

1014 Uppsatser om Simple random sampling - Sida 21 av 68

Betydelsen av taggbuskar, ljus och hävd vid föryngring av ek (Quercus robur)

Many species and hence biodiversity depend on old, large oaks (Quercus robur) with hollow trunks. The populations of oak-living organisms have to migrate to a nearby old oak in order to survive the death of the host. The oak district south of Linköping, Sweden, is unique in area and the number of old oaks. It is anyway doubtful whether regeneration of oak will secure future continuity. Oaks are light-demanding and thrive in open pastures.

Projekt Sunbaker : Utveckling av en solugn för bakning, en fältstudie i Namibia

Namibia, southern Africa, suffers from an energy shortage and is therefore facing severalchallenging problems. The use of firewood as fuel for cooking is common in the whole countryand has negative consequences for health and the environment. This work have focused ondeveloping a solar baking oven, calledSunbaker, adapted for Namibian families needs forbaking. The development was based on classic solar cooking limitations, specific needs forNamibia and to have a feasible manufacturability.The project started with a theoretical study in Sweden where different solar cookers, informationregarding Namibia, technical aspects and end user aspects were studied. To assess the need for asolar baking oven aMinor Field Study took place in Namibia during eight weeks in July toSeptember 2009 and resulted in a product design specification.

Grooming behaviour in the Red-tailed guenon

The behaviour of the red-tailed guenon (Cercopithecus ascanius) was studied over the course of nine days in the Sabaringo forest surrounding Kichwa Tembo Tented Camp near the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. A focal animal instantaneous sampling method with a one minute interval was used to record the behaviours of the monkeys for approximately 12 hours a day, the day being divided into six shifts á two hours. This method has proven successful in earlier studies of red-tails in this area. The study subjects included both lactating and non-lactating females, juveniles and on some occasions the resident male. The purpose of this study was to examine the grooming behaviour of red-tailed guenons and whether or not the occurrence of grooming varies depending on monkey type (lactating or non-lactating) and time of day.

Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten : En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar små aktiebolags val att ha kvar revisionen

Background: With the removal of audit requirement for companies in Sweden from the first of november 2010, a lot of companies has chosen not to keep the audit requirement. So far 57 percent of the small companies has chosen to keep the audit, in spite of that they don´t need to which led us to the problem statement: Which are the factors that affect a small limited company to choose to keep the audit, in spite that now there is a possibility to choose not to use audit anymore?Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to examine why small limited companies choose to keep the audit, in spite that now there is a possibility to choose not to use audit?Method: This research founds itself in a qualitative study with a deductive research approach. We have been studying secondary data in books and articles and preformed 29 phone interviews with small ltd company owners in Sweden. The selection consisted of 14 companies with credit debts and 15 companies without credit debts.

Hjärtsäkerhet på svenska hälso- och fitnessanläggningar

In the United States, see recommendations for cardiac safety of sports arenas but also to health and fitness facilities. However, this does not exist in Sweden today. Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the health- and fitness facilities today are equipped with respect to cardiac safety and specifically relating to preparedness for cardiac arrest. Method: Quantitative data are collected and compiled with the help of a questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 19 questions in total.

Vattendraget på Kåbo golfbana : en kartläggning som ett steg i golfklubbens miljöarbete

This degree project studied surface waters on Kåbo Golf Course in Uppsala, Sweden, with the aim of determining the status of the water and how it is affected by the activities of the golf club, and to obtain suggestions of measures to create better conditions for the water environment on and around the golf course. The project forms part of the environmental protection work of Kåbo Golf Club, which is working towards achieving environmental certification from the Swedish Golf Association (SGF). The study is based on literature studies and quantitative and qualitative field studies of water on the golf course, with the focus on environmental factors identified as being important for the golf industry and on strategic environmental goals developed by SGF. The number of open water bodies in the Swedish landscape has substantially declined during the past 200 years, so it is important to save those that remain. This study showed that the surface water at Kåbo Golf Course is an important element in the surroundings since the area contains few wetlands, which can be a habitat for large numbers of species. The stream and ponds on Kåbo Golf Course also have the important function of serving as water hazards in the game and adding difficulty and variety to the course. Since Kåbo Golf Club wants its surface waters to look aesthetically appealing, extensive algal growth and drying up of ponds during parts of the year are regarded as problems.

En händelsestudie av reporäntans effekt på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Syftet är att undersöka om det finns möjlighet att uppnå överavkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden genom att använda sig av information om förändringar av reporäntan. För att uppfylla vårt syfte utför vi en händelsestudie med en kvantitativ metod och en deduktiv ansats. Genom att studera nio branschindex och OMX index vid reporänteförändringar, undersöker vi om det föreligger någon skillnad dem emellan. Att en onormal avkastning kan uppnås kan statistiskt säkerställas för OMX index dag 1 efter en annonsering om en sänkning av reporäntan. Vid en höjning finner vi däremot inga bevis för en reaktion på marknaden.

