

341 Uppsatser om Shelf display - Sida 4 av 23

När autenticiteten utmanas : En föremålsundersökning och dess tänkbara konsekvenser för museiobjektet

This paper deals with an object donated by a group of members of the public to the Royal Armoury in Stockholm, Sweden. The donators claimed to own a horse bit that had been used by King Gustav II Adolf's mount in the battle of Lützen, where the King was killed. The bit was a gift to the donators' ancestor, the farmer and politician Petter Jönsson, from the King of Sweden, Oscar I, in the 1850's. In this paper, the donated bit is examined and found unlikely to be the bit used at Lützen. The examination also revealed that the bit now worn by the horse in its display is a prop, included in the group of objects in the 19th century, and that the original bit probably was lost in a fire in 1648.

Emotioner och emotionella uttryck i Sverige och Grekland

The purpose is to explore and describe norms and values concerning emotions and emotional expression inSweden and Greece from an emotionsociological perspective. Do emotional regimes on a national level existand if they do, how do they differ? To answer this question qualitative interviews have been conducted withnine Greek/Swedes, men and women of different ages, who have lived in both countries and who speak bothlanguages. A quantitative survey study, employing a survey previously used in a Swedish study about emotions,has also been undertaken. Previous studies have shown that emotional regimes do differ historically and acrosscultures, but no study so far has focused on the differences between examples of North European and SouthEuropean cultures.The theoretical framework consists mainly of Hochschild´s theories about feeling/display rules and emotionwork, but the analysis also draws on Collin´s theory of interaction ritual chains and on Sociology of Emotionsmore broadly.The results suggest that different national regimes can be distinguished primarily in terms of display rules andin the skills of emotional alternations.

Ambienta displayer i varuhandeln : Färgkategorisering i tidningssektionen ger en omedelbar vägledning utan ansträngning

En ambient display är menad att fungera för användaren enbart genom att hen snabbt överblickar produkten. Denna form av display är perfekt att nyttja i dagligvaruhandeln där utbuden ständigt växer samtidigt som konsumenten snabbt vill hitta det den söker. I denna studie utforskas fördelarna med att använda färg och symbolkombinationer, som skapar en ambient display, istället för text när det kommer till att kategorisera i tidningssektionen. Feature- integrationsteorin beskriver hur den ambienta displayen ger stöd för användarens kognitiva processer, den är mer effektiv genom att den låter konsumenten använda det perifera seendet i sitt sökande.Tidningssektionen är en produkt användaren inte nyttjar frekvent och denna design fungerar genom att kunden redan ska veta hur den önskade kategorin är representerad, det är därför väldigt viktigt att inlärningen sker snabbt. I studien framkommer vikten av att skapa bra associationer mellan färg och kategori, vilket har en extremt signifikant påverkan på inlärningsförmågan hos användaren.Studien utvärderar även vilka färg- och kategorikombinationer som är lämpliga för Tidsam, distributör av tidningar.

Mikrolitografi för rastrerade Gobos

Beacon AB has been producing Gobos for some time. A Gobo is a small round sheet used in projectors almost like a slide. It is used mostly in the commercial and entertainment business. Today these Gobos are created by using a film (also called mask). A digital exposure machine called LIOS has been developed to make it possible to create Gobos using direct exposure.

Kontrollbox för häftare A6102

This report describes the construction and development of a control box, which is a tool for testing and verifying a certain model of Rapid?s built in staplers (model A6102). Basically the function of the control box is to interpret any errors that may occur in the stapler and to make it possible to test fire the stapler.The control box should be able to communicate with the stapler using a specialized communication protocol. The different data such as errors, firmware etc. from the stapler is presented in plain language on a display.

Vad är balans? : Balansförmåga hos barn i skolåldern

AimThe specific questions in the theoretic part were:What is contained in the terms "balance and balance skill" and how can this skill be measured?The specific questions in the empirical part were:How does balance skill in different age categories of children correlate with biological and physiological parameters such as age, gender, body height, weight and level of physical activity?MethodsLiterature search based on books and scientific papers related to the questions posed above. Selection was made at libraries and on?line through "Pubmed". Specific search words were used.

