

1014 Uppsatser om Simple random sampling - Sida 4 av 68

Slumpmässig Informationssökning eller ?Jag talar hellre om inspiration?. Skådespelares slumpmässiga informationsanskaffning

The aim of this study has been to investigate actors? methods for acquiring information that is necessary for their profession, with a focus on the more random methods they might possibly use. The study is based on the following questions: What information needs do actors have in relation to their profession? Which methods do actors use to procure information? Which information systems do actors use? What role does the library play in the actors? acquisition of information? Through an interview study with 10 informants a picture is formed of the actors? information behavior. With the help of theoretical ideas regarding random methods of acquisition, we describe which information needs actors have and how they acquire that information.

A targeted evaluation of OpenEye?s methods for virtual ligand screens and docking

The process of drug discovery is very slow and expensive. There is a need for reliable in silico methods; however the performance of these methods differs.This work presents a targeted study on how the drug discovery methods used in OpenEye?s tools ROCS, EON and FRED perform on targets with small ligands. It was examined if 12 compounds (markers) somewhat similar to AMP could be detected by ROCS in a random data set comprised of 1000 compounds. It was also examined if EON could find any electrostatic similarities between the queries and the markers.

Environmental, Social and Governance : Hot eller möjlighet för investerare

This study explores whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues affect the monetary value of a company.The samples used in this study have been taken from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) in South Africa. Since 2010, JSE have been categorizing companies using the King Code III criteria to establish a Socially Responsible Investment index (SRI index). Companies that fulfill the required number of criteria are classified as 'best performers' using the SRI index.  In this study the monetary value of a random sample of 'best performers' has been compared to the monetary value of a random sample of companies without an SRI index evaluation.This study found that companies without a SRI index have a higher unique risk, which means a lower stock price with a higher dividend yield. Companies with an SRI index evaluation have a lower unique risk, which means a higher stock price and lower dividend yield. In conclusion, this study shows that SRI adjusted companies have an enhanced monetary value in comparison to non- SRI adjusted companies..

Scenografi till Batboy - the musical

This is the project of making a stage design for Batboy ? the musical, a cooporation with a network of musical artists. The aim of the project was to create a space on stage that strengthens and expands the experience of the story told, and find design solutions that give an extra dimension to the story. The prerequisites for my work were partly defined from the produc¬tion, as were my limitations. In the cast of ten artists some were to play more than one role, often one of the opposite sex.

Järnets förekomst i grundvattnet i isälvsavlagringar i Dalarna : Bakgrundshalter och rörmaterialets inverkan vid grundvattenprovtagning

A study has been performed that investigates the variation of iron content in groundwater.The study was initiated by Midvatten AB, which noticed that the iron content in groundwater samples can vary greatly over small distances. The purpose of this study was to geochemically and geohydrologically determine the factors that influence the content of iron and manganese in groundwater from a selection of eskers in Dalarna, and determine how to best sample groundwater with the method used by Midvatten AB. An evaluation was made of how the vertical variation in soil material, water composition, pumping time and pipe material affects the content of iron in groundwater. Piper diagrams were used to study the relationship between the chemical composition of the groundwater and the content of iron and manganese in groundwater samples from the studied areas. The groundwater from the studied areas was then classified in the Piper diagrams, according to the content of the major ions.

Optimering av sampling quality-parametrar för Mental Ray

Fotorealistiska 3d-bilder används idag inom ett brett spektrum av branscher. Framställningen av denna typ av grafik kräver ofta väldigt mycket datorkraft. Vid rendering med renderingsmotorer som använder sig av raytracing algoritmer är aliasing ett medfött problem. Lösningen heter anti-aliasing som arbetar för att undvika aliasing artefakter som jagged edges eller Moiré-effekter med mera. En del av anti-aliasingprocessen är supersampling som ofta kräver mycket datorkraft.

Nästa generations syn på skogsägandet och skogsägarrörelsen : en enkätundersökning bland vuxna barn till dagens medlemmar i Norra Skogsägarna

The future of the forest owners? associations are intimately coupled to the development in family forestry. Forecasts have been made that predicts that the number of forest properties for sale on the open market will increase as the interest among the children of the property owners is considered to decrease. The associations are also affected by continuing individualism in the society which may affect attitudes to as well as interest in membership. The objective of this study was to study the attitudes among grown-up children of members in a forest owners association towards overtaking the forest property as well as membership in a forest owners association.

Nyheternas födelse : En kvantitativ undersökning av källor till lokala nyheter i lokaltidningar

The purpose of this thesis was to study the origin of the local news in local newspapers. Do the news originate mostly from the police, the municipality, from press releases or from the reporters own ideas? We also wanted to find out what kind of content predominated in texts with its origin in press releases respectively the reporters own ideas. Of course we also wanted to find out if there were any similarities or differences between the two studied newspapers.We used a type of constructed week, but with non random selection instead of random. We chose one of each weekday the newspapers were published and studied the news covered in the papers that specific day.

