

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 40 av 398

Zakrisdal : Område i förvandling

Zakrisdal and the west coast region of Karlstad was at one time a protected area where the ammunition factory AmF Zakrisdal 1941-1994 was situated. This factory manufactured explosives for the Swedish armed forces and for export. In this context it is an interesting paradox that the production of ammunition, mines and armorpiercing grenades for more than 50 years has preserved the environment surrounding the factory.The factory is now gone and the production is moved to Karlskoga. Plans are being made to build housing for 3-4000 residents and other enterprises within the area. The area now stands before yet another change, most likely the most profound to date.The inspiration for this work comes from the economic historic Jan Jörnmark.

Det lutar mot Lean : En jämförelse av arbetet med- och effekterna av arbetet med Lean på ASSA AB med teoretiska kunskaper inom ämnesområdet.

Sammanfattning  Datum:                               2011-01-14 Kurs:                                  Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi Lärosäte:                           Mälardalens högskola Akademi:                           Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling Handledare:                      Lennart Bogg Examinator:                      Cecilia Lindh Författare:                         Wilhelm Moby och Pia Robson Nyckelord:                         Lean Production, implementering, effekter. Titel:                                   Det lutar mot Lean ? en jämförelse av arbetet med- och effekterna av Lean Production på ASSA AB med teoretiska kunskaper inom ämnesområdet.                                           Problemfrågor:                 Hur har ASSA AB gått tillväga för att införa Lean Production och vilka faktorer har varit avgörande?Vilka effekter har införandet av Lean Production givit verksamheten? Syfte:                                 Den här studien ämnar undersöka och sedan jämföra arbetet med- och effekterna av Lean Production hos ASSA AB med teoretiska kunskaper inom ämnesområdet.   Metod:                               Metoden är av kvalitativ karaktär och med hjälp av djupare litteraturstudier och en semi-strukturerad intervju ska studiens syfte uppfyllas. Slutsatser:    Resultatet av den här studien kan sammanfattas med att det som framkommit i den empiriska undersökningen mycket väl överrensstämmer med det som sägs i den teoretiska referensramen. ASSA AB har först infört verktygen 5S och standardiserat arbetssätt, vilket möjliggjort införandet av andra verktyg såsom kanban. Inget av detta hade dock varit möjligt med ett lyckat resultat om inte personalen först blivit utbildade och en leankultur skapats.

Marin diplomati ur ett småstatsperspektiv. : Fallstudie svenska Ålandsexpeditionen 1918.

Abstract:The old established description gunboat diplomacy has in modern time changed to a broader and more nuanced definition called maritime diplomacy. But what is maritime diplomacy and how is it described? This essay analyses the theories from the Englishman James Cable and the American Edward Luttwak. Both Cable and Luttwak represent nations which have a global security interests and deploy their maritime forces worldwide. The foundation for their theories is power politics.

Vad motiverar volontärarbetare : Inom fritid och hälsa

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vad som motiverar de som volontärarbetar inom fritid och hälsa samt att se om motivationerna skiljer sig beroende på tid som volontär. En webbenkät med frågor tagna från Volunteer functions inventory (VFI) och Basic need satisfaction at work scale (BNS) skickades ut till 220 volontärarbetare för att få svar på frågorna: Vilka motivationsfaktorer är bäst uppfyllda hos volontärarbetarna och förändras dessa över tid? Resultatet visade enligt VFI att Värderingar, det osjälviska hos människan, Förståelse, viljan att söka nya kunskaper, och Förstärkning, egenutveckling, har högst värden hos volontärerna. Vad gäller BNS så visade resultatet att Kompetens, förståelse för och delaktighet i sin omgivning, var bäst uppfyllt följt av Samhörighet, upplevelsen att tillhöra en viss social miljö. Enligt VFI har tiden som volontärarbetare inget samband med motivationsfaktorerna medan BNS visade att alla faktorer minskade men motivationsfaktorn Samhörighet sjönk mest.

