

4690 Uppsatser om Single-case - Sida 17 av 313

Fallstudie av flytt och återuppbyggnadav en IT-utbildningsmiljö

This is a case study of the planning and building of a new IT education facility when thedepartment of Media Technologymoved its operation to Flemingsberg and the main campus, due tothe termination of Campus Haninge at Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden. The study isbased on a case study an on administrative material from the process such as emailscorrespondences, policy documents, contact reports etc. The material is analysed using qualitativecontent analysis and the different observations done are distilled into four recommendations,aimed at being able to contribute to a improved process in similar future situations, whereverneeded..

Vad är egentligen en muta?

Bribery is a concept which has appeared quite frequently in the media recently, but what constitutes a bribe and what factors can be used in determining if an individual case is actually a bribe? The purpose of this essay is to try and answer these questions through a study in which respondents were presented with different scenarios and were asked to determine whether a bribe had occurred and explain their reasoning. In the study, it was evident that the amount of money involved in a given case had a large impact on respondents? determination of whether a bribe had occurred or not. The grey area that seems to exist between what is appropriate and inappropriate most likely stems from ambiguousness in Swedish law..

Man behöver inte vara officiellt deprimerad Om biblioterapi som biblioteksverksamhet, med Kirklees i England som exempel

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how bibliotherapy can be part of ordinary work in Swedish libraries. Questions: what is bibliotherapy and who can work with it? What are the conditions required? What does it mean to people taking part and to libraries? In this study bibliotherapy is delimited to fiction and activities including discussions, excluded are self-help books and the individuals private reading. The study is based on four qualitative interviews with librarian and bibliotherapists in Kirklees, England, partaking in nine bibliotherapeutic sessions and a literary survey, together forming a case-study. Conclusions: There is not a single answer to the question what bibliotherapy is, but if one puts stress on the biblio- part of the word, seeing reading as a normal activity it can be part of library work, whereas the therapy- part should be dealt with by professionals outside libraries.

Demokratisering utifrån- En fallstudie om demokratiseringsprocessen i etniskt splittrade Bosnien Hercegovina

After the fall of communism in Yugoslavia the ethnic resentment grew stronger and escalated in to interethnic civil conflict in 1992. After international intervention the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) installed peace in 1995. The treaty's aim was not only to establish peace but also to institute democracy in Bosnia. The OSCE were given the task to implement democracy within political institutions and civil society. This in a country with a lack of democratic experience and where great problems with ethnic antagonism still exists.By using democratization and transition theory this single case-study examines how democracy is implemented in Bosnia by the OSCE and clarifies difficulties that this democratization process is facing.

När elev och vårdnadshavare blir-de andra

One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?. Nine years ago the sociologist Eva Kärfve published a book that was very critical to the newborn psychiatrics diagnosing of children as a way of segregating groups in society.

Kan positiv särbehandling rättfärdigas? En normativ analys av etnisk kvotering till juristprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet

Whether use of affirmative action can be justified is an ethical dilemma that hasbeen intensely debated. The question raises several conflict dimensions. Thepurpose of this thesis is to separate different arguments of the debate and classifywhich principles they are built upon. To accomplish this, an analytical instrumentis created where three different perspectives of equality, and deontology versusconsequentialism, are compared. A third conflict dimension, individual versusgroup ethical principles, is also considered.

Kvalitetsbedömning av selekterad och oselekterad hingstsperma med hjälp av flödescytometri och fluorometri, före och efter seminsäsongen :

Most Swedish Warmbloods are bred by artificial insemination (AI). Quality control of the semen consists of the subjective evaluation of motility. There is a need for a more accurate and objective method of rating the semen. In this study we compared fluorometry with flowcytometry as a method for evaluating sperm viability. Semen was collected from three stallions, stationed at Markebäcks Gård, Askersund, three times during week 15 and week 34, 2008.

Internationellt erkännande : En studie utifrån Syd Sudan och Somalilands självständighetssökande

The intention of this study is to investigate why some regions, which choose to secede from their parent country, are internationally recognized and others are not. The case studies of this study are South Sudan and Somaliland. South Sudan is as of now the world?s newest state, and Somaliland is a break-away state that is considered a part of Somalia by the International community. There are conditions that have to be fulfilled, before existing nations recognize the break-away state, such as an agreement between the seceded state and the parent country, which was the case for South Sudan and Sudan.

