14989 Uppsatser om Social life - Sida 55 av 1000
Att träna sig i att vara människa : En kvalitativ studie om personalens upplevelse av dialektisk beteendeterapi och den terapeutiska alliansen
BackgroundPeople with psychiatric problems, despite efforts in recent decades still experience vulnerability. Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD), where self-harm is common, often live in difficult and complex social relationships because of their illness. Additional knowledge and studies about mental illness, self-harm, dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and the therapeutic alliance are needed.Purpose and MethodThis study aims to examine how staff perceive and describe: DBT as a treatment method; the therapeutic alliance and the importance it has for treatment. The study utilises a qualitative approach with a qualitative content analysis method and presents earlier research on DBT and the therapeutic alliance. The empirical material consists of focus group interviews comprising three DBT - teams.
Fr?n vardagsrum till arbetsrum. En kvalitativ analys av kvinnors upplevelser av arbetslivsbalansen vid distansarbete och dess f?ljder
This study explores women?s experiences of the impact of remote work on work-life balance, and the potential consequences of telecommuting from a gender equality perspective. This investigation is contextualized by societal shifts post-pandemic, during which remote work has become increasingly prevalent. This transition raises new questions about the impact of home-based work on individuals? work-life balance, particularly for women who, according to prior studies, carry a greater responsibility for household tasks.
Fotspår i sanden : En studie om betydelsen av att ha en kristen tro som yrkesverksam socionom
Our purpose was to investigate if Swedish University educated social workers, living as active Christians, in any way might be influenced by Christian values. The main questions; Can Christian values be a factor in the choice of career to become a social worker? How does a personal belief in Christ impact the relationship towards the clients? Is Christian belief a support in the work? In this paper we used a qualitative method and interviewed eight persons, with a background as above, four of them employed by a church organisation and the other four working in the social sector. The result we present is that the eight Christian social workers Christian belief influenced their work very individually. How much this supported them was a choice about how official and open they wanted Christian values to be.
?Dom är ju ändå som alla andra, bara att dom är lite äldre.? : unga vårdbiträdens tankar om den äldre omsorgstagaren
The purpose of this study is to investigate the young caregivers thoughts of the elderly caretaker. A qualitative method was chosen when interviewing young caregivers in order to get an insight of how they perceive and speak of the elders. The main questions of the study are: How do the caregivers believe that the elders perceive their day-to-day life and situation? Is it possible to distinguish if the young caregiver?s thoughts about the elders affect their work with the elderly caretaker? Is it possible to notice any common factors that the young caregivers perceive as important in their work with the elderly caretaker? The criteria for inclusion in this study are caregivers aged 18 to 25, who are working with elderly at special accommodation. The theories chosen for this study are the salutogenetic perspective, the activity theory and the theory of gerotranscendence.
Sömnskolans betydelse för personer med insomni ? en intervjustudie
Introduction: Sleep is necessary for human survival. Difficulty sleeping occurs in about one in four adult person in Sweden, insomnia in every ten. There are several reasons for difficulty sleeping, where stress is one of the most common. The quality of life and health are affected negatively. Treatment with proven efficacy against insomnia is not only sleep medication, but also cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT.
Bostad först ur socialarbetarens synvinkel : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetarens uppfattningar kring en ny boendemodell för hemlösa individer
Our main aim with this study is to shed a light over the social workers opinions about what they believe will be the consequences of introducing Housing First in the city of Stockholm. We wanted to examine the social workers perceptions about how Housing First could change their client?s autonomy and justice. Therefor we accomplished five qualitative interviews with social workers. We analyzed our empirical material with the theoretical terms; justice, autonomy and intern role-conflict.
Palliativ vård i hemmet - närståendes erfarenheter
Abstract Background: More and more people receiving palliative care in the home, leading to increased responsibility for the next of kin. Being a caregiver and at the same time next of kin is a complex situation for everyone involved. Next of kin´s everyday life changes drastically when everything revolves around the one who is seriously ill.Aim: To describe next of kin´s experiences of being caregivers to a palliative sick person at home. Method: A literature review in which eleven qualitative scientific articles were analyzed and summarized. Results: The results revealed three themes; experience of support, experience of changes in life and experience of strategies.
Social fildelning på arbetsplatsen : Traditionell och social fildelning
This paper describes how files and information can be shared in organisations and workplaces. We studied and compared the traditional file sharing in Microsoft Active Directory and the Social file sharing that comes with Microsoft SharePoint Sites. We used qualitative studies based on interviews with system administrators, management and by our own observations to acquire the necessary data. Using independent research, we were able to analyze the data and show the general difference between the traditional and the social file sharing systems. Social file sharing enables the user to easily store and share files in a flexible online environment.
