

2373 Uppsatser om Share capital and minimum capital requirement. - Sida 14 av 159

Kålhuvuden och kopparputs : Läsaren som husmoder i svenska familjetidningar

Domestic weekly magazines in Sweden are characterized by an emphasis on practical editorial material such as cooking recipes and knitting patterns, and also contain a comparatively large share of reader material. This makes it possible to study the readers through texts produced by themselves. The aim of this study of columns of readers' tips on domestic work is to analyze how readers embody a specific femininity centered around the woman as responsible for the home, in the sense of everyday maintenance as well as aesthetic development. The author defines this femininity as "home maker". The theoretical framework for the analysis is the sociological theory of Pierre Bourdieu, and Jonathan Potter's and Margaret Wetherell's model of interpretive repertoire is also used where modality is discussed.

Är företagets lönsamhet och finansiella ställning avgörande för beslut beträffande företagets expansion?

Even if the main purpose is to decide if the companies profitability and financial position is a determining factor for its growth, the purpose is to determine if there are any differences between big and small companies in there economical positions then they grow, in the selected industry. This thesis is mainly a quantitative study. The selected industry for the study is extraction of turf. The financial measurement that most clearly differ the growing companies from the not growing companies or the companies that didn?t change there amount of employees was the returns of the companies own capital. It was also the returns of the companies own capital there the main difference existed between the big and the small companies.

Analys och reducering av kapitalbindning i lager : Analysis and reduction of capital tied to existing stock

Detta arbete genomfördes under 10 veckor vårterminen 2009 på Bigso Box AB i Nybro,ett företag som tillverkar förvaringslösningar för hemmet och har stora kunder somIKEA.Bigso vill ha hjälp med att undersöka materialflödet och de lagernivåer företaget besitteri sin producerande fabrik i Litauen. Främsta målet med arbetet var att minskakapitalbindning i färdiga produkter samt på halvfabrikat i fabriken. Då Bigsos störstakund IKEA ställer extremt höga krav på leveranstider och företaget ibland hamnar eftermed ordrar önskar Bigso även att genom en större kontroll av materialflödet och genomatt hålla rätt lagernivåer även komma till rätta med detta problem..

Revisionspliktens avskaffande : En obefogad oro?

Since 1987 until November 2010, the entrepreneurs who choose to conduct its? company in the Swedish corporate form aktiebolag had no opportunity to evade or deselect the mandatory audit. The only choice that really was there to make was to which audit firm they would turn to and the Swedish auditor?s position was rather unchallenged. Today the circumstances are different and the small businesses have been given a chance to take charge of their own situation now being able to remove the auditor.

Redovisning av humankapital -en jämförelse mellan kunskaps- och verkstadsbolag

Background: Enterprises often refer to their employees as ?Our most valuable assets? in annual reports and other written statements. In reality, employees are seen as an expense rather than an asset in annual reports and the voluntary disclosure is often insufficient. Human capital disclosure has been discussed through decades and the latest topic in voluntary disclosure is called integrated reporting. Knowledge firms should disclose more about their employees than industrial companies due to the fact that the employees are a considerably more important asset to these types of enterprises.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the disclosure of human capital, compare the disclosures between knowledge firms and industrial companies, and study the development of the human capital disclosures between the years 2003-2013.

Är Marknaden Varse om Varsel? : En studie om den svenska kapitalmarknadens reaktion på varsel om uppsägning

The purpose of this study is to examine the capital market reaction generated by layoff announcements. The study takes place in Sweden and tests 138 news concerning layoffs which are categorized according to a content analysis. They are divided as: positive or negative news. The layoffs are also divided into three subgroups with varying sizes: 0,98 percent or less, between 0,99 and 4,49 percent or 4,5 percent or larger. The study uses an event study method to measure the reaction of the capital market.

Föräldraengagemang, finns det olika sätt? : En studie om en grupp mödrars förhållningssätt till föräldraengagemang

Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to illustrate and analyze the approach and parental involvement of a group of mothers in their children's schooling. Also their reflections on parental involvement will be highlighted and what the parents experience as obstacles in their involvement.Method: I conducted six semi structured interviews for my research. I chose to interview six mothers who have a child in the sixth grade. I chose specifically the sixth grade because the mothers will have had quite a few contacts with the school at this point. I also chose not to reveal their ethnicity because they cannot represent a whole ethnic group anyway.Result: The result of my interviews show that the parents have different approaches when it comes to parental involvement.

The Price Phenomenon of Equity Issues-A Study on Initial Public Offerings and Seasoned Equity Offerings-

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the price effect on the initial day of trading of IPOs and the price effect on the announcement day of SEOs on Stockholm Stock Exchange. A second purpose it to conduct studies on which factors influencing the price effects and if these factors can be explained by the same fundamental ideas. Theories regarding capital structure and the pricing of IPOs and SEOs are covered. The capital structure theories involve; Miller and Modigliani's cost of captial theory, Static Tradeoff Model and the Pecking Order. The Efficient Market Hypothesis is presented and previous theories are investigated.

