13372 Uppsatser om Social Sciences - Sida 40 av 892
Varumärket Öresund : med nätverk som kommunikationskanal
I uppsatsen undersöks förutsättningar och möjligheter för att genom Öresund Networks medlemsnätverk kommunicera varumärket Öresund till externa målgrupper. Nätverksmedlemmars uppfattningar och behov analyseras utifrån varumärkes- och nätverksteori. Det empiriska material som legat till grund för analysen har samlats in med kvalitativa intervjuer.Resultaten visar att varumärket har en positiv image hos nätverksmedlemmarna och att det finns goda förutsättningar för att kommunicera varumärket genom nätverket. Nätverket utnyttjas dock inte till sin fulla potential och bör anpassas efter nätverksmedlemmarnas behov. Engagemanget för varumärket måste också höjas för att skapa ett starkt varumärke vilket är en förutsättning för att nätverksmedlemmarna ska kommunicera varumärket.
Imperiet förkroppsligat: Förenta Nationernas sekretariat som imperiell byråkrati
AbstractVärlden förändrades 1989. Det sovjetiska samhällssystemets kollaps befäste i mångas ögon liberalismens och den fria marknadsekonomins seger över de socialistiska ideologierna. Vad som emellertid förbisågs av många författare vid denna tidpunkt, var den parallella framväxten av ett nytt globalt imperium. Detta imperium var resultatet av marknadsekonomins gradvisa expandering över världen, som med östblockets fall, slutligen konsoliderades över hela världen.I vår uppsats har vi undersökt detta imperiums maktlogik, genom att utröna vilken roll Förenta Nationernas sekretariat spelar inom det världsomspännande maktsubjektet. Detta har gjorts i två steg, där vi först fokuserar på sekretariatets repressiva makt; dess utslätning av subjektiviteter, och sedan dess produktiva makt; dess konstruerande av legitimitet.
Är Islam lösningen? En analys av Muslimska brödraskapet och deras syn på demokrati
Is the Muslim Brotherhood a political force that can be able to push Egyptian society in to the process of democratization? We think that the answer to that question is yes, even though the movement clearly state that their main aim to create a democratic state, but based upon the Islamic shari?ah-laws. In this paper, we examine if the Brotherhoods? political platforms and ideas are compatible with the classic ideas of how a democratic state should be. We discuss Robert A.
Syns inte - Finns inte? En kvalitativ studie om unga som valt att ej dricka alkohol.
The purpose of this study was to examine how young people who have chosen not to drink alcohol experience themselves and their surroundings. The aim was to find out what role temperance plays in their perceived identity. I also wanted to find out how they experienced the views of them, temperance and the temperance movement in their surroundings. Finally, I was interested in the question about alcohol, witch significance they believed it had for them and their surroundings. As theoretical ground, I used Howars S.
Metodutveckling av självskattningsformulär för prestationsmätning av flygledare innan skiftstart
This paper was part of the ongoing cooperation between the Swedish Civil Aviation Authority and the Department of Psychology at Lund University. The purpose of this study was to develop a self-report measure regarding human factors, for the air traffic controllers to fill out before they start their working shift. This in order to aid the team leaders in their judgment regarding the air traffic controller's ability to perform at the right safety level. The self-report measure would also serve as an aid for the air traffic controllers who have a responsibility regarding their own performance. If successful this self-report measure would make it easier for the air traffic controllers to be alert regarding certain factors that can have a large impact on their performance.
Identitetens Ljudspår: musik, smak & subkultur
This essay presents a picture of swedish reggae listeners and how their love of music give meaning to their lives and unite them in a sub-culture. Based on interviews with six young men about their involvement in reggae, it also investigates the relationship between music and identity, or more clearly; how identity is expressed through music. Furthermore, I discuss the notion of taste according to Bourdieu, and argue against his statement that taste in music affirms the class and social background of an individual. Results from my empirical data have indicated that reggae music is difficult to associate to a distinct lifestyle, which inclines me to argue that it has managed to transcend phenomena such as ethnicity, class and cultural affiliation..
Livet på gamla dar': en kvalitativ studie kring äldre personers livskvalitet.
The aim with our paper has been to get a picture of which factors one of the heterogeneous group that we've chosen of old persons, 75-90 years, in Scania, in south Sweden, have experienced to be of importance for their life quality today and what they wish to preserve of their actual life style when they eventually shall use the elderly care. Also how their individual life course has influenced their experience of the quality of life.We found this subject interesting as the group of old people in the society is constantly increasing and when the group becomes bigger, then greater demands will be put on the elderly care. We have proceeded from a standpoint that all people are unique individuals and that people become what they are from their life histories and from the choices they have made during their life. We have used the life course theory that says that one should see the individual in his/her wholeness and the whole life history of a person in order to understand him/her. We have also studied earlier research concerning the different determinants of the life quality.
Nätverket kring kvinnliga medborgarskolan på Fogelstad. En analys av kvinnors deltagande i politik och samhällsliv.
