

12995 Uppsatser om Social movement - Sida 1 av 867

The Zeitgeist Movement : ?Allt kanske inte är som mamma och pappa sa?? EN SOCIALPSYKOLOGISK STUDIE MED FOKUS PÅ ETT ANTAL DELTAGARE I THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT

This study´s focus was a group of participants of a Social movement called The Zeitgeist Movement. The purpose of this study was to understand and convey what causes participants of this movement to engage despite that the prevailing culture teaches them otherwise.With qualitative methodology of participatory observation and semi-structured interviews with ten participants, our objective has been to answer the following questions: What are the driving forces that make these people act, which approach do they have to ?reality? and how do they relate to it, and what are the potential consequences with this approach?The study has shown that their critical and questioning attitude towards their perception of reality and their social constructivist view of it lead to conflicts between them and their fellowmen. The data was then analyzed with Alfred Schütz phenomenological theories in synthesis with Zygmunt Baumans critical societal analysis and theories.The study's focus was on the Gothenburg chapter of the Swedish Zeitgeist Movement. We did not make any comparisons with other national or international chapters of the movement..

Kvinnoföreningar - rörelser för kulturöverskridande möten och social inkludering

This is an interview based qualitative case study on two Women's Migrant Associations in Malmoe, which I interpret as being part of a women's movement, with characteristics of a new Social movement. The aim of this study is to get a deeper understanding on how the collective identity is being constructed, in this women's movement where the membership is not based on an exclusive ethnic identity.I make a two dimensional analysis that departs from a social constructivist underpinning, including the theories Transversial Politics, Postcolonial feminism and New Social movement Theory.First I analyze the construction of collective identity from the external social and cultural context, and get confirmed that the collective identity of the movement is based on a common experience of social exclusion and a plurality of actions that aims to fight the structural injustices based on gender and ethnic discrimination. Secondly I analyze how the collective identity is being constructed and maintained from the interactions between the members of the movement, from an understanding of Transversial Politics. My findings show that the members of the movement interact in a participatory democratic way which generally corresponds to Transversial Politics. According to Transversial Politics this can lead to a construction of an empowered inclusive collective identity for the members and as my empirical study confirms it also means possibilities for deconstruction of boundaries between social groups..

?TOMMA HUS ALLAS HUS? - En studie om husockupationer

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between urban transformation and the occupation movement in Sweden, aiming to identify the movement's characteristics and comprehend its changes over time. By analyzing qualitative material collected from occupants active within a span from the 1980 to the present, we examine how the occupation movement has evolved. We investigate the motivations behind the movement, the lifestyle of occupants, and their potential gains to get a better understanding of the culture. We explore the prefigurative politics of the resistance where occupant activists create alternative lifestyles aligned with their desired future, bypassing the wait for broader societal changes. Finally we inquire the current possibilities of creating and defending meaningful urban spaces and social scenes..

Hur man arbetar för en annan värld : En studie av Attac-medlemmars syn på rörelsens visionsarbete

The thesis discusses new Social movements and how they act on the conditions of the late capitalistic society. The purpose is to examine a new Social movement trough its own members. What is their view of the movement?s aims and visions? How do they look upon the strategies to achieve these goals? The study is based on eight qualitative interviews with members of Attac Sweden. The results show that the members are highly aware of the movements avowed aims and strategies.

Aktivisten- egoist, karriärist eller eldsjäl? En studie rörande motiven bakom frivilligt engagemang

When it comes to investigating the motives behind activism, the members of political study have a lot to say. I aimed to critiqually rewiev this in my thesis. I asked the question ?What do the actor themselves claim lay behin their decision to become motivated?? To highlight this complex dilemma, I sought to discuss new Social movement theory by comparing it to reality. This includes a literate examination on contemporary political science approaches, and a study of two organisations in the south of Sweden, choosen not to despise any excisting theory, but to give it a sense of reality.

Riksteatern: Hur styrs folkrörelsen?

Riksteatern is a Swedish movement which was formed during the 1930s. The movement now consists of 230 local societies and had 545 000 visitors last year. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how a movement, mainly financed by the Swedish government, is run. To be able to understand this, the theories of Pierre Bourdieu are used together with organizational theories. The empirics are collected mainly by semi-structured interviews made with employees at Riksteatern.

Ny Protest? : En fallstudie av rörelsen Planka.nu.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the Social movement Planka.nu with reference to the theory of new Social movements in order to engage in a discussion about the presence of ?old? tradition and ?new? trends. As well as empirical, the purpose is also theoretical and methodological: to examine, and extend, the discussion about new and old Social movements. A qualitative method is used. The analytical framework is based on a combination of theories of Social movements and new Social movements.

Hur påverkar nya religiösa rörelser medlemmarnas Identitet? : En kvalitativ studie i avhoppares uppfattning.

The purpose of this study was to try to develop a better understanding of the process that being a member in a new religious movement might imply, and to find out how the identity of a defector changes from the time upon entering the movement, while they are within the movement and after leaving the movement. We also wanted to examine what kind of help and support would be needed around a defection. The study focuses on identity and our questions were: How does the defector describe him/herself and his/her identity before joining the new religious movement until the period after defecting? What demand for support and help may there be when defecting from new religious movement? The theoretical starting point was The Identity Theory, Structural Role Theory and KASAM. A qualitative method was used and four defectors from new religious movements were interviewed.

