

1031 Uppsatser om Shape Manager - Sida 35 av 69

"Det är så samverkan ska fungera" : En fallstudie av hur lokala aktörer agerar när en krissituation uppstår

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how a local authority acts when anunexpected event occur. It´s done with a basis in two crisis communicationstheories; Coombs SCCT theory and Gilpin and Murphys complexity theory,which largely are each other?s opposites. To conduct the study, a case studyof the floods that hit Kristinehamn in the summer of 2014 was carried out,which gave us a good opportunity the achieve the aim of the study. Themethod used was qualitative research interviews.

Individuell lönesättning för enhetschefer

 Abstract The purpose with this study is to study the individual setting of salary rates among branch heads. We have chosen to look deeper into which criteria that are the base for the branch heads? individual setting of wage rates within geriatric care and the care of disabled people. One other aspect we have looked into is how the setting of salary rates appears from a gender perspective. The empirical material in our thesis consists of both qualitative and quantitative methods in the shape of a questionnaire study and three open interviews.

Gemenskap och utanförskap i bemanningsbranschen : En studie om inhyrda arbetstagares psykosociala arbetsmiljö.

The aim of this study is to examine the legal regulation regarding the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to examine how temporary agency workers perceive their psychosocial work environment, and possible consequences of such perception. The methodology of the study consists of practical legal method and qualitative method in the form of interviews.The results show that the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers is regulated at both the EU legal level by Directive as well as at national level in Arbetsmiljölagen and regulations issued by Arbetsmiljöverket. The study finds that health and safety responsibility for temporary agency workers is shared between the agency and the client company. The result of the study indicates that there are shortcomings in the introduction and training of temporary agency workers, which can contribute to an unsatisfactory work environment.

Barns individualism i en kollektiv förskola

Abstract The aim of this paper is to investigate whether Vara municipality has a continuous picture of their identity, profile and image. Globalization has contributed to the increasingly growing of place marketing. Therefore, the study goes on to using the concepts of identity, profile and image to find out if Vara Municipality communicates similar throughout the whole organization and find out their all through core values. Globalisation will be an interpretive framework for the work that describes why the place marketing is becoming more pressing. The sense of place will be a central part of this study as it is the feelings and images of different places that will be described by the municipality together with the identity, profile and image.

Vad spelar de för roll? : Om förväntningar på rollen som chef och medarbetare

Uppsatsens syfte är identifiera och analysera de förväntningar som medarbetare och chef har på varandra inom den avreglerade apoteksmarknaden och se hur väl dessa förväntningar överensstämmer med varandra. Detta görs med kvalitativa intervjuer.  Studien bygger på tre intervjuer, med två medarbetare och en chef, på ett mindre apotek i stockholmsområdet. Resultatet visar att förväntningarna, på rollerna medarbetare och chef, överlag överrensstämmer väl och även viljan att nå en ömsesidig förståelse mellan parterna är god. Potentiella problem kan uppstå i de områden där båda parterna visserligen har förståelse för varandras förväntningar, men inte äger möjligeheten att uppfylla dem.

Underlag för implementering av lean : För Atlas Copco Craelius AB

The Production Manager at Atlas Copco AB Craelius wants to adopt a lean approach to become more competitive. This thesis is an exploratory study of the subject and what it means for the business activity and its implementation process.The objective is to provide a basic understanding of lean to the company, and what this means for Atlas Copco AB Craelius. The report describes the industrial revolution in brief. This is because the company itself must understand where certain ways of looking at production management is derived from. Furthermore, it provides an understanding of Lean's origins.

Attityder till friskfaktorer på arbetsplatsen - En enkätstudie bland personal på Högskolan Kristianstad/Attitudes towards factors of well-being at the workplace ? a questionnaire survey among personnel at Kristianstad University

For a long period of time there has been an extensive documentation of how things are presumed not to be at our workplace. However there is little knowledge on how it is supposed to be, what makes us feel good and what makes us retain our well-being. The aim of this study was to survey the attitudes towards factors of well-being at the workplace among personnel at four institutions at Kristianstad University. The work method used in this study is quantitative and a questionnaire survey was carried out to produce an overall picture. The majority considered praise from manager and the opportunity of development discussions of great importance.

Barn med språkstörningar : En studie om språkstörningar och dess konsekvenser

AbstractThe purpose with this essay is to get knowledge about the consequences that speech-defects bring for children in pre-school ages. I got interested in this matter when I, during my teaching practice, got in touch with children carrying this specific disorder. I chose to apply qualitative interview as a method to investigate this and as a starting-point I used these aspects: How does speech-defects affect learning, understanding, friendship relations, and development in general?I interviewed three pre-school teachers in two different schools. One school in a smaller district and the other one in a middle-sized town, in the middle of Sweden.