Separator: Aktionsforskning i en dansproduktion där ledarskap undersöks samtidigt som en ny organisationsform introduceras

There is a common belief that the arts contain knowledge of creativity that can enrich the business world. Similarly, the arts are in need of additional support from the private sector and know-how of business practices. In short, there is a need for mutual understanding. With my background as a dancer paired with my studies at the Stockholm School of Economics I have taken the challenge of bringing the two worlds closer together. By changing a social system, like an organization, it is possible to get a better understanding of it.

Vad händer hos oss? : Om att hitta rätt sätt att kommunicera uppdateringar och nyheter till kunder

The purpose of this thesis is to compose a way for a small IT-company to communicate with their costumers and include them in the development of their IT-solution. The ambition with this study is to make this information strategy applicable to other small companies with the same problem.The empirics is built on literature studies and qualitative interviews which leads to a design proposition and try-outs with the target group. The results lead to a newsletter where news and information from the company could be presented simple and clear..

Storskalig mikroförökning av Malus domestica, Solanum tuberosum och Rubus idaeus i bioreaktorer

The importance of micropropagation has increased to provide the increasing fields with true to type and healthy plants. Traditional plants are growing on solid agar-based medium but lately liquid medium has become a new opportunity. This study has focused on a new bioreactor, developed on large scale micropropagation. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ?Semlo?), raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.

Skötselmetoder för bestånd med produktions- och naturvårdsmål :

This study is made on assignment by the local board of forestry in Skåne, Blekinge and Halland. The change of the forest law 1994 brought a new type of management plan. A more active planning was introduced in order to equate the environment goal with the production goal. The purpose with this study is to give a better picture of how planning for nature conservation in production forest is made and to develop support for selection of silviculture methods for stands with combined goals. With combined goals means production forestry with a reinforced consideration to both nature and culture, called PF-classified stands. This was done by: ? Describing silviculture models from the literature that are possible to use for stands with combined goals. ? Describing silviculture models that is used in practice in stands with combined goals. ? Describing how the classification of stands with combined goals is used. Which means, were in the terrain, with which frequency and in which type of forest PF-classification is used. ? Comparing differences and similarities of theoretical and practical used models. The study was done partly as a literature study and partly as an interview study of forest planners.

Utfodring av rapsfoderråvara i fodersystem till mjölkkor

The feed is a major cost in the dairy production and there is a constant interest in findingalternative cost-effective feedstuffs. Competitive dairy producers have to seek ways todecrease their production costs and the pursuit of cost-effective feed rations contributesto lower costs of production. An interesting group of protein concentrates are rapeseedproducts like ExPro (heat treated rapeseed) which have during the autumn 2008 andspring 2009 been very favourable compared to other protein feeds.This study focuses on the feedstuff products ExPro and Raps-Drank 60/40 (rapeseeddistillersgrain). The potential use of ExPro in dairy cow feed rations are also explored.ExPro is a well known feedstuff but Raps-Drank 60/40 is a relatively new product andnot known for many farmers.A field study on the use of rapeseed products was made on a limited number of dairyfarms. The main purpose was to study the management of the feedstuffs on the farms.The Farms were selected in cooperation with two local extension services.

Effektivitet på olika biogasanläggningar : Definiering och framtagning av nyckeltal

SammanfattningDet finns tre anledningar till att uppsatsen kom att handla om biogas. Göteborg Energi AB som vi samarbetat med under vårt examensår, hade ett behov av att kartlägga hur effektiva deras biogasanläggningar var. Samt vårt intresse för biogas som bygger på ett stort engagemang kring förnybarenergi, och att branschen spås en lika expansiv utveckling som vindkraften haft det senaste decenniet.Syftet med uppsatsen är att defininera och utveckla relevanta nyckeltal. Vi kommer sedan att samla in data från utvalda biogasanläggningar, för att sedan sammanställa och analysera denna. Frågan vi vill besvara är hur de olika biogasanläggningarna och produktionsmetoderna skiljer sig åt beträffande hur effektiva de är ur energi- och kostnadssynpunkt samt ur ett lönsamhetsperspektiv?För att besvara forskningsfrågan har vi skapat en modell där relationen mellan de olika nyckeltalen illustreras och förklaras, för att skapa förståelse för sambandet mellan intäktsdrivande och kostnadsdrivande produktionsfaktorer.

