

12985 Uppsatser om Social standards - Sida 42 av 866

Religion och vetenskap : En studie om tematiken religion och vetenskap samt dess gränsländer i gymnasieläromedel

The following essay aims to determine what textbooks and teaching media educators in the county of Västerbotten use when teaching the relation between religion and science. Based on educational science theory and through analyzes of factual texts, the teaching materials was examined to determine how much focus they put on the thematic of religion and science. The result shows how the different teaching materials affect this thematic differently. The main conclusion is therefore that students in Sweden could, depending on the teaching materials used in their education, be taught by different standards to reach the same requirements..

The myth of social media : A qualitative study of deliberation and power in Facebook-pages of the Swedish Police

The purpose of this study is to discuss the use of social media by the Swedish Police for democratic purposes. The idea of citizen empowerment is closely related to the development of new communication technologies such as social media. Yet many studies indicate that governmental institutions rarely make use of the assumed potentials of social media.In this study, the democratic potential of social media is derived from Habermas normative concept of deliberative participation. Operational definitions emphasize discursive equality, interactive reciprocity and external impact. The analytical framework is combined with qualitative text analysis to highlight the conditions of interaction between representatives of the Police and citizens.In conclusion: the democratic potential of social media, from a Habermasian point of view, is to a significant extent neglected at the expense of its strategic advantages.

Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom

How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients? needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle.

Politikers användande av Twitter : En studie av relationen mellan privata och offentliga samtal i den sociala sfären

This study?s aim was to explore how the social media Twitter is used by Swedish political leaders and how they manage the relationship between having both private and public conversations in a new public sphere, the social sphere. In Sweden, studies in this area are yet to grow. We achieved our aim by responding to our three questions at the issue: What kind of content is published in each of the politicians Twitter stream? Are the politicians private or public persons on Twitter? Are the politicians using Twitters interactive functions? We conducted our analysis by performing a quantitative content analysis.

Socialtjänsten och barn till irreguljära immigranter : en rättsvetenskaplig undersökning

The aim of this study was to examine how the social services could investigate and support children of irregular immigrants within the boundaries of the law. More specifically it aimed to examine the legal possibilities and obstacles for the social services to support irregular immigrants, how the officials at the social services act considering the legal aspects, and how they reason morally and ethically when dealing with irregular immigrants. To answer the aim of the study the theory of positive law was used combined with qualitative interviews with two officials at the social services. Moreover a small quantitative telephone study with officials in the social services and with voluntary organizations was made. The study has used theories of sociology of law, law and ethics, and professional (civil) disobedience.

Att bygga legitimitet i en värld av förändring : En studie av hur företag kan hantera en ny standard för intäktsredovisning

Intäkter är ett stort och viktigt område inom redovisning. Redovisningen av intäkter är imånga fall problematisk eftersom intäkterna behandlas annorlunda i olika standarder och iolika delar av världen. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) och FinancialAccounting Standards Board (FASB) arbetar sedan 2002 med ett harmoniseringsprojekt somsyftar till att ta fram en heltäckande standard för intäkter som ska kunna applicerasinternationellt. Utkast till den nya standarden har presenterats av IASB, vilket har fått mångareaktioner från olika företag i olika branscher. Den del av standarden som fått mest kritik frånföretagen är den ökade mängden tilläggsupplysningar som kommer krävas i företagensfinansiella rapporter.

Den bristfälliga implementeringen av LSS en studie av maktaspekten i mötet mellan socialtjänsten och människor med psykiska funktionshinder

In this study, the aim is to show how the social services fails to implement a specific rights law (LSS) wich is supposed to have the function of protecting the wellfare and provide specific rights to people with severe mental disabilities. By applying chritical theory on this case the aim is to provide an alternative answer on why it is possible for the social services to ignore these peoples rights.By revealing the power structures in the encounter between the system and a person with mental dissablilities, I conclude that people with mental disabilities does not fit in when it comes the social sevices way of implementing the law and further more that a private person is extreamly exposed to the systems arbitrariness..

Socialt stöd till ungdomar med kroniska sjukdomar

Social support is important for adults well-being, quality of life and self-esteem. The nurse should respond to the patient's care needs, knowledge of social support for young people with chronic diseases is therefore important. The purpose was to investigate who or which ones provide social support for young people with chronic diseases and what social support contributes to. A descriptiv design where used. The literature search in the database Medline via Cinahl resulted in twelwe articles.

"Periodare" hos socialtjänsten? : En undersökning om unga vuxnas behov av försörjningsstöd

The purpose of this study is to find out how social workers in one medium and one smallmunicipality in central Sweden perceive the need of financial support for young adults formore than one year and what the causes might be. To answer our research questions aqualitative research method was used and four social workers were interviewed. The resulthas been analyzed based of social exclusion, stigma, as well as on structural and individuallevel and linked to previous research. Our results show that although young adults are anexception for long duration for financial support, there are those who lack other means ofsupport for a long time. The results also show that young adults often are recurring in thesocial services, and they are long-lasting.

