

1005 Uppsatser om Single mothers - Sida 37 av 67

Fisk, fågel eller mittemellan? : En studie av tre multiprojektmiljöer

Background: A great part of all projects within Swedish industry are conducted in a multiprojectenvironment, which means that several projects are performed simultaneously. The research within the field of project management is though focused on single projects. Projects are highly dependent on the context in which they are conducted, although the organization of the multiprojectenvironment is only partly explored. Furthermore is the research within the project management highly concentrated on standardization of the project work. The question is whether this implies to the basic advantages with the project-oriented organization, which is flexibility and creativity? Purpose: To describe and obtain an understanding for the multiprojectenvironment regarding management control and organization.

Striving for innovation; working in CFT - a case study of Audi

The purpose of this thesis is to study and determine how working in cross functional teams can generate value in an effort to facilitate innovation. An inductive scientific perspective is chosen as the research approach. A single case is investigated with the theoretical framework based on Resource Based View, Intellectual Capital, Innovation theory and theories concerning Cross Functional Teams. The empirical material has been collected through primary data; surveys, interviews and secondary data; literature, websites and further complementary data. The practice of using Cross Functional Teams will enhance organizational learning, knowledge transfer, increase communication and innovation, which in turn will increase the speed and performance of the new product development process.

Förra säsongen, hur gjorde vi då? : en studie om hur ett säsongsbaserat företag tar tillvara på anställdas kunskap och blir en lärande organisation

The purpose of this study is to describe if and how a seasonal based company named SkiStar, learns through the exchange of experience and knowledge. We have analyzed gathered qualitative and empirical data to explore this subject. We conducted three semi-structured group interviews with employees from the SkiStarshop division. They described their routines and procedures in SkiStarshop. The collected data was processed and analyzed through our theoretical framework.

Hedersrelaterat våld: hur beskrivs det i den politiska kontexten? En kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.

The concept of domestic violence pertains to different definitions of violence, one of which is the concept of honour related violence and oppression. This paper looks at honour related violence and oppression, as defined in policy documents at a central political level, and how various discourses stand in relation to social categories and power relations. Consequently, the theoretical and methodological premise of the paper has been based on discourse analysis and an intersectional perspective has been applied to gain further depth and breadth in the analysis of the material. The intersectional perspective houses various approaches to the understanding of specific phenomena based on factors of gender, ethnicity, sexuality and class. The analysis concludes that the concept of honour related violence and oppression is a concept without a single scientific definition. There is, however, a general consensus in the political context that honour related violence and oppression is a collective force that can be directed at both sexes.

A targeted evaluation of OpenEye?s methods for virtual ligand screens and docking

The process of drug discovery is very slow and expensive. There is a need for reliable in silico methods; however the performance of these methods differs.This work presents a targeted study on how the drug discovery methods used in OpenEye?s tools ROCS, EON and FRED perform on targets with small ligands. It was examined if 12 compounds (markers) somewhat similar to AMP could be detected by ROCS in a random data set comprised of 1000 compounds. It was also examined if EON could find any electrostatic similarities between the queries and the markers.

Att leva är att känna - en pilotstudie i affektfokuserad terapi för unga vuxna

Varumärken inom B2B börjar få allt större uppmärksamhet bland forskare och företag i takt med att det uppmärksammats att varumärken har betydelse inom B2B-kontexter. Varumärket är ett av få sätt att differentiera sig på konkurrensintensiva marknader och kan medföra fördelar som en ökad kundlojalitet, premiumpriser och en ökad möjlighet att nå nya marknader. Samtidigt är forskningen om hur företag inom B2B bygger varumärken begränsad. B2B-marknader kännetecknas inte av produkterna utan av köparna som inte uteslutande är vinstrivande företag utan även kommuner, institutioner och icke- vinstrivande organisationer.I följande studie studeras underleverantörer vilka kännetecknas av dess förmåga att producera varor och tjänster till förmån för en köpare och dennes specifikationer. För en underleverantör är den grundläggande rollen att vara en värdeförmedlare som underlättar kundernas värdeskapande.

Digitala bibliotek - framtidsvision eller morgondagens verklighet?

In the wake of the electronic revolution digital library has become one of the central themes concerning libraries. The present study takes up the question whether digital library can function in the same way as the conventional library. The question can obviously be posed from different perspectives, e.g. technological-, the user-, or the organizational perspective. The study investigates if (and how) digital library can have the same functions as the traditional library.

Livet efter sfi : Vilka tankar har några sfi-elever om sin delaktighet i det nya landet och hur har de lyckats med att förverkliga uppsatta mål?

Boplatsvallar, often translated as semi-subterranean settlements, is an ancient monument with a diffuse definition. Defined as ?embankments that partially or completely surround a often lowered/dug down surface- this category of ancient monuments is also made up of a former category which traditionally was interpreted as winter settlements from the late Stone age in Sweden. This view of the ancient monuments carried over, to a certain extent, to this new definition. Should this be the case, that this category of ancient monuments are remains of winter settlements,  used recurringly over an extended period of time, then they should exhibit similar signals in regards to the distribution of the anthropogenically altered soil chemical and soil physical properties at the sites.The area around Lillsjön, Anundsjö parish in Ångermanland, have four boplatsvallar located separately in the regional area.

