

14660 Uppsatser om Situation analysis - Sida 17 av 978

25 år senare : en nyinventering av keramiken på Ajvide

This thesis examines a sample of Pitted Ware pottery from the Gotlandic site of Ajvide in regard to the spatial and temporal relationship of the shards. Ajvide Stone Age site have been extensively excavated over the past 25 years and the most recent analysis of pottery was carried out by Inger Österholm in 1987 and new analyses of the material are therefore greatly needed. Pottery from three sample areas was analysed in regard to their distribution, decoration, fragmentation, part of pot and quality of the goods. To analyse the material in a contextual way a multivariate statistical analysis called correspondence analysis was used. Two areas denominated ?dark areas?, which Österholm defined previously, as possible ritual sites, and one reference area with mixed material were chosen for the analysis.

Allmän barnvaccination mot humant papillomvirus för flickor, en cost- benefit analys.

Introduction: Every year about 450 women in Sweden are diagnosed with cervical cancer, almost 200 die and thousands undergo surgery because of cell changes in the cervix. A HPV infection can lead to cervical cancer and therefor costs for the society. The implementation of a vaccination program against HPV is a way to avoid these costs. Aim: The study aimed to calculate the economic impact of the HPV- vaccination program for children in Sweden through a cost-benefit analysis. Method: In this analysis, status quo was compared with non-administration of the HPV-vaccine for the selected cohort of ten-years-old girls in Sweden.

?Vi vill ju så gärna hjälpa dom? : Problem och möjligheter med användarundervisning vid ett universitetsbibliotek

The purpose of this essay was first and foremost to find out the problems that exist around user education in a university library and the opportunities that exist for university librarians to improve their work with students. My method of use was qualitative and more precise qualitative interviews. By interviewing five teaching librarians with five different subject specializations, I wanted to get an an-swer to what they teach when they meet the students and how they view their teaching. Responses resulted then in an analysis using Christine Bruce's theory of information literacy and Carol C. Kuhlthaus theory of librarian roles and her theory of information retrieval process.

Riskhantering vid kreditgivning till lantbruksföretag : riskanalyser av fyra fallgårdar

The last years? financial situation has contributed to an increased willingness from the banks to handle risks. The most important risk to cope with is a risk that is related to a customer?s ability to repay loans. Forecasts indicate that in the future, Swedish farmers will be facing profitability challenges, which points to a need to reconsider the banks procedures considering risk management in credit granting for agricultural businesses.Today?s risk management will be given two complements in this study.

Arkeologisk landskapsanalys och prospektering av bebyggelselämningar och gravfält vid Alsike hage

This paper deals with archaeological prospecting for the purpose of finding a prehistoric settlement in Alsike hage, Alsike parish, Uppland. The methods being used are soil phosphate analysis, electromagnetic survey and settlement analysis. Two 20x20 meters areas have been prospected. As Alsike hage contains several late Iron Age burial fields, large splendid zones for settlement location, closeness to water as well as farmland there was a hope of locating remains of prehistoric settlement in the area. None of the prospected areas showed any distinct evidence of settlement remains.

Konsekvensanalys av dammbrott vid Tjärnviksdalen

This report consists of  an anlysis of the imapct of a dam failure at Tjärnviksdalen in Ragunda, Sweden. The analysis is conducted using the EU model for environmental impact assessments, as well as a group interview. The presentation of the results in the form of a map  where the water level has been raised to the level that the County Board  of Jämtland considers to be possible in case of a dam failure.The result of this work is a detailed analysis of the consequenses that a dam failure would cause, the result consider everything from the direct consequences of the water column to an analysis of the chemical changes that the water would undergo.Parts of the analysis have shown that the purification centre and the old deposits will have the biggest impact on Hammarstrand. Both the purification centre and the deposits will realise chemicals to its nearest environment and because of the flooded purification centre the city will not have the ability to clean the water. .

"om du vill ha en riktig vän - köp en hund" : en granskning av Aftonbladets framställning av Jan Stenbeck före och efter hans död

In this essay I have studied Aftonbladets portrayal of the Swedish businessman Jan Stenbeck and if the reporting changes before and after his death, and if so, in which ways. With help from a qualitative syntax analysis and a content analysis I studied my material about Stenbeck during the time period 2000-09-19 to 2004-09-19. In my quantitative analysis I studied 140 articles and in my syntax analysis I studied ten articles, five before and five after Stenbecks death. The theoretical perspectives that I applied in my study is Sigurd Allerns theory about tabloid papers novelty criteria and Adam Shehatas theory about Framing. Allerns theory describes what criteria the tabloid papers have on news and Shehatas theory about framing describes the political forces behind the news who wants to set their own agenda.

