

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 41 av 398

Inhalationssedering på CIVA : en retrospektiv beskrivning

Bakgrund: Patienter som ventilatorvårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning behöver ofta någon form av lätt sömn (sedering) för att tolerera endotrachealtuben och ventilatorbehandling. De traditionella intravenösa läkemedel som ges har lång halveringstid och det är stor risk för kvardröjande effekter. Syfte: Denna pilotstudie syftar till att studera sederingsdjupet enligt MAAS hos de patienter som blivit sederade med inhalationsgas, kontrollera vakenhetsgraden enligt GCS hos dessa patienter efter avslutad sedering, samt beskriva vilka patientgrupperna är som fått inhalationssedering. Metod: Journalgranskning där resultatet har analyserats och kategoriserats, därefter har en sambandsanalys gjorts. Resultat: I resultatet identifierades 3 patientkategorier som fått isofluransedering: patienter med hotad luftväg som förväntats behöva kort sederingstid och snabb väckning, patienter som var svåra att sedera optimalt med intravenös metod samt patienter med organsvikt där risk för ackumulation och/ eller förlängd elimination av läkemedel förelåg.

Digital reklamskylt för utomhusbruk, där ett dynamiskt målgruppsanpassat budskap ändras genom fjärrstyrning

The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

Vinstvarningars påverkan på företag i Large och Small Cap? :  

Den här studien undersöker hur vinstvarningar påverkar stora och små företag. För att förklara dess påverkan på företagen har den effektiva marknadshypotesen och behavioral finance använts som grund. Avgränsningen har gjorts till Stockholmsbörsen då inga tidigare studier haft fokus på den. Empirin visar att företag i Large Cap påverkas med i snitt -4,63% och företagen i Small Cap med -8,42%. Large Cap visade signifikanta abnorma avkastningar under eventdatumet och dagen efter medan Small Cap endast visade signifikans under eventdatumet.

Flödesanalys av plåtsammansättning : Strävan mot Just-In-Time och minskat slöseri

The Volvo Trucks plant in Umeå is a highy complex manufacturing facility where the same production line handles a variety of different models. This require flexible and agile processes with high quality standards. This thesis studies the flow of material through a production line and how Volvo can use their existing manufacturing monitoring system to optimize the flow of materials.The goal with the thesis is to identify eventual problems with the flow of materials and to deliver a few proposals on how the production line can improve its productivity. The theory of LEAN, Just-In-Time and Supply Chain Management serves as the scientific reference to this project. By analyzing the flow of material, performing interviews and observing the processes a few problems are identified.

Förslag till förbättringar av materialhanteringen kring packningslinan hos Spaljisten AB

The purpose with this report is to give structure to the storage area betweenproduction and packaging at Spaljisten AB in Åseda. The purpose is also to givesuggestions for improvements of work tasks and thereby simplify and improve thematerial handling at the packing process.The background of the task is that Spaljisten AB is going to increase theirproduction and thereby they also need to increase the packing rate of theirproducts. They will manage this by installing a new automated packing line andincrease the efficiency of the old manual one. The theoretical background ismostly obtained from literature which contains relevant facts for our report.The storage area has been studied visually in order to search for improvements oftoday?s layout.

Korrektion och imitation som mätverktyg för diagnos av PT-nivå : Kan man korrigera eller imitera en grammatisk struktur som man inte kan producera i fri skriftlig produktion?

The purpose of this study was to examine whether a L2 learner could correct or imitate structures of the language that they could not produce in written production defined by processability theori levels.The Informants had Arabic as their mother tongue. The study showed that the ability of correction developed slower than the capacity for imitation and the ability to written production. The ability of the correction developed by the duration of the stay. The result was a confirmation of theory formation in processability theory. Corrective elicitering could be developed into a useful diagnostic tool in the classroom and thus provide an education that followed a natural learning order according to processability theory by Pienemann.Keywords: processability theori, imitation, correction, written production.

Användbarheten hos WNV: granskning av ett nytt icke-verbalt intelligenstest för barn

This paper investigates the usability of the intelligence test Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV). Twenty four children in two different age-groups were tested with WNV, 10 children between ages 5 - 6, and 14 children between ages 9 - 10. The WNV turned out to be a useful test when some verbal communication was used in the test situation. This was especially apparent among the younger children, who needed extra verbal instructions and verbal support through the different subtests. The test also contained standardized verbal instructions for all ages.

Optimering av OTEC-system

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, OTEC, is a sustainable energy conversion technology that is not yet commercialized. OTEC is a technology that utilizes the temperature difference in oceans between the warm surface water and the cold water at 1 000 m depth to run a Rankine Cycle. This technology can produce electricity and provide synergies like fresh water, air conditioning and aquaculture. A simulation program for three alternative OTEC systems has been created in order to decide which OTEC system is most profitable; closed, open or hybrid system. In this simulation a production cost analysis is performed in order to investigate and decide which one of the three systems that has the lowest production cost. The production cost analysis also analyzes if the profitability is affected by the size of the facility. After these analyzes, the most profitable of the three different OTEC-systems is expanded by an installation of solar collectors in order to see if the thermal efficiency is improved. The result shows that the most profitable system varies with the size of the facility.

