

4107 Uppsatser om Service-Oriented Architecture - Sida 55 av 274

Barnbibliotek på Internet en studie av tre svenska barnbibliotek på Internet

The aim of this master thesis was to find out about librarians opinions of childrens libraries on the Internet, if it is a resource to reach children. Qualitative interviews were conducted with three librarians who had participated in the construction and development of childrens libraries on the Internet. IT and the Internet play an important role in childrens lives and children are using it to a greater extent. Libraries have begun to integrate IT and Internet into their services and are offering service on the Internet. The public library websites are usually for grown-ups and very few are directed to children.

I medborgarnas tjänst?:En studie om avregleringens effekter på ansvarsfördelningen mellan offentliga och privata aktörer inom tre samhällsviktiga serviceområden i samband med orkanen Gudrun

The essay's aim is to explain how responsibility distribution between private and public bodies, primarily within three important service areas, can be visualised in light of the fact that they have experienced different forms of readjustment. We have chosen to study this by looking at the restoration work taking place after the hurricane Gudrun swept across southern Sweden on January 8-9, 2005; and we have chosen to concentrate on the service areas of electricity- and telephone supply, and public transport. The responsibility distribution has been depicted by carrying out qualitative interviews with employees within both private and public bodies included in the restoration work. The conclusion produced is that there were obscurities in the formal responsibility distribution between private and public actors taking place in conjunction with the hurricane restoration work.In a deeper analysis, the result can be explained by a ?several hands? problem arising since the number of actors has increased as the public sphere has adopted leadership forms influenced by the private business sector.

Arbetsförmedlarens arbetssituation i förändring - en studie av ett pilotprojekt om förbättrad service

This study has been executed at the Public Employment Office, an institution that has beensubject for much debate during the last couple of years. The government has instructed theLabour Market Board to change the Public Employment Office toward a more effectiveorganization. This study examines one of the Public Employment Offices that are included in apilot project that aims to improve and develop work methods with the objective to become amore service minded organization. From this starting point we have investigated which effect thisorganizational change has had on the employee within this organization and within the pilotproject. In addition we investigate whether attitudes of the unemployed has an effect on thestaff´s work situation.

Industriellt köpbeteende av utlandsresetjänster

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the organizational buying behaviour in the purchase of travels abroad. We have conducted a case study of two companies, one medium sized and one larger. Our empirical studies have shown that the companies? buying process is divided into two types, the process of recruit a new travel supplier and the process of a straight rebuy of a regular travel service. In the recruiting process we found that the evaluation process of the purchase is an ongoing process that contradicts estab-lished theories.

Självbetjäningens påverkan på biblioteksassistenternas yrkeskvalifikationer

The aim of this thesis is to study the effects of self-service on professional qualifications of library assistants in three public libraries in Sweden. The research questions are: - How do the library assistants experience that their professional qualifications have changed since self-service was introduced at the library? - Does the view on library assistants? professional qualifications and future differ between library managers and library assistants? - Does the view on library assistants? professional qualifications and future differ between the three different libraries? The method used is qualitative interviews with six library assistants and three head of libraries from three different public libraries. The theoretical framework for this study is constructed by theoretical ideas about professional qualifications and technology's impact on professionalism. The results indicate that the cognitive qualifications of library assistants have increased and social qualifications both increased and decreased.

Musiken som valbart ämne? En studie av lärarutbildningens kursplaner samt dess förhållande till musikämnet och Kp2000.

Utifrån tidigare forskning om och utvärderingar av musikämnets ställning i lärarutbildningen är syftet med förestående uppsats att ytterligare belysa musikämnets situation i den svenska lärarutbildningen såsom den manifesterar sig i kursplanerna på högskolor och universitet. Föremål för analys är samtliga lärarutbildningars kursplaner i det allmänna utbildningsområdet (AUO), som tillsammans med den nationella kursplanen i musik (Kp2000) utgör underlag för besvarandet av forskningsfrågan ?På vilket sätt förbereds lärarstudenter för musikundervisning enligt Kp2000??. Ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv genomförs analysen baserad på fyra sökord; ?Musik?, ?Estetik?, ?Musisk? samt ?Konstnärlig?, ord hämtade ur den presenterade kontexten kring analysobjekten.

En jämförelse mellan vakuumisolering och traditionell isolering

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if vacuum insulation panels are a competitive alternative to traditional insulation.Vacuum insulation has been used as insulation in buildings in Germany and Switzerland for a few years. In Sweden the high-performance insulation material is mainly used in refrigerators, freezers and vacuum thermoses. The development is proceeding well and vacuum insulation is becoming more common in the construction industry. Since it is a relatively unexplored material on the market there are many flaws and problems with the material.The questions we have chosen to answer in this report include an increased knowledge of vacuum insulation, various problems that may arise when handling/installation and the pros and cons of vacuum insulation compared to standard traditional insulation.The methods we have chosen to use in this report is a literature study, interviews with various suppliers and manufactures and calculations to show the differences between traditional and vacuum insulation. Vacuum insulation is 5-10 times better insulation than standard traditional mineral wool insulation, mainly at the beginning of its lifetime.Vacuum insulation panels (VIP) have a service life of approximately 50 years, whereas traditional insulation has a service life of approximately 100 years.

