

12985 Uppsatser om Social standards - Sida 65 av 866

Digitala sällskapsspel med den sociala aspekten som utgångspunkt

Detta kandidatarbete underso?ker om det ga?r att beha?lla den sociala aspekten da? man digitaliserar ett sa?llskapsspel. Fo?r att underso?ka problemomra?det skapades ett spelkoncept utifra?n de teorier och slutsatser vi fa?tt fram genom litteraturstudier. Spelkonceptet testades pa? respondenter som eftera?t intervjuades.

Hedersrelaterat våld : En studie om socialarbetares förståelse av hedersrelaterat våld

After the honor killings of Fadime and Pela, an extensively discussion started in the media, debating honor-related violence and oppression. This debate also made us, the authours of this paper, to pay attention to the problem. As a professional in social work, there are several good points to be made by having an in-depth knowledge in the field, both to discover individuals exposed to honor-related violence and to be able to protect them. The study was conducted by four qualitative interviews with professionals in social work with a professional experience of honor-related problems. Through the interviews, the social worker's view of honor problems emerged.

"BÄTTRE BALANS I BOENDESAMMANSÄTTNINGEN" - FÖR VEM? : En studie om boendes upplevelser av social mixing i tre bostadsområden i Köpenhamn

Social mixing går ut på att ?mixa? befolkning av olika klasser i ett bostadsområde med syfte att förändra områdets sociala sammansättning. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka social mixing som urban utvecklingsstrategi i Köpenhamn utifrån boendes egna upplevelser av sina bostadsområden. I Danmark definieras 29 bostadsområden som ?ghetton? utifrån kriterier rörande de boendes anknytning till arbetsmarknaden, ?icke-västliga? härkomst samt kriminalitet.

Ensam är stark? : En kvalitativ studie om efterlevande personers erfarenheter av omgivningens stöd i samband med en förlust och av att ha delagit i en sorggrupp

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine bereaved individuals? experiences of support from their social networks and participation in support groups. The theoretical framework is based on theories about social support and parts of the attachment theory. Data were collected from four interviews and analysed by the study?s theoretical framework.

Narcissism och reaktioner på social exkludering: : Aggressivitet, Prosocialitet och Riskbenägenhet

Människor har ett grundläggande behov av samhörighet och att ingå i en social kontext. På så sätt skapas ett beroende av andras acceptans för att kunna upprätthålla hälsa och välmående. Social exkludering utgör därför ett hot mot mänskligt välbefinnande. I denna studie undersöks hur exkludering och grad av narcissism påverkar tre typer av individers självreglerande beteende; Aggressivitet, risktagande och prosocialitet. Sextio studenter med hög eller låg grad av narcissism tänkte tillbaka på när de blivit inkluderade eller exkluderade.

Friheten från fattigdom - En rättighet eller något annat?

This paper investigates whether there is a right not to suffer from poverty. The investigation is being conducted from the theoretical standpoint/view that only civil and political rights constitute justiciable rights and rights proper from a moral stance, whereas economic and social rights constitute mere political agendas or less.In the search of an answer to this question the content of economic and social rights, and thereafter civil and political rights will be outlined, followed by an inquiry of what should really be considered as rights. Finally, the arguments against economic and social rights as real rights is presented and scrutinized.This paper will conclude that the stated difference between the above-mentioned sets of rights is illusory and that the right not to suffer from poverty ought to have the same status as civil and political rights..

Förtätning ur ett socialt perspektiv

Urban densification as a planning strategy is of interest in the planning context of today. It is also seen as a part of the sustainable development. Urban densification as a concept is commonly used in the discussion of a sustainable development. Thus, the question about urban densification is an important challenge in the current planning context. A deeper understanding of the process which urban densification has developed from is necessary, since planners then will be more able to manage this challenge.

Det sympatiska projektet : En kvalitativ studie om hur skillnader kostrueras i mötet mellan socialtjänsten och ensamkommande barn

The aim of this study was to examine how social workers relate to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, regarding their cultural background and potential social issues. In order to achieve a more profound and comprehensive view of the social workers views regarding the separated children, we selected to execute semi structured interviews with social workers. These interviews were aimed at those social workers who performed assessments and investigations concerning unaccompanied children. We completed nine interviews which we recorded and transcribed in a strict manor. When we analyzed the empirical material, certain themes where identified as more protuberant and thus we our selection was based on what we regarded as the most relevant topics, in accordance to the aim of the study.

