

13136 Uppsatser om Social bank - Sida 1 av 876

Kommunikation mellan bank och kund: en studie angående kommunikationen mellan akademiker med några års arbetslivserfarenhet och banken

The purpose of this thesis was to examine what the communication between bank and customer looks like. We have more specifically studied how the bank communicates with the customer when communicating different offers, how the customer wants the communication to take place, what communication problem looks like and how the customer wants the bank to design their offers. Our target group was bank customers with academic degree, with one to seven years of working experience. This study was conducted trough interviews with bank customers and representatives at the bank. On the basis of our studies we found that the communication between bank and customer works fairly well.

Mikrokrediter, kvinnor och empowerment - Exemplet Grameen Bank

Since Muhammad Yunus, founder of the microloansorganization Grameen Bank, was awardedthe Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, the microloansorganization has received much attention. Thewoman has come to play a central role in the microloansorganizations. Her access to capital isis considered to improve her socioeconomic status. The overall aim of the paper is to examinehow access to microcredit considered leading to empowerment of women. To get an idea ofwhat a microloansorganization is the Grameen Bank is used as an example.

Hur väljer du bank? : En studie om kundens val av bank och kundlojalitet gentemot banken

Problem formulation: What factors influence the customer?s choice of bank? How is the customer loyalty towards the customer?s current bank?Purpose: The main purpose is to see what factors are definitive to the customer?s choice of bank and how strong the customer loyalty is towards the bank. It is also interesting to see whether customers who are satisfied with their current bank may still consider switching to something else.Method: The method is both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, with main focus on a quantitative survey. The qualitative part consists of interviews with a smaller focus group to receive a deeper insight of the consumer?s thoughts regarding the main purpose and problem formulations.Conclusion: The main factor when choosing a bank is recommendations from family or friends.

Framtidens bank : en studie av hur banker skulle kunna utformas med hjälp av användbarhet och social media

The retail banks are usually looked upon as conservative. Since the launch of internet banks in the 90's they have not developed much. Meanwhile the internet is developing in a fast pace and social websites are increasing in popularity. The purpose of this essay was to investigate how internet banking will develop in the near future based on interviews, literature and trend studies. With web 2.0 techniques the internet bank could develop to help the costumers take more informed decisions regarding their economic situation.

Hur väljer unga individer bank? : En uppsats som beskriver unga individers bankval

Unga utgör framtiden och är ett segment som banker vill knyta till sig. Det finns emellertid en svårighet för banker att veta hur de ska nå de unga. Denna uppsats beskriver hur unga väljer bank. Resultatet visar att unga är känsliga för familj och omgivningens påverkan, och det är det som i första hand styr deras val av bank. De har även höga krav på tekniska lösningar och det är där utvecklingen bör ske för att nå de unga..

Kundtillfredsställelse bland småföretagare: en fallstudie på Handelsbanken och Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken i Skellefteå

The purpose of this thesis was to study local bank offices work with customer satisfaction. A case study concerning two local bank offices was made, the cases were based on interviews with the managers at the bank offices. The research questions that we wanted this thesis to answer was how local bank offices create customer satisfaction among small business customers, and how local bank offices assess customer satisfaction among small business customers. The study showed that local bank offices find customer satisfaction among small business customers important and use complaints as the primary source in the process of creating customer satisfaction..

Banktjänstemäns uppfattningar om vad revisorer ska göra

The aim of the study is to describe and analyze bank officials' views about what auditors will do. The main motivation comes from the government?s proposals that the audit duty will be abolished and it can lead to that bank officials in a bigger extent can influence the audit?s formulation. It can also lead to that a consumer audit becomes reality. The study covers a sample of 302 bank officials where 153 have participated through a survey questionnaire.

Islamiskt bankväsende : en kvalitativ studie om internationaliseringsprocessen för islamiska banker

The first official Islamic bank was established in 1975. The characteristic of an Islamic bank is that the bank is based on an interest free system. The interest free system is a requirement for an Islamic bank. The Islamic bank system is based on Sharia laws which are laws that are followed by Muslims and it is based on the text from the Quran. The Islamic Banks had a rapid expansion between 1993 and 2003, the expansion was about 23 percent and since 2003 have the expansion been about 20 percent.

