13628 Uppsatser om Social konstruktion. - Sida 58 av 909
Behandling av dubbeldiagnos: finns en gemensam målsättning med behandlingen?
Clients with dual diagnosis have difficulties to recover and have a tendancy to fall between two stools. Among other things this is due to the fact that caregivers have different approaches, values and focus. The purpose of this study is to compare how clients, therapists and socialworkers look upon the aim of the treatment, its form, residential care, the conception of goalfulfillment and participation. In our study we have applied the theories of Aaron Antonovsky, Howard Becker and Erving Goffman. The paper consists mainly of qualitative interviews with clients, therapists and socialworkers.
Emotionell intelligens : Social förmåga, ensamhet och balans mellan studier och fritid hos högskolestuderande
Emotionell intelligens (EI) handlar om förmågan att identifiera och hantera egna och andras emotioner. Forskning har visat att hög EI var relaterat till flera livsområden såsom hälsa i form av mindre stress och kvalité på sociala relationer. Studien syftade till att undersöka samband mellan EI och följande: social förmåga, ensamhet och balans mellan studier/fritid hos sammanlagt 141 högskolestuderande. Mätinstrumentet var kvantitativt bestående av Internetbaserade Big Five Plus (L. Sjöberg, 2007) samt en pappersenkät.
Integration av inhyrd personal och dess konsekvenser för kompetens och lärande : Ett organisationsperspektiv på internationell kasinomiljö
Mot bakgrund av den ökade rörlighet som idag kan skönjas på arbetsmarknaden och de följder det får i form av tillfälliga behov att hyra in personal syftar föreliggande uppsats att ge svar på frågan om vilka organisatoriska konsekvenser integrationen av inhyrd personal kan få för kompetens och lärande.Centrala är frågorna om hur inhyrd personal integreras med organisationen, hur individens kompetens tas tillvara och hur möjligheterna till lärande ser ut. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes intervjuer med låg grad av standardisering och strukturering mot bakgrund av kvalitativa och induktiva utgångspunkter.Resultatet visade att i de fall integrationen av inhyrd personal leder till att konstruktiva relationer skapas och att man bibehåller en nödvändig stabilitet i dessa relationer kan det ge konstruktiva följder i form av att kompetens bärs, upprätthålls och utvecklas mellan individer och grupper. Detta kräver att organisationen skapar förutsättningar för ett sådant samspel och att den organiserar för lärande annars riskerar arbetsplatsens relationik att slitas sönder vilket kan ledat till att lärprocesser och individuell konstruktion av kompetens utarmas..
Anknytningens betydelse för relationer i vuxenlivet hos extremt prematurt födda och fullgånget burna individer
The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between adult attachment, denoted as mental representations of childhood experiences, and social relations. A secondary purpose was to examine the impact of prematurity on attachment and social relations in adult age. The study is part of a larger longitudinal study carried out by professor Karin Stjernqvist and Anne-Li Hallin, candidate for the doctorate, at the Department of Psychology, Lund University. Participants of the present study were 30 individuals randomly selected from the larger study. Of these, 16 individuals were premature born and 14 individuals were full-term born.
Information och informationskompetenser för ett evidensbaserat socialt arbete : om socionomers informationspraktiker i arbetet med barnavårdsutredningar inom socialtjänstens yrkesverksamhet
The aim with this master?s thesis is to examine the information practices and information literacies among social workers in the field of the social services and in the work with child welfare investigations. This is in this study related to their ambition to fulfill the requirements of an evidence-based practice. On a theoretical level, the study is based on three theories grounded in the idea of situated learning and of human activities based in a social context. These are the sociocultural theory, the theory of communities of practices and the theory of information practices.
Medborgarandans roll i demokratiskt institutionsbyggande : -Fallet Kosovo 1999 och framåt
AbstractThe purpose with the study is to see if it is possible to create well functioning and democratic government and parliament in Kosovo, within a near future thru social capital. I have some research questions that will help me reach my purpose: 1. Are Kosovo?s institutions effective and democratic today?2. Does social capital exist in Kosovo today?3.
Klassresan : En studie om klassresenärers upplevelser
The purpose of this essay was to examine class-travellers experiences of having done the class-travel and when they realised they had done it.My questions were: when did they start the class-travel? How do they experience themselves after going through the classtravel? How do they change as class-travellers in their relationship with their surroundings?The study was based on interviews with six classtravellers, trained social workers who have made their journey through studies. In the essay I have analyzed and compared the interviews with relevant litterature/theory.My conclusions are that the experiences of the class-travel are different. The lass-traveller of this study are recognized of being/have been part of two worlds or cultures. How long the class-traveller has been in one of the worlds is of big importance.
