

12953 Uppsatser om Social economy - Sida 3 av 864

Ekonomin i Sala gruvby omkring 1500 till 1600 : en jämförande studie av myntfynd från Sala gruvby och kyrkfynd

The subject of this essay in archaeology is the economy at the mining village of Saladuringthe 16th and early 17th century. The silvermine in Sala was once the foremost producer of silver in Sweden, and the mine as well as the mining village had had a long and rich history. This history can be seen in historical documents as well as in archaeological findings. The lure of silver attracted many different people to the mining village. This in turn madetrade an important part of the mining village.

Individers och deras närståendes upplevelser av att leva med långvarig smärta

Background: Individuals in pain is something that most nurses encounter on a daily basis. Chronic physical pain is often followed by psychological pain. The total effects of chronic pain are felt by the patient as well as by close ones. The findings showed that life changed radically after getting chronic pain. Individuals and closeones both had to take every day as it came, because the degree of pain was hard to predict and could worsen at any time off the day.

Kan den svenska avkastningskurvan användas som indikator för den svenska inflationen?

Abstrakt The yield curve as a forecasting tool for inflation has been thoroughly investigated. However, most of these studies considered only the major economies, such as the U.S. economy or the major European economies and not a small open economy such as the Swedish. The Swedish economy should be much more affected by the world economy then the bigger economies. The purpose with this study is then to investigate whether the Swedish yield curve, or the Swedish interest rate, can be used as forecasting tools for the Swedish inflation.

Det finns ju utrymme för tolkningar : En kvalitativ studie om handlingsutrymme i socialjoursverksamhet

The overall purpose of this essay was to provide a better understanding of the importance of discretion for social workers in direct social services. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: (1) How do social workers define and describe their discretion and their ability to independently accomplish their work? (2) How do social workers experience that workplace organization, policies and economic conditions interact with their discretion and (3) How do social workers experience that the interaction with the client can affect how they use their discretion in the individual case? The method used was qualitative interviews. The theoretical framework was Michael Lipskys (1980) Street-level bureaucracy and the four themes organization, professional role, skills and interaction.The results showed that the respondents, although they did not consider themselves to be affected by the economy still adapted to budget restrictions when they said that they were cost conscious in their work. This adjustment to budget framework could possibly be what made them not feel limited in their work.

Medias bild av socialtjänsten : En kritisk diskursanalys av tidningsartiklar

The purpose of this study was to examine the discourses that can be identified in medias representation of social services. To answer the purpose we made a critical discourse analysis using Faircloughs three-dimensional model. The choice to focus our study on a local newspaper was based on earlier research that found it possible that a local paper has a greater impact on readers than a national newspaper. Readers can more easily connect with what's happening in the immediate environment than what is written nationally. We used articles published in 2013 containing ?social services?.

I globaliseringens vågrörelse; en etablering i Lycksele kommun.

This study describes how a larger investment by a private company in the northern interior can affect a municipality?s economy. The mobility to the municipality is expected to increase and some of the direct and indirect effects that this investment can implicate on their economy are discussed. The method for this study is qualitative. Interviews have been made with the initiative owner of the company LHG Learning Center and with civil servants in the municipality of Lycksele. The conclusions drawn in this study are that the establishment of LHG Learning Centers in Lycksele will include both opportunities and risks for the municipality?s future.

Stabil växelkurs och låg inflation - Inbördes oförenliga? En studie av implikationerna av en real appreciering

This paper examines a long run macroeconomic dilemma. This dilemma states that given a real appreciation, i.e. a continuous increase in the real exchange rate, an economy has two options open with respect to inflation and nominal exchange rate. Either the economy chooses a fixed exchange rate- regime but has to allow for a rising inflation. Or the economy can choose an inflation targeting- regime, but then has to allow for an appreciating nominal exchange rate.

Gode mäns syn på levnadsförhållanden för personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar : - En kvalitativ studie

The main purpose of this study was to examine if, and how, persons with psychological impairments have worse living conditions than the population average. The papers intention was to investigate and describe these conditions and to analyze them based on theories of stigma, and systems theory. This paper was composed on a qualitative study in which god men have been interviewed, in addition to accomplish the purpose. This study has highlighted the four individual areas of economy, employment, housing conditions and social relations. Results have shown that people with mental disabilities tend to live in worse living conditions than the population average.