Modeller för studier av ursprungsmärkt el

The EU has decided that it should be possible for consumers to get information about the origin of the electricity they buy. Therefore, there is a need to examine different systems for electricity disclosure. In this thesis two ways of disclosure have been studied:? Certificate system. A certificate system involves two parallel markets, one for trading electrical energy and one for trading certificates of origin.? Separated Markets.

Förändringen som kom av sig: En fallstudie av kommunikationens roll i en förändringsprocess

This study takes place within a publicly owned art producing organization and dwells on the problems of a change process that the organization was involved in. Both leaders and staff were disappointed by the way the change process had developed. The management team explained the outcome by referring to the uniqueness of working with artists who constantly put their own personal objectives before the benefit of the whole. The aim of this study is to find a complementary explanation to the one the management team provided us with; an explanation that can help in the understanding of the dynamics of a change process. Can perhaps theories on information, communication and change processes give an alternative explanation to why the change process faltered? To investigate this, we have used a qualitative single case study.

Mjukvaruföretagens strategiska agerande

Background: In recent research literature, some researchers mean that companies in fast changing markets have to act proactively while others find that companies have to adapt to conditions and to react. This makes it interesting to study how software companies act strategically and also to study to what extent a flexible organisation is required by companies who proact and by those who react. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is the study how different types of software companies act strategically and what this requires of the company in terms of flexibility. Delimitation: The study treats only Swedish software companies with more than ten employees. Proceed of the Study: Representatives from four case companies as well as a consultant have been interviewed.

Det sociala arvet : Kvantitativa analyser av intragenerationell (föräldrar till barn) överföring av utbildningsstatus och föräldra bakgrund

The aim of this study was to find relations between parents background and education ina wider sense and their children's success in school. The study also includes genusdifferentiations, the family profile and residential areas influence on children's ability anddetermination to study.The study confirmed earlier research that children's success in school is to some extentdependant on their parents education. At the same time it was shown that in most casesthe children reached higher level of education than their parents ? also when they werepoorly educated or had emigrated from a country with big cultural differences. It was alsoevident that children with at least one Swedish parent (and presumably Swedish as theirmother tongue) reached higher educational levels than other children.Children from single parent families often stopped their school carrier after the 9-yearcompulsory class while children of dual parent families more often continued to university.In general, girls were more affluent in school than the boys.

Hur kan organisationer gå från att vara samlare av informtion till att bli nyckeltalsanalytiker? : En fallstudie på Trafikverket

In 1993 the internal market within the European Union was formed and ensured free movement of goods, services, capital and people. This led to the removal of trade barriers between members of the European Union. When opening up for competition, price differences between countries decreased and more jobs were created. A single currency was introduced by eleven countries in 1999 with the goal of reducing transaction costs, eliminating exchange rate risk and to further simplify trade. In 2001 Greece joined the collaboration and introduced the euro.

"The history books tell it, they tell it so well" : Minoritetselever och historieundervisning i den svenska gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this study is to analyze different aspects of a portraying of individuals from a time past. It is concentrated around questions about why it is important to show the people?s stories in, for example, exhibitions and under which conditions this would serve as a good use of history according to different theories about history and the portraying of it.I have chosen the theories of Freidrich Nietzsche and Georg Simmel as a tool to analyze different aspects of the portraying of people from the past. Nietzsche?s theory about the different ways in which we use the past and Simmels theory about the meeting between a viewer and a cultural experience.

Evaluering av återvinningseffektiviteten i Svensk Medicin och Google Scholar med medicinska frågor ur Fråga doktorn.

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and compare the retrieval effectiveness of two search engines on the Internet: Svensk Medicin and Google Scholar. Svensk Medicin is a medicine-specific search engine and Google Scholar specialises in indexing scholarly material. A set of 20 questions in four categories were used to conduct the searches with the search engines. Genuine medical information needs were selected from a question collection provided by the television program Fråga doktorn. The relevance of the first 10 retrieved documents was judged by using a binary scale and the measure used was precision.

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