

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 50 av 398

Matavfallets klimatpåverkan vid energiutvinning : En systemstudie om matavfallets klimatpåverkan ur lokalt och globalt perspektiv i Göteborg

Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete som utfördes våren 2011 på Renova i Göteborg. Examensarbetets övergripande syfte är att visa hur man bäst tillvaratar energi i matavfall ur klimatsynpunkt. Klimatpåverkan redovisas ur ett såväl lokalt som ett globalt systemperspektiv och mäts i koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2e). I det lokala systemperspektivet inkluderas endast klimatpåverkan från energianvändningen samt produktionen i Göteborg, med andra ord inkluderas endast skorstensemissionerna. I det globala systemperspektivet inkluderas alla emissioner som uppstår vid omhändertagande av matavfall såväl lokalt som globalt och det är ur detta systemperspektiv som den verkliga klimatpåverkan redovisas.I studien presenteras tre olika behandlingsscenarion för omhändertagande av den energi som finns matavfall.

Företagsservice på folkbibliotek. En enkätundersökning bland företag i Övertorneå kommun

This thesis is the result of a questionnaire survey amongsmall businesses in the municipality of Övertorneå. Smallbusinesses need access to many different kinds of informationduring day-to-day operations. Since small businesses oftenlack resources like time, staff and money, the public librarycould provide small businesses with information.The aim of this thesis is to study information needs amongsmall businesses in Övertorneå. The study also aims to suggestwhat kind of service the library could provide accordingto the information needs and the most valued informationsources of the businesses..

Mervärdesskatteskyldighet : -allmännyttiga ideella föreningar

Syftet med undersökningen var att studera huruvida psykologiska faktorer påverkar skaderisken för elitfotbollsspelande damer. Detta inkluderade också att undersöka sambandet mellan dagliga stressorer och uppkomsten av idrottsskador. Totalt deltog 42 kvinnliga fotbollsspelare i åldrarna 16-25 år. Via en prospektiv design inkluderades en förmätning med hjälp av enkäterna LESCA, SSP, Fotball Worry Scale samt Brief COPE. I tretton veckor fyllde sedan deltagarna i enkäten Daily Hassle Scale.

Automatisering av spraytorkningsprocess

ABB Surge Arrestors in Ludvika have for a long time had a problem to keep the moisture at a steady state in the production of their ZnO-powder, that is used to produce varistors.Some black-box models of the spray drying process have been designed and evaluated to find a solution for the problem. After evaluating the collected data it has been found that variations in the supply voltage causes control difficulties for the operator. A cascade control system was designed, consisting of three PI control loops designed with lambda tuning. The disturbance in the supply voltagewas used as a feed forward in the control system.At the end of the project the control system was installed, and tests were made to verify the functionality of the regulator. It was shown that most of the variations in the moisture of the powder could be eliminated using small resources, through purchase of a process controller and four power meters.

Rätt gåva för rätt tillfälle

This master thesis is a study of the Swedish hydropower capacity to balance wind power. The Swedish government has decided that it should be possible to produce 30 TWh from wind power in the year 2020. The Swedish municipalities have to have plans for wind power plants with total yearly generation of 30 TWh. Wind power is an variable energy source that needs to be balanced by other energy sources. In Sweden the Swedish hydropower can be used for balancing a large scale introduction of wind power.

Hej, kom spela med oss! (Hi, come play with us!)

People play games now more than ever before. While the digital gaming industry dominates the market, boardgaming has been living in its shadow. Board games offer a physical tangibility and a social experience that can be found in few digital games. How do we create a tool that further builds upon those strengths? The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of developing a service that consists of an mobile application and board game events to promote social face-to-face interaction. Focus has been on the social face-to-face interaction in the context of a board game session.

Spänningsstyrd underfrekvenslastfrånkoppling i elektriska kraftsystem

This report is a Master?s Thesis performed by Andreas Adolfsson and David Jacobsson atChalmers University of Technology. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to evaluate anew method for load-shedding, the voltage controlled underfrequency load-sheddingdeveloped by ABB. This report presents a comparison between conventionalunderfrequency load-shedding and this new method for load-shedding.

Röd Glöd : Granaternas betydelse under yngre järnålder med fokus på Gamla Uppsala

During an excavation at Old Uppsala 571 raw garnets was found. In comparison with similar fragments from other sites in Sweden my aim was to prove a completely domestic production of garnets for cloisonné work. I have chosen to look at the archaeological sites of Old Uppsala, Valsta, Slöinge and Paviken and more closely at the material from Old Uppsala and Valsta. My theoretical framework has been to look at the garnets own agency in the contemporary society.Garnet cloisonné was a popular jewellery form during the Merovingian period on the continent although it came to an end in the early 7th century. It was during this time in Scandinavia a new sort of garnet, technique and paste was introduced and the garnet cloisonné was profoundly used for the gear of the elite and ritual objects.

