City Library to be used by primary school children aged 6-9. The method used is the study of text as well as illustrations, as the theory of this thesis is that the two cannot be separated, but has to be seen a unit. Other theories used in the analysis include Nikolajeva?s schedule of male/female properties and theories on gender.      The result of the study shows that gender stereotypes are in majority regarding the characters in the books, but that the opposite also exists.

Case Managements spridning i kommunala organisationer : En organisatorisk förändring inom socialt arbete

The aim of this study was to comprehend and explain the idea and function of Case Management and its diffusion in Swedish municipalities. More specifically its aim was to investigate factors for the diffusion of Case Management and its differences to similar professional roles. The study was based on interviews with four managers at various levels and two case managers representing two municipalities in Sweden. Five themes were identified that were especially interesting when discussing the function of Case Management, its differences to similar professional roles and its diffusion in Swedish municipalities. The themes were: shortcomings in the welfare system, the functions of Case Management, differences to similar professional roles, descriptions of Case Management and factors for the diffusion.

Logos som grund för en könsneutral Gud

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Greek expression Logos found in the Gospel of John, to discover if it is possible to expand the term in such a way that female, male and gender neutral imagery of God can be generated from it. This is done by enumerating the wide range of meanings that logos can concur, found in the different contexts of the Christian Bible and within Hellenism, including Gnostic texts. These different meanings of logos are examined in order to see in what way they can generate new images of God as related to the purpose. The results show that it is indeed achievable to produce such images from Logos, a term that has chiefly been regarded as a masculine one. This is mainly based on the fact that many of Logos qualities can be said to be gender neutral in terms of being widely described as superhuman; it is among other attributes called light, life and eternal.

Kvinnliga entreprenörer : och relationer till manliga och kvinnliga normer

line of business/industry and family, to more clearly discern how male and female norms are acquired among female entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study was to gain a greater understanding and knowledge of women's conditions regarding entrepreneurship, in relation to society's norms. The study is based on a textual thematic analyses, using two themes derived from Helene Ahls ?The Scientific Reproduction of Gender Inequality. A Discourse Analysis of Research Texts on Women`s Entrepreneurship?.

Formatets betydelse : hur arbetsprocesser och produktionsvillkor formar journalistiken i webb-tv

New technology has created new opportunities for journalists working with web TV. Changes in the work processes have led to new professional roles. According to the theory of media logic such events become news that suits media organizations and working conditions. How does the media logic affect the editorial workflow and how does it affect professional roles? In light of my own experience in various roles in television journalism, I examine how the web TV format shapes the work of journalists.

Den farliga pojken och den utsatta flickan - En kvalitativ inneh?llsanalys om hur flickor och pojkar framst?lls i beslut enligt 3 ? LVU

Already during the 90s, research showed that girls and boys are presented in different ways in judgments according to ? 3 LVU. While sexuality was given a large space in the girls' judgments, it was barely mentioned in the boys'. This study aims to investigate how the legal genders boy and girl are presented in judgments made according to ? 3 LVU during 2023.

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