Las Vegas framväxt : En undersökning om stadens historia sett ur ett THEME:ing perspektiv

Den här uppsatsen är skriven för att ge en bra insyn över hur Las Vegas drygt hundraåriga historia har sett ut genom ett Experience Economy perspektiv med inriktning THEME:ing. Uppsatsen kommer granska vilka viktiga historiska händelser staden varit med om och undersöka dem via ett THEME:ing perspektiv. Information som har samlats in till denna uppsats kommer från litteratur och filmdokumentärer om Las Vegas historia och The Experience Economy. Vad bidrog till att den lilla ökenstaden kom att bli en av USA:s mest besökta städer och idag har en population på över två miljoner? Hur har staden agerat när det dykt upp möjligheter för tillväxt? Resultatet av denna uppsats visar att Las Vegas har haft flera stora händelser att jobba med genom åren och anpassat sig och sett dessa som möjligheter till tillväxt istället för hinder.

Moralisk stress : en explorativ undersökning om socialsekreterares upplevelser av när de är tvungna att gå emot de egna värderingarna inom det sociala arbetet

The purpose of our study is to examine whether social welfare secretaries experience obstacles in work to do their tasks in a way that they, from their own values, thinks is right. And if so, what are the reactions and what strategies do they use to manage this. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews, with five social welfare secretaries, which all work in southern Sweden. The social welfare secretaries both work at a children- and youth department and at a social allowance department.

Positive human to cattle interactions and the possibilities to increase animal welfare, economy and safety for farmers

Cattle production systems are changing to bigger intensified systems with larger numbers of animals per farm and more free range systems while at the same time employing fewer people. Aversive handling has been known to affect cattle production negatively for many years, but lately scientists have started to focus more on what positive effects gentle handling and positive human-cattle interactions may have on beef and dairy production. Fear can cause high stress in production animals and this can contribute to not only reduced production within beef and dairy cattle, but also increased risks for accidents and decreased animal welfare. Therefore, by reducing the fear cattle experience of humans, it could be possible to increase production, decrease accidents and increase the welfare of the animals. Reducing the animals fear and stress can be done by simple means, such as walking and talking calmly around the cattle, associating humans to positive feelings (such as feed) and stroking the cattle?s body regions associated with social grooming.

Pluralismens utmaningar - En teoriprövande studie med Belgien och Schweiz.

This thesis is set out as a testing of the crosscutting cleavages theory on twocontemporary cases. The aim is to test the explanation process of the crosscutting theory applied to the political and social situations in Belgium and Switzerland and furthermore to examine potential conflicts in pluralistic states. Our main questionis: How can the crosscutting cleavages theory explain the different outcomes ofsocial coexistence, even with the states numerous similarities? We have examined the two federal states through their social divisions of language, region, religion and socio-economy. Our findings show that both Belgium and Switzerland possess divisions in the above mentioned variables, which in most cases are cumulative structured.

Om New Economy Firms strukturella utveckling längs med livscykeln och dess implikationer på organisationernas entreprenörskap - En fallstudie av tre svenska New Economy Firms

New Economy Firms (NEFs) are considered being important drivers of economic development and growth in Sweden. Also, entrepreneurship is a widely discussed topic that is considered being essential for firms that are making business in a fast moving landscape. Usually, the growth of companies is put in context of the life cycle. The life cycle further implies that as a company moves from the startup-stage along the curve, the organizational structure increases. Further, increased structure is claimed to impede the entrepreneurial culture within the firm.

Syns du inte så finns du inte. - En studie om irreguljära immigranter och socialtjänsten

Different studies have shown that somewhere between 10 000 and 75 000 persons live in Sweden as undocumented migrants. They are not entitled to basic human and social rights such as access to health care on the same basis as persons holding a residence permit in Sweden. Undocumented migrants are often exploited as workers in the informal economy and they are not allowed to organize in unions. The Swedish Social Services is by law bound to care for all people living in Sweden, though in reality undocumented migrants are excluded from benefits and efforts granted by the Social Services. Our aim with the study has been to investigate the situation of undocumented migrants in Sweden and in relation to Social Services.

Är det slumpen som avgör? : Vad styr socialarbetarens val av institution vid placering av ungdomar?

The purpose of this study was investigating the means which rule the social worker?s choice of institution placing youths and how they match the youth?s individual need compared with the type of home. The questions were: Which significance has the characteristics of the youth and their family for the placing? Which significance has the characteristics of the institution? Which significance has the social workers? way of working, investigation, theories, economy etc.? A qualitative way of interviewing has been used. Eight interviews were done; six with social welfare secretaries who place youths and two social workers who work with coun­selling and placement.

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