Studie utav ett larmsystem ur ett signalteoretiskt perspektiv : Study of a detector by a signal detection theory

In present-day situation many libraries use detectors so that they can be able to prevent attempts too take out books without registering them. The university library in Jonkoping is one of the libraries that have such a detector. But unfortunately it doesn?t always work correct and can also react on other things a part from books. This is a big problem since the library staff don?t have time to check all signals that comes from detector.

Viking center

My diploma thesis has focused on creating a proposal for a Viking center in Stockholm that meets the international interest. A building dedicated solely to the Viking heritage. My ambition has been to give the Viking center an architecture that can serve as scenography for its exhibitions and to give the visitors a feel for the Vikings that they have been craving.  A boat-shaped building in tribute to the Vikings boat building skills with curved stems of equal height that gives a familiar silhouette to the city.  A wood building constructed of curved beams and wood columns painted with tar..

En studie av högskolebibliotekariers uppfattningar om distansstudenter som användargrupp

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate how a group of academic librarians perceive distance learners as a user group. We have in our study been influenced by phenomenography, which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology. The theoretical frame of reference consists of Carol Kuhlthaus different levels of education and Michael Buckland´s information barriers. Using a qualitative method consisting of nine interviews with academic librarians and structural factor such as academic library policies, we have been able to conduct our study. The results of the study are presented in grouped categories of quotations that reflect various perceptions.

Användarens attityd till reklaminslag på webb-TV : En studie om hur användaren upplever reklam i ett nytt medium

The technological development contributes to an increase in advertising when it comes to media. Those who are working to develop advertising are constantly looking for new ways to reach consumers in unexplored contexts. Web TV is a relatively new technique that involves the distribution of television across the Internet. This study intend to investigate how users perceive advertising appearing on web TV, and contribute to the knowledge about how advertising adapt to new media. To reach the results of this study, we used quantitative data, collected in the form of web-surveys and qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews.

Se men inte röra - problemet med den performativa besökaren

Cloud computing is a new buzzword within the IT-industry, and introduces a whole new way of working with IT. The technique delivers web based services, which results in that the user no longer needs to install an application locally on a computer. Since the application no longer needs to run on a local entity, but in a datacenter located on a service provider, the users no longer need any specific hardware more than a computer with an internet connection. Cloud computing also offers IT-infrastructure and development environments as services, these three service types is better known as cloud services. Through the usage of different types of cloud services, the need for maintenance and hardware is significantly reduced.

Integration mellan informationssystemen & mobila tjänster - Design, utveckling & utvärdering av en prototyp

The company Pilotfish has developed the system MIVEO which is used by car-sharing to wirelessly monitor, book or otherwise manage a fleet of cars. In a car pool the system has three different types of users with varying degrees of eligibility. These are end users, administrative and service personnel. We have chosen to focus on opportunities to streamline the administrator and service personnel work with a mobile service, as these users of MIVEO often are movable and mobile. From this position we have in the study attempted to answer the following question: How can mobile services used to streamline administrative tasks? This study is about developing a mobile application that will contain the same features as the existing system, but must be mobile suit.

Leda i världsklass! En kvalitativ studie om operativa mellanchefers syn på ledarskap och motivation på nöjesfält

Nöjesfält har ofta uttalade servicekoncept vars syfte är att dess gäster ska få en service av hög kvalitet för att nöjesfältet som helhet ska vara underhållande, och inte enbart de åkattraktioner och andra nöjen som erbjuds. Syftet med denna studie var att genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer undersöka hur ledarskapet ser ut som används av operativa mellanchefer på nöjesfält för att motivera de underställda medarbetarna att förmedla en hög nivå av service till gästerna de möter i sitt dagliga arbete. De respondenter som valdes ut för undersökningen arbetade samtliga på Skara Sommarland under säsongen 2012 och hade positioner som operativa mellanchefer vilka benämndes teamledare eller biträdande restaurangchef. Skara Sommarland använder sig av koncernen Parks and Resorts servicerelaterade vision leverera en helhetsupplevelse i världsklass ? Varje gång! Det är denna vision de operativa mellancheferna som deltagit i undersökningen har arbetat med för att deras medarbetare ska förmedla till parkens gäster.

Sveriges Florida : Borgholms kommuns interna varumärkesarbete

In the field of municipal services there are a wide range of aspects a small community must consider, especially considering that the circumstances in which a municipality operate continuously are changing. The changes include, for example, migration, individual lifestyles, the political governance and environment. Especially the latter might have a big impact on a town based on tourism such as Borgholm. We particularly have taken an interest for how this might affect the internal branding and internal brand communication of Borgholm municipality.Through our research we have found that Borgholm municipality in no particular extent is working with living the brand or any similar concepts. Also, we have found that the success of the internal branding of the organization in a great extent depend on the individuals of the different branches of the municipality?s work rather than on a coherent communication structure which reaches the whole organization..

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