

14989 Uppsatser om Social life - Sida 56 av 1000

Jag har svårt att tro att man vill vara utanför samhället : Socialarbetares upplevelser av integration i arbetet med ensamkommande barn

The purpose of this paper was to examine social workers' experiences of integration of unaccompanied children. We aimed to study which factors in the individual and the community social workers experience affect the integration and how they, based on their understanding, work to promote integration. The essay has a phenomenological approach and focuses on the social workers' own experiences of the phenomenon. The empirical data was obtained from qualitative interviews conducted with five social workers, all administrators in cases involving unaccompanied children. The result shows that the social workers feel that the desire to integrate is the most important presumption that must be present in the unaccompanied children.

Arbetsförhållanden inom Socialtjänsten : Experters resonemang kring New Public Management, i relation till barn- och unga enheter

What Places Adolescents and Adults, Respectively, in Need of Social Assistance? A Qualitative Study of How Social Workers Whom Administrate Financial Assistance for Adolescents and Adults, Respectively, Describe Reasons Behind the Need of Social Assistance Amongst Their ClientsThe purpose of this essay was to study and compare how social workers whom administrate social assistance for adolescents and adults, respectively, describe reasons behind the need of social assistance amongst their clients. This was done due to the use of qualitative interviews with a total of six social workers. Of these six, three administrated social assistance for adolescents while the other three did the same for adults. Prior research of poverty attribution greatly inspired this essay.

?Man ska vara slängd i käften och rolig? En kvalitativ studie om fysiskt funktionsnedsatta personers upplevelser och tankar om delaktighet i samhället.

Background Participation in the community is vital to mental health and is beneficial to individuals and society. Many studies discuss this issue in relation to the disabled, and this study investigates this further. The goal of this survey, performed in Göteborg, Sweden, is to study issues relating to the participation of people with physical disabilities, according to their own perceptions and experiences on this issue. Method Qualitative methodology was used to explore experiences of participation in twenty physically disabled adults by means of semi structured personal interviews. Results From a social constructionist view, disability is explained in terms of being socially constructed.

Förpackning med förbättrad miljö- och säljaspekt : Ett projekt i samarbete med Primus Sverige AB

This work of examination describes an environmentally oriented product development aimed to develop new packaging with improved environmental and sale aspects of the products from Primus Sweden AB. The report covers the design process from the first collection of facts to the final results with a description of all methods involved in the work. The focus has been on a clear environmental awareness and the report contains a deepening of the concept life cycle assessment (LCA) for product development. In the process, the consumers? opinions of the brand Primus and environmental profiling formed the basis for the packaging to communicate the right values such as quality, technology, environmental awareness and adventurer?s first choice.The deepening of the life cycle analysis shows that composting and other alternative treatment of the biological cycle is not possible to implement in a satisfactory way in the design process.The work results in two final concepts.

Att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) : En litteraturöversikt om vuxna människors upplevelser i vardagen

Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes Crohn´s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UK). The diseases are chronic and have a pattern of relapses interspersed with relatively symptom-free periods. Common symptoms during relapse are diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. Since you have IBD for life it is important to find ways to relate to and cope with the disease. In that process a nurse can be of great help.Aim: The purpose of this literature review was to increase the understanding of how adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease experience their daily lives.  Method: The method used was a literature review.

Hör du dåligt : En litteraturstudie om hörselskadade, stigma och socialpolitik

The purpose of this paper was to discuss stigma and stigmatisation in relation to social policy and social work. By discussing welfare systems in social policy I wanted to see if there could be any connection between social policy and stigma. I used case studies of hearing impaired adults to give examples of how the stigma processes work. By connecting the stigma and the social policy theories with the case studies I wanted to see how the social policy could affect the stigma processes or vice versa.In the paper the concept of stigma has been described and discussed, foremost using the theories of Erving Goffman. I have also discussed the welfare system and the connection between residual systems and stigma.

Ska ekonomin få styra miljön? : En studie om public-private partnerships

This thesis aims at investigating the two municipality?s Gislaved and Ljungby. Where the aim is to see if there is any connections, between the type and the degree of public-private partnerships, and the municipalities obtained environment performance. In this essay the starting point is that the environmental performance in the chosen municipalities is good.Interviews among local politicians and representatives for the municipalities plastic industries, has functioned as a way to test the hypothesis. Gislaved and Ljungby have thereafter been compared, in order to see if there is any similarity in the sort and the degree of public-private partnerships, and how that will affect the environmental performance. The overall questions in this essay are:How can the cooperation among the chosen municipalities and the      local business life be described? What kind of Public-private partnership      exists in the selected municipalities?Is there any difference between the municipalities, referring to      the degree of cooperation between the municipalities and the local      business life? Does the degree of cooperation affect the progress on the environmental      performance? The end result shows that the local business life doesn?t have any impact on the environmental performance.

Att arbeta internt med Corporate Social Responsibility : Hur Corporate Social Responsibility påverkar hållbarhet och välmående bland socialarbetare

Corporate Social Responsiblity is today a well known concept in the business world. The concept contains responsibility and sustainability for those who chose to work with Corporate Social Responsibility and the three responsibility areas within the concept. Responsibility and sustainability is of importance, no matter what core business a corporation has. The responsibility goes both out from the corporation, to take care of the surrounding society and the environment. The responsibility also concerns the corporation interal, aiming for a sustainable work enivornment and good working conditions.