Sociala medier - Ett framgångsrikt verktyg för offentliga verksamheter? : En kvalitativ studie av hur verksamheter som riktar sig till ungdomar och unga vuxna använder sig av sociala medier.

Social media is used widely around the world by millions of people every day. In this report an analysis has been made of how organisations that are directed towards marginalized adolescents and young adults, are using social media in their working processes. The data has been gathered through qualitative interviews and case studies of three organisations, which are in different stages in their use of social media. The results from the study indicates that every chosen organisation wants to use social media applications for the same purpose, which is to be available where their target audience is situated, but their progress is reduced by elements such as priority, lack of knowledge and time..

Kontroll av leverantörer med avseende på CSR - Spelar relationen någon roll?

Corporate Social Responsibility, företagets sociala ansvarstagande, har de senaste åren uppmärksammats mer och mer. Medierna och intresseorganisationer har fått allmänheten intresserad av dessa frågor och trycket på att företag ska ta sitt sociala ansvar har ökat. Det sociala ansvaret ska genomsyra företagens hela organisation och sträcker därför sig även till leverantörer. Att kontrollera att leverantörer arbetar på ett etiskt korrekt sätt är inte alltid helt enkelt då geografiska avstånd försvårar kontrollen.Vi har för avsikt att undersöka hur mindre textilföretag kontrollerar sina leverantörer i u-länder med avseende på CSR. Vi vill ta reda på om relationens karaktär har betydelse för kontrollen och jämföra ifall små och stora företag arbetar på olika sätt.Vi har kommit fram till att små och stora företag arbetar olika med kontroll av leverantörer.

Obstinat och rabiat eller lat och flat? : En diskursanalys av medias framställning av socialtjänsten.

The aim of this essay was to deepen the knowledge of how child-protection-work is illustrated by massmedia. The essay takes it stand in discourse analysis to explain what image is displayed of social work concerning child-protection that is published in news media during 2007 in one of Sweden?s most read evening-papers. The result of the study is that social workers involved in child-protection-work often are categorized as either too zealous or too uncommitted, in the media. The result reflected the current discourse concerning how social workers do their duties in the modern society..

Barn och ungdomar som begår sexuella övergrepp : Socialsekreterares perspektiv

Introduction: The National Board of Health and Welfares conclusion was that today there was a low awareness about children who act sexually toward others and how their problems can be handled. This requires extensive work by school personnel and social workers to give the children the support they need. Aim: The aim was to investigate social workers perception in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Method: A qualitative method was utilized with semi-structured interviews to describe social workers perceptions in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Four social workers from different communities were interviewed in southern Sweden.

Sociala medier-journalistens nya källor? : En kvantitativ undersökning av användandet av citat från sociala medier i svensk press

Is social media becoming a new form of interview? This is a quantitative study about the use of quotations from social media in Swedish newspapers. We chose the online editions of two of Sweden?s biggest newspapers for this, namely aftonbladet.se and dn.se.Although we noticed a big difference between the more serious dn.se and the more scandal-oriented aftonbladet.se both newspaper still frequently used quotations from social media.The thing that we found most troublesome about this phenomenon was the fact that we found that journalists very rarely contacted the person whose quotations they used. That meant that the interviewee had a very slim chance of correcting any misunderstandings.It also opened up the opportunity for certain people to use the media to spread their own agendas without getting questioned.We used the social institutionalizing theory and the social responsibility theory to verify our findings.

Kritik av humanismen som grund till värden i svensk skola med perspektiv från Nietzsche & Kant : En narrativ ideologianalys av läroplanens värdegrund och de oförytterliga värdenas genealogi

This thesis in Educational Sciences consists of a narrative ideology-analysis of the Swedish school's fundamental values with perspectives from the philosophy of Nietzsche and Kant, which also analyzed the same way, with the aim to trace and problematize the ideological foundations of "our society's shared values" that teachers should convey to the students. Based on a theory that a humanism crisis occurs when important values are perceived as threatened, does the introduction of the basic values of the curriculum appear as a response tosocietal changes. Nietzsche and Kant represent completely different idea currents that both have been reflected in the curriculum in which basic values have different meanings. Nietzsche has inspired social criticism, postcolonial and postmodern thinkers to a critical constructivist approach that is an asset in the multicultural classroom to deconstruct stereotypes and prejudices. That culture, ethnicity, morality and religion do not have an objective essence, but seen as social constructions, using a critical approach is a way of thinking which was developed with inspiration from Nietzsche.

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