Det växer ju inte i magen men det växer i hjärtat : En kvalitativ studie om adoptivföräldrars erfarenheter av adoption

To investigate adoptions are part of the social worker's duties. The aim of our study was to examine some adoptive parents, to internationally adopted children, experience of adopting, the time before the adoption, the adoption process, and the time after the adoption. The study is based on qualitative interviews with seven adoptive parents. Theoretical frameworks that have been used are a phenomenological perspective, the dramaturgical perspective of Goffman and the theory of rites of passage.The result of our study shows that the adoptive parents have tried ?everything? to be-come parents in a biological way before they came to the decision to adopt.

?Det skall vara stimulans och social samvaro?  : en studie om en kommunal insats till äldre, vilken benämns social samvaro.

Syftet med studien är att undersöka, analysera och diskutera en kommunal insats till äldre i ordinärt boende, vilken benämns social samvaro. Frågeställningarna som jag har ställt är; Vad innebär social samvaro? Vad ansöker de äldre om? Vilken betydelse har insatsen social samvaro för äldre?Studien består delvis av en genomgång av tidigare kunskapsläge samt insamlat empiriskt material. Jag utgick från fallstudien som metod och använde mig av intervjuer, där jag intervjuade kommunala tjänstemän och äldre kvinnor, som var beviljade insatsen social samvaro. Jag studerade även biståndsutredningar för att få kunskap om vad äldre ansöker om.

"Ja men barn kan inte växa upp så. De kan ju bli likadana." : -Familjehemssekreterares resonemang gällande familjesammansättningar våren 2009

  Author: Moa di Zazzo EilertsenTitle: ?Children should not grow up like that. They may turn out the same?: Social workers, working with foster care investigations, reasoning about family and family structures of foster homes. [translated title]Supervisor: Annika StaafAssessor: Norma MontesinoThere has been a change in family structure which shows that the nuclear family, which is still the main form of family pattern, is becoming less frequent nowadays.

Yogainstruktör 2.0 : En analys av marknadsföringsstrategier i ett medium

This paper is about our collective fascination for the social medium Instagram, and our lively discussions about why certain images may be more so-called "Liked" than others and why some individuals becomes more successfull on Instagram than others. Thanks to our own daily use of Instagram, the idea was born to study and look at how some individuals build their brand through this social medium. With social media new ways to construct and communicate images have appeared. Artists, celebrities and companies use media as a channel for communication and marketing. In our study, we focus on the use of Instagram for marketing purposes by Rachel Brathen, one of the worlds most well-known yogainstructors.

Just war teorin och de nya krigen -en möjlig kombination?

In the political world of today the discussion of Just wars are very present, since the international law and the UN Charter provides certain rules about when it is justified to go to war (jus ad bellum) and how a justified war should be conducted (jus im bello). The discussion about jus ad bellum and jus im bello derives from the theory of Just war. Both in international law and the Just war theory, focus is on interstate wars were the actors are two sovereign states. Since the end of the Cold War there has however been a change in the way wars are conducted. From interstate to intrastate warfare, where the government in most cases no longer has the monopoly over the warfare.According to these facts, my conclusion is that the Just war theory has to expand and incorporate a focus on the human rights in order to be able to meet the new standards of the new wars.

Vart är vi på väg? : Traditionsförändringarnas innebörd för begreppet rättvisande bilds betydelse

Inom redovisningsområdet finns två olika redovisningstraditioner, den kontinentala samt den anglosaxiska. Den kontinentala traditionen innebär mer reglerad redovisning än den anglosaxiska traditionen när det gäller formen på redovisningshandlingar, ordningsföljder i balans och resultaträkning. Sverige har länge följt den kontinentala traditionen men har mer och mer gått över till den anglosaxiska och det som finns kvar av det kontinentala är mest av formell karaktär. Medlemsstaterna i EU fick viss frihet i hur direktiven skulle implementeras samt uttolkas och det ledde till flera olika tolkningar av begreppet "true and fair view". I Sverige översattes begreppet "true and fair view" till rättvisande bild.

Barns samspel i rollek : En studie om hur barn i rollek utvecklar social kompetens

this paper is a study on children's social interactions in role-play. The aim is to try to highlight how children with other develop social skills and how to further motivate children tosee, understand and manage their reality in role-play by highlighting the characteristics of afunctioning role-play. I would also highlight the importance of pedagogue´s role in relation tochildren's social skills in role-play. The purpose flows into these issues, what distinguishes afunctioning role-play? Can the children in role-play influence their thinking to developunderstanding of others and the environment and if so, how? What significance does pedagogue´s role in children's role-play? I used out of a qualitative methodology to carry out this investigation.

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