

1014 Uppsatser om Simple random sampling - Sida 20 av 68

Utvärdering av traktplanering på SCA Skog

This study is an analysis of a survey that harvester operators working for SCA Ångermanland Skogsförvaltning have been participating in. The purpose of this study is to try to show the harvester operators opinion about the forestry planning that SCA provides. Hopefully will this information lead to suggestion about what part of the forestry planning needs to be improved, if any is needed? Unfortunately only 30 / 60 questionnaire has been returned so no conclusion can be made, except about those who have answered the survey. The answers of the survey indicate a number of areas that needs to be improved. The marked routes needs to be more visible and the education about timber landings must be enhanced.

"Jag gjorde det dom betala för" : En narrativ berättelse om en kvinnas liv och vägen ut ur prostitution och missbruk

This study aims to find out what happens with the roles that are seemingly left behind. Are there roles that are harder or easier to exercise? Available roles with us through life and affect our future decisions or we switched completely away from them and create new roles based on the situations we find ourselves in at the moment? The aim is also to see how the relationship looks like between closed roles and new roles in life. To try to find this out, I have used the narrative method. The study is based largely on Goffman's theories of roles, behind and above the front- and back stage.

Närsalter och bottenlevande organismer i Mönsteråsviken

The focus of this study was to examine the nutrients and benthic organisms of the bay ?Mönsteråsviken?, which is influenced by eutrophication. The purpose was also to look at an interesting gradient forming in the bay, namely the distance from the river outflow of Lillån. At 18 sampling sites in the bay samples of water, sediments and benthic organisms were collected in late April of 2011. The water was analyzed for nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll.

Leka lära leva : En studie i inomhusmiljöns betydelse för små barns lek och lärande i förskolan

Our aim in this work has been to redesign ModernFamilies and make a user-friendly interface for people with aphasia. The focus has been to identify general issues they might face while using different technology and applications, in order to find better alternative design for ModernFamilies, with a focus on usability. To approach this issue, we used a qualitative method. Our study includes several interviews and observations preformed in conjunction with the AGNES project (AGeing in a NEtworked Society) and speech therapists. Aphasia requires simple design that in the same time gives them support to understand and use technology and different applications.

Utsläpp av växthusgaser under islossning i små boreala sjöar

Freshwater ecosystems have long been neglected as an important part of the global carbon cycle. However, research shows that most of the world?s lakes are net-heterotrophic and consequently emitters of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. In many boreal and north-temperate lakes, most of the yearly emissions usually occur in spring, shortly after ice-thaw. The aim of this study was to quantify the flux of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in three boreal lakes, during this annual event.

Strategic Alliances - a differentiated view

The common literature about strategic alliances offers a very fragmented picture. This thesis gives a theoretical overview on strategic alliances and builds the basis for the following examination of the different dimensions most strategic alliances have. The examination of the different dimensions is the crucial point of this thesis. Here the reader gets a detailed insight into the different dimensions and the implications they have on the design of a particular strategic alliance. This examination leads in the end to a more differentiated view on strategic alliances and the insight that no simple models exist, which give a sufficient basis for decision-making and understanding strategic alliances, today.

Nya tillämpningar för utandningstest kopplade till Kibions diagnostikinstrument IRIS ®

The focus of this study was to examine the nutrients and benthic organisms of the bay ?Mönsteråsviken?, which is influenced by eutrophication. The purpose was also to look at an interesting gradient forming in the bay, namely the distance from the river outflow of Lillån. At 18 sampling sites in the bay samples of water, sediments and benthic organisms were collected in late April of 2011. The water was analyzed for nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll.

viljan att dela med sig : En undersökning i svenska användares delningsvanor på Facebook.

