

4107 Uppsatser om Service-Oriented Architecture - Sida 56 av 274

Värde för pengarna - Konsumenters prioriteringar och val vid inköp

Syfte: Att problematisera konsumentbeteende och de bakomliggande (prioriteringar) motivationsfaktorer som finns vid köp i dagligvaru- ochlågprisbutiker, såväl ur ett konsument- som ett företagsperspektiv. Frågeställningar: 1. Vad innebär och hur samspelar aspekterna: varumärke, rykte, image, kvalitet och service samt pris för kunders motiv (prioriteringar) i valet av dagligvarubutik?2. Vilka potentiella förbättringar skulle kunskap om aspekterna och dess betydelse kunna leda till ur ett företagarperspektiv som ett led i att nå ökad framgång? Resultat: Genom uppsatsen har författarna visat vad de ovannämnda aspekterna innebär för konsumentbeteendet.

Service Quality - Undersökning av konsumenters uppfattning av kvalitet i ett tjänsteföretags produkter : Kandidatuppsats på uppdrag av företaget Vindsurfing.se

Bakgrund och problematisering: Tjänsteföretag på konkurrensutsatta marknader motiveras att anpassa sina produkter utifrån kundernas efterfrågan där utvärdering och förbättring av en tjänsts kvalitet är ett tillvägagångsätt. Fallföretaget Vindsurfing.se studeras med en problembakgrund baserad på hur företag kan utvärdera kvalitet i sina tjänster och vilka positiva och negativa faktorer i produktionen av tjänsterna som går att identifiera utifrån kundernas uppfattningar.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka den av konsumenterna upplevda kvaliteten på de nybörjarkurser som företaget Vindsurfing.se erbjuder. Detta för att identifiera olika faktorer med påverkan på kvaliteten som kan ligga till grund för utredning av hur verksamheten kan utvecklas i framtiden.Teori och modell: Litteraturgenomgång med utgångspunkt i begreppet service quality, dess definition, tillämpningar och mätinstrument. Nyckelmodeller är bl.a. Grönroos (1984) ?Service-Quality Model? och Parasuraman et al., (1985) ?Service-Gap-model?.

May I help you SIIR? -Ett experiment om hur personlig service i en pop up-butik med e-handel påverkar kundnöjdhet och graden av närmande

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the societysystem in Austria has influenced the library system. The aim is toanalyse in what way these influences have changed during thegrowth and development of the public library system and how it isdisplayed in each separate library branch. The focus of myinvestigation has been the municipality public libraries in Vienna,and mainly the three libraries in the third district of the city. Themethod I have used is literature studies, examining and analysingsource material from the internal archive of the public libraries inVienna. I have also used the qualitative interview method in orderto examine the situation in the selected libraries Rabengasse,Erdbergstraße and Fasangasse.As there is no common library law, there are significantdifferences in the library structure in different parts of Austria andeach municipality decides how they want to prioritize the libraries.Since the public libraries of Vienna are well organized together inBüchereien Wien, the library structure in the separate librarybranches is coordinated.

Energi med fokus på synergi : fallstudie: Lunds Tekniska Högskolas campusområde

Energiarbete handlar inte bara om att energieffektivisera byggnaderna utan även om att skapa platser med god energi som gör att vi mår bra och vill vistas där. Vid energi- och miljöarbete där utemiljön är det centrala arbetsmaterialet kan man få fl era synergieffekter. Energi finns överallt. Det handlar inte bara om att gröna tak och väggar kan ha en isolerande funktion, utan på köpet får man mer funktionsanpassade utemiljöer som kan förbättra livsmiljön.Genom att klimatplanera, som innebär att vi på smarta sätt planerar utemiljön och använder oss av träd, buskar, klätterväxter, grönytor, dagvatt en och refl ekterandematerial kan vi minska behovet av energi egentligen utan att förändra vårt beteende. Däremot behöver vi dessutom ändra vårt beteende för att uppnå en större effekt av klimatplaneringen.

Migrating Mesh SkinningDeformation Functionality fromRSX to SPUs on thePlayStation ® 3

In game development, performance is everything and the Playstation 3 provides a unique platform for utilizing parallelization of code to achieve extremely high performance. In this master?s thesis the issue of animation with smooth skinning is migrated from being a GPU process to becoming a parallelized and 358% faster process. This method is incorporated in an existing commercial game engine and integrated in a currently in development title for the Playstation 3. An in-depth study covers parallel processors, the CELL processor, used in the Playstation 3, and how contemporary industry leading game developers are utilizing the same unique architecture to increase their own games? performance..

Landskapsarkitektur som länk mellan platsen och dess användare : att fnna mening i vår byggda omgivning

What gives a place meaning for it?s users? The intention of this paper is to investigate how landscape architecture is able to form places that evoke involvement from it?s users. Ideas within architectural theory such as territoriality space and place is being explained and used when analyzing several different case studies. The places for my case studies are all distinct in their expression and can all most be treated as objects on their own. In my case studies I came to the conclusion that a designer can work in many different ways to create a site that appeals to it's users, but that it is the sites that allow users to interact that become meaningful places..

Garbage to gardens : design proposals for two decentralised waste management units in Pune, India

The population growth and urbanisation in low-income countries bring issues of poor living standards and miserable sanitation conditions onto the agenda. If well-functioning waste management systems were developed, this could master some of the problems. The already existing local informal waste handling system that is common in many low-income countries, needs to be developed with proper sorting and composting solutions to decrease the environmental burden and improve the overall situation in the dense cities. This master?s thesis project is performed with the intention of developing functional decentralised waste management units in the city of Pune, India.

