

12914 Uppsatser om Social presence - Sida 9 av 861

Twittra, gilla, mäta - En studie av åtta företags arbete med sociala medier

This thesis investigates and analyses the social media strategy of eight companies. How the companies measure and evaluate their activity and investments in social media channels in general, and Facebook in particular is studied through qualitative interviews. The findings are then compared and analysed. Findings indicate that companies' social media presences to a large extent are dependent on individual employees with high levels of interest for the area and that companies that have integrated social media into their others operations see more value from their efforts..

Habitatpreferenser hos tjockskalig målarmussla (Unio crassus) med avseende på vattendjup och beskuggning.

The thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) is a red listed species classified as Endangered (EN) and is also considered within the Habitats Directive. The distribution in Sweden is fragmented and it is mostly occurring in the south eastern parts. We investigated the presence of Unio crassus in a section of the stream Storån, Östergötland County, from Falerum to the inflow into Lake Åkervristen. The environmental parameters investigated were water depth, bottom substrate, shading, water velocity and the slope over the water surface. In this thesis I have focused mainly on water depth and shading, comparing sites with and without mussels.

Survey Of Genes Of Escherichia Coli Causing Bovine Mastitis With DNA Microarrays

Background: Mastitis in dairy cattle is a common ailment worldwide. A cause of mastitis can be bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Mastitis is not a deadly ailment and sometimes the dairy cows show no symptoms but if certain virulence genes are present in the bacteria that cause the mastitis, the bacteria can be transmitted to humans and cause severe diseases. The potential presence of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in particular would be a major concern for human health.Aim: The aim for this study was to analyze the presence of virulence genes known to be present in E.coli strains isolated from dairy cows with mastitis in Sweden.Method: A Qiagen BIO ROBOT EZ1 was used to purify DNA from 90 bacterial cultures. A panel of virulence genes were amplified and biotinylated from the purified DNA by PCR and an E.coli based DNA microarray was used to detect presumed virulence genes in E.coli.Result: There were no samples that had all the genes traditionally used to classify E.coli as EHEC or potential EHEC.

Does nuclear power plants affect house prices? : a hedonic price model of Forsmark nuclear power plant

Nuclear power plants existences have been well debated since the 70s (Swedish radiation safety authority, 2014). Accidents, risk and presence connected to nuclear power plants have been part of many studies around the world. Recent studies have shown a connection between prices of houses and the distance and presence of nuclear power plant in a surronding area of the house. This paper uses Hedonic price modelling to investigate the willingness to pay for an increased distance to the Swedish nuclear power plant, Forsmark. For the dependent variable selling price was used and the independent variables were number of rooms, living area, other area, lot size, selling year, building year and distance to Forsmark.

Sambandet mellan social kompetens och stress på arbetsplatsen

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att ta reda på om det finns något samband mellan social kompetens och stress. I uppsatsen presenteras vad social kompetens är och vad stress är. Sambandet har undersökts med hjälp av enkät med 16 slutna frågor, 8 som handlar om social kompetens och 8 som handlar om stress och en öppen fråga på slutet. Urvalet, som var ett bekvämlighetsurval, var 60 anställda på olika arbetsplatser i Karlskrona, av dem erhölls 52 svar. Med hjälp av en Pearsonkorrelation och en fenomenologisk analys visade det sig att det finns ett samband mellan social kompetens och stress.

Anhöriga till spelberoende Vilket stöd och vilken hjälp kan socialtjänsten erbjuda

The aim of this essay was to examine what kind of help and support social services departement can offer gamblers and their relatives. We also want to examine what the relatives to the gamblers think about the help and support they have got from the social services departement. Central questions we asked were: What kind of help and support can social services department offer the gamblers and there relatives? What kind of help is there to get for children respectively adult relatives? Do the relatives consider that the social worker have enough knowledge about the problem? Do the social workers consider that they have enough knowledge about the problem? This is a qualitative study of three women relatives to the gamblers, three social workers and one specialist in this problem. We have delimited the study to one big city in Sweden.


The healing process of human bone can be aided by the presence of differentmaterials. A material that is transformed into bone when in contact with bone iscalled a boneconductive material. By transforming into bone the material reduces thetime that it takes to heal a fracture. This report is a study of existing boneconductivematerials on the market to see if there is a material available that would be suitable totest on larger fractures. The wanted application is to be able to heal fractures up to50 mm which is a fracture too big for the body to heal on its own.The healing process of human bone can be aided by the presence of differentmaterials.

