

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 40 av 1010

Att finna balansen : En litteraturstudie om hur personer med diabetes typ 2 upplever livsstilsförändringar

AbstractBackground: To have type 2 diabetes affects life situation and thus the experiences oflifestyle changes. Treatment of type 2 diabetes consists of adapting to new lifestyles and theirown involvement. Orem (2001) theory of self-care has been used as a kind of scientificfoundation. Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the experiences of lifestyle changesin people with type 2 diabetes. Method: Systematic literature review of descriptive andinductive synthesis approach has been used.

Svenska kyrkans funktion i den palliativa vården : - ett religionssociologiskt perspektiv

Through the lenses of religion?s role in society, the purpose of this thesis is to examine, the role of the Church of Sweden in providing support to people at the end of life. Questions asked are:  "What types of spiritual support is offered by the Church of Sweden during terminal care provided in patients' homes and how is this support expressed in church orders, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters?" and " How can the work of the Church of Sweden be understood, based on theories of religion's role in society? The method used is a content analysis of the Church Order, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters in 17 different congregations within the diocese of Lund. I then engage in a discussion with theories on differentiation and the privatization of religion as a means to interpret my results.

Det är ju samma arbete fast annorlunda : marknadsmekanismers inverkan på hemtjänstpersonalens arbetssituation

Many organizational changes have been accomplished in elder care since the 1980's and many of those have been influenced by market mechanisms. The purpose of this study is to examine how the implementation of these market mechanisms has affected three important aspects in the work situation for personnel. These aspects are, demand, control and support. To attain the purpose of this study, five qualitative interviews with home care personnel have been carried out. The interview material has been analyzed and structured with the help of Karasek and Theorells demand-control-support model.

-Omanligt kan man säga... : Socionomstuderande mäns perspektiv på yrke, karriär, status och att tillhöra en könsminoritet

The purpose of this study was to enlighten the views of male social work students on; the social work profession, social work status and their career options. Also, the study aimed at getting these students angles of approach on the fact that they, being men, are a minority group within the profession of social work. Some of the main questions were: Why does not social work as a profession seem to attract men? What about the status of the profession of social work? What were the thoughts of male social work students about this? What advantages or disadvantages did they recognise, being a minority in the profession? The method used in this study was doing separate interviews. All of the interviewed students were convinced that they had a better chance of getting a job.

Hjälpande makt : En studie om uppdraget som god man

This study illustrates how the power relation between the trustee and principals are experienced and maintained in proportion to the missions design. The main focus lies on understanding of how trustee perceives and applies the mission`s cornerstones and how power can be expressed in the relationship between trustees and principals. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with trustees whose principals were mentally disabled. The interviews were then analyzed with the support of Foucault's concept of discipline, knowledge, control, surveillance and reward/punishment and Tilly's theory of persistent inequality We have obtained an understanding of the complexity of the assignment regarding the mission`s cornerstones who goes into every other, and all respondents agreed that the cornerstones should be considered as a whole. We concluded that the trustee on the basis of the mission's design possesses a power that is necessary and important to have regarding the relation to his principal and its social network.

Vardag på ett särskilt boende för en äldre invandrare som inte kan det svenska språket : En observationsstudieAn observation study of the everyday life of an immigrant unable to speak swedish and living in a home for elderly

In Sweden the social assistance from a historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.

Klicka hem din middag : En fallstudie om e-handelns värdeskapande för traditionella livsmedelsbutiker

The purpose of this study was to explore how interpersonal relationship can be affected by groing up in a New Religoius Movement such as Jehovah?s Withnesses and how it has affected them both in their youth and today. The aim was also to explore if there were people in the respondents' environment that was significant to them during their childhood and which support our respondents have received if they were in need of it.We have not found any previous research on children's social relationships within the Jehovah's Witnesses. We therefore believe that this study is of high relevance to both society and also for all the professionals who come into contact with these children. To discover a child in need, knowledge about how their social environment looks like is crucial.

En kommunikationsgeting: En kvalitativ studie i hur ett medtech-företag ska använda sig av sociala medier

Today, social media is used mostly by people in their private life. However, companies are more and more tapping into the area of social media. To this date, mostly B2C companies have been successful in their social media strategies. This qualitative thesis aims to investigate how B2B companies can benefit from using social media as a means to communicate and build relations with their customers. The medtech industry has been chosen as the object of study.Through depth interviews with people in the medtech industry and social media experts, data has been collected in order to answer the questions of (1) how ready customers in the medtech industry are to receive information through social media and (2) how companies can build the best possible social media strategy.

