

13298 Uppsatser om Social relations - Sida 6 av 887

Sundbybergs stadsbibliotek. PR-arbete under åren 1954-1964.

The purpose of this master's thesis is to describe the expansion of Sundbyberg public library during the decade 1954 to 1964. Our focus of interest is the library?s concentration on public relations in 1954.During the experimental year 1954 a public relations librarian, Bianca Bianchini, was employed. Her task was to introduce thelibrary to the citizens of Sundyberg who were not already using it. As a background to this concentration on public relations we also describe the early development of the public library in Sundbyberg.

Hantera medborgarrelationer via Facebook : Karlstads kommuns kommunikation före, under och efter en kris

In the new media society, social media has become an important part of many organizations' daily lives. Organizations, whether public or private, must be where their audience is and many times, these can be found on social media channels like Facebook. Leading researchers in the fields of crisis communication and relationship management believe that social media is a great tool for managing relationships between an organization and its' public, whether it's before, during or after a crisis.The purpose of this study is to examine how the Karlstad municipality use Facebook to manage civic relations before, during and after a crisis. The municipality's approach will be compared to the citizens' experiences of the municipality's communication in different stages of a crisis.The theoretical framework used in this essay is the research on crisis communication and relationship management. How these two frameworks can be integrated with social media like Facebook, is an important part of understanding how the Karlstad municipality make use of Facebook to manage civic relations and communicate before, during and after a crisis.The empirical study consists of a qualitative interview, two qualitative content analysis and an online survey.

PR-olitik: En fenomenografisk studie av konstruktionen av kunskap och kompetens i gränslandet mellan politik och näringsliv

The Swedish Public Relation industry has gone through a rapid growth in the recent decade. A peculiar, although perhaps not unexpected, development is that former politicians and politically employed individuals to a larger extent have been the subject of recruitment effort from the industry. Simultaneously there has been a public debate concerning the influence on Public Relations and Lobbying over the political agenda. The purpose of this thesis is to widen and deepen the discussion concerning Public Relations consultants. It centers on the individual consultants and takes their competence as the point of departure.

Grossistens roll på handarbetsmarknaden : En studie om Ja?rbo Garns kommunikation med sina kunder och a?terfo?rsa?ljare

Ja?rbo Garn is a wholesaler in the textile industry. The companys position on the market is under changing circumstances. Therefore Ja?rbo Garn needs to find new ways of developing their marketing.

Samverkande, motverkande eller kompletterande? : En uppsats om relationer mellan styrsystem

Title: Co-operative, prevent or complement? - An essay on the relationships between control systems. Authors: Kim Eriksson and Victoria KarlssonPurpose: The essay aims to describe the relations between control systems and how they related to each other, based on an operationalization of the control systems. Research question: What are the control systems relations to each other? With regards whether control systems co-operative, prevents and/or complement each other.Theoretical framework: The essays theoretical framework is based on Malmi and Browns (2008) description of five different control systems and control mechanisms associated with each control system.   Research methodology: The method was based on three different data collection methods. These methods were observations, documentation, and semi-structured interviews.Conclusions: It is concluded that the control systems has comprehensive relations. Control systems have more, than one, relation to each other..

Integration och socialt arbete i Danmark : en problematisering av integrationsbegreppet och dess diskurser i ett postkolonialt perspektiv

The aim of this M.A.-thesis in social work is to problematize the assimilatoric concept of integration and its discourses in a postcolonial perspective in relation to social work in Denmark.As a support theory I use symbolic interactionism. By using these theories I show how the concept of integration and its discourses, when its aim is assimilatoric, can be understood and problematized with concepts as binary oppositions and hegemony.It is shown that the construction of the discoursive other is a useful term as an instrument of interpretation of power in general. The relevance to social work in relation to the social workers double powered positions, professional and cultural power to define 'the other', in social work with ethnic minorities is shown in relation to the post colonial perspective with support of symbolic interactionism. The white western world hegemony and the social workers power positions in relation to the clients fits to the theoretic frame chosen in the thesis.A second aim in this thesis is to point to new ways for social work and to the necessity to reflect over a globalized world characterized by international migration, ethnic relations and diversity..

IR - en förkortad information som ingen förstår? En användbarhetsstudie på Investor relations webbplatser

Titel: IR ? förkortad information som ingen förstår?Författare: Louise Davidson & Johan RoothHandledare: Britt BörjessonSidantal: 49 sidor exklusive bilagorKurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation, Göteborgs universitetTermin: Vårterminen 2008, period 2Syfte: Syftet är att utvärdera Solbergs kunders IR webbplatser utifrån ett användarperspektiv. Med fokus på innehåll, logik/struktur och tillfredställelseMetod: Kvalitativ metod, användbarhetstester med personliga intervjuerMaterial: Användbarhetstester och efterföljande intervjuer med fem test- och intervjupersonerHuvudresultat: Vårt resultat visar att det största problemet med Investor relations webbplatser inte handlar om strukturen eller logiken på sidan. Det är inte heller något större fel på det innehåll som presenteras. Utan det är förståelsen för Investor relations som bidrar till att sidans effektivitet och tillfredställelse inte är så hög.

Social fotboll : En kvalitativ undersökning för att kartlägga skillnader i hur svenska respektive engelska fotbollslag kommunicerar på Facebook

Facebook is today a phenomenon that has connected the whole world. With millions of users this has become an attractive place for soccer clubs to connect with their fans. But in what ways are they using Facebook as a tool to connect with their fans?This essay aims to answer the question if it?s a difference in the way English and Swedish teams communicate with their fans on Facebook. The study was conducted with the use of telephone- and mail interviews.