Kovariansskattningar vid portföljval - Utvärdering av fyra alternativa metoder för att skatta kovariansen

I denna uppsats beskrivs och implementeras tre alternativa metoder för att skatta kovariansen mellan finansiella tillgångar. De utvärderas sinsemellan och jämförs med stickprovskovariansen. Utvärderingsmodellen innebär simulering av en aktiv portföljförvaltare i en verklighetstrogen miljö. Då kovariansen mellan finansiella tillgångar beräknas med stickprovsskattning blir skattningsfelet stort. Detta fel, eller brus, försämrar portföljförvaltares resultat och alternativa metoder eftersöks.

Ett socialt nätverk anpassat för äldre : En studie av det sociala nätverket Modernfamilies

In this paper we analyze a social network specifically designed for the elderly, people with Dementia and people with generally low computer experience. This is a relatively unexplored use for such software, and our goal is to find out whether the technique to be used is simple enough to use for the intended user group, and generally how the whole situation is experienced by the users. To achieve this we conducted an expert evaluation and interviewed a number of users at two separate occasions during their first weeks with Modernfamilies. We came to the conclusion that this software generally is simple enough to use for the intended target group. Some of the users we came in contact with experienced the software as a positive addition to their daily lives, while some could not see any reason for a further use.

En enklare syn på lässvårigheter : En litteraturöversikt om lässvårigheter sett utifrån Simple View of Reading

Ett av skolans mest utmanade uppdrag kan vara att upptäcka och arbeta med elever med lässvårigheter. Det övergripande syftet med den här översikten är att peka på hur modellen Simple View of Reading kan visa på de färdigheter som krävs vid läsning, svårigheter som kan uppstå och passande moment i arbete med dessa. Genom litteraturöversikten har nio nyutgivna internationella forskningsartiklar granskats för att svara till syftet. Översikten har sökt fokusera på inkludering av artiklar som endast behandlar yngre elever utan funktionsnedsättningar som adhd, apsperger, autism och/eller svårigheter genom tvåspråkighet. Alla artiklar i översikten är vetenskapligt granskade.

Bottenfaunan i Stensjöån och dess tillflöde Bokån : - en undersökning av tre lokaler

The purpose of this study has been to examine whether the bottom fauna of the stream Stensjöån, has been negatively influenced since the harvesting of peat began on the nearby peat moss Skäftesmyr or not. Comparison has been made with the results of index calculations from earlier examinations in the stream, two calculated indexes has been made, Danish fauna index and ASPT-index. The sampling was made with the kick sampling method, SS-EN 27 828. Three locations were chosen for the examination, one upstream from the peat moss, one just downstream from where the brook from the peat moss joins Stensjöån and a third location near the outlet of the stream to the lake Stensjön. The samples were sorted and the found animals identified to the taxonomic level required for the calculation of the two indexes.

Service Level Management : Equalize unloadingencrustation at Stora Enso ? Skoghalls bruk

The report is part of the university´engineer program within Industrial Organization and Economics with specialization in Logistics and Managment at Jönköping´s university.Skoghall´s mill underlies a large supply chain, which means there should be a lot of areas in need of small improvement measures. This report illustrates a small part of one of these areas and is focused on the loading distribution services in the terminal Vänern.At the moment there´s a very unequal load of the load carriers SECU box and Container at the terminal. Skoghall´s mill has the desire to equalize the high and low load levels of the 2 loading carriers named previously. One of the options to solve the problem is to set a limit of how much the carriers can load per week or per day. The mill also wants it to be investigated if the proposition would influence the customers in any way and if both the company and its customers could handle a lower level of delivery services in case the proposition was to be applied.The goal to be achieved with this thesis is to provide balance to the unequall loading of the 2 load carriers, SECU and Container, and investigate whether or not the Skoghall´s mill´s customers, could manage the lower degree of delivery service that the proposition would imply.For this goal to be achieved, random sample investigations were taken from orders of a customer that is provided with SECU load carriers and the same was made with a Container´s customer.

Inverkan av Kiselhalten på Värmeutvidgningskoefficienten hos Aluminiumlegeringar

The purpose of this report is to document the experiments carried out, methods used and results gained during research into how the silicon content of an aluminium alloy affects the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE).The goal of this paper is to better understand and to find a relation between silicon content and the coefficient of thermal expansion.Experiments were carried out using carefully prepared samples of Al Si alloys (0, 7, 10 and 20% Si content). Using these alloys, the CTE could be measured using a dilatometer.Comparative analysis carried out could map the effects of silicon content on the coefficient of thermal expansion and an equation was created. Using simple graphs and the rule of mixture method, the authors were able to build a simple tool for calculating the CTE of specific aluminum silicon alloys..

En uppföljning av analysresultat (serologi och virus) av EAV på seminhingstar i Sverige år 2002 och 2005. :

EVA, Equine Viral Arteritis, was diagnosed for the first time in 1953 in USA. The disease gained international interest in 1984, when there were several outbreaks of abortion at Thoroughbred studs in USA. EAV, Equine Arteritis Virus, is an RNA virus in the Arteriviridae family. There is only one serotype of EAV but several strains and the strains have different virulence. EAV is transmitted in two different ways: by aerosols, or by venereal transmission.

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