"När man tar steget från lägerelden så får man söka andra lägereldar" : Internt rekryterade chefers upplevelser av hur det är att leda före detta kollegor

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka nytillsatta förstalinjes chefers upplevelser i en nyskapad tjänst, som benämns funktionschef, med 50 procent arbete i produktionen och 50 procent chefsuppgifter. Cheferna har tillträtt tjänsten internt och har ingen erfarenhet av ledarskap sen tidigare. Uppsatsen bygger på nio intervjuer och materialet analyserades genom en grundläggande kvalitativ metod. Resultatet visar att funktionscheferna upplever det positivt att ha blivit internt tillsatt till tjänsten då de har en större förståelse för myndigheten och arbetsuppgifterna samt en kännedom om sina medarbetare. Funktionscheferna upplever att en tjänst med två befattningar, arbete i produktionen och chefsuppgifter, är positivt för egen utveckling och gynnar arbetsgruppen och myndigheten.

Och då kommer jag osökt in på det här med alkohol En pilotstudie om hur distriktssköterskor använder AUDIT

Background: The district nurses profession has traditionally been health promotion. In order to find patients with excessive alcohol intake, district nurses use AUDIT. Research shows that health professionals find it difficult to face alcohol abusers in primary care. AIM: The aim is to describe how district nurses work with AUDIT. Method: Semi-structured interviews with six informants were carried out.

Uteförskola : en undersökning

?Think of the best for the child? that?s a sentence we been hearing before, but the question is, do we really? Does the child get the opportunities to develop to healthy, safe, creative, mobile,concentrated, invention, curious, harmony child? Preschool outdoors is about time. On a preschool outdoors, gets the child opportunities to shape materials and the place they are on, the environment on preschool outdoors is formable and the children fantasy is big. Nothing is decided on a preschool outdoors ahead and nothing is static, here is the place where the child creates together with the nature and landscape. The landscape has a central part in the child?s play and in the child development and there are often no limits.

Könskvotering i bolagsstyrelser : Ett instrument för att främja en jämställd arbetsmarknad?

The European Union has been working to promote equality between women and men for a long time. Despite this, Sweden still have a gender segregated labor market where men generally has the leading positions. According to European law the member states shall promote gender equality and to take all appropriate measures. Statutory gender quotas for company boards is one such measure that some of the European member states have implemented in national law. The Swedish law has no provisions governing gender quotas and therefore the purpose of this study is to explain how gender quotas for company boards relate to current law, both of European law and national legislation.

Business Performance Management utifrån ett kvalitetssynsätt

Under 1990-talet kom Kaplan och Norton fram med styrningsfilosofin balanserat styrkort som innebär att managers uppmanas att inte enbart ta hänsyn till finansiella mått utan bör använda sig av både finansiella och icke-finansiella mått för att kunna styra företag. Det här konceptet med balanserat styrkort har sedan det togs fram utvecklas och i början av 2000-talet finns den tredje versionen av balanserat styrkort som tillsammans med avancerad teknologi bildar konceptet business performance management. Det innebär att den information som ligger till grund för de rapporter som består av finansiella och icke-finansiella mått hämtas från en central databas i det verksamhetsöverskridande business performance management systemet. En anledning till det är att business performance management knyter samman balanserat styrkort med avancerad teknologi som möjliggör att managers därmed har möjlighet att få tillgång till en gemensam version av verkligheten, det vill säga en gemensam mental bild hur företaget presterar. Dessutom möjliggör den avancerade teknologin att managers oavsett om beslut tas som är strategiska, taktiska eller operativa att de har tillgång till den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på i rätt tid.Den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på måste bestå av en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att möjliggöra att managers tar korrekta och optimala beslut.

I jakt på tillämpning : Om F.O.V. Fabrics möjligheter att understödja kommersialiseringen av algbatteriforskning

The purpose of this essay is to explore the actor network of a high technology company in the textile industry called F.O.V. Fabrics. The background for doing this is a recent project, which we choose to call the Salt & Paper Battery Group, aiming to commercialize a newly discovered technology ? a battery based on cellulose from an alga. We start by examining a range of network theories in order to eventually shape a framework of our own.

Pensionärers identitetsskapande i åldrandeprocessen

The study investigated pensioners? forming of identity during the ageing process and the correlation between norms and identity. Previous research has shown that there are norms and notions about elderly and what growing old well implies. There is missing research on the level of the individual with norms, ageing and the process of identity formation. There is a large population of pensioners in Sweden and the authors behind this study wish that the results of it will help study counsellors to approach pensioners? in a norm critic way.

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