

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 41 av 1010

Småbarnsföräldrars behov av föräldrastödsinsatser

Background During the child?s first year of life there is a continuous contact with the Child Health Services (CHS) and the parents feel confident and involved. After the first year, the visits to the CHS is reduced at the same time as the everyday life changes for the family as the child starts going to day-care and the parents often go back to work.Aim To examine what it is like being a parent to children aged one to five and what kind of parenting support parents of children aged one to five are in need of.Method Semi-structured interviews were used to interview 25 parents in 21 telephone interviews and one focus group with 4 parents. The recruiting of parents was done on site at one open day-care and with the help of CHS nurses in Sweden. There were 10 men and 15 women.

Modersmålsstöd på mitt vilkor? : En studie av pedagogers upplevelse av möjligheter och begränsningar gällande modersmålsstöd på förskolan.

It is common today that many children in Sweden  grow up in families that speak two or several languages. Language and identity building is connected to each other. So is also Languages and learning (Becknert m. fl. 2008:13).

Att leva nära en döende närstående : En litteratursammanställning om anhörigas behov av stöd inom hemsjukvården

Background: Several patients wish to die at home and relatives often become thecaregivers. This task can be a burden and the opportunity for the patient to die at homecan be overshadowed by obligations and responsibilities. Participation of relatives isoften the prerequisite to offer palliative care in the home environment. The purpose: The purpose of the study was to illuminate relatives? need of support during palliativecare in the home based care.

Sociala spel på arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ studie om sociala spels påverkan på arbetsplatsrelationer

Social games have become a digital phenomenon over the last few years, affecting a lot of peoples everyday life. This paper focuses on how social games can affect workplace relationships. Through qualitative interviews I investigate how people who play with their colleagues experience the social games and their influence on the social interaction in the workplace. 10 interviews were carried out with people from four different organizations. The findings from these interviews were then put in relation to previous research and existing theories concerning workplace relationships and social games.

De som slutade gå i skolan : en kvalitativ studie om hemmasittare

Hemmasittare is a new term for children and youths with a history of long term truancy. As the term indicates these youths spend most of their time in their homes. This often results in them being socially alienated and the loss of their earlier social network. The consequences of hemmasittande and social alienation are many and include not only a deficient social network but also psychological and physical problems. Research has shown that many of these problems follow on through into adult life.

Integrationsprocesser bland 6 invandrade japanska personer i Sverige

This research outlines studies about the relationship between social integration process of Japanese immigrants in Sweden and how social media assists in this process. The purpose of this research includes: To find out the reasons of migration to Sweden for six Japanese immigrants, any difficulties that they faced at the beginning of their immigration process and/or any positive qualities that they found in living in Sweden, whether they have accessed social media since they have moved in, if they do so, how the social media has been used and also, whether the social media has had a role to play in contributing to help their social integration process. In addition, it has been considered whether the participants have plans to return to Japan. In Sweden, there is relatively small Japanese migrant population. This social science research paper is the first in Sweden which explores the immigration process of Japanese migrants into Sweden.

Miljöpartiet de Gröna - från antiparti till stödparti. En analys av Miljöpartiets förändrade partistrategi

The overall purpose with this thesis has been to study the strategic development of the Swedish Green Party, Miljöpartiet de Gröna. From its first appearance in the Swedish parliament 1988 to its decision to cooperate with the Social Democrats and the Left Party in 1998, the Greens has gone from a radical antiparty to a pragmatic support party. The analysis has concentrated towards identifying the causal factors behind this strategic move made by the Greens, and to determine how this party change has affected the party's strategic goals. In order to do so, a qualitative case study has been conducted where an integrated theoretical approach has been used. By studying official statements and internal debates the thesis concludes that the strategic change made by the Greens was due to the evolvement of a new dominant coalition of within the party.

