

341 Uppsatser om Shelf display - Sida 3 av 23

Automatisk detektering av förutbestämda former i olika miljöer

Den här rapporten mäter i vilka miljöer det går att hitta förutbestämda former med OpenCV och en "off-the-shelf" webbkamera. .

Vem får ligga när man bäddar?: En studie om specialexponeringar och dess sidoeffekter med utgångspunkt i varumärkesstyrka

Store managers and brand owners have realized the benefits of sales promoting activities in-store, which thus have become a common sight for consumers when grocery shopping. Using in-store displays, a brand?s sales can increase by more than 1000 percent. We believe, however, that displays can give rise to additional effects to those previous studies have shown. The purpose of our study was therefore to map possible side effects that a display can generate depending on the strength of the exposed brand.

Man måste ställa upp : Hylluppställning på svenska högskole- och specialbibliotek som klassificerar i DDC

The aim of this master's thesis is to examine how shelving is organized among Swedish libraries that have switched from the Swedish classification system SAB to using the DDC, and what problems arise in this process. The method used is interviewing librarians at Swedish university and special libraries.The Swedish national library announced their swap to the DDC in 2008, and several libraries followed suit. The reported advantages with a switch were mainly that using an international classification system meant that Swedish libraries would no longer have to undertake a time consuming classification work, since most of the foreign literature already is Dewey classified. Disadvantages were that the DDC is not adapted to Swedish circumstances. Research on open shelving show that obtaining a browsable book collection requires a broad shelf classification.

FPGA för displayhantering och grafikgenerering i fordonsmiljö

This report is part of the major thesis carried out at Stoneridge Electronics in Bromma,Stockholm during autumn and winter 2005-2006. The background to the thesis is the trendwithin the automotive industry where color displays have become more common for presentationof information to the driver, a trend that has come to the commercial vehicle market. Thepurpose of the thesis has been to evaluate whether programmable logic, with respect to FPGAtechnology, could be suitable for display control and graphics generation of these more complexcolor displays in automotive environment.Within the scope of the thesis the FPGA technology has been investigated, i.e. whatopportunities and threats there are with aspect to environmental and security requirements. Inaddition, the market of FPGAs and pre-built IP-cores has been investigated.

OLED : Evaluation and clarification of the new Organic Light Emitting Display technology

Organic Light Emitting Displays (OLEDs) are a new type of thin emissive displays predicted to possess superior properties to existing techniques e.g. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The main advantages are low power consumption and a thin display structure. This report contains an explanation of the emissive OLED technology, its functionality and the physics of the organic layer structure in an OLED. The technology is described with respect to the two classes of organic materials used in displays, small molecules and conjugated polymers.

Golvskyltens oanade effekter - En studie om golvskyltens outforskade effekter

Floor signs in stores have become a more common phenomenon during past years. The problem is that the knowledge about these signs is limited and the actual effects are unknown. This lack of knowledge can have a negative impact on store performance and marketing efforts. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of floor signs on consumer attitude and behaviour. The study was conducted in two grocery stores, where the movement pattern of 39 501 customers was recorded over a four week period.

En snäll tantroman gör ingen skada en kritisk studie om skyltning och makt

The purpose of our thesis is to take a closer look at what lies behind the display of fiction in public libraries. Through interviewing ten librarians and analysing their statements, it examines the mechanisms behind the displaying of books. The analysis was conducted through the application of two different theories, one by Aant Elzinga and one by Douglas Raber. Elzingas theory concerns methods of working, while Rabers theory concerns the purpose of public libraries and attitudes towards power. The following conclusions were drawn from analysing the statements.

Grafisk profilering och marknadsföring av fotogruppen Studio Fornby

SummaryA complete graphic profile program along with marketing material has been produced for seven photographers.The material has been produced in consideration to sell their pictures outside of Scandinaviaand Brazil as first priority. The criterion for the profile is to give a message of quality and ofScandinavia. Through research and interviews facts about typical scandinavian design have beenfound. Since the pictures will be exported abroad, a selling packaging solution has been developed. Theparts that are included in the marketing material are: a brochure, display solution, a website and printingexamples.

Styrning av portabelt luftfilter

Målet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla en fungerande prototyp för styrning av ett portabelt filter med varvtalsreglering och tidräkning. Om möjlighet fanns, skulle även tillval som tryckstyrning, gasindikering och flödesmätning göras. Dessa tillval kunde regleras med hjälp av fyra knappar. För att allt skulle vara lättare att hålla under uppsikt, kunde alla inställningar och värden ses på en LCD-display. Konstruktionen består av en mikrokontrollerstyrd elektronikkoppling med extern realtidsklocka för drifttidsräkning.