Stressreaktioner hos patienter med diagnostiserad prostatacancer och deras partner : Med kvalitetssäkring av enkät "Impact of Event Scale?

Bakgrund: Prostatacancer är den vanligaste formen av cancer bland män i Sverige. Att få en cancerdiagnos innebär stress för både patienten och dess partner.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka grad av stressreaktioner i form av undvikande beteende och pa?trängande tankar hos patienter med prostatacancer och deras partner. Ytterligare ett syfte var att kvalitetssäkra mätinstrumentets formulering och svarsalternativ.Metod: Arbetet var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Datainsamlingen gjordes med hjälp av enkät ?Impact of Event Scale? (IES) samt en enkät utformad enligt ?The Question and Answer Model? (QAM) för att kvalitetssäkra IES.

Funktionsupphandling av solelanläggningar

This thesis aims to contribute to improved functional procurement of photovoltaic systems, PV systems. Functional procurement means that criteria concerning a function are set rather than specifying technical details or products. Possible advantages and difficulties in using functional procurement have been analyzed by interviews, simulations and a case study. Electricity production and surplus production for different scenarios have been simulated via MATLAB. The MATLAB script was also used to generate rules of thumb on feasible solar fraction for six different load profiles; a church, a farm, a car mechanic, an office, an industry and an apartment building.

Locally produced pork ? Västra Götaland

The interest for locally produced food has increased the last couple of years, and some consumers have a willingness to pay a premium for niche products like locally produced food. At the same time it seems like the Swedish pig production are in a negative development period. This study tries to see if locally produced pork could be a possible factor which might affect producers in the county of Västra Götaland views on different aspects regarding their production. Consumers of pork and their point of view regarding locally produced pork were also studied. Surveys to consumers and producers were constructed. Although previous studies claim the opposite, in the two locations (Högsäter and Uddevalla) where the consumer survey were performed, there were more men than women that always bought locally produced pork.

Enkla kemiska processer inom förskolan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om förskollärares uppfattningar och tankar om läroplansmålet enkla kemiska processer

The aim of this study was to investigate preschool teacher?s perceptions about the curriculum goal concerning simple chemical processes. The result was based on narratives received by a qualitative study and semi-structured interviews of six preschool teachers. The results of the study showed that preschool teachers perceive that they actually are working in a relatively small scale with simple chemical processes and they do not really know what simple chemical processes are, and do not feel very familiar with the subject. Water, dough, mud, paint and baking were the most common activities that were used when working towards the curricular goal. However, it was never explained to the children that it was simple chemical processes they were working with during the activities, neither was it discussed among colleagues because of the uncertainty about the concept.

Planteringsförbandets betydelse för kvalitetsegenskaper i Contortatall (Pinus contorta var. latifolia)

In Sweden, large scale planting of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) started in the beginning of the 1970?s. At first, the aim was production of pulpwood, but later, also production of timber became considered realistic. Today, Sweden has more than 520 000 ha of Lodgepole pine.

En studie om Lean Production som effektivitetsteori i virkesanskaffningsprocessen : ett hjälpmedel för ökad effektivitet med kunden i fokus

Effektivitet är för många organisationer ett begrepp som förknippas med att utnyttja sina resurser maximalt. Detta är något som även är märkbart inom svenskt skogsbruk, där man idag är mycket mån om att vara resurseffektiv i sin verksamhet. Det finns dock fler innebörder av effektivitet som begrepp. Toyota, med sitt Toyota Production System, och lean production har bevisat att en flödeseffektiv process med kundfokusering kan vara ett framgångsrikt arbetssätt. Denna studie tar upp lean production som teori i svenskt skogsbruk och knyter an denna mot virkesanskaffningsprocessen.

Balansering av en storskalig vindkraftsutbyggnad i Sverige med hjälp av den svenska vattenkraften

This master thesis is a study of the Swedish hydropower capacity to balance wind power. The Swedish government has decided that it should be possible to produce 30 TWh from wind power in the year 2020. The Swedish municipalities have to have plans for wind power plants with total yearly generation of 30 TWh. Wind power is an variable energy source that needs to be balanced by other energy sources. In Sweden the Swedish hydropower can be used for balancing a large scale introduction of wind power.

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