Konstruktion av startkatapult för UAV : Utvecklad för Discoverer RPAS
Obemannade system blir allt vanligare både på den militära och kommersiella marknaden. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, i vardagsspråk benämnt som drönare, är ett flygplan som ombord saknar en mänsklig pilot. Då utbudet och efterfrågan av obemannade farkoster ökar måste tillverkarna lägga mer fokus på att kunna erbjuda hela system, vilket innebär att vid försäljning kan ett komplett system för obemannade farkoster erbjudas. Därför är behovet av tillbehör och kringutrustning idag lika viktigt som det obemannade flygplanet.Unmanned Systems Group grundades 2012 med verksamhet i både Schweiz och Sverige. Företaget förser den globala marknaden med innovativa produkter och tekniska lösningar inom området för Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems.
Konstruktion och utveckling av en självbalanserande robot
This project is part of the course MF10YX, introductory mechatronics. The purpose of theproject is to integrate modules from the group members previous specializations into amechatronic system in the form of a self-balancing robot. The prototype ?Charlie? should be ableto race along a 10 - 30 m line. It should be able to start manually and autonomously detect andstop after the finishing line.
Fastighetsförvaltning, service och kontroll : En undersökning av kvartersvärdarnas funktion i olika områden
In 2005 a public housing company in Uppsala, Sweden introduced the service quarter host. The focus on comfort (life quality in American programmes) is similar to the non-tolerance programmes. The idea of non-tolerance derived from the theory of Broken windows. The purpose is to examine how the service works according to the theories of Broken windows and social control. The aim is also to examine if the manifest and the latent functions are the same in different areas.
Fastighetsförvaltning, service och kontroll : En undersökning av kvartersvärdarnas funktion i olika områden
In 2005 a public housing company in Uppsala, Sweden introduced the service quarter host. The focus on comfort (life quality in American programmes) is similar to the non-tolerance programmes. The idea of non-tolerance derived from the theory of Broken windows. The purpose is to examine how the service works according to the theories of Broken windows and social control. The aim is also to examine if the manifest and the latent functions are the same in different areas.
Att plocka russinen från kakorna : En studie om hur kuratorn inom hälso- och sjukvården arbetar med och utvecklar sin kunskap inom krisstöd.
This thesis aims to explore how medical social workers/counselors perform their workwith people during crisis and how they accumulate and practice scientific crisisknowledge. This study is an empirical research paper based on qualitative interviewsconducted with eight medical social workers. The data was analysed with Kvalesmodel for categorization, which constitutes the basis of the research. The results ofthe research was then analysed with the use of Cullbergs crisis theory and a model ofevidence based practice which is described by Topor and Denhov. The results showthat the medical social workers practice the evidence based practice model, describedby Topor and Denhov, in combination with Cullbergs crisis theory.
Mellan det sagda och det outsägliga : om socialsekreterares kompetens i barnavårdsutredningar
The purpose of this essay is to examine the concept of competence within the social services. More specifically it aims to find out how the social workers themselves look upon their own competence in social investigations concerning children. As the study was based on focus groups the main questions were vague at the beginning and were cleared later on during the group sessions.In three focus group interviews in three different municipalities in southern Sweden 11 social workers were asked to discuss this issue. The interviews were then thoroughly transcribed. In the data I identified 9 themes seeming to play a special roll in the discussions about competence: practice; experience; approach; intuition; responsibility; theories, methods and laws; reflection; resources and ethics; specialisation versus integration.The analysis made on these themes was based on two different kinds of perspective; one focusing knowing-in-action and the other focusing the organization framing the competence considered.As a conclusion the 7 first themes can be seen as a definition of the competence used in social investigations concerning children.
Det skamliga missbruket - Om hur kvinnorollen påverkar kvinnors missbrukskultur
The purpose of this essay is to examine how gender rolls influences the culture of substance abuse among women and their social situation. To demonstrate this we have concentrated our research to relate how scientists and the media describe problems of abuse among women. The method we used in our research was qualitative and we gathered information through literature, reports and articles.Our main questions are:Do the social attitude toward women and men differ and how does it affect problems of abuse among women? Do women use alcohol in a different way than men? How do social reactions and restrictions influence women? We also want to examine what position women substance abusers have in society. What similarities or differences are there between the image of women in general and women with substance abuse?The main result of the study is that we found discursive connections that show a rectification among scientists concerning substance abuse among women.
I spänningsfältet mellan kontroll och stöd : en kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare kan uppleva sin yrkesroll
This is a qualitative study based on two focus group interviews with a total of six social workers who work with assessing financial aid in two municipalities. The study aims to examine how the social workers experience and handle their ambiguous professional role, on the basis that they are expected to support and control the client. The theoretical framework is the theory about discretion and role theory. The results show that social workers find it difficult to combine these different approaches. Two different groups of strategies that social workers use to manage their professional role have been distinguished, the first is used to combine the different approaches (combination strategies), which are: empathy, to be distinct and to "blame" the organization.