

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 51 av 398

Produktivitetsstudie Brobyggnad

The development of productivity in the construction industry has long been at a steady state compared to the manufacturing industry. Studies have shown that, amongst other things, waste on construction sites can reach up to one third of the total production cost. This has been observed from different aspects, and change is forthcoming.This thesis aims to provide a foundation for an increased productivity at production sites of building bridges. It is primarily based on a field study at Skanska, at a bridge construction site near Grängesberg. Via continuous interviews with the whole production crew, construction workers and management, information on interference and possibilities of improvement at the work site has been documented.

Brandsäkerhet i ett småhus

This essay includes the planning and designing of a house as well as writing a rapport about howto increase fire safety in small buildings.More than 6000 homes burn in Sweden every year (Brandskyddsföreningen, 2012c). Thedevastation and the costs are usually very high. This report examines possible measures to reduceboth personal injuries and economic losses resulting from house fires in small buildings.Swedishbuilding regulationsplay a major role when it comes to constructional fire safety. However therequirements inSwedish building regulations are very low for small buildings and this is anargument for raising the requirements.The report shows and describes possible methods to build safer with regards to fire in terms ofmaterials and different building structures. Major focus has been on fire cells but other solutionsare also examined and described.

Jämförelse mellan Theory of Mind-förmåga och pragmatisk förmåga hos svenska barn i 4 och 5 års ålder

Theory of mind involves the ability to take another person?s perspective in thought, emotions and intentions.  There is today a lack of instruments to assess children?s development of Theory of Mind (ToM) in Swedish. ToM is considered by many scientists to be the basis for development of pragmatic competence. The relationship between these two abilities is complex and not fully resolved. Both abilities are important components for the development of social skills.    The purpose of this study was to compare 4 and 5-year olds ToM-ability measured with a Swedish version of Wellman and Liu?s ToM-scale, Sally Anne and Social Emotional Test with estimated pragmatic competence measured with the Children?s Communication Checklist (CCC).

Kommunal redovisning : Ett verktyg för kommunikation och ansvarsutkrävande

Background: Previous studies have shown that intuition occurs in decision making in small enterprises. However, these studies have not illuminated which decision attributes leads to intuitive decision making.Purpose:The purpose with this study is to contribute with an increased understanding of which decision attributes leads managers in small enterprises to use intuition in decision making and why these decisions attributes have an impact on the role of intuition. The follow-ing research question will be answered in our study: Which decision attributes leads to intui-tive decision making in small enterprises, and why?Method: To answer the research question we have conducted semi structural interviews with managers in small enterprises to achieve a deeper understanding of the role of intuition. We have also used a method called Visual Card Sorting as a complement to the semi structural interviews.Result/conclusion: The result of our study indicates that the relevance and the uncertainty of a decision have the greatest significance in the use of intuition in decision making in small enterprises.

En studie om förutsättningarna att certifiera sig enligt ISO 14001 är desamma för stora och små företag

As the environmental awarenesshas increasedin recent decadessohas the society?s demand forenvironmentalresponsible companies(Ammenberg, 2004).One way for companies to take responsibility and work with environmental issues is to implement anenvironmental management system(EMS). EMSserves as a tool for companies to systematically work with environmental issues and develop the company's environmental efforts. ISO 14001 is theEMSaccording to whichthat the majority of companies today choose to get certified(Brorson & Almgren, 2007). The introduction and operation of the ISO 14001 requires significant financial and human resources and it can therefore be questioned whether the environmental managementsystem is adaptable forall companysizes.The purpose of this studyis to examine whether EMScan provide environmental and economic benefits for companies of all sizes and ifthe conditions to get certifiedaccordingto ISO 14001 is the same for large and smallcompanies.A literature study was made to collect information on company'simplementation of ISO 14001.

Fertilization in Eucalyptus urophylla plantations in Guangxi, southern China

StoraEnso decided in year 2002 to build a pulp mill in the province of Guangxi, southernChina, and also establish eucalyptus plantations to provide it with raw material. By 2010StoraEnso controls about 90 000 of planned 120 000 ha, out of 75 000 ha is already plantedwith Eucalyptus.By using better genetic material, improve the tending, selecting the sites more careful and byusing a proper fertilization regime StoraEnso hopes to increase the mean annual incrementfrom today?s 25 m3/ha, on bark, to 35 m3/ha. This study is one part in this work to increase themean annual increment in the plantation.This master thesis is the forth in a series, that has followed up a fertilization trial that startedin spring 2006 when the trial was laid out and treatments decided. The aim with the trial is toexamine the production potential of Eucalyptus urophylla in Guangxi, southern China.

Elasticitetsmodulen i en kalkstabiliserad vägterrass : en fältstudie

Stabilization of subgrade is an internationally common technique to improve the characteristics of a soft soil. Improving the stiffness and bearing capacity of the subgrade enables the pavement to be designed with reduced depths of subbase and basecourse aggregates. This makes the stabilization technique both economically and environmentally interesting. Both natural and stabilized soils have high inherent property variability that should be considered when the characteristic value is derived. By analyzing the spatial variability in stabilized and natural subgrades it is possible get the parameters needed for reliability?based modeling of soil properties.