När gränsen för styrning suddas ut - En fallstudie av hur ett företags styrning påverkar dess kundrelationer

As collaboration between companies move beyond the single transaction into more long-term relationships the consequences of a company's control system become more complex. The aim of this paper is to provide an understanding of how intra- and inter-organizational control and work practices interact through examining how a company's intra-organizational control influences its customer relationships. The empirical research is performed through a qualitative case study where interviews have been conducted with management and sales staff within the case company as well as with one of the customers. The empirical findings have been analyzed using frameworks and theories regarding management control and customer relationships. The study reveals that the intra-organizational control of the case company affects its relationships with customers in a number of ways.

En undersökning och utvärdering av ledningssystem : Ett delprojekt i ett förändringsarbete

In past decades information technology has changed the conditions of organizations, not at least within the industry. Advanced IT systems have become a fact in order to cope with rapid changes in the market and to effectively manage an organization?s knowledge. When organizations became more flexible and customized expectations from customers and stakeholders also become higher. These expectations and guidelines are documented in a company?s management system, which can be designed differently depending on what standards the company chooses to implement.

Fysisk aktivitet som fallprevention i särskilt boende - en litteraturstudie

Our population are ageing. As this happens more people will be in need of long term care facilities. We now know that some elderly people with certain background factors are more likely to be injured or sick. One of the four biggest background factors is fall propensity. Most of the reported falls come from long term care facilities, approximately 60 % of the care takers in long term care facilities fall one time or more each year.

Förklaringsmodell för cykelresor i Trondheim : Fysiska och demografiska faktorers betydelse för det geografiska resmönstret

The work examines geographical variations of bicycle use in Trondheim municipality with the aim to create an understanding of what influences the use of bicycles and explain the geographical travel pattern for cycling. The work focuses on the how physical structures generates different transports effects. Where bicycle travels in Trondheim municipality are undertaken is described by using network analysis in ArcGIS, based on aggregated data from the travel habit survey (RVU) in 2009/2010. Trondheim municipality is divided into smaller geographical units (zoner) whose characteristics are described by 19 variables, categorized into 6 groups; Distance, Land use, Topography, Bicycle Facilities, Road characteristics and Demographic factors.By linear regression analysis in SPSS and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, an explanatory model is elaborated. The variablesdistance to the regional center, workplace density, percentage separate bike paths and hilly terrain explains 78 percent of where cycle journeys are undertaken.

Alternativa Drivmedel som Enhetsdrivmedel

Fossila drivmedel står idag för en överlägsen majoritet av den totala användningen av drivmedel som dagligen förburkas. Alternativ till de fossila drivmedlen krävs för att säkerställa tillgång i framtiden. Försvarsmakten har fått uppdrag från regeringen att utforska möjligheten att övergå till att driva sina fordon på förnyelsebara bränslen.Militära organisationer strävar efter ett enhetsdrivmedel, alltså ett gemensamt drivmedel som driver samtliga fordon och enheter. Största anledningen är den förenklade logistik som kan uppnås om endast ett drivmedel används.Detta arbete har sökt efter ett alternativt drivmedel som skulle kunna användas som enhetsdrivmedel inom Försvarsmakten. Detta för att lösa problematiken med att både byta till ett förnyelsebart drivmedel och ett enhetsdrivmedel i samma fas.Slutsatserna som dragit i detta arbete är att FT-bränslen har potential att användas som enhetsdrivmedel ur ett tekniskt perspektiv.

Kroppens harmoni : om relationalitet i G.W Leibnizs monadologi

The purpose of this essay is to discuss relationality in G.W Leibnizs Monadologie (1714). In general terms this essay analyzes the notion of individuation in relation to the concept of monads. The analysis proposes a question regarding the body in this individuation, and what consequences follows for the understanding of the relation between the single individual and other individuals. It will be shown that the irreducibility of having a body transcendens something like ownness, subjectivity, personality and individuation, and this is explained through the pre-established harmony between the monads ? where the plurality of monads is detected before the monads singularity. To widen this investigation of relationality between the monads, I will turn to Edmund Husserls phenomenological operation for solving the egological problem of solipsism in Cartesian Meditations (1929). In his meditations, Husserl uses the monad as a self-conscious ego with peculiar ownness.

Sammanställning av möjligheter att konvertera ICD till AIS för bedömning av risken för medicinsk invaliditet : En systematisk litteraturstudie

The aim of this study is to create an increased understanding of shared leadership and how it takes shape in the relationship between first-line managers in human service organizations. Shared leadership is seen as a complement to the traditional one-man leadership and briefly means that two managers share the role that usually is held by a single leader. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with managers in human service organizations. The interviews mention the mangers thoughts and experiences about shared leadership and gain approval in the hermeneutic science field. The study is analyzed based on symbolic interactionism where perspectives from the theoreticians Mead and Goffman are used.

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