This thesis work researches what motivates swedish Facebook users to pass along and shareinformation on Facebook, their attitude towards shared information and what affects this behavior. The goal of this thesis is to research todays behavior and motivations to enlighten  what makes information worth sharing to others on Facebook, instead of simply attracting attention. By using a web survey we have collected data by sampling a part of the actual population  of  swedens Facebook users.Our results show that swedish Facebook users main reason for using Facebook is to socialize with offline friends and share information to show otherssomethingtheybelivetheywillhaveuseforand/orwillappriciate.WecompareourfindingstoexistingresearchandtheFIROtheoryabouthumaninterpersonalneeds.Wefindthatuserssharinghabitscanbeidentifiedasmotivatedbyinterpersonalneedstomaintainsocialbonds,influenceothersopinionaboutthemselves,feeluniqueandstandoutinthecrowd.WeconcludethathumanneedsarecontributingtosharingactivityonFacebookandinfluencethesharinghabitsoftheSwedishFacebookusers.Theusersshowacriticalviewonsharingbehavioringeneralbutdonotbelievethattheyshareforthesamereasonthemselves..

Textila cylindrar - experiment kring solljusreglering

Working with a three-dimensional shape that adjusts light seemed exciting. Venetian blinds became a basis and source of inspiration in my project. What is a Venetian blind? I arrived at the de?nition ?a surface of angleble pieces for sun adjustment?. From that simpli?ed meaning I started making sketches of what an alternative model could look like.

Fo?rutsa?ttningar fo?r elektrifierade lastbilar med eHighway inom svensk gruvindustri : En ja?mfo?relse av olika transportslag mellan Mertainen och Svappavaara

The Swedish government has a goal of achieving a fossil-free vehicle fleet in 2030. Heavy transport constitutes a significant part of Sweden's transportation sector and the vehicles are driven almost exclusively by fossil fuels. Siemens has developed eHighway, a concept for electric road systems enabling electrification of trucks, in order to reduce the environmental impact of heavy transports. This study aims to investigate the potential that eHighway has on transporting iron ore from the mine of Mertainen to a processing plant in Svappavaara. Electrified trucks are compared with conventional trucks, and diesel and electric trains.The evaluation was made with respect to energy consumption, environmental impact, and cost.

Hästar som utför vävning

The horse is an animal that often becomes humanized. Despite domestication, the horse still has a need to interact with other horses, be able to move for the most of the day, and being able to graze. If these needs cannot be fulfilled, the horse can be negatively affected and develop abnormal behaviours. An example of abnormal behaviours is weaving; the horse performs a swinging motion in the front area of the body during a long time. This literature review aims to investigate how different stabling forms (box/stall) affect the incidence of weaving, and also how this behaviour can be prevented or limited.

Augmented Reality som ett hjälpmedel för produktvisualisering i möbelindustrin: en fallstudie

This paper examines the potential benefits of using augmented reality as a tool for visualizing furniture in a buyer?s own environment before buying it. A simple prototype is developed and tested.  The steps for developing the prototype are described in great detail as well as the tools being used. The prototype is tested both on people working in the furniture business as well as people with experience in buying furniture online. In conclusion the results from the user tests are analyzed and the potential benefits are described.

Konstruktion av datainsamlingskort för mätsystemet COMET

During test flights SAAB uses the data acquisition system COMET 16. The part of the system that receives the signals from the sensors and converts them is called KSM 15. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a data acquisition module on stacked PC/104 modules with a lower production cost. Our work has been divided into one part about analog signal conditioning and a second part with digital filtering and memory management of the sampled data. The analog part, designed of regular components like instrument amplifiers, voltage references, operational amplifiers and multiplexers, adjusts the sensors signal levels for the ADC?s that converts the signals.

?Tala nu om för fröken vad du kan? :  en komparativ studie om fem lärares syn på bedömning i skolår 1-3

The evaluation and assessment of a pupil?s knowledge is today an important part of a teachers work. The function of the evaluations for younger pupils (grades 1-3) has assumed a more prominent role in the school system due to the introduction of written assessments as well as national testing in grade 3. One of the purposes of this research has been to find out the teacher?s opinions of the written assessment in grade 3.

Analog-to-Digital Converter Design for Non-Uniform Quantization

The thesis demonstrates a low-cost, low-bandwidth and low-resolution Analog-to- Digital Converter(ADC) in 0.35 um CMOS Process. A second-order Sigma-Delta modulator is used as the basis of the A/D Converter. A Semi-Uniform quantizer is used with the modulator to take advantage of input distributions that are dominated by smaller-amplitude signals e.g. Audio, Voice and Image-sensor signals. A Single-bit feedback topology is used with a multi-bit quantizer in the modulator.

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