Samband mellan överlevnad, tillväxt och pälskvalitet hos lammen och fruktsamhet och modersegenskaper hos tackan

There are several factors influencing the profitability of production with sheep. Two of the most important factors are ewe fertility and lamb survival. Also growth capacity of the lambs is important. This paper aims to review correlations between the ewe?s fertility and maternal behavior and lamb survival.

Förståelsen för OK>1

In 2005, Outokumpu began to implement its system of continuous improvement, OK> 1, at Avesta Jernverk. OK> 1 has not generated sufficient results on plant KPI:s. The purpose of this study is to identify the understanding,  participation and commitment regarding to OK> 1, and to suggest some actions to make OK> 1 more successful with emphasis on these three aspects. The thesis shall also determine whether there are any differences in the attitude towards OK>1 between Blue Collars and White Collars.The study consisted of a survey, and interviews. The output from these methods were processed and analyzed and finally resulted in a SWOT ? analysis and suggested actions for improving the understanding, participation and commitment towards OK>1.

Kvalitetsbristkostnader: En kvalitetskostnadsuppföljning för produktion och eftermarknad. : En fallstudie vid Huddig AB

All companies wants? to be as profitable as possible. The company in question is one of the leaders in it´s field in Sweden. In order to increase profits as much as possible it is important to identify and eliminate eventual quality defect cost as far as possible.This study was performed in Huddig AB, and the purpose of this study is to try to develop a routine for monitoring the quality defect costs, and to improve communication and create feedback between production and aftermarket.In addition to an extensive literature review on quality defect costs most of the work have been conducted at the company. Own observations and interviews have been done with the staff to get a picture of the current situation and to try to come up with improvement proposals.During the study it was proved that much of the quality defect costs in essence, derived from the production, which is seen as positive because it is the easiest part of the company to improve.

Mätning av lean production : En fallstudie av kopplingen mellan balanced scorecard och lean production

Bakgrund: I takt med att konsumenters preferenser har förändrats, har företag fått överge massproduktion till förmån för produktionssystem som bättre avspeglar konsumenternas ökade krav på flexibilitet. Ett sätt för att överbrygga denna utmaning är att implementera lean production. Även om detta sätt att producera på har tydliga fördelar för dagens företag, verkar lean production även kunna medföra problem i avseende på att kombinera med den befintliga, i många fall, traditionella styrningen i företaget. En del av styrningen som verkar vara speciellt svår att kombinera med implementeringen av lean production rör mätningen av produktionen. Vid en närmare granskning visar det sig att det råder vissa motsättningar mellan traditionell mätning och lean production som kan påverka företagets beslutsfattande negativt.


This project is a learning CD-ROM production aimed at first-time parents. It is using both sound and images, moving as well as non-moving. The purpose of the production is to be an interesting alternative to traditional books. We have been looking at similar productions like drivers license educational CD-ROMs and encyclopedias for inspiration and ideas on how to proceed. In order to give the content some dynamics, we've also added the element of 3D-animated sequences. The application is supposed to be run as a simple executable file with flash embedded.

Utveckling i samarbete : lantbrukarsamarbete inom biogasproduktion i Sverige

Framställning av biogas är en ny produktionsgren inom svenskt lantbruk. År 2009 infördes ett statligt investeringsstöd för biogasanläggningar som i huvudsak rötar stallgödsel. Stödet har inneburit en ökning av både gårdsbiogasanläggningar och större gemensamt ägda samrötningsanläggningar. En satsning på biogas inom lantbruket kan ge dubbel klimatnytta, då gödselhanteringens klimatpåverkan reduceras samtidigt som biogasen kan ersätta användningen av fossila bränslen. Trots investeringsstöd är det få biogasanläggningar som uppnått lönsamhet i sin biogasproduktion. Från flera håll efterfrågas ökad andel samarbeten för att kunna nå potentialen för förnybar energi producerad i lantbruket. I studien undersöks de samarbetsformer som uppstått inom gödselbaserad biogasproduktion där lantbrukare är nyckelaktörer.

String Theory : att spela jazz pa? harpa

This master thesis is about the production of the record ?Brutus? with the band ?Trilobit?. Trilobit consists of the three musicians, myself, Stina Hellberg Agback on pedal harp, Simon Sva?rd on guitar and Karl Jansson on drums.During the production, I have analyzed different aspects of my own musicality and also the role of the pedal harp in jazz. I have found techniques that have simplified chromatic movements on the pedal harp, and also techniques that has developed the rhythmical aspect of my improvisation.I have also looked into my process in improvising and composing and developed new aspects, many thanks to the close collaboration with Simon Sva?rd..

Föredra att förebygga - En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans preventiva insatser mot trycksår.

Pressure ulcers cause a lot of patients unnecessary suffering. This suffering could be decreased through improved knowledge about prevention, so that pressure ulcer will not appear. The purpose with this review was to study how nurses assess risk and prevent pressure ulcer, and to study how nurses use available knowledge. The method consisted of searches in databases and searching trough references. Our result is based on ten articles, qualitative, quantitative and reviews.

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