Go East!: En fallstudie av lokaliseringsbeslutet vid offshoring

This paper aims to determine what is decisive for localisation of production units when a company engages in offshoring. By performing a case study on Electrolux and comparing the results with theoretical literature we discuss the implications for manufacturing companies in general. To facilitate a structured analysis we have developed a model dividing the localisation decision into five perspectives and four geographical levels. We have found that the determinants of localisation vary depending on the geographical level of the decision process. Since all geographical levels are interconnected, the analysis needed for a decision on all levels simultaneously is very comprehensive.

Venture Capital & Banklån : Småföretagsfinansiering

There are many different forms of financing for small businesses and two common financing options mentioned in the study, bank loans and Venture Capital.Venture Capital is a form of risk capital financing, investing in unlisted stock market. The feature of the arrangement is that those people are trying to find companies that can offer unique, attractive and in demand products on a strong growing market. Since VC-firms are taking a big risk in cooperation with the investment, the VC-company strong demands while assessments are made on the company will generate a return in the future.Bank loans are the most common form of financing for companies in the market. Requirements and assessment under the law is hard especially for small businesses because financing entails high risks. Banks require that the liquidity management in the enterprise should be stable because the bank's main objective is to repayment of debt and the interest payable on the capital.The purpose of this study is to examine the requirements and assessments VC-firms and banks make use of the financing of small businesses. .

Lean Produktion på mjölkföretag - fungerar det?

The contact company, LRF Konsult, is a consulting firm specialized in areas of law, real estate, finance and taxation. Discussions on the subject of agricultural improvement in the area of Lean, has primarily been driven by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, where LRF Konsult also participated. This thesis can be seen as a preliminary study of how Lean can work within agricultural enterprises.The thesis primarily focuses on the possibilities dairy farms have to improve operations. What practical benefits they can obtain through the implementation of Lean. And how an implementation could take place.By visits to two dairy companies, and through interviewing their respective business leaders, an image of the companies activity for improvement, in connection to this thesis was established.


This degree project has been performed along with Classic Garden in Gothenburg andBallongfirman Far & Flyg in Stockholm. Together we have developed a sun- wind- andrain protection. The protection is permanently assembled and mainly intended for publicenvironments as restaurants and outdoor cafés.The design on the sun protection was already done so our task has been to develop theconstruction and to build a prototype in scale 1:4 and one in scale 1:1. The look of thesun protection is approximately as the name implies, equal an igloo. The lamellae aregoing to fold out in different steps all the way down to the ground and the both sides willbe independently of each other.The first stage in the project was to develop differently principle proposal on how thefunction will work when folding in and out the protection.

Preoperativ SWAL-QOL och sväljningsfunktion hos Parkinson patienter selekterade till Deep Brain Stimulation

AbstractObjectivePatients with Parkinson?s disease often have symptoms of dysphagia. These swallowingproblems have consequences for quality of life as well for the physical wellbeing of thepatients. AimThe aim of this study was to describe and correlate Swallowing Quality of Life (SWAL-QOL)scores, self-assessment of swallowing function using a visual analogue scale and the resultsfrom a fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowing function in patients who had been selectedfor Deep Brain Stimulation in caudal zona incerta. A secondary aim was to correlate diseaseduration with results from SWAL-QOL and the fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowingfunction.MethodTen male Parkinson?s patients (age 45-69 yrs, median 61.5 yrs) who were selected for DeepBrain Stimulation completing the Swallowing Quality of life form, as well as rating theirswallowing function using a visual analogue scale and undergoing a fiber endoscopicevaluation of their swallowing function.    ResultsThe median total SWAL-QOL score was 94% while the mean was 91%.

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