

1016 Uppsatser om Site productivity - Sida 34 av 68

"Man vill ju bara visa det bästa". : Hur unga vuxna socionomstudenter presenterar sig och påverkas av interaktionen på Facebook.

This paper focuses on how young people use and are affected by Facebook. The study embodies students from the social work program in Sweden and their view on Facebook use. Earlier research has shown that Facebook use has increased among youths. At the same time research tells us that social interaction plays an important part in shaping our identity. It is from those stands that we base this paper on, and explore our interview persons answer after the theories of Erving Goffman and the people who have studied him, such as Bernie Hogan and Zeynep Tufekci.

Reglering av användningen av webbrobotar : En kvalitativ studie om synen på webbrobotar

Regulation of web bots is an analysis of the interest and a collection of discussions about the phenomena web bots. The section that contains the result from the interviews brings up the question about ethical and legal actions and the opposite to those. How the regulation could work is also discussed in the section with the results from the interviews. The discussions were produced by people whose background in one case or another can relate to the phenomena web bots. In that way this study was limited to few, but more profound interviews which would enable analyses of web bots existence.

"Frestande lockelser ..." : två svenska arkitekters möten med Pompeji 1843-44 1884

Ever since the remains of the ancient city of Pompei was rediscovered in the 18th century it became an important destination for artists and architects. The unique settings made it possible to study the greek and roman art and life which was considered important having knowledge about. As a complement to the architectural education at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm the students could gain funds to make a Grand Tour and visit Pompei.The aim in this study is to explain the study tours the architects made to Pompei by studying their experiences at the site. Fredrik Wilhelm Scholander and Isak Gustaf Clason serves as examples of two swedish architects visiting Pompei on such a tour. In the study I describe why and how these tours were made and why Pompei was an important destination.

Den litterära nätsajten Vulkan.se och en ny modell för den litterära processen

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the literary site Vulkan.se affects the conditions for publishing, distribution, incorporation in value systems and feedback in the literary process, as it appears in Lars Furuland?s model of this process. The purpose is also to propose an updated version of the model. This is achieved through a qualitative testing of Furuland?s theory.

Nya metoder för vibrationsmätning på vindkraftverk

This project has revolved around finding better ways of overseeing vibrations of the gearbox at a wind power station. The gearbox has been a huge problem at the stations located at Gässlingen and the sooner the warning of an incoming breakdown is at hand the more money you can save from preparations. The work has been carried out together with Askalon AB in cooperation with consults from ÅF. Askalon is a company with a department focused on overseeing vibrations and it is in collaboration with that department the work has been carried out. During this work, new positions for the sensors and new methods of gathering and analyzing data have been worked out. This was then implemented at a wind power station to be tried out on site.

Att resa i skräckens spår : en studie om fenomenet Dark Tourism

Dark Tourism is a relatively new concept, but as a phenomenon it has existed for centuries in the form of pilgrimages and gladiator games. The term includes visits to places associated with death and disaster, and has in more recent years become a highlighted tourist niche. This paper addresses the phenomenon of Dark Tourism and the reasons behind a visit to such an attraction. To find out the motive behind people's visits, interviews were conducted with respondents who have previously visited one or more Dark Tourism sites. A total of 32 people were interviewed about what influenced them to go to such a macabre place.

Annonser och nyhetskonsumtion : En kvantitativ studie om hur unga vuxna irriteras av annonser på nyhetssidor på PC och iPad

In this paper we have studied how young adults read news on the internet. The purpose was to seehow the consumers of news were irritated by the adverts on news sites depending on whichplatform they used, a computer or an portable reading device of the brand Apple iPad. Observationsand surveys were conducted on ten people. The news sites we used for this study were www.SvD.seand www.expressen.se. The result show that a majority experienced that their news consumptionwere irritated by advertising, mostly on Expressen's news site because it wasn't perceived asforeseeable..

Where has the fertilizer gone? Closing the nutrient budget for a eucalyptus fertilization experiment in southern China

An increasing demand for wood products in China has resulted in large areas invested in fast-growing tree plantations of eucalyptus. Eucalyptus plantations are often associated with an intensive management including fertilization. By understanding the effects of fertilization and where in the ecosystem nutrients are accumulated a more sustainable forest management could be achieved. In this study, a nutrient budget including all biomass and soil components was created for Eucalyptus urophylla. The examined nutrients were nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Se hit! : En studie om hur man genom informationsarkitektur och grafiskt gränssnitt når ut med ett budskap på webben

Vårt arbete har gått ut på att skapa två separata webbplatser. Vi har varit delaktiga i hela processerna från idéstadie till färdiga produkter. Webbplatserna vi tagit fram är Jag är fri - en kampanjhemsida åt RFSL, samt Laszlo & Tear - en presentationshemsida åt en musikduo. De två webbplatserna skiljer sig åt då vi klassar Jag är fri som samhällsnytta medan vi klassar Laszlo & Tear som underhållning. Vi såg dock en gemensam nämnare - att de skulle verka marknadsförande och att webbplatsbesökaren enkelt och tydligt skulle uppfatta syftet.

