
Miljöanpassad offentlig upphandling

en komparativ flerfallstudie av regionala handlingsprogram för miljöupphandling i Spanien

In Europe, the central governments are the ones to coordinate the international standards and strategies regarding GPP; Green Public Procurement. However in Spain a GPP program was introduced late and only applied to the Central Government Institutions, (AGEA) (BOE nr. 027, 2008). These means that smaller administrations, such as, Autonomous Regions, Municipalities and Town Councils were not included in the program. The absence of a national program which excludes those governments made them introduce their own criteria for GPP, and the difference in criteria varies from one government to the other. The method chosen for this study is "Explorative" and it is used to define the weakness, opportunities, strengths and threats of the GPP programs. Information was collected from literature, surveys and observations. The information is then compared, looking for similarities and differences regarding GPP implementation and their political aims. Out of the 17 Spanish Autonomous Regions only 10 have applied a GPP program. The study will be focused on these 10 different Regional action plans for sustainable procurement. The results show that the suggested actions are not enough and do not reach the European standards for 2010 (EU calculates that 50% of all the public purchasing will be green). The present study looks in detail on all environmental criteria proposed for technological equipment (screens, computers) which represents a proprietary sector for GPP in the European Union. The aim is that 100% of all the technological products purchased before 2010 will follow environmental specification. However, the actual environmental laws in Spain and even in Europe are still not very clear about the criteria that the different Regional Governments should adopt when purchasing technological equipment. Therefore, this study performs an analysis based on a document withdrawn from the Swedish Environmental Department (Miljöstyrningsrådet, rapport 2008: E9), where all suggestion and specifications for GPP are described. The analysis is divided in four different levels: Compulsory requirements for the producers (a), compulsory requirements for the products (b), Requirement which are self-evaluated (c) and new environmental criterion to be considered (d). Results have shown that in only 4 out of the 10 applied Regional plans, the requirements (a) and (b) are compulsory. The study also considers the market situation, available recourses, financial situation and the European Union regulations together with the Spanish legislation/law for the introduction of GPP plans.GPP is an essential factor for the actual economy system, the environment and the society. It is therefore important to promote green and competitive consumption in the public sector in order to reach welfare society in relation with environment and economical growth.


Marcos Alonso

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Economics


"Magisteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla magisterexamen.

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