

13418 Uppsatser om Social services. - Sida 24 av 895

?Varför ska vi heta som vårt hus?? En studie av marknadsföring av bibliotekarien

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate different ways of illustrating the information literacy of librarians and with a pragmatic view survey what has been written about marketing the librarians. The thesis is based on a marketing theory introduced by Philip Kotler. He believes that marketing is a social process and that everything can be marketed. I have reviewed three marketing strategies and their significance in marketing the information literacy of librarians.

Det attraktiva folkbiblioteket? En undersökning av användarna på fyra bibliotek i Malmö

In the last few years there has been an ongoing debate concerning the methods of assessing the quality of public libraries and their services. This study investigates the opinions and needs of the users at four different public libraries in Malm : the local libraries in Bellevueg rden, Limhamn, and Kirseberg, and the main library in central Malm . The purpose was to find out whether different user groups display different patterns in their library use and, in addition, to identify what library services they prefer. The data were collected through interviews with users and librarians, and by means of a user survey ccarried out at the four libraries. The results indicate that certain differences in the usage patterns do exist between the main library and the local libraries.

Kartläggning av socialtjänstens arbete med våld i nära relationer : - en studie av sju kommuner i nordvästra Stockholm

Intimate partner violence is a problem which is increasingly drawing attention in society. The authority responsible for providing care and support to victims of intimate partner violence and their children is the Social services. The purpose of this study was to show how social workers deal with intimate partner violence and to create a description of how this work is currently carried out in seven municipalities in the north-west of Stockholm. This was done through a quantitative survey including all investigating social workers in the municipalities concerned. The results were analysed with concepts from organizational theory.

Företrädesrätt av lagregler : Ska interna lagregler alltid ha företräde framför ett skatteavtal?

In Sweden prostitution is by many considered to be a social problem that primarily affects women. To counteract prostitution is a political priority and as a result the purchase of sexual services is prohibited by law. Since the law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services entered into force it has been continuously debated and widely disputed. The aim of this thesis is to compare the image of prostitution found in the travaux préparatoires of the law with four sex workers? view of the phenomenon.

När räddningen slutar i självmord : en studie om unga flyktingars självmordsbeteende i Sverige, utifrån personals erfarenheter i sociala verksamheter

Background and aim: The number of refugees and unaccompanied children are increasing in Sweden and these people belong to one of the groups that are at higher risk for developing suicidal behavior. At the same time the lack of research on the subject is mentioned several times by different sources. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate suicidal behavior among young refugees between the ages 13 to 18 years in Sweden, from personnel experiences in Social services.Method: We have chosen a qualitative approach with seven narrative interviews that each lasted for about one hour and were recorded. The interview guide was semi structured. The respondents in this study consist of one student counselor, workers from two child psychiatry departments and four different residential care homes for unaccompanied children and young persons.Results and conclusions: The respondents had the understanding that young refugees have been through a lot, lost their families and experienced difficult traumas and a tough refuge.

"...support must also sometimes include control!" A qualitative study regarding social service workers view of the secondary housing market

The aim of this study was to examine the view of social service workers on the secondary housing market based upon their work with social investigations regarding people with a difficult substance abuse. The foundation of this study rests upon a phenomenon, which according to other scholars, occurs in the secondary housing market in Sweden. The secondary housing market consists of a multitude of housing projects that social services provide for people who are homeless. The phenomenon is that the secondary housing market contains a number of demands aimed at the clients who live in these housing projects. If a client fails to live up to the demands it can sometimes lead to negative consequences which results in an exclusion from the housing projects.

Samhällets stöd i föräldraskapet : en studie utifrån föräldrautbildningar inom socialtjänsten

The aim of the present study was to investigate the kind of support society offer parents, by illuminating some of the parent education programs which are arranged by Social services. By interviewing some of those who are involved in these education programs, we tried to figure out what society would like to mediate as good parenting.Our main questions was:* Why are parental education needed in society of today?* What are the purpose of the education?* For whose sake are these educations arranged, for the childrens, the parents or in public interest.* This model which you are using, what would it like to mediate as most important in good parenting.We found that the respondents all agreed that the main purpose of these educations was to improve the relationship between parents and children. However they all pointed out the fact that there are great gains in public finances to do as well..

Utvärderingsmodeller, Hur några av Göteborgs universitets- och högskolebibliotek har utvärderat sina IT-tjänster

The main subject with this master thesis is to take a closer look on how some of the university libraries of Gothenburg have evaluated their electronic services (such as search-systems, Internet-based services, CD-ROM etc.). The information technology has made its way into the library field during the past century and needs to be evaluated and quality measured to ensure the best possible service to the users. Since evaluation of electronic services is a new area in the evaluation field, some problems has arisen in terms of choosing evaluation strategies and finding the appropriate performance indicators for the evaluation process. The main questions asked in the thesis are; - Which are the most common theoretical strategies for evaluation? - How do some of the university libraries of Gothenburg perform evaluation in practice? - How does the various strategies for evaluation apply to the context of this thesis? The results show that specific strategies for evaluation aren't used in the reports discussed in this thesis.