Kommunikation mellan bank och kund: en studie angående kommunikationen mellan gymnasieelever och banken

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the communication between banks and their customers. Delimitations were made and the focus became towards upper secondary school students. The study was based on two interviews with bankers on different locations and with different stature, and a focus group consisting of eight upper secondary school students. The conclusion of the thesis was that there are certain problems in the communication between banks and upper secondary school students. The bank didn?t always communicate on the same level as the students when they presented their proposals.

Avgörande faktorer vid val av bank: en undersökning bland
studenter i Luleå

The financial sector is an important part of the infrastructure. As a consequence of deregulations on the financial market, several new actors have entered the market. This has made it even more important for banks to identify the factors that are decisive when customers chose a bank. The purpose of this thesis was to clarify which factors that are decisive to students choice of bank. A survey was performed among students at Luleå University of Technology.

Trött, ointresserad och lat : En studie om varför privata bankkunder inte byter bank

Uppsatsen är en kvantitativ studie om varför bankkunder inte byter bank och vad som skulle kunna öka rörligheten på bankmarknaden. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka de bakomliggande faktorerna som ligger till grund för valet att byta eller inte byta bank. Med utgångspunkt i de teoretiska delarna, tjänstekvalitet, relationsband, kundlojalitet, byteshinder och bytesbeteende har en modell skapats för att studera valet att byta bank eller inte. Efter att ha genomfört en enkätstudie presenteras undersökningens reslutat i form av korstabeller och diagram. Olika faktorer som påverkar bankkunders val av bankbyte identifierades.

Viktiga faktorer vid lantbrukares val av bank

The bank market for farmers in Sweden is dominated by Swedbank and Landshypotek. One of the most aggressive challengers is Länsförsäkringar Bank, which in 2009 had seven per cent of the Swedish bank market for farmers, but 57 per cent of all new lending. This paper deals with the problem of new banks to break into the bank market where farmers are slow in terms of change in their attitudes and loyal to their banks. The study has been carried out in cooperation with Länsförsäkringar Gävleborg which is a new actor in the banking market and thus eager to take part in the outcome of the study. This essay thus seeks to examine the attitudes farmers have against bank switching and the factors that influence their choice of bank.

Bankernas roll i ett hållbart samhälle : om bankers CSR-arbete

Lately it has become more common to question the companies? actions in how they affect their surroundings. Today, the expression ?Corporate Social Responsibility? often is mentioned in this connection. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is a concept whereby companies voluntarily integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operation.In Sweden there is a big difference between different businesses when it comes to their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Barriärer mot användandet av bank via Internet

Bankerna strävar efter att med tjänsten bank via Internet erbjuda bättre kundservice och bekvämlighet i en säker elektronisk miljö. Bankerna ser den möjlighet som Internet utgör som en ersättning, inte bara som ett alternativ åt någon av deras traditionella tjänster. Varför används tjänsten bank via Intenet endast i en begränsad utsträckning hos privatpersoner?En intervju av bankkunder tar fram privatpersoners viktigaste orsaker till att inte använda bankernas Internettjänster. Resultatet av den undersökningen jämförs med en liknande undersökning från Australien.Viktiga orsaker till att inte använda bank via Internet: bankkunder saknar tillgång till Internet, de tycker traditionellt tillvägagångssätt är tillräckligt bra, de är osäkra på säkerheten, de känner inte till servicen och fördelarna tillräckligt eller de vill ha den personliga kontakten med bankpersonalen..

Studenters val av bank : demografiska skillnaders påverkan på konsumentbeteenden vad gäller banktjänster

Students today, in the banking system, are the least loyal group. Students are also the most costly group due to the large investments, made by the banks, for them. Banks have generalized all students in one category and have adapted their offering regardless of students? social statues. As the students banking needs are dependent on their position in their lifecycle, generalizing them in one group is not optimal.The aim of this thesis is to investigate those factors which influence students? choice of bank.

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