Det (väst-) europeiska samarbetet - från säkerhetsdilemma till stabil fred

In this essay the morphing of the interstate relations in the post-World War II Western Europe is taken in to consideration in discussing how these relations were stabilized and consolidated through community cooperation to achieve a state of stable peace. It concludes that the early 1900's of Western Europe comes close to being conditioned by Herz's security dilemma and then continues to analyze the development from this state to one of stable peace. In this analysis pivotal features of the ECSC, EEC and the EC are being scrutinized through the use of Boulding's Stable Peace theory and developments of the very same, in separate case studies, in order to account for the Communities? influence on the peace process.In doing this, conclusions are drawn that external pressures can be very effective in creating an incentive to move beyond an initial state of conflicting self-images and that a stabilizing process has got to provide a long term solution in order to sustain a trustful relationship. In order to provide this long term solution the community cooperations suggests that locking in through institutionalization, harmonization, and the creation of a state of irrevocable interdependence are highly effective..

Samtalet på Facebook : En studie om IKEA Sveriges kommunikation i sociala medier

IntroductionIn this study, we have explained the complexities of social media, as it is still a relatively unexplored area. With the rapidly growing use of social media in recent years, companies have chosen to establish themselves in social networks to advertise themselves and communicate with their customers. In this study we analyze IKEA Sweden and their use of social media on the national market, where focus lies upon IKEA Sweden Facebook-page. The study intends to find out how the company uses social media as a marketing and communication tool and also analyzes the relations and conversations that occur on the Facebook-page. Purpose and research questionsThe purpose of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of how a large Swedish company as IKEA has chosen to use social media and how it's perceived by them. We also intended to find out how IKEA Sweden uses social media in their daily work and how the company communicates through this media channel.

Parkplan för Kungälv med förutsättningar för sociala värden :

To work with environments outdoors for people, animals and plants is the main topic for the landscapearchitect. On several occasions the work is about public places that is to be in relation with other parts of the town. It is about the activities and the life that take place. The physical environment and the interpretation of it gives possibilities or obstructions for people who moves around or spend time in it.Since public places, parks and places for movement are used in daily life they strongly effect the people who use the places. The concequences of this effect can be positive or negative experiences.A positive example is a passage over a brook on the way to school while a negative one is to be afraid while passing a tunnel when it is dark outside. Other examples of concequences are stress effect from traffic noice or calming environments with twitter of birds. The physical environment is also a part of the total interpretation of a town.

Repulsion : Subjektivitet och frågor kring det sociala

The scope of this investigation is the conditions under which readings of Repulsion (1965), and its depicted mental illness, took place in Sweden during the censorship debates in 1965, and also how the reception was related to narration and subjectivity in the film. The reason for this is the strong reactions to the images of the main character?s inner state, and concerns about negative effects in the public, that were raised. One major concern is how the film articulates discourses through which meanings are produced; that is, how it works as social technology. My thesis is therefore structured around two levels; textual analysis and discourse analysis.

?När man gick därifrån så kände man det här äklaranamma!? : fyra föräldrars upplevelser av Råd- och Stödsamtal

The aim of this study was to increase our knowledge about how the ?Conversational-contact with the social services? is experienced by the parents who attend it. The research was based on a qualitative method consisting of four individual interviews.Main issues of the study:? The parents experience of the content of the meetings with the social workers? Do the parents experience that the conversational-contact has contributed to some changes in their lives?Results indicated that all parents were positiv to the conversational-contact. Afterwards they felt more secure and stable both as persons and in their role as parents.

Idé, förtroende & utvärdering : En studie om Investor relations hos svenska medicintekniska företag

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att genomföra en deskriptiv studie och skapa djupare förståelse för hur svenska, nyligen börsnoterade medicinteknikföretag arbetar med Investor relations och hur detta arbete återspeglas i en effektiv aktiemarknad. Samt att undersöka hur de utvärderar effekterna av sin IR-verksamhet.Metod: Genom en kvalitativ studie söker denna uppsats svar i intervjuer med börsnoterade medicintekniska företag, samt i teorier som behandlat möjligheten för rationella investeringar och utformningen av en effektiv marknad.Resultat: Den kapitalkrävande bransch som medicinsk teknik utgör har troligen påverkan på hur kommunikationen och informationsspridningen är utformad då alla respondenterna använder Investor Relations på liknande sätt. Företagen själva anser att det företag som lyckas övertyga investerare om att deras produkter har störst samhällsnytta även kommer att vinna kampen om kapitalet. Trots hård konkurrens om kapital och förståelsen över vikten av Investor Relations görs inga omfattande utvärderingar av arbetet. Anledningen är främst att det tar för mycket tid och att tillvägagångssätten är diffusa.

?Det gäller att hänga på?- en studie om marknadsföring av folkbibliotek via sociala medier

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine how public libraries use socialmedia for marketing purposes, and what librarians think about this. My focus of this thesislies on what librarians think about marketing of libraries through social media and if theythink that marketing through social media can create a better relationship between the libraryand its users. The questions I wanted to answer were:? Libraries using social media, for what purpose do they use them? ? Do the libraries choose to use social media to market their organization? Why? ? What attitudes exist among librarians about marketing through social media?The theoretical framework for this thesis is Evert Gummessons model off Relationshipmarketing and the process of Internet marketing, which both are based on relationalperspective. The methodology used for this study was structured interviews.

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