

1014 Uppsatser om Simple random sampling - Sida 55 av 68

Levo : En lyftanordning för höjdjustering av manuella gåbarrar

The parallel bars is used in physical therapy and is mainly used for patients who have to train walking and balance after a stroke or an operation. It consists of two long handrails with two legs on each handrail. These legs go down into two ground-plates and are locked at the wanted height with a pin. The parallel bars is an appreciated device and is used on a daily basis in many care units.The main issue with the manual parallel bars is that it is very difficult and heavy for a single person to adjust the height of it. If a larger adjustment of the height has to be done, the legs have to be adjusted one at a time otherwise the they will be locked.

Fosforgödslingseffektivitet i långliggande bördighetsförsök

Rapid population growth and the fact that phosphorous is a limited resource implies that the question regarding an efficient use of phosphorus is of great importance, and consequently,that the phosphorous use efficiency should be as high as possible. The view on phosphorous use efficiency, and how this is calculated, has varied over time. This has had great implications on what type of research that has been conducted, which have resulted in an inconsistency between the academic?s view on the subject and recommendations received by farmers. The purpose of this paper is to calculate the phosphorus use efficiency in the Swedish long term fertility experiments.

Förstudie för automatisering av gjutgodsrensning

This thesis work has been performed at the Division of Assembly Technology at Linköping University for a period of ten weeks. The work is part of the project ProFlexA, which is a research project in collaboration between Linköping University, Lund University, and industrial partners such as Combi Wear Parts and Smålands Stålgjuteri AB.The casting process creates random incurred burrs and defects, which must be removed during a cleaning process to make sure that the cast can be sold. Automation has long been sought for the cleaning of castings due to, among other things, poor working conditions for staff, but this has proved difficult to implement with today's technology. Automation has for some time been available for more capital strong companies with large annual volumes, but for smaller companies with small-and medium-sized volumes, automation has not been an option.The goal of ProFlexA is to develop an automated cleaning cell aimed at small-and medium-sized volumes.The goal of the thesis is to do a pre study at ProFlexA?s partners on cleaning of castings, and develop concepts for automated cleaning of castings.By recording the process and cycle times, the cleaning of castings has been documented as it works today, and on this basis, information and statistics has been compiled.


AbstractDegree thesis Solid content in Lime Mud By Andre Flodin Process operator program ? Umeå University 17/6 ? 2014 Pages: 21A thesis was made on Billerudkorsnäs production unit in Karlsborg where lime kiln in the causticising department of chemical recovery plant does not meet the required production. Causticising department is the final step in the chemical recycling unit. There, the filtered green liquor is mixed with lime to recover the cooking chemicals used in the pulp factory. The cooking liquid is called white liquor.

Utveckling av arbetsmetod för DFA

Scania is among the leading companies in the heavy vehicle industry. Scania also assemble engines for their trucks and buses, as well as to external marine and industrial applications. Wrongly assembled parts leads to quality problems, which makes it important to secure that the assembly is correct. To do this Design For Assembly (DFA) is used to describe how parts should become easier to assemble. Scania?s production unit for engine assembly has had a working method for DFA in the shape of a checklist, which is not used.

Modernisering av en fotbollsarena : Örjans Vall

The purpose of this study is to show the technical building requirements for modern arenas inSweden. The study will also create an understanding of how the requirements affect theSwedish football arenas which are affected by the regulations valid from 2014. As one of theSwedish football arenas there is Örjans Vall located in Halmstad. The aim of this study is todevelop alternative solutions regarding the technical problems Örjans Vall is facing 2014,when the new arena requirements for ?Svensk elitfotboll? are taken into use.

Kalciums och magnesiums inverkan på arsenikavdrivningen i virvelbäddsugnen : The influence of calcium and magnesium on the expellation of arsenic in the fluidized bed furnace

In the fluidized bed furnace at Rönnskärsverken, Skelleftehamn, sulphur-containing ore concentrates are roasted in order to remove about 50% of the sulphur in the incoming ore concentrate. This occurs in order to reach the goal of a matte containing 55% of copper in the following smelting process. At the same time as the ore concentrate is partially roasted pollutions as arsenic, antimony and bismuth are expelled. Earlier made thermodynamic calculations of equilibrium suggested that calcium and magnesium form stable compounds with arsenic and thereby inhibit expellation of arsenic in the fluidized bed furnace, an element that is undesired. The purpose of this thesis work was to gain knowledge of the mechanisms behind the formation of these stable arsenic compounds.

