714 Uppsatser om Skin temperature - Sida 42 av 48
Nord Pools systempris - en studie av prispåverkande faktorer
The intention of this thesis is, from a basic statistical viewpoint, to capture the relationship between the price of electricity and a sample of factors influencing the price. The thesis also aims at investigating whether knowledge about the relationship is useful when investing on Nord Pool. Tested factors are temperature, import, price of emission rights as well as a number of hydrological factors. The investigated period stretches from year 2000 until week 32 year 2007. The relevance of each factor was also evaluated yearly as well as for shorter periods in order to get a more comprehensive view of the relationship.
Dynamisk massbalansmodellering av fosfor i Östersjön
During the past few years a vast amount of research has been done to increase the understanding of the complex ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Modelling and simulations are important tools to increase knowledge of the system. A suitable model must be simple to use and the parameters and variables needed in the model must be easy to access.In this paper a dynamical mass-balance model, CoastMab, which is validated for smaller coastal areas, has been used to predict concentrations and transports of phosphorus in three large coastal areas - the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Gdansk and the Gulf of Riga. CoastMab uses ordinary differential equations to regulate inflow, outflow and internal flows. To reflect seasonal variations in temperature and different types of flows the model has a temporal resolution of a month.
Seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis virus in pigs and dogs in the Mekong Delta
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is one of the leading causes of acute encephalitis in humans. The virus is spread by mosquitoes, mainly belonging to the Culex species. The main reservoirs are considered to be birds and pigs, with pigs constituting the most important reservoir in regard to human infection. During the last few decades the production of pork has increased significantly in Vietnam. With 90% of pigs being kept in households owning 10 pigs or less, pigs are widely spread across most parts of the country.
Smörjningsfri led till industrirobot
IRB 340, Flexpicker is an industrial robot used for sorting, packaging and the handling of details up to two kg. The Flexpicker is a delta robot, meaning that it with three arms controls a triangular plate, swivel, in a work area shaped like a cylinder. Joints using plain bearings connect the arms.The plain bearing in use today consists of a plastic ring which slides against a hard anodized joint ball. Despite the fact that the plastic contain friction-lowering additives, the bearing needs to be lubricated to prevent noise. Because the robot is used in food and drug handling environments, where the demands on hygiene are set very high, the robot is often washed.
The black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus angolensis palliatus) of Diani forest, Kenya : behavioural responses to habitat fragmentation
The loss of habitat is one of the greatest threats to global biodiversity today. Consequences to a species inhabiting fragmented habitats include: group size changes, altered diets and altered foraging behaviours.
In my study I observed Colobus anlgolensis palliatus troops living in the forests of Diani, a highly developed area on the Kenyan coast. I looked for differences in behaviours between three troops inhabiting pristine forest patches and three troops inhabiting highly degraded forest areas. I used focal animal sampling with instantaneous sample points.
The study aims to reduce energy consumption in apartment buildings where individual metering and charging of heat is applied. The aim is to develop planning and design for individual metering and charging in apartment buildings.The study is based on literature review, interviews and case study that include analysis of existing documents. Interviews were carried out with the property developer and the involved consultants who planned the apartment building Yasuragi. To investigate the differences the condominium association has noted in heat consumption between flats, the debit values of the heat were used to discern which houses that were furthest from the average consumption. On these flats there were temperature measurements and thermal photo shoots made for discriminating behavior and possible construction techniques which could be the explanation for the heat spread.Boverket shows that the consumption of heat can be reduced by 10-20% after insertion of individual metering and charging in an apartment block.
Rostfärgat slam i dränagesystem vid vattenkraftsanläggningar : orsaker och åtgärder
From embankment dams is something that has long been noticed and given rise to different questions. The most serious question is if the sludge is a result of inner erosion through the dam, and thus consists of material transported from the dam. Concerns have also been raised whether the sludge could interfere with the systems drainage capacity and thereby lead to high pore pressure in the dam, or if the measurement of seepage is disturbed, as the measuring is usually made via Thomson weirs, which could risk being blocked.
The result of this investigation shows that the sludge is a result of the oxidation of iron by iron bacteria, and to the greater part consists of these oxides as well as the bacteria?s own structures. The iron oxidizing bacteria, FeOB, oxides ferrous iron to ferric as a part of their metabolism, and thereby create large quantities of iron(oxy)hydroxides.
Comparison of three IVC systems for mice, with focus on growth and nest building in juvenile mice
Today the individual ventilated cage system (IVC-system) is the most commonly used system when housing rodents. IVC systems are designed to control both supply and exhausted air at cage level, as well as temperature and relative humidity in the cages. This creates an optimal environment for the mouse and at the same time a protection against the risk of cross-infection between cages and the outside environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health and welfare for two different strains of laboratory mice (NMRI nude mice and C57BL/6NCrl mice) in three different kinds of IVC-systems; Arrowmight, Allentown and Tecniplast. 108 mouse pups from each strain (in total 216 mice) were selected after weaning at an age of three weeks and tested during 5 weeks.