Livets sköra tråd : Dop och fadderskap i Bottnaryd och Ulricehamn 1781 - 1783

?Life on a delicate thread?Baptism and godparenting in Bottnaryd and Ulricehamn 1781-1783The aim of this study is to discover if there were differences between the baptism traditions maintained in a typical rural parish and in an urban town parish in the period 1781-1783 and to suggest possible reasons for any differences found. Baptism records from rural Bottnaryd parish and the town of Ulricehamn were studied and compared. In both communities, parents were anxious to have their child christened on the day of birth or the day after. They did not want to wait until the following Sunday, as church law prescribed. Infant mortality was high and if the child died before it was christened, it would not go to heaven.

Varför välja profilklass? : En kvalitativ undersökning om varför vissa föräldrar väljer att skicka sina barn till profilförskolor/skolor eller profilklasser

The aim of this study was to investigate how four families in the Stockholm area reason, what kind of preconception they have and what their horizon of expectations is when they make the choice between sending their children to the profile class of municipal/free schools and sending them to the general classes in those schools. The main research questions asked were:What kind of preconception do the parents have about profile classes?What reasons do the interviewed parents have to send their children to a profile class?What are the interviewed parent?s expectations of the profile class choice?The study is built on qualitative interviews with the parents of the families. The empirical data has been analyzed using a framework of theories drawing on the theory of reproduction, the forms of social capital, the ideas created from the word profile and elite and the horizon of expectations. The results show that the parents of the families have a similar degree of preconception about profile classes.

Återhämtning från alkohol och drogproblem : - en fenomenologisk studie av fyra människors återhämtningsprocesser

The aim of this study is to increase understanding about addiction recovery. More specifically, we want to know what people who have had problems with alcohol and/or other drugs perceive as helpful and important for their recovery process and how we can understand this process.The study was conducted by means of qualitative semi-structured interviews with four people who have had alcohol and/or other drug problems. The analysis is based on a transtheoretical model of change from addictive behaviours, coping, interactionist theories and also a recovery perspective, inspired by research on recovery from mental illness . Main findings are that recovery from addiction can be understood as an individual process that takes place in a social context and can follow expected phases, although there are large individual differences in the process. Through the recovery process it has been of importance to the participants in the study to redefine themselves and their problems, get support from others, find ways to cope with their problems, get involved in meaningful activities and to expand their social roles.

Samband mellan utbildningnivå och grad av konformitet till traditionella maskulina normer

AbstractTitle: Correlation between the levels of education and conformity to traditional masculine normsAuthors: Larsson, M., & Ljungqvist, D. (2008)Objective: This study is an attempt to explain correlations between the levels of education and conformity to traditional masculine norms. It is mainly based on the social construction of gender. Background: A high level of education is associated with a healthy living, and a high conformity to traditional masculine norms associated with harmful health behaviours. The background also presents different views of masculinity, the construction of gender and the construction of norms.

Att dokumentera socialt arbete. - En exemplifierande intervjustudie om social dokumentation inom boendestöd.

I uppsatsen intervjuas: samordnare, metodutvecklare och boendestödjare om sin syn på social dokumentation och om hur arbetet går till på deras arbetsplats. Social dokumentation handlar om att dokumentera vid handläggning och vid genomförande inom verksamheter styrda enligt SoL, LSS, LVU och LVM. Uppsatsens syfte är att visa på olika sätt att se på den sociala dokumentationen inom fältet boendestöd och att exemplifiera vad social dokumentation kan vara. Resultatet visar att social dokumentation sker i ett sammanhang och variationen mellan olika boendestöd är stor. Uppsatsen exemplifierar olika aspekter av dokumentationen genom att beskriva dokumentationen med beslut, genomförandeplan, uppföljning av insats, förbättringsåtgärder och visa på den sociala dokumentationens potential..

Samverkan är inte en frivillighetsgrej, utan det ingår i vårt arbete helt enkelt.

How do you do co-operation between government agencies? It is a wide spread view that there can be quite a few hitches in co-operation between agencies. In later years this idea has spread to the media where there has been negative coverage of the social service agencies. This generally applies to cases where children suffer because the right assistance takes too long to co-ordinate or does not get co-ordinated at all between schools, healthcare and social services. The social welfare law dictates that it is the social welfare office duty to co-ordinate the government agencies for the child?s best interest.

Jag önskar att det inte fanns... - om de professionellas upplevelser kring sexuella övergrepp mot barn.

Our paper is targeting mainly students, but also all other people interested in social work with children. The purpose of our study was to investigate how the social workers experience and handle their work with children, who have been exposed to sexual abuse, and what kind of support and guidance the social workers are offered, in order to handle their working situation. We chose to perform a qualitative study, by the use of interviews, since we found it to be the most appropriate way to gather the information. Our conclusion is that the work with these issues is emotionally burdensome and requires a great commitment, however it is essential for the social workers to maintain a certain distance to their work, in order not to influence their personal lives. It is through experience and knowledge that the social workers learn how to handle their working situation. We also learned that although the work with sexual abuse against children gave birth to different emotions of the social worker, the social workers feel satisfaction with their work, by helping the exposed children. We hope that our paper will inspire and encourage to further studies in the area, since there is still much to be explored. .

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