Anhörigstöd : Betydelsen av stöd och hjälp till anhöriga som vårdar en person med demenssjukdom

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how family members perceive family support, and to gain a deeper understanding of how the relatives' part is affected by the dementia ill person. The result has been produced by semi-structured interviews with five respondents interviewed individually. The respondents who participated in the study, care for the dementia sufferer husband / wife at home, or the husband / wife has moved to a special housing. The result includes the perception of being a relative of a person with dementia, how they experience support from various parties, if there are any differences between men and women as well as the importance of communication and attitude. Overall it was shown that relatives often felt a sense of security and that they were satisfied with the support they received from the various parties.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö bland chefer vid kommunala vård - och omsorgsboenden : - en intervjustudie

Introduction: First line managers in the public sector, are under a great pressure from both senior management, leadership, politicians and often from a large group of employees. Few studies have been made on the first-linemanagers psychosocial work environment, even though in the studies found that the manager affects their employees work environment.Aim: How first line managers in municipal elderly describes the psychosocial work environment on the basis of demand-control - support model.Methods: The study was conducted through individual interviews with six first line managers. Respondents were recruited through a strategic selection in a medium-sized municipality in Västernorrland. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide. Qualitative content analysis with an deductive approach was used as a method of interpretation of the results.Results: First line managers point out the difficulty in balancing the requirements and several managers also mentioned the importance of having clear role descriptions and objectives.

Social kompetens - What?s the point? : En kvalitativ studie om hur begreppet används inom bemanningsbranschen.

The term ?social competence? is widely used by organizations in job advertisements, despite the problems of making a unified definition of it. The purpose of this study is to investigate which features the organizations require, why organizations require them and how the assessment is implemented for recruitment. To answer the purpose of this study, eight qualitative interviews conducted with recruiters from four different staffing agencies. Further a literature study was performed to define the concept of ?social competence? and its meaning, in order to later connect this to the result.

En kvalitativ studie av Social Enterprise som fenomen - Motsättningar i Social Enterprise bolag bottnar i marknadens bild av socialt företagande

A Social Enterprise is a business that features a mixture of characteristics that originates from the third and private sector. A general conception of Social Enterprises is that they aim to improve social welfare by the use of sustainable business models. The mixture of social and business features has created ambiguity about how to define Social Enterprises. The purpose of this study is to clarify Swedish Social Enterprises as a phenomenon and to examine antagonism that arises from mixing the two different sets of organisational characteristics. This is achieved by conducting a qualitative study of ten Swedish companies that the market considers to be Social Enterprises.

Varför var det så svårt? : En flermetodsanalys av läsbarhet av nyhetsartiklar i Dagens Nyheter under 15 år

The aim of this study was to examine the readability of news articles published in the Swedish national newspaper Dagens Nyheter during the years 1999 - 2013. Our hypothesis was that the written language in newspapers is simpler today than it was 15 years ago. To measure the possible change of the written language in a quantitative study we chose to use a method to calculate the readability of 30 news articles, two from each year. We could not see any development of the language level so we chose to do a complementary qualitative study of the layout and presentation of the news articles. This secondary study showed a significant change in how news is presented throughout the years.

"Så länge man kan motivera ett beslut": en vinjettstudie av variation i bedömning om ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of this study was to examine divergences in assessments of social assistance in one big and one small social welfare office in the municipalities of Malmö. To examine this we used a qualitative method. We held interviews with social workers and their superiors. At the end of the interviews with the social workers we presented two vignettes, describing different cases of first time applications of social assistance. The social workers was asked to assess whether the application should be granted or not, and motivate their decisions.

Studentsupport en studie om dyslexi, hjälp till dyslektiska studenter och deras upplevelse av hjälpen

The aim of this thesis was to describe the services offered to students with dyslexia, and from a service- and quality perspective describe how the consumers of these services experienced the supplied services. Dyslexia refers to certain problems with the written language. With the demand for students in higher education to accumulate much knowledge through reading, this becomes a question of vital importance. A qualitative descriptive approach was used, and a case study was conducted. The case study covered 'Student support' at the University of Borås and how dyslectic students at the university experienced the help from 'Student support'.

Äldreomsorgens psykosociala arbetsmiljö : en studie av undersköterskor och vårdbiträden som arbetar med äldre på särskilda boenden

The purpose of this study was to find out how caregivers experienced their psychosocial work environment at three municipal homes for old people. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) was used in order to study different dimensions of the work environment, and questions about health, sickness presence and sick leave were included. The questionnaire was answered by 86 out of 112 participating caregivers (77%). The results showed that the caregivers experienced high demands at work. The degree of feedback and influence at work was low, but they reported that their work was highly meaningful and that they usually received social support at work.

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