

12953 Uppsatser om Social economy - Sida 4 av 864

"Betyder det att han kastas i ruin eller att han inte kunde köpa hundra villor till?" : En receptionsstudie om hur pensionärer uppfattar ekonominyheter

Our thesis focus on how retirees perceive Tv4s news casts of economy news where we focused on five different aspects: What is the relationship between the news cast and the viewer and how does the viewer express their understanding of the news cast and the way it is constructed? What are the viewers attitude towards the news content and how do they find the news cast useful for them personally?We choosed retirees as our target group due to their vulnerable economic position in today?s society and TV as an important medium for them due to the digital divide. The study was performed with twelve qualitative interviews and one group interview where six retirees took part.We discovered a big interest for economic news in the target group. The majority had a sympathetic view of the news cast they saw but they also expressed skepticism toward the economy segment and/or news castings. The majority expressed a lack of trust for the journalists and the experts brought in to share observations and make announcements, and the financial business overall.

Hur social a?r den Sociala Ekonomin? : Sociala fo?retag och regionala innovationssystem

Authors: Kosovare Islami and Selma SumicDate: 2014-06-02Title: How social is the Social economy? ? social businesses and their regional innovation system.Level: Bachelor thesis in Business AdministrationSupervisor: Bengt JohannissonExaminer: Frederic BillKey words: Social entrepreneurship, regional innovation system, business - to - businessThe purpose of this paper is to create a model of regional cooperation network for social enterprises as the base of an innovation. This model will be created through the empirical basis. The model proceeds from the three pillars that have been developed and include social entrepreneurship, business - to - business and regional innovation.Entrepreneurship has multiple definitions which treats such as innovative thinking, targeted and creative individuals. Social enterprise has attracted more widespread interest, while it is considered one potential solution for the development of a sustainable society.

Annorlunda liv : En C-uppsats om personer med svåra psykiska problem och deras syn på livet i förhållande till utanförskap och återinträde

The aim of the essay was to see how the respondents reasoned about different themes like, isolation, integration and barriers to integration, given that they had all been diagnosed with a psychosis diagnosis. The essay takes part of secondary data that had been gathered through interviews by researchers at the department of Research and Development Psychiatric South Stockholm during a 3 year period. To work with the interview data a qualitative interview analysis method was used. The interviews were analyzed against theories of social interaction, labeling, stigma and the theory of ?role exit?.

"Bara att gilla läget" : Ungdomar i Södermöre och förhållandet till centralorten Kalmar

The purpose of this essay has been to find out how adolescents from Södermöre in the municipality of Kalmar experience the central place Kalmar. It has also been the intention to make clear, whether the relation between the adolescents and the central place Kalmar could be described as a centre-periphery-relation. The basis of this essay has been interviews of all together nine adolescents.A centre-periphery-situation can according to the theory be discovered by analyzing three categories: culture, economy and politics. If the centre dominates the periphery in one of these three categories, a centre-periphery-situation exists. The theory also says that the people living in the periphery experience less kinship with the people living in the centre.The adolescents from Södermöre showed to experience the central place Kalmar in a way, that can be described in five categories: travelling mostly by bus, unfair distribution of the resources of the municipality, political equality, social equality and the awareness of the central place Kalmar as the place ?where everything is located?.When it came to economy and politics, no indications of a centre-periphery-situation were found during the interviews with the adolescents.

En förändrad socialdemokratisk utrikespolitik? : En motivanalys av socialdemokratiska ställningstaganden gällande försvarsavtalet med Saudiarabien mellan år 2005 till år 2015. 

In 2005 the Swedish social democratic government settled a defense treaty with Saudi Arabia. Ten years later, a new Social democratic government ends the treaty. This thesis will study the Social democratic party?s motives behind their actions regarding the treaty. Kjell Goldmanns theory regarding the three fields of interest concerning state?s foreign policy, security policy, economy and international values, will serve as the theory and operationalization of this thesis.

Debatten om det kommunala självstyret 1978 och 1998. En analys av en tillsynes odödlig debatt.

In this essay I will look at the independence of the Swedish municipalities. By looking at articles for the biggest journal in Sweden on this subject Kommun aktuellt I will look at the discussion for the years of 1978 and 1998 to see if one can draw some parallels in the debate and see if some subjects are always returning in the agenda for the independence. The autonomy of the Swedish municipalities is a very important part of the Swedish welfare model. The municipalities handles for example both the primary schools and the social welfare services. Both these institutions are money draining and the municipals right by law to claim local tax does far from all the time cover its expenses.

ATT VÄLJA, VÄLJA OM OCH VÄLJA RÄTT: En kvalitativ studie av vad det är som styr kommuners utformning av öppenvårdsinsatser för ungdomar

The aim with this study was to examine what it is that govern the way that municipalities develop the non-institutional care for youth. An extensive development of non-institutional care for children is a visible trend in municipal social service and probable reasons for this development are, among other things, research that show inadequate results of the institution care and economy. Our main questions at issue were how the municipalities argue the priorities that have been done within their youth care services with regard to the non-institutional care and how they reason considering this? Furthermore we asked why the municipalities have chosen to develop their non-institutional care for youth the way they have and on what grounds they make their choices? This study consists of eight qualitative interviews with politicians and employees in four different municipals along with analysis of relevant documents. We have found that what governs the way that municipalities develop the non-institutional care for youth has to do with that the municipalities found it vital to find alternative solutions to the expensive and ineffective institutional care, that they comprehend that the quality of non-institutional care are higher then of the institutional care and that the non- institutional care is seen as more effective with regards to economic results and achieved treatment results.