Den Digitala teknikens påverkan på resebranschen och dess marknadsföring

The intention of this essay has been to investigate how the new digital technology has affected the tourism industry and marketing, as well as how travel agents and tour operators adapt to this. We also aimed to get a broader view of how the future might look like when it comes to marketing and virtual service landscapes. We decided to base our research according to these following four questions:? What affect travel agents? way of adoption to the technical development?? What purposes do the travel agents have for building up their virtual service landscape?? How much does the travel agents emphasize on digital marketing?? What can travel agents do to better adapt to the technological development in the future?We have chosen to use a qualitative research for this essay. The reason for choosing a qualitative research was to gain a wider understanding that would represent a big part of the changes of technology development.

Materialgården - En verksamhet med förbättringspotential

Volvo Group Trucks Operations tillverkar motorer, växellådor och lastbilar till koncernens varumärken Volvo, Renault, Mack och UD-Trucks. Powertrain Production är produktionsenheten inom AB Volvo som producerar dieselmotorer och motorkomponenter. I Skövde består Volvos produktionsprocesser av gjutning, bearbetning och montering. Gjuteriet använder metaller och legeringar för att producera färdiga komponenter och delar. Tillverkningsmaterialet förvaras och hämtas från fabrikens materialgård.Materialgårdens tillväxt har skett okontrollerat genom åren.

Familjehemsvård - En studie om kontakten mellan familjehem och handläggare på socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to understand the contact between foster homes and social workers, by doing a comparison of the social workers and the foster homes experiences of the cooperation that is between them. We started from three main questions to get an answer to our aim, how the foster homes and the social workers experience the organization of the foster care in the Social Service as an impact of the cooperation, what does the foster homes and the social workers experience as a important fact of a successful placement and finally, how does the foster homes and the social workers experience the supporting and controlling contact that is between them. To get our results we based our study on interviews whit four foster homes and whit four social workers. The analysis was based on one theoretical perspective, Skaus (2007) analytical approach for power and help. As a conclusion we have found out, that the organization of the Social Service has significance for the contact between social workers and foster homes.

Reuse, reduce & recycle : planning for sustainable solid waste management in Stone Town - Zanzibar

In the low-income countries of the world, rapid urbanization and decaying infrastructure results in an increasingly unsustainable situation when it comes to solid waste management. Often, the solution tends to focus on introducing technical advanced interventions based on the conditions of the high-income world. However, this thesis aims to ?nd site-speci?c solutions on solid waste management at a local scale. By taking in consideration of local conditions a customized approach is possible where the solution is not dependent on expensive structural changes.

Resemagasinens paradoxala verklighet : En studie om webbaserade resemagasin

The purpose of this study has been to examine online travel magazines as an information source and as a virtual service scape. The traditional travel magazines are facing a change due to the technological development and the web has become an important platform for both customers and companies. The virtual service scape opens new opportunities for interaction and we found a great interest in examining which possibilities and limitations travel magazines are facing. This study is based on a qualitative approach because we wanted to gain a deeper understanding and a complete picture of our chosen subject. We have completed six interviews; three of them were consultants, one publishing director, one editor and a research student.

Inspiration - Hur känns den? Inspiration - How does it feel?

The purpose of this work is to map what inspiration means to people who work with music, how it feels when you are inspirated compared to how it feels when you`re not. How does inspiration affect us? Are we depending on it? What do you do when you lack inspiration? Is it possible to ?inspire? one self? My method has been to interview eight persons, selected by me, who all work with music. I have used literature, for instance about our intelligence, and also different theories on the subject of inspiration. The results of the interviews show that our experiences of inspiration are individual.

"Det jag gör, det är jag" - Om könens olika utbildning på teaterhögskolan

Vi hör ofta att vi har kommit långt i jämställdhetsfrågan i Sverige och på många punkter har vi det också. Men på andra kan man tro att vi fortfarande lever kvar i 1800-talet. Ett exempel är de svenska teaterscenerna. En stor del av pjäserna som spelas på de statliga scenerna runt om i landet är klassiker, pjäser skrivna i början av 1900-talet och innan. Och rollerna blir därefter.

?Varför går man inte hårdare fram?? En studie i krigsorienterad journalistik inom svensk public service.

Title:?Varför går man inte hårdare fram? ? En studie i krigsorienterad journalistik av Public Service från Ukrainakonflikten?Authors:Cemil Arikan, Staffan Florén Sandberg and Karl Henrik OlssonSubject:Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism, media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg UniversityTerm:Spring 2014Supervisor:Mathias Färdigh, JMG, Gothenburg UniversityPages/words:48 pages/16701 wordsPurpose:The main purpose of the paper was to examine if and to what extent the conflict coverage of two Swedish public service news programmes from the ongoing Ukrainian conflict could be said to orientate towards either war or peace journalism.Method:Quantitative and qualitative content analysisProcedure:News broadcasts from Rapport 19:30 and Dagens Eko kvart-i-fem, covering the Ukrainian conflict, over a period of two months, were analyzed from the normative perspective of Johan Galtung?s peace journalism theory and Wilhelm Kempf?s theory of war and peace discourse.Results:Both Rapport and Dagens Eko were found orientating towards war journalism. Reports were given, in a great extent, to events of violence and verbal threats.

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