APS - Akustiskt positioneringssystem

The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels.The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level.It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage.The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode..

Utveckling av försäljnings- och leveransmodell

The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels.The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level.It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage.The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode..

Mer är bättre än mindre - En fyrdimensionell undersökning om kampanjmaterials påverkan på butiksmiljön

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using more promotion material to enhance the in-store communication of sales promotion. In the retail industry today the research regarding the benefits from using various in-store promotion materials is limited, thus this study was carried out to bring clarity to this subject. The study is carried out in two pharmacies and the design of the study was to add more promotion materials to one store, while keeping the other store in its normal condition and then let the stores change conditions after one week e.g. latin-square design. The data collection of this study consists of four different methods: sales data, a questionnaire with 182 customers, an observation study of 300 consumers and an eye-tracking experiment with 41 participants.

Föräldrarnas uppfattning av barnets vård vid leukemi

AimThe specific questions in the theoretic part were:What is contained in the terms "balance and balance skill" and how can this skill be measured?The specific questions in the empirical part were:How does balance skill in different age categories of children correlate with biological and physiological parameters such as age, gender, body height, weight and level of physical activity?MethodsLiterature search based on books and scientific papers related to the questions posed above. Selection was made at libraries and on?line through "Pubmed". Specific search words were used.

Strömsparande arkitektur för inbyggnadslinux

The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels.The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level.It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage.The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode..

In-store retail environment ? A study if placement of ecological products has an impact on sales and attitudes towards buying.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether placement, using a special display, of ecological products, will have an effect on consumer buying behaviour and thereby sales of these products. When talking about sales we refer to the amount of ecological products that are being bought, habitual and unplanned, as a response due to the placement of the products in-store. To further elucidate the purpose, the thesis will focus on if the placement of the products itself will have an impact on the customers? attitude towards buying ecological products. A deductive approach was applied where we did a quantitative study using triangulation to receive data to reveal if the placement of ecological products had any effect on the sales of these products.

Tesauruskonstruktion i ämnet landskapsplanering

This research paper is a thesaurus construction for the interdisciplinary subject of landscape planning. The personnel doing the indexing of documents at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences had earlier expressed a need for such a work within the fields of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Engineering. However our objective was not to create a complete thesaurus, but instead a basic construction which the personnel at the Agricultural University could expand upon. The actual construction is based upon ISO 2788-1986, Documentation Ð Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri, and Aitchison, Gilchrist and BawdenÕs Thesaurus Construction (1997). The line of enquiry taken has dealt with the problems relating to the collection, selection and control of indexing terms.

Grafisk skärm för inbyggda system : Framtagning av en prototyp

A degree project has been carried out at Motion Control, Västerås. The degreeproject ?Grafisk Skärm för Inbyggda System? have developed a first prototype of anembedded system with a display, a graphical user interface with touchscreen andpossibilities to communicate with external units.The work initiated with surveys of critical components. A technical specification forthe desired end product was developed. With the technical specification as support,design specifications for hardware and firmware were developed.After the specifications were done, a circuit diagram was developed and a circuitboard was made.

Bildundervisning i Turkiet : med exempel från en skola i Istanbul

I meet in my work as art teacher many students of different descent, were they, or their parents, have different school experience than the Swedish. This, in combination with therecent discussion after the Muhammad caricatures about the banning of images in Islamic religion, made me curious to study what art education in a Muslim country looked like. I went to visit the Maramra Egitim Köyü school in Istanbul, Turkey, and especially their art classesfrom grade five to eight, which are the same age of students that I have been working with thelast ten years. This was my first visit to Turkey.The question I ask is: What does the practice of Turkish art education look like, using the Marmara school as an example. Which discourses can I identify in the art teacher practice? What surprised me the most was the frequent visual exposure of the founder of the Turkishstate, Kemal Atatürk.

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