Förtroende för socialtjänsten
The purpose of this essay is to examine trust, or lack of trust, in the social services. Previous research considering this topic is limited, which, in our point of view, implies the need of further studies. A quantative method was used, consisting of an online questionnaire containing statements about the social services. The statements were designed using a five level Likert-scale which required the respondent to rate their level of agreement. The questionnaire was published on five webcommunities directed to parents.
Datorn, en genväg eller ett hinder till dialog?
We are living in a society where the digital technology is a tool that integrates into our life and changes our daily life and the way we communicate. The easy access to information and the opportunity to communication change the schools organization and demands new ways of teaching with and in contact with the surrounding world. That is why it is interesting to know how teachers can create an education environment with support of digital tools that fulfills a meaning for themselves, the pupils and the goals of the curriculum. This study is about how six teachers in one elementary school creates an education environment with support of digital tools and how they think the affect the pupils cooperation, communication and participation.The theoretical frame for this study is built in a sociocultural perspective, where people learn and develop through participation in social practices. To get the understanding of how teachers are thinking about the challenges and possibilities that digital tools have in the education environment, I choose a qualitative research method.
Att leva till man dör : Distriktssköterskors erfarfarenheter av avancerad sjukvård i hemmet en intervjustudie.
Advanced homecare, district nurses experiences, palliative care, quality of life,Advanced homecare is an arranged specialized medical service doing nursing round-the-clock. The care is preformed in cooperation with a multi-professional team formed of different professions. Advanced home care is mostly palliative care. The purpose is to give the patient better quality of life and anticipate, survey and palliate symptoms. The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of district nurses using advanced homecare when nursing patients with palliative care at home.
Överlevnadsanalys och avyttringsorsaker - för ackordhäststiftelsens hästar 1967-2012
Few scientific studies have studied the subject of longevity among horses over a longer period of time. The knowledge about the Swedish riding school horse population concerning injuries and diseases is insufficient. Generally speaking, riding school horses in Sweden have a more undiversified way to work and work more hours in the arena compared to privately owned horses that have more variety in their possible use. Statistical data from the insurance company Agria have shown that horses in riding schools and education facilities have 22 % higher risk to use their veterinary insurance and 79 % higher risk to be put down and use their life insurance, compared to horses in private care. To create an increased understanding for longevity is it important to have knowledge about the different causes of culling.
The aim with this study is to increase the knowledge and enable problem solving within the subject of longevity, median length of life and causes of death.
Den kvinnliga anatomins sociala konsekvenser : En kvalitativ studie av argumentation och doxa i förändring rörande den svenska aborträtten
Abortion remains a contentious issue, which greatly raises ethical problems. This thesis examines the leading arguments in the Swedish abortion debate around the ? in terms of legislation ? critical years of 1938 and 1974. With Foucault's genealogical method, Butler's theories of gender as a social construction in relation to power and doxa, the study examines what the development of the argumentation says about the views on morality, the woman's body, life, individual and state? How has the arguments pro and against abortion changed over time and what does this say about the norms that guide and orientate the arguments? The most obvious change in argumentation is seen in the shift from an absolute moral and conservative position into an increasingly relativistic and liberal position, and this study will argue that this shift has its prerequisites in the changing status of the citizen and state.
Kunskapsbedömning i historia på gymnasienivå : En analys av fyra skolors bedömningsunderlag
As technology have continued to develop over the latest decades and become more advanced the pressure on the general citizens understanding of technology becomes a essential part to live in our society today. The transition have affected our society in great ways and have made a great impact on different groups, one of them being the elderly population in our society. The purpose of this study is to examine how the fast technological development in the latest decades have affected the elderly in our society. This from their perspective by gathering empirical data through semi-structured interviews with elderly people involved in the Agnes-project, a research project focused on improving the general quality of life for older people and increase their knowledge about technology. The study has shown that after the older peoples time involved in the Agnes-project their quality of life had improved in different areas. Areas such as increased cognitive activity, increased interest in new technology and an improvement in their communication with friends and family.
Egenvård i palliativ vård : att leva eller att inte leva
Background: Within palliative care setting persons with terminal illness is cared for. The aim of the care is to enhance the quality of life for the patient through a holistic approach. The disease can lead to major suffering and require the person to handle the situation. If the person´s ability and capacity to do so is insufficient the identity may be perceived as threatened and quality of life diminished. Self-care can help a person to cope with loss of identity, enhance independence and improve quality of life.Aim: The aim of this study is to explore self-care strategies of patients within palliative care setting.