På jakt efter miljörörelsens sångtradition

Is there a specific tradition of songs within the swedish environmental movement? What kinds of music has been performed in different situations and what does it mean to the movement and its inner life? The essay deals with a town meeting and action against plans of establishing passenger flights at a former military airport in Uppsala, looking at the action as a performance and as a ritual. The second part of the essay is built on interviews of three veterans of the movement's organisations one of which is as a singer-songwriter originally active in the peace movement of the 60's. The paper is about the songs and the situations in which they were sung, concluding that there is, the limited material considered, little evidence of considerable transfer of songs within the movement, though some coherence exists. The connection to between environmental movement and the swedish radical music movement of the 70's is also slightly mentioned.

Female empowerment genom trädplantering: Hur Green Belt Movement har skapat förutsättningar för demokratisering i Kenya

Den här uppsatsen behandlar kopplingen mellan female empowerment och demokratisering. Med utgångspunkt i en maximalistisk definition av demokrati, hävdas att female empowerment är en nödvändig förutsättning för att en demokratiseringsprocess ska kunna lyckas.I uppsatsen analyseras den kenyanska miljöorganisationen Green Belt Movement:s arbete utifrån teorier om female empowerment. Kvinnor i Kenya är traditionellt underordnade männen och saknar inflytande och möjligheter att styra över sina egna liv. Inom Green Belt Movement har kvinnor fått en ledande roll och givits möjligheten att påverka sin situation. Analysen slår fast att organisationen har lyckats skapa female empowerment i flera aspekter bland de kvinnor som är aktiva i dess verksamhet.

Hur påverkar rörelse barns prestation i skolan?   How does movement affect children?s performance in school? : How does movement affect children?s performance in school?

This report is a qualitative interview study which central content enlightens how movement and sports effects children?s performance in school. With the help of five different teachers in three different schools questions like; how does movement effect the performance of children in school? Have been answered.Lots of research and litterateur shows that children is doing better physical and mental, the concentration level is improved and the performance in school is better when exposed to more movement, also there are less conflicts and the students gets better motor skills.Comparison with the ?Bunkefloproject? has been done, which was a project in the south of Sweden where they let the children have physical education every day and then they examined how this effected their performance in school. With this basis this report will examine the teachers view on the subject.The result shows that the teachers think that there should be more movement in the daily schedule for the children because they seam to be more happy and concentrates better after movement.

Hälsoeffekter av djur inom äldrevården

Mainstream contemporary phenomenology understands the phenomenology of movement and dance through ?the lived body? of Merleau-Ponty. This paper rather suggests a phenomenology of movement and dance based on an understanding through ?the danced body? with ability to meta-feeling. It is here argued that we need to use a phenomenology of dance to understand the phenomenon of movement whatsoever.

Svensk arbetarrörelse och det finska inbördeskriget 1918

The political and civil unrest during the last years of the First World War had a profound impact on the political life in many European countries. Academic research on the Swedish Social Democratic Party and the development of the parliamentary system during these years, often focus on the civil unrest and the mobilization of the labour movement during the spring of 1917, and the impact on Swedish politics of the Russian and German revolutions.This study is an examination of the relation between the Swedish labour movement and the Finnish Civil War of 1918. The general aim of the study is to examine how different levels and organisations of the labour movement acted in regards to the situation in Finland, and how these different levels and organisations interacted with one another. A second aim of this examination is to better understand during what kind of processes of the Swedish labour movement?s history that the Finnish Civil War occurred, and how it affected them.The conclusion of the study is that the there was a disparity between the leadership of the Social Democratic Party (SAP), which at the time was part of the Swedish government together with the liberal party, and the grassroots of the labour movement, organized in trade unions, and in the local organizations of the SAP and the Social Democratic Left Party (SSV).

Promotionsarbete med unga i förorten : - En kvalitativ fallstudie av RGRA, Rörelsen gatans röst & ansikte

This studie explores how a promotive youth movement that aims to activate adolescents in economically and socially exposed areas, can affect the youth?s participation in society and oppose their experience of stigmatization. The youth movement, whom is being studied, uses urban art expressions as a mean to engage and motivate the adolescents. The empirism has mostly been collected by a limited participatory observation, and through qualitative interviews with staff and adolescents in the movement. The result has been analyzed through Pierre Bourdieus field theory.

Sociala rörelser i rörelse - En analys av de jordlösas rörelses verksamhet i civilsamhället

This thesis analyses the rise and fall of Social movements. Social movementsfunctions in the civil society, by contentious collective action they form identities,mobilize their forces and use repertoires of contentions to make new or previouslyunaccepted claims. They function in a limited timeframe, sooner or later they getinstitutionalized, marginalised or succumb into violence. The landless movementin Brazil is one of the most profound Social movements in the world; their majorgoal is a land reform. Since the leftwing president Lula da Silva won the Brazilianelection in 2002 the president has been unable to live up to the expectations fromthe landless movement about implementing a land reform.

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