Utveckling av stol för café och lunchrum

This is a dissertation for a Bachelor Degree Project at the University of Skövde. The project is carried out in cooperation with the company Kinnarps AB.The objective of this project was to develop a new chair for café and lunch rooms, which should satisfy the markets expectations and demands and match Kinnarps AB?s assortment today. The project has contained everything from identification of user and customer needs and requirements to evaluation and building of a prototype.The result is a chair with a frame of tubular steel and there is nothing like it in Kinnarps AB?s assortment today.

Utemiljö för motion :

New technology and urban sprawl have resulted in almost half of the population in Sweden being insufficiently physically active. The sedentary lifestyle causes heart- and vascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, stress etc. in the population. One of the biggest priorities in the society is to promote more physical activity. Through literature studies and a questionnaire this paper will examine how we can design the built environment in order to promote physical exercise and if we can change the sedentary lifestyle with a outdoor environment that invite physical exercise. There are both internal and external factors that have importance for people?s physical activity.

Kvalitetsstyrning i grundskolan : Hur relaterar skolor till begreppet kund, måluppfyllelse och kvalitet? En studie av tio grundskolors kvalitetsredovisningar.

Since the nineties the words customer, effectiveness and quality have become part of everyday school life. Municipalities? makes regular customer surveys to measure both independent schools as municipal schools ' quality. A common method for customer research and background studies is that parents and students are asked to respond to simple Web-based surveys. Customer satisfaction and/or customer dissatisfaction options are presented in tabular form, based on the percentage that expresses a particular position within a query.

Utvecklingspotentialer i Björkdals anrikningsprocess: Examensarbete Björkdalsgruvan Hösten 2012

Den här studien utredde utvecklingspotentialer i Björkdals anrikningsprocess med inriktning på flotationsprocesserna, vilka utforskades i syfte att ta reda på i vilken utsträckning de skulle kunna bidra till högre och jämnare guldutbyte genom anpassade parameterval. För att beskriva i vilka flöden guldet fördelades i dagsläget uppställdes en materialbalans. Material provtogs, provbereddes och analyserades med avseende på guldhalten. Provtagningsmetoden grab sampling användes och materialprover från sju provtagningstillfällen under dagen slogs ihop och bildade ett prov. Provstorlekarna baserades på empiri men kontrollerades med Gy´s provtagningsformel.

Sustainable shopping : consumer behavior in purchasing and donating secondhand clothes

Textiles are made in an unsustainable way and there is a need to find alternative ways and material to reduce the negative impacts on the environment, humans and animals. Problems like pollution, excessive water consumption and loss of soil fertility is a result of this lack of diversity. It is a necessity to find innovative alternatives in other fabrics due to the unsustainable use of cotton and polyester fibers. As in many other countries in the Western part of the world, in Sweden there is a rapid turnover and increased selling of clothes that result in increased textile waste. About 15 kilogram of textiles (net inflow) is consumed per person each year.

Statistisk analys av journalmaterial från två stuterier : en retrospektiv studie

Retrospective data from two stud farms, in this study named stud farm A and B, including 742 mares, was statistically analysed. Parameters included in the analysis were type of insemination, date of the first insemination, number of inseminations, the age of the mares, if the mares had a foal or not, foaling date, result of pregnancy examination (if it was done), twin pregnancy and treatments given to the mares. The pregnancy results and the treatments where compiled into a number of frequency tables in which the mares where arranged according to age, month of first insemination, foal or not and type of insemination. There was a significant difference in pregnancy result between the years at both stud farms (2001 better than 2002). At stud farm A, in year 2001, month (at start of insemination) significantly influenced the pregnancy result.

Fysisk aktivitet och idrott för vuxna individer i Västerbottens län : Möjligheter och utmaningar för en framtida aktivitetskatalog

Viklund, J. & Älgamo, D. (2011).Fysisk aktivitet och idrott för vuxna individer i Västerbottens län ? möjligheter och utmaningar för en framtida aktivitetskatalog. (Physical activity and sports for adults in the county of Västerbotten ? opportunities and challenges for a future activity directory).

The major food trees of the Angola black-andwhitecolobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus)in Diani Forest, Kenya

The Angola black-and-white colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus) is a subspecies of Colobus angolensis inhabiting fragmented forests in coastal Kenya and Tanzania. C. angolensis is regarded as Least Concern in the red list of IUCN because its populations are abundant. However, the populations of C. a.

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