Att se den osynliga skammen : - En kvalitativ studie om kunskapen om skam inom ekonomiskt bistånd

This study is about a social workers? knowledge of shame. Shame in this context is the embarrassment and humiliation that many people feel when they have to apply for financial assistance which equates to approximately half a million people each year in Sweden. The aim of this study is to understand if and how social workers in this field become acquainted with shame, and how it is exposed and then handled by the social workers in the meeting and work with clients. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, we also to some extent, need to study knowledge and how social workers obtain knowledge in social work.

Outsourcing av urval och inköp : En studie av hur bibliotekariens kompetens och yrkesroll påverkas av Bibliotekstjänsts profiltjänster

Traditionally, the majority of Swedish public libraries have carried out most of their acquisitions through Bibliotekstjänst's binding booklets. In recent years, however, many libraries have complemented the binding booklets and other services from Bibliotekstjänst by other ways of acquiring books, such as Internet bookshops, while other libraries have stopped using the binding booklets altogether. There are various reasons for this development, such as Information Technology making it possible for librarians to compare prizes and services from different retailers. Another important reason is the need for public libraries to meet new needs from their patrons, while remaining on a restrained budget, which often causes a need for reorganization of staff and resources.As a way of meeting the new needs for libraries, Bibliotekstjänst has created Profile Services (profiltjänster), a service in which a library outsources its acquisitions to Bibliotekstjänst. The staff of the library, in dialogue with Bibliotekstjänst, design a profile for the acquisitions for the library in question, in order to determinate which types and genres of literature the library and its patrons are requesting.

En karneval går inte att stoppa : En designpedagogisk undersökning om barn och normer

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to describe the social media usage of five European official national tourism organizations (NTO). The essay proceeds to discuss and evaluate the findings, whilst reflecting on the advantages of social media usage from the point of view of an official national tourism organization.Method: The authors used three different methods of research: one structured observation to study the national tourism organizations? everyday work in social media, one field stimulation to study if and how different NTO respond if a prospective visitor makes them a direct question via social media and finally an email interview to gain insight into NTO?s underlying strategies and policies about social media usage.Theoretical framework: The theories that have been used in this paper include the Uses and gratifications model, theories of one-way and multi-way communication, theories of social media and relationship marketing.Conclusion: By making use of social media the company releases some of its control to the customers as the latter can express their opinions freely in this type of media. One of the advantages of social media is that the platform favors dialogue and feedback. Social media can be used for traditional one-way communication, but works best as a supplement to the regular marketing activities, allowing the activities on social media platforms to focus on branding and building long-term customer relationships.

Motivationens betydelse för arbete i hemtjänst : en studie av personalens uppfattningar

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to describe the social media usage of five European official national tourism organizations (NTO). The essay proceeds to discuss and evaluate the findings, whilst reflecting on the advantages of social media usage from the point of view of an official national tourism organization.Method: The authors used three different methods of research: one structured observation to study the national tourism organizations? everyday work in social media, one field stimulation to study if and how different NTO respond if a prospective visitor makes them a direct question via social media and finally an email interview to gain insight into NTO?s underlying strategies and policies about social media usage.Theoretical framework: The theories that have been used in this paper include the Uses and gratifications model, theories of one-way and multi-way communication, theories of social media and relationship marketing.Conclusion: By making use of social media the company releases some of its control to the customers as the latter can express their opinions freely in this type of media. One of the advantages of social media is that the platform favors dialogue and feedback. Social media can be used for traditional one-way communication, but works best as a supplement to the regular marketing activities, allowing the activities on social media platforms to focus on branding and building long-term customer relationships.

Webbplattform för statusrapportering på Sandvik IT

Denna rapport handlar om framtagandet av en webbaserad rapporteringsplattform för Sandvik IT. Uppsatsen bryter ner och illustrerar de delar i processen som krävs för konverteringen från en dokumentbaserad till en webbaserad rapporteringsmetod genom att utgå från Sandvik IT?s rapporteringsscenario. Den dokumentbaserade rapporteringsmetoden utgörs av Excel och den webbaserade av Reporting Services. Många implementeringstekniska delar som kan vara av intresse för utvecklare tas upp.

Marknadsföringen biblioteket : En fallstudie av Broby bibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library?s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries? activities can appear in the light of marketing theory.

Införande av evidensbaserade metoder: ett kommunperspektiv

This thesis is composed within the framework of the supplementary course in psychotherapy concentrating on family therapy (60 credits) arranged by Lund University's affiliate in Västerås, Sweden.The purpose of this thesis has been to explore how the idea to initiate evidence based methods in the workings of the Individual and Family Care Department of the City of Västerås was born. Furthermore the thesis will explore if consideration for methods of theoretical implementation are implied. The study assumes a qualitative attempt and is based on semi-structured interviews from three levels within the organization, including both management and operation.Theories on organization,implementation and the theory on change strategies have been used as a theoretical starting point.The study result shows that introduction of evidence based methods in the City of Västerås is based on the experiences of the organization regarding the need to develop and increase social services contributions to non-institutional care. Experiences from expensive transferrals to institutions which only occasionally produced satisfactory results were a contributing factor. New published research and a strong interest and desire inside the department to improve and change social services contributions have naturally been a positive influence for the development.

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