Ung och full : en kvantitativ studie om ungas riskbruk av alkohol

Recent statistic shows that about 28% of adolescents living in Stockholm drink alcohol at such a high level that their consumption counts as risky drinking. The correct term to use in this matter would be binge drinking adolescents.  In the more wealthy areas of Stockholm this group of binge drinking adolescents counts for as much as a third of the population. In contrast, the adolescents living in exposed areas do not drink nearly as much. Binge drinking adolescents in these areas only counts for 15%, nearly half as much as in the wealthy areas.In light of this the intentions of this study is to investigate which explanatory factors that can clarify the range-rated differences in binge drinking between adolescents in Stockholm.

Vilka faktorer påverkar företags kassahållning?: En studie av svenska börsbolag 1999 - 2009

This paper investigates the determinants of corporate cash holdings for a broad sample of Swedish non-financial firms in the 1999 - 2009 period. Using a fixed effect regression model, we find that firms with riskier cash flow hold relatively high ratios of cash to total assets. This is in line with both the precautionary motive and agency motive for cash holdings. Net working capital is found to be negatively related to corporate cash holdings. A result commonly interpreted as support for a negative substitution effect between net working capital and cash.

Kuratorns position i sjukhushierarkin: en studie av professioners kamp om revir, makt och positioner i vårdteamet

Previous reaserch has indicated that the almoners position in the somatic hospital hierarchy is poor. The purpose of this study was to investigate the position of the almoner in the hospital hierarch today, together with what this position is based upon.The questions at issue were:- Has the almoners position in the hospital hierarchy changed, or is it still poor?- In what way can the almoners position in the hospital hierarchy be explained?In order to get answers to our questions at issue, we interviewed totally 13 persons from the three chosen professional categories, i e four almoners, five doctors and four nurses. Two of the doctors worked at care centres and the other doctors worked in hospitals within the Region Skåne. The interview material was analysed from the concepts of Pierre Bourdieus; field and symbolic capital and by means of ideas from the closing theory.

Syndikat inom den svenska Venture Capital marknaden - En kvantitativ undersökning av motiv och attityder rörande syndikatsinvesteringar

Titel: Syndikat inom den svenska Venture Capital marknaden- En kvantitativ undersökning av motiv och attityder rörande syndikatsinvesteringar. Författare: Mårten Hellsten, Patrik Sjöborg och Peter Sjögren Handledare: Hans Landström Seminarium: Kandidatseminarium; ?Venture Capital i Öresundsregionen? Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån 8 hypoteser, beskriva och förklara viktiga motiv som ligger till grund för syndikatsbildningar inom den svenska Venture Capital marknaden. Uppsatsen beskriver och förklarar även hur rollfördelningen inom ett syndikat uppfattas av respondenterna. Uppsatsen gör även en ansats att utreda vad som karakteriserar rollerna Lead och Non-Lead investors i ett syndikat.

Generation Y i Managementkonsultbranschen: Strategier för att attrahera och behålla 80-talisterna

Management consulting firms are dependent on attracting and recruiting new talents since the human capital has a vital role in these types of organizations. In the following years a new generation, Generation Y, will to a large extent enter the labour market. According to several studies this generation has different characteristics than older generations.This thesis examines management consulting firms? views of Generation Y and which strategies they use to attract and retain the generation. The fact that the subjects are unexplored led the authors to conduct a qualitative study of seven management consulting firms through in-depth interviews.

Plain Capital - Where the magic happens : En fallstudie om organisationsidentifikation 

Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to create a greater understanding of organizational identification and the factors influencing this process. The understanding will be obtained by identifying what individuals identify them selves with and why this identification occurs.Method: The thesis is a case study with an abductive research approach with a focus on organizational identification. Data has been collected with a qualitative focus in interviews and images.Conclusion: The employees at Plain Capital primarily identify themselves with their profession, the company and their co-workers. The reasons why they identify are mostly because of the feeling of pride and participation. We have discovered a link between a strong group identity and a high organizational identification.

Sponsring - En studie om handbollsföreningar i Göteborg

Background: Enterprises often refer to their employees as ?Our most valuable assets? in annual reports and other written statements. In reality, employees are seen as an expense rather than an asset in annual reports and the voluntary disclosure is often insufficient. Human capital disclosure has been discussed through decades and the latest topic in voluntary disclosure is called integrated reporting. Knowledge firms should disclose more about their employees than industrial companies due to the fact that the employees are a considerably more important asset to these types of enterprises.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the disclosure of human capital, compare the disclosures between knowledge firms and industrial companies, and study the development of the human capital disclosures between the years 2003-2013.

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