Det viktiga mötet: En studie av intern interaktion i företagsinkubatorer

Entrepreneurship is considered essential for the Swedish economy, as well as globally. Accordingly,massive efforts are put into creating environments that successfully can support new ventures. The business incubator is a prominent part of these efforts and is important especially for the knowledge shared within its internal network. The aim of this study is to further explore how different activitieswithin the incubator can influence the interaction, and thereby the construction of social capital,among the incubatees. Using a qualitative case study of three incubators, and the framework of theincubator model, it is concluded that three distinguishing components within the framework influence the interaction, namely infrastructure, mediation and business support.

Vilken funktion har belöningssystemet i en organisations ekonomistyrsystem? : en jämförelse mellan två storbanker

Two of Swedens´s major banks, SEB and Handelsbanken, which appears in the same industry and have similar strategy. Both banks can achieve a similar result despite the fact that their reward system looks quite different. An issue that arises from this observation is the relative reward system to the rest of the economy control system.Our purpose of this paper is therefore to examine the reward system in the organization's financial management systems. We wonder if the reward system may be a function of economic control system, or part of the system, or perhaps made independent of the system and then gradually adapted?In our study, we choose to assume a reward system has three functions to manage, motivate and compose the employee group.

Allt som är fast förflyktigas : Föreställningar om arbete och sambandet mellan arbete, tillväxt och välfärd i senmodernitetens Sverige

The focus of this thesis is the conception of work and the relation between work, economic growth and welfare in today?s Sweden in the editorial of Dagens Nyheter (DN), which is the main morning paper in Sweden.As the theoretical foundation of this thesis is social constructionism and the method being used is critical discourse analysis, the language is considered as an important source for the construction of value and meaning of work. In that context it is important to investigate how DN, by certain ways of representing reality, preserves a certain view of the human being, the society and the economy. Which ideological ideas underlie the conception of work that emerges in DN? What social consequences will these ideas have?The thesis discusses the ?truths? that the editorialists mediate concerning for example the view of the human being as guided by rational choice and the view of economic growth as the main goal for social life.One of the conclusions is that DN considers work as a means for economic growth as economic growth is regarded fundamental for the survival of the welfare state..

Den bortglömda arbetslösheten? : En undersökning av hur socialdemokraterna beskriver sin ekonomiska politik under 1970-, 80- och 90-talet

The economic policy of the Swedish Social Democrats has undergone major changes during the last thirty years. From using a so-called Keynesian policy to promote full employment in the economy, the Social Democrats have switched to a more monetaristic policy to promote low inflation instead. What I intend to do with this study is to see if the policy change also can be noticed in how the party describe their own policy. Have the Social Democrats been open and transparent with their change in priorities, or have they tried to hide this in their rhetoric?The purpose of this thesis is to examine if one can notice a change from a Keynesian to a monetaristic policy in the Social Democrat?s descriptions of their economic policy.

Transformativt ledarskap - en förutsättning för produktivt teamklimat och egeneffektivitet?

In the faster growing pace of changes and competition in the global economy, factors promoting group effectiveness are of interest. How do components of leadershipstyle, especially transformational, team climate and selfefficacy correlate? To answer this question 3 questionnaires regarding leadershipstyle (MLQ), team climate (TCI-Short) and selfefficacy (self developed) were distributed to employees of a Swedish installation company (108 participants). Moderate positive correlations were found between climate and selfefficacy and between varying elements of leadership and selfefficacy. The leadership behaviour Contingent Reward correlated moderately with all climate dimensions and strongly with selfefficay.

Industrialiserat byggande : Fältfabrikens användning, utveckling och framtid

The construction industry is currently receiving much criticism for inefficiency and slow development while demands for reduced built in moisture and efficiency increases. This report examines whether the use of field factories can meet these requirements and what factors that will be critical for future use of field factories. Industrialized construction with field factory is compared with traditional loose timber construction and industrial construction in the fields of execution, logistics and working environment. The aim of this report is to provide a basis for field factories current and future use and development. To achieve the aim of the report, people with experience in the use of the various methods was interviewed and literature studies in the various fields done.

Landet utan överklass : En studie om hur ekonomisk stratifiering och klass skildras i läroböcker i samhällskunskap för gymnasiet

The gap between rich and poor is increasing. Economic inequality is widening on a global level but also in individual countries like the USA and Sweden. The consequences for individuals are great considering life chance, health, educational level and standard of living. The curriculum for social studies from 1994 as well as the curriculum coming in effect 2011 emphasize the importance of teaching social class as a tool to interpret development in Sweden as well as the world. Earlier studies have looked at how much and in what way textbooks discuss gender, sexuality and ethnicity but social class has been overlooked. This study examines if social class is described in textbooks written for high school. The study also analyzes in which way social class is described.

Behov av managementverktyg i mjölkproduktionen :

For the company to work well, it is necessary with a good economy, a high qualitative production and a well working system concerning the environment: the whole cycle on the farm needs to be working. At the same time, debaters about the environmental impacts are also requiring higher demands for the dairy farmers and therefore also the management programs. Management programs for feed evaluation calculations have been more developed over the years. Big amounts have been invested in the new feeding system with NorFor, but no one seems to have asked the dairy farmers what they themselves want to spend their money on, and what they need help with. For the dairy farmers it is necessary that the whole company is controlled in the right way, and much more than just feed evaluation is included in this.

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