Examensprojekt: Boxplay ? Utveckling av en kombinationsmöbel

When living in a small apartment one of the greatest challenges is to make to most out of the available space. Several different furniture are used for different purposes.Another issues arise when having peopleover, which requires additional space andseats. On this basis, the project builds oncreating a flexible combination furniture withmultiplepurposes.Thegoalistomakeapieceoffurniturethatfillsacertainneedwhilenotcreatingjustanotherfurnitureusedforasinglepurpose.Theambitionisfurthertomakechairs,shelvesandsideboardstospeakthesamedesignlanguageandworkwelltogether.Furthermore,thisprojectaimstounderstandandlearnhowadesignprocesscanbecarriedoutfromthoroughandmethodicalresearchtothefinishedproduct.Theprojectalsoinvolvedexploringchangeabilityandunderstandingwhatthiscoulddowithapieceoffurniture.Theresultisapieceoffurniturethatisprimarilyusedasabookcasebutcanbeeasilyrearrangedintoaseatingareaifneeded.Themodelhasbeenrealizedthroughaphysicalprototypewhichreadinessisclosetothefinaldesign..

Visualisering av Flight Recorder-data i Saab 2000 avionikrigg

The main purpose of a Flight Data Recorder (FDR) is to facilitate the investigation of incidents. In order to interpret the data that has been recorded in the FDR the data has to be visualized in some way. This can be done with software on a computer or with hardware that is specific for the model of aircraft that the data originates from.The aim of this project is to visualize data for six parameters from the FDR of Saab 2000 in an avionics rig. The avionics rig resembles the cockpit of Saab 2000 and the displays in it are identical to the ones found in the plane. All six parameters are shown on the same display.Due to safety regulation vital systems in aircraft are doubled, with one system on the left side and one on the right.

Det fiktiva bibliotekets vindlande gångar

Libraries exist around us and for most of us they are a part of our every day life. But how often do we stop and think about their meaning?Libraries in fiction are usually not the center of the narrative, they play a role quietly in the background and offer a backcloth to the story. Yet they are a vital part of the story. Without them a big part of the magic in the stories would be lost.And what is their role in our lives? What do the libraries mean to the books they harbor, the readers who seek them out and society in which they have their axiomatic role?This essay?s focus is my story ?Between the shelves?, which is about the young girl Julia and the mysterious passageway she discovers in her local library.

Display till mjukglassmaskin - med fokus på användarvänlighet

Under våren 2012 har en ny användarvänlig display till mjukglassmaskiner utvecklats konceptuellt med hjälp utav Ullmans produktframtagningsprocess. Grundkrav om att utveckla en användarvänlig- samt LED bakgrundbelyst touchdisplay som fungerar både inom- samt utomhus formulerades i projektets början. I syftet att utveckla ett så användarvänligt gränssnitt som möjligt har information inhämtats dels från en enkätundersökning samt från beteendevetenskapen. Från beteendevetenskapen beaktades från kognitionen hur olika faktorer kan påverka hur vi riktar våran uppmärksamhet samt faktorer som försvårar för oss att hålla fokus vilket således leder till att vi missar viktig information. En annan aspekt som tas upp från beteendevetenskapen är hur färger samt LED ljus påverkar oss.

Interdependence between seed age and aerated steam treatment intensities

Aerated steam treatment is a modern and environmental friendly method for seed borne fungus sanitation, mainly used on cereals. The method involves exposure to heat and high humidity, factors which are known to induce a fast ageing of seeds, thus resulting in reduced storability. This thesis clarifies the interdependence between seed age and the aerated steam treatment intensities. Two studies were carried out in this thesis. In the first study the storage longevity of seeds treated with aerated steam was examined. The second study investigated the shelf-life of the pre-tests used to determine the aerated steam treatment tolerance of a seed lot, by testing the treatment tolerance of seeds aged prior to the treatment.

Dans som utställningsobjekt : Upplevelser och erfarenheter av tid och rörele i Dansmuseets permanenta utställning

This essay concerns dance as an exhibition object by examining the permanent exhibition at The Museum of Dance in Stockholm, Dansmuseet. Due to its dependence on the temporality and movement of the lived body, dance does not easily lend itself to being exhibited in a traditional exhibition display; and since the live dance performance itself is ostensibly absent at the exhibition display, other means of representation must be relied upon in order to evoke the exhibition visitors? experiences of time and movement as well as the feeling of dance. Starting from a phenomenological first-person perspective, as an exhibition visitor, I present three ways in which such experiences may come about. The cross-section of the experience evoked and the means that trigger them are intermedial, spatial, and performative taking their departure in the visitor?s pre-understanding of dance..

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