Luft/luftvärmepump : - Med möjlighet till återvinning
Sweden has long had access to low electricity prices due to the wide availability of hydro and nuclear power. This has now changed because of today's rising electricity rates resulting in increasing heating costs for properties, especially in the properties with electric heating systems."Ankaret" is a parish for "Svenska Alliansmissionen", which is located at "Gullbrannagården".The parish has installed electrical radiators and an exhaust ventilation system that makes the energy demand high due to the large ventilation flows. The building was built as the price of electricity was still low and would reduce energy use today by combining its heating system with an air/air heat pump. The heat pump delivers more heat into the room than the electrical energy that it uses. This lowers the electricity needs.
Interaktionskvalitet - hur mäts det?
Den tekniska utvecklingen har lett till att massiva mängder av information sänds, i höga
hastigheter. Detta flöde måste vi lära oss att hantera. För att maximera nyttan av de nya
teknikerna och undkomma de problem som detta enorma informationsflöde bär med sig, bör
interaktionskvalitet studeras. Vi måste anpassa gränssnitt efter användaren eftersom denne
inte har möjlighet att anpassa sig till, och sortera i för stora informationsmängder. Vi måste
utveckla system som gör människan mer effektiv vid användande av gränssnitt.
För att anpassa gränssnitten efter användarens behov och begränsningar krävs kunskaper
om den mänskliga kognitionen.
Driva tulpaner i näringslösning eller i jord :
The aim with this thesis is to make a comparison between forcing tulips in a hydroponic system and the forcing off tulips that have been planted in soil. The results are mostly based on interviews with six Dutch and one Swedish tulip forcer and the managing director at the Horticultural Research Centre, Proeftuin Zwaagdijke, in the Netherlands.
There are benefits and disadvantages with both methods. Tulip bulbs planted in soil seem to get a brighter colour after forcing, compared with those forced ?in water?.
Kan infektion med hjärtmask (Dirofilaria immitis) smitta i Sverige?
Infektion med hjärtmask (Dirofilaria immitis) är endemisk bland hund och katt i stora delar av världen, bland annat södra Europa och de flesta delstater i USA. I Sverige anses det i nuläget inte finnas risk för inhemsk smitta. Faktorer som klimatförändringar och förflyttning av sällskapsdjur inom Europa kan öka risken för spridning till tidigare fria områden. Denna litteraturstudie ger en översikt över hur smittspridning av Dirofilaria immitis sker samt hur dess förutsättningar ser ut i Sverige. För att smittspridning av Dirofilaria immitis ska kunna ske krävs närvaro av mikrofilaremiska hundar, myggor som fungerar som mellanvärdar och vektorer, samt ett klimat som tillåter utveckling av mikrofilarier till det infektiösa stadiet L3 i mellanvärden.
Kompostering av köksavfall och användning av kompost i köksträdgård i Chazuta, Peru : jordförbättring och/eller lösning på ett avfallsproblem?
All over the world the waste from human society is causing problems. In developing countries, large cities are polluted through huge amounts of wastes and people are forced to live very close to open deposits. Lima, capital of Peru, is no exception. The countryside in Peru has also a great challenge to face concerning the waste issue. Children and adults suffer from infectious diseases and contamination of the nature occurs as well.
One solution to handle organic waste is to compost, which means a controlled decomposition
of organic waste under aerobic conditions at certain temperatures.
Studie av koldioxidgradienter i havets ytskikt
Studie av koldioxidgradienter i havets ytskiktSofia SöderholmDenna studie bygger på ett nyligen utvecklat instrument som har mätt koldioxidkoncentrationer på tre olika djup i vattnet samt en nivå i luften. Då detta instrument var oprövat i vatten har en utvärdering av mätmetodens lämplighet för vattenmätningar utförts. Syftet med mätningarna var att undersöka ytvattnets vertikala koldioxidgradient för att med hjälp av denna kunna beskriva flödet av koldioxid mellan hav och atmosfär bättre. Detta flöde är en viktig del av den globala kolcykeln och en djupare förståelse för koldioxidflödets beteende kan i framtiden bidra till mer noggranna klimatprognoser. Hur de beräknade flödena från profilinstrumentet påverkas av temperaturgradienterna i vattnets ytskikt har även det studerats.
Energianalys av hygieniseringssystem : jämförelse av befintlig pastörisering med integrerad termofil hygienisering på Kungsängens gårds biogasanläggning i Uppsala
The biogas plant Kungsängens gård, owned by Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB, produces biogas and biomanure from organic household waste, food processing waste and slaughterhouse waste. In year 2012, 4.4 million Nm3 of biogas were produced from 25 200 tons of waste. Before digestion all substrate is sanitized by pasteurization at 70°C in order to kill pathogens. Another method, integrated thermophilic sanitation (ITS), is of interest in order to decrease the energy demand. The method implies that the substrate is sanitized during ten hours in the digestion chamber, where the temperature is 52°C.