Ny konstruktionslösning och kostnadsförslag för stansverktyg

The task for this thesis is to design a tool that is used to cut-out preforms of thermoplastic adhesive and also to make an estimate of costs for the stamping tool. The tool is used in the repair process at the MCM production line. The result of gathered information has affected how the design of the stamping tool has developed. The handling of thermoplastic adhesive in the repair process is one of the factors that influenced the design. The adhesive is sensitive for exposure to moisture. Therefore an automated feeding system of the adhesive is not recommended. The users wished for an automated stamping tool.

Påverkar jordbruk flödet av akvatiska insekter till land? : Effekter av jordbruk på akvatiskt tillflöde till land vid norrländska bäckar

Streams and riparian zone are closely linked by reciprocal flows of energy and nutrients. A large part of the transportation from water to land is in form of emerged aquatic insects. Conversion of land from forest to agriculture can greatly affect aquatic ecosystems, and due to the close link, also affect the adjacent terrestral zone. Investigating how the presence of agriculture in the surrounding area affects amounts of emergent aquatic insects gives an indication on how agriculture, in turn, may affect the terrestral enviroment. The study was preformed alongside ten streams in northern Sweden; five in landscape transformed by agriculture and five in undisturbed forest areas.

Markberedningsresultat och plantbildning med såddaggregaten Humax 2-4 och KSM-såddskopa

Fördelarna med skogssådd är bland annat att de kan ge stamtäta bestånd med potential att producera träd med bra vedegenskaper och bättre utvecklade rotsystem samt att sådder har en högre biomassaproduktion per ytenhet jämfört med planteringar. Nackdelar som kan nämnas är att de ofta täta förbanden ger ökade kostnader vid eventuella röjningar och att föryngringsresultatet är mera osäkert för sådd än för plantering.Mekaniseringen av skogssådden startade under 1970-talet. Humax och KSM är två kranspetsmonterade aggregat för skogssådd. De har utvecklats för att användas på marker med svår ytstruktur där dragna såddaggregat som harv och högläggare har svårigheter att skapa tillräckligt mycket lämplig såddbädd på grund av att aggregatet inte kommer ner mellan hindren eller att basmaskinen inte klarat av att köra över hela arealen. Fördelen med KSM och Humax är att aggregaten är kranspetsmonterade vilket gör att föraren väljer var aggregatet skall markbereda och på det viset kan markberedningen göras mellan hindren samt att kranarmens räckvidd gör att basmaskinen inte behöver köra över hela arealen som skall markberedas.

Sociala medier för marknadsföring : En fallstudie om vilka strategier som finns för marknadsföring via Facebook hos svenska researrangörer

In this study, we have examined how Swedish tour operators are using social media as part of their marketing plan. Our purpose was to find out which strategies they use in the area of social marketing. The companies that were examined were Ving, Fritidsresor and Jambo tours, and the social network site that the research focused on was Facebook. The examination was conducted with a content analysis of the companies' Facebook pages and qualitative, structured interviews with the companies. The aim was to compare the various tour operators Facebook pages in order to get a broader overview of the companies marketing strategies.

SILO 72 : Ombyggnad av Lantmännens silo i Östra Hamnen, Västerås

This project includes a small study of Västerås city's housing needs, and a proposal on theuse of the property 1:207, Lantmännens silo in the Eastern Harbour, Västerås.The project intends to produce a basic study of the useful systems for this rebuilding projectwith regards to sustainable development and energy saving light buildings.The end result, which consists of a detailed visualization of the proposal, intends to becomean iconic natural focus for the Eastern port of Västerås and an example of the use andadaptation of existing structures.The property must also link the eastern parts of Västerås with the center through anextension of Mälarleden.The work has been performed through literature studies, site visits, contacts with the City ofVästerås and by calculations.The proposal consists of architectural proposals drawings and visualizations.Furthermore, a suggestion is given of how the property can be used and fitted into theoverall plan for urban density development currently underway in the city of Västerås.Computer programs used have been Microsoft Office Excel, AutoCAD and ArchiCAD..

Kan förändringar i bottenfaunan påvisas två år efter en bäckrestaurering?

The aim of this work is to analyze if a change in the benthic community can be detected two years after a restoration of a small stream. The samples were taken in a small stream at Tinnerö Eklandskap just south of Linköping. In addition to the restored area, two reference sites upstream and downstream of the restored area were sampled to compare to the restored site. The method used for sampling of benthic fauna in the stream was kick sampling. ASPT, Berger-Parker and Renkonen-indices were used to find out if there was any difference between the reference areas and the restored area.

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