Svensk Filmmarknad VS Illegal Fildelning

Att den illegala fildelningen är ett problem för den svenska filmmarknaden som måste bekämpas är något som Antipiratbyrån vill framhålla. Piratbyrån å andra sidan menar att problemet inte är så stort och inte ens värt att lägga energi på. Vi ville därför undersöka hur den illegala fildelningen verkligen påverkar den svenska filmmarknaden. Detta gjordes genom att först intervjua både Antipiratbyrån och Piratbyrån för att få fram olika synsätt på problemområdet. Vi gjorde även en litteraturgenomgång där vi fann relevanta teorier som vi utformade vissa antaganden utifrån.

Bentiska evertebraters förekomst i källor på Öland

Abstract The benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of 22 natural springs on Öland was sampled, by using a time-standarized kick/sweep sampling technique, in the end of September and early October. The aim was to determine the number of species and their abundances in the macroinvertebrate communities in springs and how/why these may change between different springs. Likewise there was a purpose to investigate possible differences between springs considering the proportions of the number of species and the abundances of the five functional feeding groups; shredders, collectors, filter-feeders, scrapers and predators. There was also an aim to investigate if the distances betweeen springs had any influence on similarity between the communities of benthic macroinvertebrates of the springs. Analysis from the springs collected material showed several interesting patterns in the number of species and their abundances when compared between springs devided into groups depending on their environmental factors such as depth and pH.

Tillgänglighet för äldre bidrar till gemenskap : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om En buss för alla

För att äldre personer ska kunna utföra meningsfulla aktiviteter och känna gemenskap med andra krävs att de kan transportera sig. Det är viktigt för att bibehålla god hälsa och uppleva livskvalitet. Många äldre har svårighet att transportera sig med vanliga bussar på grund av funktionsnedsättningar som kommer med stigande ålder. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vad En buss för alla har för betydelse för äldres delaktighet i samhället. Studiens design var kvalitativ, en målinriktad sampling gjordes och undersökningsgruppen valdes ut från förutbestämda kriterier.

En conjoint analys av förpackningsattribut.

Abstract Title: A conjoint analysis of packaging attributes. How can the attributes of a product?s packaging best look like to attract the consumer? Authors: Linda Granberg & Helena Niklasson Supervisor: Jan Svanberg Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits Purpose: The purpose is to find out how visual and technical attributes on product packaging affects the consumers tendency to want to buy the product. Method: Conjoint analysis and a quantitative survey. Results: When developing a package for a food product we?ve reached the conclusion that it is most important to have clear product information on it.

Strategic Alliances - A Differentiated View

The common literature about strategic alliances offers a very fragmented picture. This thesis gives a theoretical overview on strategic alliances and builds the basis for the following examination of the different dimensions most strategic alliances have. The examination of the different dimensions is the crucial point of this thesis. Here the reader gets a detailed insight into the different dimensions and the implications they have on the design of a particular strategic alliance. This examination leads in the end to a more differentiated view on strategic alliances and the insight that no simple models exist, which give a sufficient basis for decision-making and understanding strategic alliances, today.

Pålarna i Alvastra : En analys av möjliga använda huggverktyg vid byggandet av Alvastra pålbyggnad

This paper deals with the question of with witch tools the Alvastra pile dwelling was built. To reach a result I calculate the curvature on 29 stone axes, 8 double-edged axes and 21 simple-edged axes, used in the middle-neolithic in what today is Sweden. These results are then compared with two jams (the point in the pole where the axes edged stopped and left a mark) on two piles from Alvastra pile dwelling..

Härskarens nya kläder : Vad händer när härskartekniker flyttar in på Facebook?

In this thesis we focus on the issue of master suppression techniques and how they take form on Facebook. The research in area of master suppression techniques online is limited and therefore the purpose of this thesis is to create a greater understanding of the online environment of Facebook. We have used a method of netnographic observation studies and content analysis to create a triangular perspective of the subject. Based on the result of our observation studies we draw the conclusion that you can see signs of some of the master suppression techniques on Facebook. We also argue why others don?t show up.

Efter pesten : om återhämtningen efter pestepidemin på 1710-talet i Skåne

From 1710 to 1713 the plague raged through the Swedish province of Scania. Other studies have been made on how the disease affected the society during the epidemic. This study tries to focus on the recovery afterwards. How did the population and the farmsteads recover after the plague? Statistics from parish registers and cameral records show interesting patterns in the demography, and that the recovery was far from complete 1720.

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