Hälsoinspiratörer : En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsoinspiratörer inom kommunal verksamhet upplever stöd och motivation i det hälsofrämjande arbetet

The workplace is perhaps the most developed arena for prevention of diseases and injuries among employees. In addition, according to the Swedish Work Environment Act, the employer is responsible to address physical and psychosocial risk factors. Moreover, many employers use health promotion, primarily related to individuals and their ambition to maintain or improve health, for example through dietary means and exercise. The aim of this study is to investigate health inspirers in municipal activities and their perceived support and motivation in work related to health promotion at the workplace. A qualitative method was chosen where six health inspirers within Ludvika kommun were interviewed.

Social konflikt: en sociologisk studie av konflikten på Nordirland

Denna uppsats tar upp ämnet social konflikt i samband med Nordirlandskonflikten. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida social konflikt kan verka främjande för samhället, samt att titta på de orsaker som gör att konflikten på Nordirland vidmakthålls. Detta har utförts genom en litteraturstudie av teorier utvecklade av Coser, Simmel och Merton.Slutsatser jag har dragit utifrån denna studie är bland annat att social konflikt i detta fall, parallellt med de nedbrytande faktorerna, också kan verka för en gynnande samhällsutveckling på vissa områden..

Vem är du? : En studie om företags granskande av Facebook profiler

Title: Who are you? A study on companies reviewing of Facebook profiles.  Social media has opened up new possibilities in recruitment situations in forms of background checks on social networks such as facebook. Even though there are many advantages, there are few recruitment workers who choose to embrace the possibilities with social networking..

När socialtjänsten stoppar huvudet i sanden : En studie som belyser hur hjälp och stödinsatser för äldre brottsoffer kan se ut i Sveriges kommuner

Att behärska två språk och två länders syn på pedagogik är en bra förutsättning om man vill undersöka och jämföra dessa två länders syn på barn med funktionsnedsättning. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är därmed att belysa hur skolans styrdokument i Sverige och i Ungern formulerar och beskriver barn med funktionsnedsättning. En del av syftet är också att finna likheter och skillnader mellan det svenska och det ungerska styrdokumentet.Som material till ändamålet används den nya svenska Skollagen (2010) och den ungerska Utbildningslagen (1993). Analysen genomfördes med analysverktyget diskursanalys där jag har analyserat språket som beskriver barn med funktionsnedsättning.Resultaten visar att båda skollagarna har en tydlig koppling till de gällande internationella dokumenten där allas lika värde poängteras. Den svenska Skollagen har dessutom en relationell och deltagande syn på funktionsnedsättning medan den ungerska Utbildningslagen, som är 17 år äldre än den svenska lagen, betonar en kompensatorisk och individinriktad syn..

Upplevelser av att vara anhörigvårdare till en person med demenssjukdom : En litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of being a family caregiver for aperson with dementia. A further aim was the inclusion criteria and data collection methods inthe studies presented, and how this may have affected the results of the studies. The methodwas a descriptive literature study with qualitative approach. Data were collected throughdatabases Cinahl and Pubmed using the words: dementia, knowledge, information, support,caregivers, coping, spouses, experiences and family caregiving. Keywords were combined indifferent ways in order to refine the search.

Promotionsarbete med unga i förorten : - En kvalitativ fallstudie av RGRA, Rörelsen gatans röst & ansikte

This studie explores how a promotive youth movement that aims to activate adolescents in economically and socially exposed areas, can affect the youth?s participation in society and oppose their experience of stigmatization. The youth movement, whom is being studied, uses urban art expressions as a mean to engage and motivate the adolescents. The empirism has mostly been collected by a limited participatory observation, and through qualitative interviews with staff and adolescents in the movement. The result has been analyzed through Pierre Bourdieus field theory.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att ha barn med övervikt och deras behov av support. : En litteraturstudie

Övervikt och fetma är ett stort problem både globalt och nationellt och drabbar både vuxna och barn. Överviktiga barn löper risk för medicinska, psykiska och sociala problem. Föräldrar spelar en nyckelroll i barnets liv och utveckling men även i behandlingen av barn med övervikt. Syftet var att undersöka föräldrars upplevelser av att ha ett barn med övervikt. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka deras behov av support.

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