1922 startades en kvinnlig medborgarskola på Fogelstad i Södermanland. Initiativet togs av en grupp namnkunniga kvinnor som ansåg att kvinnorna med sin nyvunna rösträtt behövde tränas i medborgarskap. Samtidigt fanns även andra sammanhang och med syfte att främja kvinnors deltagande i politiken och samhällslivet. Vissa av dessa, nämligen tidningen Tidevarvet, Frisinnade kvinnor, Socialdemokratiska kvinnoförbundet samt sakfrågorna jordfrågan, fredsfrågan och befolkningsfrågan hade kopplingar till Fogelstad. Dessutom satt ett antal kvinnor med anknytning till Fogelstad i riksdagen.
Tre studenter med ADHD berättar om upplevelsen av att läsa i högre utbildning
Research shows that there is a lack of knowledge of adult students with ADHD.
Most of all research focuses on children with ADHD in school. The purpose of
this study was to gain a better understanding of how adult learners with ADHD
experience academic studies related to cognitive difficulties, emotion,
motivation, and their experience of SOC. The questions tried to determine how
any cognitive difficulties and emotions are perceived, how students' motivation
to study impacted and their experience of SOC based on studies in higher
education. To answer the purpose and questions used qualitative interviews
based on three students with ADHD using a hermeneutic method.
Det händer något visst när kvinnan blir moder : en kvalitativ studie som utforskar nyblivna mammors inställning till alkohol i förhållande till graviditet och moderskap
The argument whether women should drink alcohol during pregnancy, has been debated for centuries. Women's drinking behaviour throughout the ages is not a static phenomenon but has changed in compliance with the customs of the time. The purpose of this study was not to evaluate if alcohol damages the unborn child, but rather to explore how women, who have just given birth and hence have become mothers, looked at alcohol in relation to pregnancy and motherhood. To accomplish this we have used a qualitative method with a semi-structured interview guide. What has turned out to be central to our conclusions is the fact that though, in today's society, there is access to newly produced science reports concerning alcohol in connection to injuries to the foetus, it is our belief that the demands and expectations directed on the mother are dominant in this matter..
Att vända kappan efter vinden? : en fallstudie om socialdemokraternas ändrade inställning till friskolorna
The number of public schools in Sweden has increased strongly over the past twenty years. This essay gives a possible explanation to how the Social Democratic Party in Sweden took part in this evaluation from 1987 to 1997. I've analysed how the party's ideology in this issue was shaped and adapted to the opposite politics, when the Liberals and Conservatives Parties were in government.The empirical analyse is primarily based on official documents from the Parlament such as debates, government bills and motions. I have also studied the Social Democratic Party's congresses which took place during this period of time. I have practised two different theories in analysing the motives behind the acting.
Kan instruktioner om en rättvis och likabehandlande rekrytering leda till minskad diskriminering?
This study examined if individuals act in a less discriminating way and in a more fair way when they receive instructions about justice and not being discriminating while recruiting. 96 randomly assigned students at the University of Lund participated in this study. The participants were informed that they would act as a recruiter. They would then choose and place three of the best personal record in order of preference. There were three different kinds of company policies/instructions.
Vad påverkar valet av insats? : Om socialsekreterares bedömningar i missbruksärenden
The purpose of this essay was to investigate affecting factors concerning social workers in social services assessments with cases of abuse. We wanted to see if social workers in social services tend to make different assessments of the need of substance abusers care. Our survey was carried out as a vignettesurvey with complementary interviews as means to deepen the outcome results.Our survey showed that the included social workers in social services in some senses make different assessments when it comes to choice of effort put in for the client. We shed light on different factors and circumstances, which could bear meaning for the social workers in social services assessments. Examples of factors were the social workers in social services age, gender, working experience and attitude towards substance abusers..
Mitt emellan : En undersökning om hur några arabiska unga män förhåller sig till den svenska alkoholkulturen i samband med den arabiska alkoholkulturen
The purpose with our essay is to examine how Arabic young men, with Islamic background, behave to the origin culture of alcohol in relation to the Swedish alcohol culture. To get the information we used a qualitative method. We interviewed young men with Islamic background.Some central questions that character our essay was about the interview person's positions between the different alcohol cultures and if the Islamic religion in some way affects their view on alcohol. Another important question was how they interpret the message of the Koran about alcohol.The conclusion with our study is that the majority of the interview persons consider them selves between the two different alcohol cultures. All of the interview persons were in some way influenced of the Islamic religions rules concerning the use of alcohol and this even if some of the persons didn't see themselves as faithful Muslims..
Familjeklimat: en validering
In an attempt to make social work evidence based, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, has recommended the use of standardized methods. As there are very few instruments that are defined as standardized, we decided to compile studies made with the "Family Climate self-rating scale", FCS, that is used by the profession, although not yet validated. We were looking for conformity in results and functionality in family treatment. FCS comprises a list of 85 adjectives to reflect different aspects of the emotional atmosphere in the family. It has been used since the late 80´s and there has been no attempt to compile results of using the instrument, until now.By searching in databases and libraries we found 20 Swedish studies using the instrument, which we compared to each other.