En kvalitetskontroll - Snustillverkaren Fiedler & Lundgren kvalitetstestas

This paper aims to describe the variation and develop a method to control the production for the product Metropol Kaktus from the snuff developer Fiedler & Lundgren. We are going to use the requirements from the product specifications as limits of the expected quality when we present methods to control the process. One method attempts to control during the process and the other attempts to maximize the number of products with strived quality before the process starts. Metropol Kaktus is a product produced with high quality, the mean weight is 20,023 gram and this is very close to the weight, 20 gram, which is reported in the product specifications. The variation in weight variable is less than what is reported in the specifications and the minimum weight is over the limit set by Livsmedelsverket.

Sammankoppling av fjärrvärmenäten i Nyköping och Oxelösund : miljö- och systemkonsekvenser

District heating covers most of the residential areas and industries in the twoneighbouring Swedish municipalities Nyköping and Oxelösund. In Nyköping,Vattenfall AB Värme produces heat in a bio-fuelled CHP plant. In Oxelösund,waste heat and use of waste gases from the steel production at SSABOxelösund is the basis in the district heating system.This report examines the environmental consequences of a connection betweenthe two district heating systems. A broad system approach is used and the focusis on environmental effects in the system.A system analysis has been performed on the result of simulations of differentheat and electricity production alternatives. The alternatives simulated wereone where Vattenfall Nyköping covers the base load in the joint district heatingsystem and two where the power plant at SSAB Oxelösund supplies the heatbase load.The conclusion in this report is that the consequences of connecting the twodistrict heating systems can be both positive and negative, depending onsystem boundaries and on the environmental focus.

Small-worlds och rich-clubs bland bloggar : En nätverksanalys av den svenska bloggosfären under FRA-debatten 2008

Purpose/Aim: To find power structures within the blog network.Material/Method: Using keywords to find all available blog posts about the National Defence Radio Establishment from the blog search engine Twingly, and thereafter using the same blog search engine to find inlinks from other blogs, to those posts. The data is set into the context of the small-world networks models of Duncan J. Watts and rich-club models of Sergi Valverde och Ricard V. Sole.Main results: 5183 unique blogs have written about the subject in 22779 blog posts to which 28128 inlinks from other blogposts are made. Just over one fifth of the blogs are linkted to each other in one big network, where the remaining blogs stand without any ingoing or outgoing links.

Jämförelseförsök mellan ogräsharvning och radhackning :

The organic farmland is increasing all the time and the goal is that 15 % of the Swedish farmland will be in organic production in year 2010. The organic production needs new and more effective ways to control weeds, and there is the row harrowing coming as a good complement to the conventional weed harrowing. In this experiment is weed harrowing whit different row spaces and row harrowing with a spacing of 25 cm compared. Then are the weed picked and the weight taken of them. The yield is compared in the 7 different ways of treatment. The results is not showing any significant differences in yield even when the row spacing is 25 cm instead of 12,5 cm. Even the spring wheat that is a sensitive crop and has bad tillering is doing well in this experiment. Now with modern technology where the row harrow is controlled by a camera that making the row harrow to follow the rows is it the soil coverage of the crop that is the limit for the speed. With wide machinery is the very good coverage even with a row harrow..

Gödslade eller ogödslade mellangrödor som biogassubstrat?

Jordbruket står idag inför utmaningen att öka produktionen av biogas-substrat utan att öka konkurrensen om jordbruksareal för foder- och livsmedelsproduktion. Fånggrödor odlas idag för att reducera jordbrukets kväveläckage till vattendrag. Genom litteraturstudie, intervjuer samt fältförsök undersöktes potentialen för att använda fånggrödor som biogas-substrat (då som mellangrödor), samt huruvida biogaspotentialen förhöjdes genom en mindre kvävegiva i samband med sådden av mellangrödan. Från tidigare publicerad litteratur kunde ses att endast en del utav det upptagna kvävet i fånggrödan återfanns i markprofilen till nästkommande gröda. De två huvudsakliga källorna till kväveförluster var lustgasavgång samt läckage av lättomsättbart kväve över vintern, med varierande nivåer på kväve-förluster beroende på lokal och gröda.

Produktionsanalys på Efterbehandling

Arvika Smide is a supplier to the automotive industry with a focus on advanced drop forgings including powertrain and bearings. The great experience and high quality is Arvika Smide?s speciality. Today's competition in the industries puts high demands on the efficiency where each company has a quest for perfection.Arvika Smide has been through the thesis of Karlstad University, called for a situation analysis of aftertreatment whose effectiveness has not been fully desirable. The department includes the production steps blasting, quality control and packaging.The thesis contains the results from the situation analysis and comparisons of the calculations for selected reference period Q4 2009th.

Nybyggnad till fårproduktion :

In Sweden we need more lambs during March to June. I decided to calculate on a spring lamb production, because to many of the Swedish lambs go to slaughter in the autumn. I counted on 1000 ewes which have 2000 lambs each year, 200 of these lambs stays on the farm and replace old ewes. The buildings are 3600 square meters. I have counted on two different sorts of buildings, the first one is a shed, the second one is three polytunnel sheephouses.

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