Myten om jämställdhet : En kvalitativ studie om hur det svenska rättsväsendet befäster en ojämlikhet mellan könen

The purpose of this paper is to examine the law regarding gross violations of women and its application in the Swedish legal system. We have investigated how the legal system takes into account a holistic perspective of the vulnerable situation of women in the investigation and assessment and the extent to which psychological violence in the form of verbal abuse, threats and harassment attention. We also wanted to find out how the law's design may contribute to difficulties in the implementation and interpretation of it. In this study, we used a qualitative research approach when we decided to conduct an interview with a police officer and a textual analysis of four cases from the district court. Interview questions were semi-structured in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att barnen flyttar hemifrån : En kvalitativ studie där föräldrar beskriver sina personliga erfarenheter av barnens flytt

The aim of the study was to describe parents' experiences of empty nest. The sample consisted of individuals who had experienced one child moving out of the parental home. Data were collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by using thematic analysis. The thematic analysis revealed four themes, Concerns about the new time in life, Changing roles, Socializing in the family and Testing the relations. Due to the themes participants' stories reveal anxiety facing the time that will come when children takes the step to leave the nest.

Mer än att sjunga en sång? : En studie av förskollärares skilda uppfattningar av sångsamlingen som en pedagogisk situation

I Läroplanen för förskolan -98 yttras det att förskollärarna ska hjälpa barn att skapa och kommunicera med hjälp av sång och musik. Med detta i åtanke är syftet med studien att undersöka förskollärarnas skilda uppfattningar av sångsamlingen som en pedagogisk situation. Tidigare forskning har visat att barnen sjunger språket innan de talar det. För det lilla barnet är språket i början endast klang och rytm, det vill säga ett musikaliskt fenomen.Studien utgår från en fenomenografisk ansats med en kvalitativ inriktning. En videoinspelad sångsamling har legat till grund för det insamlade intervjumaterialet.Följande kategorier har framkommit ur materialet: Sångsamlingen som en situation för lärande och Sångsamlingen som en situation för lust och glädje.

Mer än att sjunga en sång? : En studie av förskollärares skilda uppfattningar av sångsamlingen som en pedagogisk situation

I Läroplanen för förskolan -98 yttras det att förskollärarna ska hjälpa barn att skapa och kommunicera med hjälp av sång och musik. Med detta i åtanke är syftet med studien att undersöka förskollärarnas skilda uppfattningar av sångsamlingen som en pedagogisk situation. Tidigare forskning har visat att barnen sjunger språket innan de talar det. För det lilla barnet är språket i början endast klang och rytm, det vill säga ett musikaliskt fenomen.Studien utgår från en fenomenografisk ansats med en kvalitativ inriktning. En videoinspelad sångsamling har legat till grund för det insamlade intervjumaterialet.Följande kategorier har framkommit ur materialet: Sångsamlingen som en situation för lärande och Sångsamlingen som en situation för lust och glädje.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse och hantering av stress på en akutmottagning

SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to explore how nurses in the emergency department experience and cope with stress in their workplace. The study had a qualitative, descriptive approach and was based on nine individual, semi-structured interviews. They were then processed using content analysis. The content analysis of interviews resulted in two categories, "the nurse's experience of stress," "the nurses coping with stress." Together, the categories highlighted how nurses experienced stress during and after their shifts. The study showed clearly that all nurses experienced and coped with stress in their daily work activities..The authors noticed that stressful time for the nurses were repeated at each session and were similar in character.

Diskursanalys på den Etiopiska regeringens nationala handlingsplan om bekämpning av ökenspridning

In this paper discourse analysis on the Ethiopian National Action Program (NAP) to combat desertification is made. The aim is to describe how the overall image/picture of desertification, its causes, and effects and of possible solutions are presented in the NAP. The result of this analysis shows that the main cause of desertification is human activities mainly due to the poorly developed socio-economic situation in the dryland areas. It is indicated that an excessive dependency of the rural population on the natural resources, particularly land, is the major cause of land degradation and this deterioration of land is said to have been caused by the rapid population growth, overgrazing, forest clearing as well as past government and institutional failures. In addition it is indicated that the effect of desertification usually involves ecological changes that sap land of its ability to sustain agriculture and human habitation, therefore the most serious threat to human welfare.

Kvalitetsarbete med värdeskapande i fokus : En kvalitativ studie av socialpsykiatriska boendet Pilbacken

 There is a lack of research in the field of quality improvement efforts based on profound knowledge in social services. The current situation is therefore a significant knowledge gap in terms of studies of this type of systematic quality work and how it is applied in practice. This study therefore intends to describe Pilbackens quality work and further examine if the profound knowledge is consistent with quality work in microsystems by an analysis of Pilbackens work. The present study has been performed by a qualitative method and the material is collected through semi-structured interviews. In order to analyze the study?s result have profound knowledge and the model microsystems been used.

Offentlig upphandling : Ändringarna i LOU och dess inverkan ur en rättssäkerhets- och nondiskrimineringsaspekt.

AbstractThe author Selma Lagerlöf was born in 1858 at Mårbacka, in Värmland and died in 1940. Fifty years after Selma´s death were her correspondence released and ten thousand of letters were found in the collection. But it was just the correspondence between Selma and Sofie Elkan who interested people because they wanted to know if Selma and Sofie have had a sexual relationship. Later, in time for Christmas 2008 the Swedish Television shows a film about Selma. "Selma Lagerlöf Society" was critical to the movie and thougt that the movie focused too much on Selma`s sexual orientation.

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