Prevalens av Sarcoptes scabiei hos thailändska gatuhundar :

The aim of present study was to evaluate the prevalences of Sarcoptes scabiei in Thai stray dogs. The study was performed in Pattaya, Thailand, and included 62 stray dogs, all cross-breeds. Degree and type of skin lesions, and presence of macroscopic ectoparasites were recorded for each individual. Blood samples were collected to determine the seroprevalences of IgG-antibodies against S. scabiei with ELISA.

Synliggörande eller utpekande? : En studie om heteronormens roll i förskolan

This paper describes a qualitative study of preschool teachers' beliefs about heteronormativity and its role in preschool. The purpose of this study was to examine preschool teachers' ideas and beliefs about heteronormativity and the ways in which it manifests itself in preschool, and to investigate how they perceive the possibility and the need to work on issues related to heteronormativity in preschool. The study is qualitative and is conducted through interviews with preschool teachers, and analysis of information letters from preschools sent to parents. The analysis of the letters was intended to critically examine how words and language could be linked to the heteronormative and also to determine which subjects was conveyed in these everyday texts. The study is based on queer theory and social constructivism.

Stress i socialt arbete : om socialarbetares upplevelser och hantering av stress i sitt arbete.

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to get an understanding of what is expected of social workers targeted towards women managers in social services. Nine social workers were interviewed. The empirical data was then analyzed on the basis of gender theory. Respondents did not see their supervisor as a manager but more as a social worker with special tasks. Our empirical data indicates that there is a strong belief that men and women possess different properties.

Radiologiska tecken vid lungödem hos hund och katt :

Williams, E. 2003 Radiologic sign of lung oedema in the dog and cat. To determine if the descriptions of lung oedema in the literature accurately describe the presence and frequency of radiologic signs, thoracic radiographs of 55 dogs with mitral regurgitation due to endocardiosis (ME), 46 dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), 9 dogs with hunting oedema, and 20 cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) were analysed. The location, type (diffuse or patchy, without or with air bronchograms) and presence of pleural oedema, bronchial wall thickening, widened pulmonary veins, and heart enlargement with subjectively and by the VHS measurement, were determined, and analysed by chi squared test with respect to disease. The dogs nearly always had diffuse oedema, whereas 35% of the cats had a patchy pattern, which agreed with the literature. The common occurrence of cranioventral and caudioventral oedema in heart failure was not described.

Europeisering och Programmatisk Förändring : "Europafrågan" i Polska Partiers Politiska Program Under 2000-talet

This study deals with the phenomenon of European integration and its impact on national party programs in Poland, a current member state of the European Union. The author will argue that the question of European integration has left a mark on the political party programs of two mainstream domestic parties on opposite sides of the ideological dimension, in the form of a certain degree of convergence regarding the ?European issue?. Relating the result of the analysis to the theoretical structure of Europeanization and sociological institutional change, the essay will attempt to show a possible link between them. Although this trend does not seem to indicate any dramatic effects of the membership per se in the programs (the national arena seems, in most cases, be of more value for party activities) there is an indirect effect in the form of the presence of Europarties and a pronounced incentive for social and economic adaptation..

Möte och bemötande : handläggarnas känslor i deras profession

The focus of this research is to investigate how the client's emotions can affect the social worker and how the social worker manages these feelings in order to make the right decisions. We have used a qualitative approach in our investigation. We have interviewed six social workers at social welfare bureaux in southern Sweden. Our theories are ?Nai?ve Theory? and ?Affect Theory?.

"Hela inlandet ligger ju i medieskugga" : Vilhelminabors upplevelser av lokaljournalistik

In the light of the problems the media industry are struggling with, local news reporting is only one of the challenges the news organizations are facing. When local editors is being moved to the cities the tie with the local community is being severed.The aim of this study has been to analyze how the inhabitants of Vilhelmina municipality talks about their experiences of local journalism. With methodological inspiration from the Critical discourse analysis (CDA) this study examined the discourses of local journalism, social media, journalism's role and municipal policy. The theorectical framework consisted theories of media and democracy, convergence culture and discourse theory.The survey was conducted with four focus groups interviews. The focus groups were divided in different cathegories based on the participants experiences, ages and employment.

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